Title: The Day I Saved for You [Full Story] Author: W. Bymeeh E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Rating: PG Website: http://jayhyun.tripod.com/sm/ [First Season, Valentine's Day fic, alt. reality, mostly mush...you've been warned. No evil youmas or Negaverse generals around, besides MK, who found her way into my author's notes] *Reference notes: Valentine's Day takes place on a Monday this year [2000]. For convenience sake, let's just say that it actually takes place on a Saturday. I mean, it really doesn't matter, since within a number of years Valentine's Day *will* take place on a Saturday. Anyway. ^^ **A _lot_ of thanks goes to Antigone for all her help and putting up with me through countless e-mails (the anime Mamoru _is_ cool), and to MK, whose well of creativity is endless and never ceases to amaze me with everything that she's done (ack---another layout, MK? ^^). More thanks and credit at the bottom of this story. Warning: high sugar content ahead (as most of my first seasons are, *sigh*). Read. Enjoy. E-mail, darn it. E-mail E-mail E- mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail [get the picture?] *Disclaimer: Characters are copyrighted by their respective owners. But I pay for all the sprite that goes into the well of creativity. The Day I Saved for You [Thursday] "Serena, I really don't see what the big deal is," Molly said as she pointedly looked at her watch for the ninth time in twenty minutes. She tapped her foot on the tiled floor of the stationary store, purposely making a loud 'clacking' sound with her heel. She glared at a certain blonde who was oblivious to her growing irritation. "Why can't you just pick one?" Serena barely glanced at her best friend, her unusually large blue eyes focused intently on yet another card decorated with lace and pink teddy bears. "Just another minute, Molly," she muttered, not really paying attention to the annoyed redhead. "SERENA! What is the big deal? Since when does it take anyone-" Molly checked her watch again, "---twenty-five minutes to pick out a Valentine's Day card?" Her eyes narrowed. "Who's this one for, Serena? Is this one *more* than just a friend?" Serena straightened up and scowled, turning to face her friend. "Molly, you *know* who this is for..." Serena's blue eyes changed from annoyed to mischievous. "And besides, didn't I spend two hours with you while you shopped for the perfect gift for your sweet little Melvin?" Molly flushed a bright red, but quickly retorted, "I'm going to spend Valentine's Day with him...of course I had to find the perfect gift! As for you," Molly put her hands on her hips, "I know your Valentine is not going to be that picky about any card you pick out!" Serena sighed at the reminder, her mood swiftly changing from teasing to serious. "Molly, I just have to find the perfect card this year. I just have this feeling that if I find the perfect Valentine's Day card..." Molly winced slightly. "Serena, how many years has it been? I don't think I even remember what got you started on this strange tradition." Serena played with a few strands from one of her ponytails, twisting it around her fingers as she scanned the top row of the cards. "This will be my fifth year." She smiled, a soft, dreamy look settling in her eyes. "It started on a Valentine's Day years ago when my mom gave me a Valentine...it was a simple one that said 'Happy Valentine's Day' with a quick little message to me inside. And then, I saw the Valentine that she gave to my dad." She picked out another card and flipped it open, but didn't really look at it. "It was really beautiful, with a romantic poem and hearts and baby cupids...and there was the scent of my mom's favorite perfume, too. And I remember being awed by that wonderful Valentine card. And I wanted to know why my mom didn't give me a card like that. "My mom said that on Valentine's Day, you gave a really special card to your true love. She said that one day I'll find someone to love, too, like how she and my dad love each other. And then he'll give me a special Valentine of my own, and I'll give him a beautiful one too, just like the one she gave my dad. I had thought that Valentine's Day was all about chocolates and sweets and exchanging Valentines with everyone in school, but she said it wasn't. She said it was a secret, and that one day I would know why I couldn't know what the day really meant by just being told." Serena smiled a little, winking at Molly. "I'm sure you and Melvin know *everything* about how special this day is." She ducked Molly's swing and backed away, laughing and waving her hands in defeat. "Anyway, I was only nine then...and after that, I decided that for Valentine's Day I had to always be ready with a Valentine card, in case I met my true love...with pink hearts and red roses and little cupids...and I'd add my favorite perfume...the one with scent of cherry blossoms, because that would make the card *really* special, only from me and only for him." Serena giggled, but her eyes were hazy, and had a distant look in them. "I always saved the Valentine from every year...so that when I finally *do* meet him, I can give him all the Valentines from the past years, and tell him that I've been thinking of him all this time!" Serena glanced at Molly, who was softening up. She smiled to herself, and decided not to mention that her desire for finding the perfect card was really because for the first Valentine's Day ever, she knew *exactly* who she wanted to give it to. "You know, Molly...all I want is to just find that special guy to spend Valentine's Day with..." No, that wasn't exactly it. She had already found him...she just had to figure out how to tell him. And this was something that no one, *no one*, knew but herself; it was a secret buried in the depths of her heart, and she refused to let even a sign of it show...until the moment her wish would come true. Serena was brought back to the real world when Molly threw her hands up in the air and laughed, her earlier impatience completely gone after the reminder of Serena's childhood memory. "I give up. You're a hopeless case." Serena stuck her tongue out at her. "We can't all be as lucky as you...there's only *one* Melvin in this world, after all." With a sly look on her face, Serena darted out of the front door of the store as Molly chased after her. Neither of them saw a tall, dark-haired young man step out from the next aisle over, and walk out the door. He watched the laughing blonde run off with her friend into the distance...and said softly to himself, "All I want...is to spend Valentine's Day with you, Serena..." *** Serena was walking home with a smile on her face, happily thinking about the afternoon she spent with Molly. For some reason that she could not guess at, she felt special, because