Title: An Unsuitable Match Part: Prologue Author: W.bymeeh Rating: G E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Website: http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/ *Author's Note: Just to warn you, I've definitely messed around with the storyline here. This takes place in the Silver Millennium, but it's an alternate reality. I'd love to hear feedback and comments...please! =) *Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, so don't sue me! I have nothing worth suing for anyways. Also, the story in this form is mine, so please don't take it without permission! Thanks. Prologue Queen Serenity was running. Outside the palace, the sky was dark with the evil powers that had come to attack the moon. The walls within shook as it absorbed each hit that came from Metalia's forces. And yet, all Queen Serenity could think of was the little baby cradled in her arms. Although the palace had not yet been breached, each hit took Serenity's power down a notch as she struggled to keep the shields over the palace up. "Not yet," she thought determinedly. Another blast of power shook the building to its foundation, and Serenity fell to her knees. Breathing raggedly, she struggled to stand up again. She half-ran, half-limped her way to the enormous double-doors leading into the throne room. One of them had been left open, abandoned long ago when the evacuation had begun. She feebly pushed her way through and, gathering her last remaining strength, walked calmly up the twin thrones. Serenity placed her baby daughter in a wicker basket, and tucked her blanket around her. Tears started to form in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She seated herself in her throne, and closed her eyes as she began to concentrate. The palace of the King and Queen of Earth...the place where the princesses of the other planets had been sent merely an hour ago...thank God that they were safe now, the Queen couldn't possibly transport all of them now, considering her waning strength...just enough to ensure the safety of her beloved daughter... The queen visualized the palace...and tried to find people who would love and take care of her child...not the royal family...the life of royalty was too harsh and demanding for her daughter...she wanted her to be happy and loved...a couple came into view...servants of the palace...lonely...they wanted a daughter, so desperately... She hesitated, and stared at her scepter, and then at her infant daughter. Did she want her daughter to inherit her position as future queen of the moon? She knew now, that this was not a decision she could make for her daughter. Her daughter was bethrothed...to someone who was to be her soul mate. But now, it seemed, that that would not be... Not when the Moon Kingdom had been destroyed...and without a kingdom there was no princess...and Serenity knew that she would not be able to be there to oversee a new birth. Perhaps it was better for her daughter to be able to choose her own way in life, her own life, instead of being dictated by powers and politics that required alliances. Even the soul mate of her daughter...Metalia had changed everything. If they were meant to be, they would somehow find each other. It had been so hard, she remembered. Sacrifice after sacrifice for the good of the kingdom...losing the one she truly loved for the sake of duty. She did not want that for her daughter...she knew that the Silver Millennium was over...Serena would not have to bear the burden of a title...she closed her eyes and touched her daughter's head with her wand. 'Let her powers be dormant,' she thought. 'Unless she truly wants and needs to be who she was born as...' The Queen opened her eyes. Having picked her daughter's destination, she came to the most difficult part...having to say goodbye. She leaned over and kissed her baby daughter, who sighed in her sleep. Baby Serena has slept soundly throughout the entire attack. The Queen placed her star locket around her daughter's neck, and closed her eyes. A blinding flash of light appeared, and when it dimmed, the basket had disappeared. The Queen fell to the floor, and the shields around the palace came crashing down. "One more thing..." muttered the Queen grimly. She picked up her scepter, abandoned at her side, and she raised it above her head. "I call upon the power of the moon!" An enormous sound similar to the shattering of a thousand pieces of glass was heard, and with a loud shriek the forces of Metalia were locked away...the sky was clear, and the dust of the battle began to settle... In the throne room, Queen Serenity lay still on the floor. "Serena..." was her last thought. ************** let me know if you like this series...thanx =) w. bymeeh jhyunl@aol.com http://members.tripod.com/jayhyun/sm/