Title: Forget I Said That [Part 4] Author: W. Bymeeh Rating: PG E-mail: Jhyunl@aol.com Website: http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ *Author's Note: This series is done. *Gasp* I can hardly believe it myself. Eeow, I'm sorry it took so long! Comments are good! Please tell me what you think, because I kinda struggle with first season fics, so I need feedback! Hee hee. Maybe I should stick to alt. reality fics, eh? {Hears a call for "Moon Dance" and runs for cover} E-mail, k? ^_^ *Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine...aiii yiii yiii... Forget I Said That [Part 4] Serena was happily skipping home through the park, her golden hair flowing behind as a result of her energetic movements. She was absolutely delighted with her day, and she could not hide the giddiness that spilled forth from her heart...like the sunlight that insisted on shining from behind a cloud. A smile played on her lips as she wandered down a pebbled path and thought briefly over all the wonderful things that had happened to her. Serena was one who had learned to take advantage of the small joys in life, and cherish it to the fullest. Even with the smallest little coincidence, she took as the goddess of fortune smiling on her. In her mind, she recalled how she had managed to skip over detention that day (Ms. Haruna must have a date, she mused), Raye had been too busy chasing Chad around the temple for some misdeed on his part to tease her, and Luna had been distracted from her usual lectures as she was discussing some new scout tactics with Amy. The best thing, of course, had been her meeting with Tuxedo Mask. She relived every word and every moment, visualizing the look in his eyes when he had looked at her thought that mysterious mask...the mask she had mocked the day before. But that had been a low point in her day, when she had thought that he didn't care for her at all...when she thought that all he cared about was those crystals. Her heart was dancing with joy as she basked in the feeling of knowing how *right* she had originally been...she had known that he would never hurt her, or be her enemy...and best of all, her guilty conscience had been silenced, as she and Tuxedo Mask had left on *good* terms for once...and her irrational fear that he had found out about her insulting him, her hero, was calm once more. And then, her happy mood came crashing down. There, sitting on the park bench was a familiar figure in a too familiar green jacket. Instantly, Serena felt unwanted guilt wash over her. She hadn't quite been able to forget the look in his eyes when she had finished bashing Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask...he was a hero to many of the people of Tokyo, a magical figure as mysterious as well as romantic. She shouldn't have been surprised that Darien was indignant that she had been making fun of him...Darien probably idolized Tuxedo Mask as well. Somehow, that idea was accepted by Serena's mind, although there was something else about Tuxedo Mask and Darien that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She did remember, however, how she had often seen Darien fiddling with the arcade game, trying to win the little Tuxedo Mask doll. 'Ah, well...' she thought, returning her thoughts to the present problem at hand. It was one thing for her to pick on Tuxedo Mask...she and her friends were Sailor scouts, after all...they actually knew him. But Darien didn't know that...How would she feel if anyone else ridiculed Tuxedo Mask in her place? Or, even if anyone picked on Sailor Moon? Never mind the fact that she was Sailor Moon. And he didn't know that she had attacked Tuxedo Mask just because she was actually angry with herself; her own klutziness and childish behavior that must somehow reach Tuxedo Mask and disgust him from her. That had been what she was thinking at the time, that there was something wrong with her that Tuxedo Mask was so cold. Of course, Darien hadn't helped by infuriating her and bringing to light her own blaring faults through his usual insults. But now the matter with Tuxedo Mask was resolved, Serena felt. The way he looked at her, the words he said...as if he wanted to say more, but couldn't. Serena felt that there was hope for them after all. Now, she sought to soothe a burning conscience. "Hello, Darien..." Darien turned his head to see Serena approaching him calmly, an event that he made sure to take note of in his memory. "Hello, Meatball Head. Glad you decided to make your presence known without giving me bruises..." His words were casual, but his voice was rather cool, lacking the usual fire that Serena somehow missed. Serena scowled at him, but didn't say anything. Just for today, she thought