Title: Forget I Said That [Part 2] Author: W. Bymeeh Rating: PG E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Website: http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ *Author's Note: I originally intended this fan fic to be a little sketch, but I appreciated everyone's comments telling me to continue it! Let me know if you like it...Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know where I want the story to go, but I don't know where I want to end it. We'll see, eh? *Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine; don't take my story please! =) Forget I Said That [Part 2] "So why should it matter if Meatball Head thinks Tuxedo Mask is ridiculous?" Darien muttered angrily as he stormed down the street. "So what if she decides to laugh about him in front of all her friends? I'll have you know that much of the female population in Tokyo is madly in love with him!" 'And now you're talking to yourself, Darien. Oh, and you're forgetting that Tuxedo Mask and Darien Chiba are the same person, so stop acting like you're two different people.' The thought only made Darien angrier. Stepping into a dark alley, Darien kicked the bottom of the crumbling wall in frustration while continuing to vent. "Geez, it's not like I *have* to help Sailor Moon and her friends anyway," temporarily ignoring the memory of the painful headaches he had before he realized he was Tuxedo Mask. "And besides, I have a mission...and nothing is more important than my mission..." Darien sighed and let himself slide down the wall into a sitting position. His anger was gone now, and he only felt an inexplicable guilt come over him that he couldn't fight. The guilt had bothered him many times in his encounters with the Sailor Scouts. He had often been frustrated at his lack of power to help them in fighting youmas, only possessing the power to throw his roses at an unexpected moment. The element of surprise was his only advantage against the enemy, so he was forced to keep hidden until it was absolutely necessary. And as for always leaving them at the end...he couldn't stay. He had to constantly remind himself of his princess and of his mission...otherwise he would crumble at the look in Sailor Moon's eyes when he once again told her that his mission was to get the crystals, and they should not get in his way. He had to stay away, no matter what. That he wanted to find more about the mysterious golden haired sailor...it wasn't important. It would be disloyal. 'Disloyal? Disloyal to just stay and talk to her?,' he thought wonderingly. And yet he felt it was, to be anything more than the masked man who helped Sailor Moon in her time of need. It would be betraying his princess. He did what he did because he had to. It didn't matter if he liked it or not, he simply had to keep himself from becoming too involved in their affairs. It took incredible amounts of control to pull his act off...Darien seethed. And then there was Serena, making fun of him in front of the entire arcade. With a wilted daisy and a paper mask. In retrospective, he thought it might be viewed as rather ludicrous. But *she* didn't know what he had to go through as Tuxedo Mask. It was constant torture; having to hold himself back from helping Sailor Moon...from staying behind afterwards. From always having to concentrate on his mission and the princess that called to him. He had supposed that most of the public were fascinated with his mysterious figure...but he had never guessed that some would think that his actions were simply stupid. 'She couldn't even guess at the effort I put into being Tuxedo Mask,' he thought. He felt irrational anger at Serena for ridiculing him the way she had. Granted, she didn't even know he was Tuxedo Mask... "ARGH! Stupid!" Darien felt fury rising in him again, but this time directed at himself. "Why should you get angry if Meatball Head makes fun of Tuxedo Mask like that? Why did you storm out angrily? GREAT!" Darien knew in the back of his head that the chances that anyone would make the connection from Tuxedo Mask to him were very slim...especially since it seemed so unlikely. Him? Darien Chiba, Tuxedo Mask? Serena would probably die from laughing so hard...she'd probably say, "No wonder Tuxedo Mask is so cold! He's just like Darien, the jerk!" Somehow, that didn't anger him; it merely made him sad. He hadn't known that Serena despised his alter-ego. He had wondered sometimes if she might have a crush on his other self, but had dismissed the train of thought before it led to something that he didn't want to dwell on. 'She said both of our egos are huge...how ironic,' Darien remembered. Serena's 'Just like Darien!' echoed in his ears, and he gave a bitter laugh. 'She probably thinks I think Tuxedo Mask is so cool that I got angry when she made fun of him...' Darien decided, trying to reassure himself. Deciding his identity was safe, Darien calmly walked out of the alley and back onto the streets, calm and collected once more. Underneath his cool demeanor, however, he attempted to push away the bothersome feelings that his encounter with Serena had left him. *****To be continued? Ack!****** This one's not as fluffy as the first one, but I wanted this fan fic to look at why Darien's such an ice cube sometimes. Let me know what you think! W.Bymeeh Jhyunl@aol.com http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ (hey, my homepage is always the first updated, so check it out!)