Title: A Loaf of Bread [Short story] Author: W. Bymeeh E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Rating: G Website: http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ *Author's Note: The title's a bit unusual, isn't it? And it doesn't even pertain *that* much to my story. The quote this story is inspired by is at the bottom of the page! Don't want to spoil it for ya...Hee hee. Oh, well. This is froth...pure froth. Or, mostly froth. It could do with more development of plot and such, but hey, I decided to keep it simple! *FYI: For First Love readers..."Forget I Said That" is going to be finished. Really, I swear...AHHHHH. The words I could use to describe the process of writing that story...OH yeah, the versions I sent to First Love and ASMR differs by about three lines that I changed. Just thought you'd like to know. *Disclaimer: The quote this story is inspired by and the characters used in this story don't belong to meeeeee....... A Loaf of Bread Her voice carried over the conversational din of the other customers in the arcade, and he watched her silently, from where he stood at the entrance. With a toss of her head, she flipped her two golden streamers of hair behind her, and leaned forward as she laughed at something Andrew was saying. He could hear snatches of their conversation as he stared intently at the way her sweet lips formed words that came out as clear as a bell. She was saying something about how much she loved meeting Rita, Andrew's girlfriend, which Darien found ironic. Just the other day, it seemed, she had been looking at Andrew with hearts in her eyes. And practically stabbing Darien in the heart every time he had caught her at it. But there was no mistaking the sincerity in her voice or the sparkle in her eyes, completely lacking in guile or sarcasm. She really meant it. And nothing glinted in her eyes that was more than friendship. It was a foreign concept to Darien. He didn't understand how this girl was never filled with bitterness at the obstacles that life threw at her. She never became resentful or cold or cruel to those around her. She was not at all like him. No, she was one who was filled with light and love and caring for everyone. So different from him. All he had ever known was loneliness...no family...no huge swarm of friends. No, he had his own shield around him that kept all those away, even Andrew. He wondered at the size of her heart. She loved so many people, so many things in her life. Did he honestly think that there could be room in her heart for him? His head told him no. He didn't just want a small piece of her heart. He wanted all of it. He was selfish, he knew...but he wanted her to love him as much as he loved her. He loved her so very much. He could not say at what point he had fallen for the klutzy meatball head...he only knew that he had fallen very, very hard. It was amazing that cold-hearted Darien Chiba still had a heart underneath all that protective ice. But whenever he was around her, the ice melted away. He was always too focused on trading insults with her, when sparks would practically shoot out of her bright blue eyes and her lips would pout at him in the most adorable manner. And somewhere along the way, in calling her Meatball Head and being hit at with shoes and test papers...his heart had decided she was the one for him. But he was obviously not the one for her. Even though she was clearly over her crush on Andrew, she would never care for him in that way. Unwilling to let his heart be scorched further, but unable to keep away, Darien slowly walked over to where Andrew and Serena were talking animatedly at the counter. "Hey, Meatball Head. Knock anyone else over in the streets today?" he said, trying to adopt a casual tone. Serena turned to face him, her smile swiftly disappearing into a frown. Right before her eyes flashed with righteous indignation, they expressed something like hurt... "Don't be silly, Darien. You're the only one I throw things at!" She glared at him with her chin up proudly. He felt vaguely, a sinking sensation inside of himself. It wasn't enough, anymore. The teasing, the insults...it wasn't even about Andrew, it was about him and his stupid heart, and how it would not stop insisting that he be with Serena...and not as her tormentor...as something more. "Besides, I've had a wonderful day and I'm not about to let you ruin it. My friend Molly and Melvin are turning out to be the most romantic couple alive...they're so incredibly sweet together. Who would've believed it?" She gave an envious sigh, but there was no bitterness in her eyes, just a little wistfulness. Darien stared at her, once again shocked at the proof of her loving heart. She was happy simply because her friends were happy. He asked, "You really do care about everyone, don't you, Serena?" The 'Serena' shocked her, and she looked at him in surprise. Andrew, in the middle of wiping down the counter, looked up from his work as well. Serena nervously twisted her hands. She had never thought about this before. "I guess...just about, anyway. I never really think about it..." She was afraid that she was going to embarrass herself now, in front of him! What if he realized...? She looked up again, trying to adapt her casual manner again. "Why are you asking, Darien? It's not like it matters...you don't care about what I do!" she scoffed, hoping she sounded believable and the hope in her heart was not showing. That one hurt. Darien faced the undeniable truth: Serena was a girl out of his grasp. And unfortunately, she was the only one he wanted. Not caring anymore that he was giving himself away, he said quietly, "I don't think I ever said anything about not caring about you, Serena." And then he left the arcade abruptly, never pausing once to look back while his heart broke into a million pieces. "I...I don't understand..." Serena