to herself, no more fighting. An image of his blazing blue eyes appeared before her, and she cringed inside. She sat next to him quietly, and he looked at her in surprise. They hadn't talked at all since he had heard her bashing his alter ego. Unsettled by Serena's silence, he searched for something to talk about, tease her about. He was irritated to find that the only thing he wanted to talk to her was Tuxedo Mask, and in exasperation he decided that he would just ask her what was bothering him. The memory of Sailor Moon's reaction to his words encouraged him. Slowly, casually, Darien began to speak. "So, Serena, I couldn't help overhearing your fit the other day. You're not love-crazy about Tuxedo Mask, like half the girls in this city?" At least, he thought it was half the girls. She looked at him in surprise, and then smiled. Luckily for Darien, she had a very unsuspicious nature, especially around Darien...who at times only seemed like a guy who tortured her and teased her mercilessly about her hair. The image was so ingrained into her mind... "I think he's wonderful," she said honestly, and there was no mistaking the sincerity in her voice or the sparkle in the depths of her bright blue eyes. Darien smiled, his dark eyes unconsciously lighting up, and she asked him a question in return. "What do you think of him?" He shrugged, and said, "Well, he's not quite the person who I dream about at night. But I guess he's what every guy would like to be..." He looked away from Serena and focused on the sun that was setting in the distance, carrying a casual air about him. Serena responded quickly, "He's a real hero..." She blushed then at her own enthusiasm, and Darien looked at her with curiosity in his eyes and secret delight thrumming in his heart. "I thought you didn't like Tuxedo Mask...the way you were going off at the arcade," Darien carefully said, knowing he was going through delicate territory, and unsure of what response he would receive. Serena turned crimson then, and then poked Darien in the arm. "I didn't have the greatest day...and then you made fun of me. I was just taking it out on Tuxedo Mask..." She prayed that he would accept her story. "Why Tuxedo Mask?" She grinned. "Because I thought you weren't there, and I always make fun of you first." An idea formed in Darien's head..."Since you make fun of Tuxedo Mask and you think he's wonderful, does that mean you think I'm pretty great too?" He grinned teasingly, but strangely enough...he wasn't sure why he wanted her to answer positively. Flushing, Serena immediately shook her head. "Are you crazy? Where'd you get that idea?" And yet, even as she was denying it, she felt her heart begin to beat faster at the idea. It was strange, this feeling...it was so nice being with him...without fighting with him. She felt different around Darien...he was someone separate from all of her friends, everyone she knew. But how long would this truce last? Darien felt disappointment, and he didn't wonder at the reasons his previous discontent was settling over him once again. Before he could say anything, Serena regretted her rash words. Remembering the words Tuxedo Mask had said to clarify everything between him and Sailor Moon, she blurted out, "Let's just forget I said that, all right? All of it..." Her eyes sparkled merrily as she thought of the irony of her choice of words, and she turned to smile at Darien. It seemed as if a wall sprung up and encircled them both, locking the rest of the world away, as Darien turned and found himself locked in Serena's eyes. The only thought in his mind were the words that Serena had spoken, and they echoed within as he felt overcome by the feeling that they were somehow familiar... There was something there, so...so right between them. For both of them, there was only the existence of the other...and a flood of emotions and feelings came over them both. Something was clicking into place, the words, the feelings, the person...It was too much at once, strange thoughts running through their heads. An image ran through each of their minds. Serena saw a vision of Tuxedo Mask, smiling at her through his mask...telling her that he would never hurt her. The image dissolved away to be replaced by one of Darien, his eyes angry as he turned and stalked away from the arcade, leaving her holding a wilted daisy in her hand. Darien saw Sailor Moon, smiling at him with forgiveness in her sparkling eyes...her sweet voice telling him, in unsaid words, that she trusted him. And then she disappeared, and a picture of a familiar Meatball Head appeared in her place, in the arcade and holding a paper mask to her face. Out of her mouth came mocking words, but in her eyes...in her eyes, there was