******************************************************* **A Soul Reclaimed** By Brickgirl Brickgirl@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/palace/7112 Rated: PG Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and friends do not belong to me. Adonis, Thalia, and this story do. **Part 8: The Plotting of Darkness** ******************************************************* Mizuno Ami had always loved science. Putting together tiny bits of information to form a complete and clear picture. The challenge of selecting the pertinent data, and disregarding the rest. To her, it had always been like a game. Adding magic into the picture made it even more fun. The arm of the crystal monster lay on a steel platform. Lights danced over it, taking various measurements which were all fed into AmiÕs computer. She ran the data through a new program she had written that cross-referenced the information with the properties of all known crystals and minerals. A single item came up as the result. AmiÕs eyes widened as she read the text, then they narrowed. After giving the arm a quick glance to make sure it was secured to the platform, she ran off to find the Queen. __________ "Ceruleacite? Ami, are you sure?" Ami nodded at the shocked Queen. "I can run some more tests if you wish, but the results are clear enough. These creatures we are facing are humans who have been enveloped within a ceruleacite exostructure." "My god," Serenity murmured in horror. "ThatÕs not all, Serenity. This is not normal ceruleacite that we are dealing with. This material has been corrupted by a massive amount of dark power, changing its basic characteristics. "What do you mean?" "Just as the Ginzuishou changed the powers of Sailor EarthÕs crystal, so did the dark energy alter the crystal that forms the creatures. It amplified their powers from absorbing only magic to absorbing all forms of energy, such as life energy, as we saw yesterday. I suspect that if these monsters donÕt absorb enough energy periodically, the exoskeleton would absorb their own life energy." Serenity frowned. "If we could force them to use up enough of their energy without absorbing any . . ." AmiÕs eyes lit up. "That could be the key to defeating them. Non-energy attacks mixed with drawing their fire might be a plausible strategy." "Ami, find the other Senshi. They must be told of this at once." As Ami turned to leave, a sudden thought struck Serenity. "Ami, get Thalia too." Ami turned. "Are you sure?" "Luna said that she has been using the practice grounds extensively the past few days. Her powers have increased." Serenity remembered SetsunaÕs words. "I have a feeling that she could be quite important in the next battle. __________ "That was incredible Thalia! You certainly havenÕt lost any of your skill for having been out of practice for so long." Thalia smiled as she replaced her crystal to the center of her breastplate. "Thanks Luna. Coming from you, that means a lot." Luna eyed the fallen posts that surrounded the senshi. "I mean it. I think that itÕs time that you officially rejoined with the other Senshi." "Serenity apparently thinks so too. Ami told me I am expected at a meeting in the war room tonight." Luna cocked her head to the side. "Have you thought any more about telling her the truth?" Thalia detransformed, not answering Luna. "Thalia?" "IÕm still thinking about it." "Confession is good for the soul." "Sure," said Thalia walking away. She lowered her head, feeling the catÕs eyes on her back. "If I still have one." __________ " . . . so if we can wear them down enough, they should self-destruct. This will require a lot of maneuvering. We hope to lead the creatures away from the city, to decrease casualties. No repeats of what happened last time. Any questions?" "What would happen if I used my attack on them?" Thalia asked Ami, who typed some figures into her computer. "I canÕt say. The resulting collision of two oppositely charged amounts of ceruleacite could have unpredictable results. IÕd say that itÕs not something you want to try. Stick to physical attacks if you can, such as your sword. It shouldnÕt contain enough power to cause a feedback." Thalia nodded. Artimis pushed his way through the door. "Your Majesty, there are reports of another crystal monster attack. Apparently, there are five this time." Minako nodded to the other Senshi. "Come on." The girls raced out of the room. Serenity caught ReiÕs arm as she stood. "Rei, I just wanted to ask you . . . about Thalia . . . have you been able to pick up anything from her." Over the years, ReiÕs powers had increased, not just in terms of sensing evil, but her empathic powers as well. "Now that you mention it, she has seemed somewhat disturbed. Not evil at all, but . . . I donÕt know, pained. As if she has an excess amount of mental baggage. Do you know whatÕs wrong with her?" Serenity shook her head. "WeÕll talk later. Hurry and catch up with the others. And be careful." She sighed as she watch Rei run down the hall. There were still so many times that she wished she could join her friends. But she had other duties now. She left the room quietly, absently stroking her swollen belly. __________ "Um, Venus, this isnÕt working," Mars told her fellow Senshi. The stood in the middle of the road, the buildings around them smashed by the creatures, who seemed much more interested in causing mass destruction then following the Senshi to a more remote location. "Well, weÕre going to have to try something else then," Venus replied. Forming a Love-Me chain, she lashed it around the arm of the nearest creature, then quickly withdrew it. The small infusion of energy was enough to catch the monsterÕs attention. "Hey, over here, Ugly!" Venus called mockingly, creating small bursts of light. The creature growled and lumbered forward, followed by his companions. The Senshi turned and ran, leading the creatures away from the city. "You were