said softly, still staring at the place where Darien had stood. Andrew sighed. He had never expected Darien to snap like that and actually admit his feelings for Serena. "I think Darien's in love with you, Serena." As if it wasn't already obvious. She turned to him, her blue eyes wide with shock. She grabbed the lapels of his shirt and jerked him forward, saying breathlessly, "Are you serious, Andrew? Do you really mean that?" Andrew gulped and nodded. He had seen the way Darien always looked at Serena...longing. Then a thought occurred to him. "Serena, why do you care?" he asked, trying to get her to release him from her chokehold. To his surprise, Serena blushed. "Well...I...kind...of...er...fell-in-love-with-him-too." She saw Andrew's eyes widen and went on in a rush. "I know what you're thinking...you thought I hated him. And well, for awhile I thought so too. But I guess...gradually, I just started enjoying our insulting exchange. it was the only time I really...felt alive. Around him." Then the expression on her face saddened. "But why did he just leave like that just now? What did I do? Does he hate me now?" Uncertainties crossed her mind over and over, leaving her filled with insecurities. Andrew shook his head. "Darien's different from you and me, Serena. He's an orphan, and he doesn't have many friends. I don't think he has many loved ones...other than you. And he thinks that you don't care for him at all...that you couldn't love him." "But that's not true!" Serena burst out. Then, the wild look in her blue eyes settled. "I have to go find him...I have to tell him." She flew out of the arcade leaving Andrew behind, staring at her in wonder. She instinctively headed for the park. Somehow, she knew that he would be there...and she didn't know how. He stood by himself on the top of the hill, cold anger and hurt emanating from him in waves. His tall frame was rigid, and he stared intensely out at the beautiful sunset without a trace of emotion. She walked up to him quietly, but he didn't notice. Finally, she spoke his name. "Darien..." His head jerked, but he refused to look at her. It was too difficult now. "Go away, Serena." She waited for awhile, but didn't move away. She gathered her courage and took a deep breath. "Darien, you haven't had much in your life, have you?" Her gentle voice reminded him again of all that he didn't have. After a long moment, he slowly shook his head, still not looking at her. "I guess Andrew told you. It's something you'll never understand...you have everything." She laughed quietly. Not a mocking laugh, but a gentle, mild laugh with a hint of sadness. He looked at her in wonder. This was not the usual joyful laughter of a joyful girl. She whispered so softly Darien had to lean closer to hear her words. "I don't have you, Darien." His heart sped up. "I...don't understand...what's left for me, when you give so much love to everyone else." He said the last with a trace of sadness, but he waited for her answer. Unfortunately for him, she took awhile to think of what to say. "'The human heart is not like a loaf of bread,'" she finally said. She wasn't one for memorizing pearls of wisdom, but she had always remembered that phrase. He looked at her quizzically, glimpsing the sparkling depths of her beautiful blue eyes, and he felt a warm feeling come over him as he waited for her to continue. Somehow, he knew that it was something good. "If you give a part away, that doesn't mean that you have less to give to another. Darien, you never lose love by giving it away." She smiled at him. Not a casual smile of laughter or of teasing friendship...but of real, genuine love. And it filled up the emptiness that had hovered in Darien's heart for so long. She stepped forward, so that they were only inches apart. "What do you have to lose, Darien, by giving a part of your heart away?" He stared at her mutely, unable to think clearly with her this close to him. "I love my family, Darien. I love my friends. I love the life I have. But most of all, I love you. And I need you. My heart, my whole heart...belongs to you. Tell me, Darien...do you have room in your heart for me?" A wobbliness came into her voice as she looked at him nervously, fear coming into her eyes for the first time. Ever so slowly, he brought a shaking hand to caress her soft cheek. She leaned against his hand, and closed her eyes for a long moment. When she opened them again, she met Darien's deep blue eyes looking deep into hers. "Thank you, Serena." It was her turn to be confused, and a look of puzzlement came into her sky blue eyes. "Thank you for teaching me how to love." And then, he closed the gap between them and their lips met in a kiss that set them both on fire...releasing all of the passion that they had kept inside for so long. When they finally separated, Darien smiled at her, Serena's happiness reflected in his eyes. "I love you, Serena. And I know my heart is safe with you...my whole heart..." She looked at him with trust and love in her eyes. "As mine is with you...forever." *********************** "The human heart is not like a loaf of bread; if I give a large portion to him, it does not follow that I must then give you a smaller slice." - Joanna, Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman. *I know you're thinking that my title is pretty silly. But that's okay, because I have the cheesiest, romantic titles for my other fics, and I decided to be strange on this one. *Love to hear comments! I felt like writing a short story while I wondered how the heck I'm going to end "Forget I Said That". I've always liked the quote I used...tell me if you liked this story, yeah? I like some of my short stories more than my longer ones, especially since they're not such a pain to finish! =) w. bymeeh jhyunl@aol.com http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/