hurt. Pain, confusion. She did not really mean to make fun of Tuxedo Mask... "Could she possibly be..." "Could he possibly be..." It seemed so right, somehow. If it were really so... Darien spoke first, in a husky voice. "Forget about what..." he repeated her previous words, slowly, as he bent closer to Serena's face and looked further into her blue eyes, reflecting the rays of the setting sun. He felt drawn to her by some force running in his heart...and strangely enough, he knew she felt the same way about him. Serena had time to say, "Forget I---" before he leaned closer and tilted her head up to meet his. And both of them forgot about everything else, as all they could feel was the other's lips on their own...and the only way to describe what flowed between them...was magical. After long moments, they pulled back from each other, breathless. Trembling from the kiss, Serena asked, "Do I have to forget this?" Darien chuckled softly, pulling back only slightly from Serena, who had somehow ended up *very* close to him. "Only if you want to..." Serena softly said, "No, I don't think I do..." She paused, and took a deep breath. She somehow felt that this was the right thing for her, and she chose her words carefully, like she had never done before. "If Sailor Moon could forgive Tuxedo Mask for confusing her...and making her wonder about his motives...do you think Darien Chiba could forgive Serena Tsukino for being angry and confused with the world?" Darien's breath caught. She had said it...out loud. Somehow, it made everything seem more real...voicing out the thoughts in his own head, the questions, the possible answers. He whispered, "Serena, we have so many things to forgive...from the very first day we met and you bonked me on the head with a test paper and I called you Meatball Head. From the times that I left you behind for the sake of a crystal...because I was too afraid to trust you, and work with you as a team. I never did want to hurt you, Serena..." His last words echoed in Serena's mind, reminiscent of her encounter with Tuxedo Mask. Same words, same man...same feelings. Darien caressed the side of Serena's face and smiled at her tenderly. "Serena, why don't we just forget about everything that went wrong?" Serena smiled, and Darien was reminded again of when Sailor Moon had forgiven him so easily. The same forgiving heart beat within Serena, a heart that was filled with caring for everyone...including him. "I think we can do that...as long as we start making up the time we missed right now." As she placed her hand in his, she looked up at him trustingly...and for one kiss more, both of them forgot about everything but the one that they were with. And it was all they wanted. ***********The End******* It's over!!! Oh, my goodness, it's over! I can't believe it! It's over! I can't believe it's over!!! *breathes in deeply* Ah, how sweet it is to finish a fic. However, this 'fic is very different from all of my other ones...not very complex, rather just short and simple (well, part 4 was longer than all the others, but still). It didn't end the way I intended it too, but oh, well. If you liked it at all, please tell me! First season fics are a genre of their own, and I'd like to know if you guys enjoyed this one (my first series for a first season, ya know). A couple of notes... --> I dropped a few lines about the Raye/Darien thing in part 1. I decided it had no place in my fic and I "forgot about it". Basically, Raye was the farthest thing from Darien's mind, because it wasn't even that serious anyway...(IMHO) --> I realize the flow is *strange* in between the chapters...but oh well. I'm not changing anything! --> I first posted part 1 about two months ago...and it was one of the first series that I started in general. Obviously, my writing style has changed a great deal since then, especially in comparison to my other fics. You can interpret this as either good or bad. --> This is the end...if you didn't like it, don't flame me because this 'fic has driven me up a wall, and I just wanted to finish it!!! My next first season fic, for those interested ^_^ is "Class Trip". But I've got no less than three alternate reality/silver millennium series that I must finish before those readers kill me. So, I'm off! I'll start publishing Class Trip...oh...well, before the summer starts. ^_^ It's a new idea, so I'll be taking my time about it. I have no other first season fics planned, so unless I get a random idea for a short story, it'll be awhile before I post a first season 'fic. But I still love those stories, hehe, I just have a hard time being original. Ah, well. ja~ w. bymeeh jhyunl@aol.com Completed 12.17.99. Author: JL (aka W. Bymeeh) All rights reserved.