Title: Forget I Said That [Part 1] Author: W. Bymeeh Rating: G E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Website: http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ *Author's note: I got bored while I was working on some of my other, longer fan fics that are gathering dust in my computer. Hey, I'm kinda new at this...and I find it hard concentrating on one idea at a time. This story evolved from an idea I had about Serena "sticking her foot in the mouth," so to speak. It takes place in first season, after Lita/Raye/Amy, while Tuxedo Mask is doing his "we're after the same thing, so maybe I'm the enemy" act. I'm not sure where it's headed yet, so if you like it, let me know...otherwise, it sits in my attic of stories. =P *Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, so don't sue me! It'd be a waste of time. Also, the ideas involved in this story are mine, so please don't take it without permission! Thanks. Forget I Said That [Part 1] "ARgh! I HATE guys!" Serena marched into the arcade and slammed her bag down on the floor as Amy, Lita, and Raye looked at her in shock. "All guys?" Raye smirked. "ALL GUYS. They all stink! That slimy Darien...Oooh, I'm going to get him back one day, just you watch." Raye frowned. "Hey, watch it! He's my guy." Serena rolled her eyes. "Of course he would be your guy, you're both so mean to me!" Before she could start wailing, Lita decided to change the topic. "Hey, Serena, what about Tuxedo Mask? I thought he's your perfect guy..." Serena scowl returned. "There is no such thing as a perfect guy. And that includes Tuxedo Mask...he thinks he can just play stupid mind games, keeping us guessing at who he is and what he wants. He only helps us so that the Negaverse WON'T win, not because he really wants to. He even told me so, last time we fought! And his EGO! He thinks there's no one else like him in the world! GEEZ! Just like Darien! UGH! And it's not like he's the greatest guy in the world. Geez, anyone could do the same thing he does, even Melvin!" All the frustration that had been building up in Serena at not knowing who Tuxedo Mask was, what he wanted, or even if he was interested in her found an outlet as she seethed with anger that had been ironically sparked by Darien. "How hard can it be to be him? Just watch..." Serena bounced over to her bag and pulled out a piece of paper. She folded it in half and poked two holes in it as she held it up to her face. "I'm...Tuxedo Mask!", Serena intoned in a mock deep voice. The other girls started to giggle at the sight of Serena wearing the strange mask. Serena looked ridiculous. "Scouts!" Serena placed a severe look on her face. "Stop smiling! You must be serious, never laugh, and only concentrate on work, work, work!" Serena paused, taking a deep breath as she thought of what next to say. "Work together", she shouted in mock seriousness, placing her hand over her heart dramatically. "You must...believe in yourself! Look, there's the enemy! "As for me, I'll relax, hide in the background, and watch you girls sweat it out with the monster of the day. Oh, I guess I'll use one of my roses so I can appear totally awesome and be the mysterious hero!" Serena pulled out a wilted daisy from a vase on the counter and struck a dramatic pose with the flower in one hand. "Finally, you've finished it off! It's about time! Geez, gotta go find that damn crystal. I don't care if you DO defeat the monster that it came from, the crystal's mine, all mine! HAHA! Am I your enemy? I know you are, but what am I? Oops, gotta go now...after all, it would kill my mysterious air if I actually talked to you and you found out that I'm only a normal guy after all!" Raye had a hand on Lita's shoulder, trying to control her giggles, and Lita and Amy were both laughing incoherently. Serena smiled to herself, although her insides were twisting inside...could it possibly be...guilt? She was just so tired of puzzling about his motives...she'd been crazy about him since she met him, and here he was driving her crazy...and stupid Darien making fun of her as she had walked into the arcade set her off. Suddenly aware of someone who hadn't been there before, she swiveled around to be faced with the furious face of Darien. The guilt that had been slight before suddenly multiplied as Serena saw Darien's angry expression, his handsome features frozen stiff. No one said anything, not even Raye. Serena met Darien's blue eyes and suddenly felt frightened at the deep blue intensity in them, fixed on her. She could feel herself burning with embarrassment...or was it something else? 'Why do I feel guilty about making fun of Tuxedo Mask? Everything I said was true...he always runs off, never says anything to me...playing stupid mind games. Why does he always rescue me if he has to leave again? If he's the enemy, why does he help us? And why I am I feeling guilty in front of Darien, of all people?' Darien, without saying a word, turned around and stalked out of the room. Serena resisted the urge to run out and apologize...why should she? It wasn't like Darien was Tuxedo Mask's best friend or something...but why was he so angry? Serena felt like banging her head against the wall and screaming, "Why?" Instead, she sat down next to her silent friends and said, very calmly, "So, what do you guys think we should do about these rainbow crystals out thereÉ" ******** --> Hey, this evolved from a little idea I had about Serena making fun of Tuxedo Mask and getting caught by Darien. Strange, isn't it? W.Bymeeh Jhyunl@aol.com http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/