saying, Mars?" Mars chose not to respond. The chase finally ended when they reached the outskirts of town. The girls whirled around, catching the monsters off guard. Thalia transformed her crystal to a sword, a reckless gleam in her eyes. With a vicious cry, she leapt at the closest monster. It was exhilarating. This was nothing compared to fighting wooden posts. She ducked and slashed, her crystal sword leaving deep scratches on the monster. "My sword must be stronger," she muttered to herself. She transformed the sword to a mace and smashed it into the creatureÕs head with all her strength. With a scream, the monsters head shattered, spraying crystal shards everywhere. Thalia noted more then a few bone fragments as well. "Disgusting," she said to herself, wiping the mess from her hair. "Thalia, look out!" Thalia whirled around to see a huge crystal fist flying towards her. With no time to dodge, Thalia crossed her arms, hoping her crystal gauntlets were enough to block the blow. The impact sent her flying. She landed hard, and sat up, dazed. "You break it, you buy it," yelled Mars, flinging wards at two of the monsters. The scrolls drained a tiny amount of energy before disintegrating. "Ha ha." Thalia shook her head to make sure it was still firmly attached. "Mercury, would they be able to drain any energy from your ice?" Venus yelled, leaping to dodge a blow. Mercury did some quick mental calculations. "Not really. Ice and water are good conductors for electricity, but not magical energy." "Freeze them, and we will try to shatter them!" "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" The monsters were encased within a block of ice. Fire, electricity, and gold light struck the frozen creatures from three directions. Ice and crystal exploded in every direction, forcing the Senshi to the ground. The dust cleared. The Senshi looked at the small crater filled with scorched crystal. Jupiter sighed. "At least thatÕs over." With a scream, a crystal figure erupted from the battle debris. It sent a blast of energy at the five Senshi, scattering them. "Since when could they do that?" yelled Thalia as she took cover. "It must have absorbed the energy of the attacks!" Mercury yelled back. "ItÕs too powerful now!!" "WeÕll see!" Ignoring the startled cries from the other Senshi, Thalia jumped up and ran at the monster, vaulting herself onto its back. Bending her fist back, she drove the point of her gauntlet into the base of the creatures neck. The blow would have been enough to kill a person, and probably would have taken out most of the youma, daemons, and other such creatures that the Senshi had fought over the years. But faster then Thalia could react, the monster shook her off, and grabbed her in one massive fist. The pain was immense, but Thalia simply gritted her teeth and struggled. She would have been crushed, if not for her crystal breastplate. She closed her eyes and concentrated. The monster screamed as a crystal spike shot through its hand, cutting its fingers off. Thalia dropped to the ground and rolled, the crystal once again a sword in her hand. She leapt at the monster, sword raised to cleave it in two. The monster raised its uninjured fist as well, readying a blast of energy. Thalia started to swing her sword . . . And the entire battlefield was enveloped in white light. Thalia landed and fell to her knees, dropping her sword. She rubbed her eyes, trying to clear them. When she could see again, she looked to find her opponent a small pile of ashes that were drifting away in the wind. Turning, she saw Serenity standing at the top of the hill in another of her flowing white gowns. The Ginzuishou hovered in the air before her. A shadow stood behind her with long hair, holding a staff. Sailor Pluto. The inner Senshi ran up the hill to the Queen. "What are you doing here? You should be resting! Are you all right?" Mars asked. "Stop mothering me Rei. IÕm perfectly fine. Pluto said that you needed my help. Are you all right?" The Senshi nodded. Serenity turned to Thalia. "That was quite a foolish thing you did." Thalia opened her mouth to argue, but Serenity interrupted her with a smile. "Glad to see you are back to your old self." She looked at the others. "LetÕs go home." Waving her hand, she created a portal. She stepped through. The Senshi turned to follow. Thalia was about to enter when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned and found herself facing two deep red eyes. "We need to talk," said Sailor Pluto. __________ "It seems that your scouts have failed, my Lord," Damos bowed deeply before the shadowy throne, trembling at having to face the master so soon with more . . . bad news. "Why, not at all, Damos," the deep voice intoned from the darkness. The other creature looked up in surprise. "First of all, my agents were able to cause much damage to the city before the Senshi engaged them. Secondly, this encounter will have shaken up the Senshi more then a little. And third, we were able to get a greater idea of the power that Neo Serenity possesses." "Which will make her even easier to kill, right?" A fist flew out of the darkness, smashing into the floor next to Damos. The startled creature tumbled end over end across the room. He came to rest in the corner, and huddled there in the darkness. "You fool." The voice trembled with anger. "You would dare to presume . . ." There was a pause, and then the voice began again, much calmer. "The daughter of Serenity is much more important then she realizes. She has forgotten her place." Another pause. "It is our duty to remind her." __________ Thalia detransformed and sat on a chunk of scorched crystal. She looked at Sailor Pluto with a bit of awe and a lot of apprehension. "Serenity doesnÕt know that I am talking to you, and I want to keep it that way," Pluto began. "I am going to be brief. I donÕt care weather you tell Serenity of your existence as Beryl or not." Thalia flinched. Pluto saw this and softened her voice. "I swore to Serenity that I would do all within my power to protect her daughter. I made the oath to Neo Serenity. But there is very little I can do. My duty is to Time, not those who roam it. The duty of protecting the royal family falls to the inner Senshi." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "You." "And IÕve certainly done a wonderful job so far," Thalia muttered. Pluto slammed down her staff, making the younger girl jump. "I understand that the past is difficult for you to face, but you must face it! If you donÕt, there will be grave consequences in the future. We all have pasts to atone for. Nothing we do can change that. All we can do is work towards a better future. Please trust me. Trust your friends. But most of all, you must trust yourself." Her voice was as close to pleading as she ever let it get. Thalia nodded, but Pluto could still see the doubt in her eyes. She hoped that her words would be enough to push the girl the right way. "You better get back to the palace, before Serenity knows you are missing." She opened a portal with her staff. Thalia hesitated before stepping through, as if she was going to ask Pluto something, but then thought better of it. The portal closed behind her with a flash of light. Pluto stared at the remains of the battle for a few moments. Then she looked back at where to where Thalia had vanished. "Yes," she replied to the other SenshiÕs unasked question, "I have things I must atone for too." __________ "I donÕt understand, my Lord. If you do not wish to destroy Serenity, then why do we keep attacking her city?" The voice sighed. "The city has corrupted her, Damos. It must be destroyed, for her sake. I plan to bring her here to us, when the time is right." "Then why do you keep sending the Lost ones if you do not wish to fight Serenity?" "Serenity does not realize yet that she is needed here. She will fight us, with her Senshi, and with her crystal. I have no qualms about killing the Senshi, and the Lost ones are the perfect fodder for the job. They are of no other use to the cause." A cracking sounded from the shadows. Damos realized that it was the master, smiling. "Besides, it is good to have our enemies underestimate us. They will think we lack the intelligence to provide a feasible strategy." He gave a wolfish laugh. "Give your opponents an imagined weakness to focus on, and while they are busy with that . . . tear them to shreds." __________ Thalia reappeared behind the other Senshi inside the palace. Spotting Luna off to the side, she scooped up the cat and hurried back to her room before anyone said anything to her. "I just had a very interesting conversation with Sailor Pluto," she said, after closing the door. Luna hopped up to a chair and made herself comfortable. "Did she say anything important?" Thalia frowned. "Nothing that you havenÕt told me already. But she said she didnÕt want the Queen to know she had spoken to me." "Setsuna is quite the mysterious one, but she usually has good reason for everything she does." "It wasnÕt just that. It was like . . . she was worried about something. She spoke of protecting Serenity. As if something was going to happen soon. And she mentioned protecting a ŌSmall LadyÕ as well." Luna began to pace on the chair. "Small Lady is SerenityÕs daughter. She and Pluto are very close. Or rather, will be," she amended, seeing ThaliaÕs confused look. "Serenity isnÕt due for over three months. Why tell us now?" "Remember, time is different to her. And having plenty of warning is nothing to complain about." "True." Thalia chewed her lip thoughtfully. "I just wish we knew where these monsters were coming from. Or what they are trying to accomplish." "IÕm sure they will let us know soon enough," Luna said, delicately licking a paw. "They always do." __________ "So when do we attack next, my Lord?" "In about three months." Damos looked at the throne in disbelief. "What? Why so long?" The reply was as smooth as silk. "Do you wish to face the power of Serenity, as did your compatriots." "No, no my Lord!" "Neither do I. As you may know, Serenity is with child. She will give birth in three and a half months. She will be somewhat . . . incapacitated, I would say. During this time is when we will attack." Damos dropped to his knees. "It is a perfect plan, my Lord. It shall not fail." "I am putting you in charge of the attack, Damos. You have shown yourself to be both loyal and an excellent warrior." The dark voice took on a tone that was meant to be kind, but that on any other would be pure evil. "We are all counting on you." A look of gratitude filled what passed as DamosÕ eyes. He lowered his misshapen crystal head. "Thank you for this honor," he breathed. "I wonÕt fail you, my Lord. I shall not let you or the Cult of Apollo down. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* After a much extended hiatus, I have returned!! IÕm sorry for those who were left waiting, and I hope you werenÕt too upset. I am very ashamed of myself. Only three more parts of the story left! After this story is done, I will be writing a prequel (yay Star Wars!) that tells the story of the great sorceress Andora, and her battle against the evil Empress Octavia. The story, tentatively titled "Priestess of Light" will take place 500 years before the birth of the current Senshi, and will tell of the beginning of the Silver Millennium and the great Kingdom of the Moon. There will be some familiar faces present, you can guess who if youÕd like, but IÕm not telling. For references to the events that will take place in "Priestess of Light", see Part One of this story. Next Week (I promise!): The birth of Small Lady approaches and the enemy plans their attack. What do they want with Serenity? And how is it that the Cult of Apollo has lived on until the Crystal Millennium? Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com