she had a secret that not even Molly, nor any of her other friends had any clue about. Wouldn't they be surprised? But Serena knew. She knew exactly how she felt, what she was hoping for, and what she wanted for Valentine's Day. And it had nothing to do with chocolate. Humming a light tune under her breath, she walked along the sidewalk, absentmindedly taking the time to skip over the cracks. But absorbed in her mindless game, she still very wasn't surprised that when she turned around the corner, she crashed into a tall, young man who immediately said on impact: "Watch where you're going, Meatball Head!" She had been expecting it, really. After the number of times they had "coincidentally" bumped into each other, she had come to the realization that her day could not be complete without running into his arms. And even if she was only in his arms for a few seconds, at least she could imagine that his arms seemed to linger on hers... Serena forced herself to step away from the tall man in the [ugly] green jacket, and huffily replied, "If it isn't the jerk who *never* fails to ruin my day!" Glacial blue eyes narrowed at her, and she glared back unrepentantly, her eyes bright with her fury...or was it simply the energy that surfaced whenever he was around? He made *something* come alive in her, and it always showed... Darien retorted something sharp, and Serena automatically responded with something equally provoking. But in the back of her mind, her thoughts began to drift...if they hadn't done this so many times before, she would have made a mistake. But she was a pro, and so was he, and the words they exchanged slipped easily from their lips. What they were saying wasn't important. It was the same every time, harsh words that neither of them meant. It was an act, a play, a scene that they went through every time they met, every moment they shared with each other. But there was something more going on then the words they shared, currents that swept from her to him and back again. Waves of electricity rolled between the two, in their own little world, that they both fought against and refused to be caught by, because of their own insecurities and fears...Neither one would give in to the forces that pulled at them. Oh, but Serena wanted to break out of their act, and recite un- scripted lines from her heart. She wanted to be able to coax kind, soft words from his lips, and look into his midnight-blue eyes and see that a warmer part of him existed. She knew it did, she had a feeling of certainty that there was a more loving side to him...and even as she said her usual parting words, and turned to march away, she wanted to reach out to him. But did he feel the same way? Hope and doubt could not live without each other, and it tugged on the confidence of her heart. She walked away, but after only a few steps, she glanced back casually over her shoulder, and she saw him staring after her, with *that* look in his eyes. Almost immediately he turned away from her and walked briskly off in the other direction, as if nothing had ever happened between them. But she had seen it. That look, the one she had not understood the first time she had seen it, but had burned itself into her heart, igniting some kind of fire in her heart that she had never known could exist...giving her the hope to dream for more. "Valentine's Day," she whispered to herself. She believed that that day had magic for people who loved each other. And all she and Darien needed was a little bit of magic to give them that little push, the realization that they *belonged* together, and it would sweep all of their past encounters of insults away, and give them a new start. She knew that she could reach out to him...and on that day, she would. *** Darien wondered if any of the people who knew him as the dedicated, award-winning and hard-working university student would ever believe how empty his life was. Ever since he had met her, everything else in his life had paled in comparison. How could it not, when her mere presence acted like a flare that lit up the sky? She was like that to him, a golden-haired angel from a place he had never known, somewhere with warmth, comfort, and love...in her arms. How ironic it was that all he had ever managed to do was drive her farther away from him. And even more surprising was that fate kept bringing her back to him, if only for a few fleeting moments. And if only for them to exchange harsh words and insults. It was all so natural to both of them, these "fights"...part of their daily routine; the hurtful words, the anger, the careless remarks... And yet, as simple as they were, it meant so much to him. More than his studies, more than his few close friends, more than any and all of his material possessions. Just *seeing* her...that one time a day... Did it mean as much to her? He had seen her coming, of course. He had somehow known that *she* was near, and with that strange, compelling sense of urgency, he had looked around the corner, and there she was...skipping innocently along the sidewalk, dancing around the cracks, with the most carefree expression on her face...happiness literally sparkling in those sky-blue eyes. He couldn't resist...he had to have her in her arms. Like so many times before, he placed himself directly around the corner, so that when she walked around it, she would find herself directly in his arms. How he wished she would *stay* there. But no, of course, she always pulled away before he could really savor the sweet sensation of holding her, and smell the sweet scent of cherry blossoms that seemed to hover magically around her... But she never tried to linger in his "embrace"... And then, of course, he opened his mouth...and out would come the most trivial insults, ridiculous remarks, and mocking words meant to sting. Words ironically the exact opposite of the real feelings he felt in his heart, the emotions in his heart that seemed to fire up only for her. After their usual battle, she flounced off, not a care in the world, and all he *really* knew was how deeply affected he was in her presence...and even more when she was not there. He should have just walked away, and pretended not to care, but for some reason he couldn't. Maybe it was the fact that Valentine's Day was coming, a day for lovers, and all *he* had was a few seconds of holding her in his arms...and that was "accidental." And he could not help but to stare at her retreating figure, walking farther and farther away from him. She was everything to him; she was light and sunshine and happiness and love...everything that had been missing in his life for so long, everything that he might have had once, but had forgotten. And then, she had looked *back*. And for one moment, Darien had felt his heart beat faster, and his head began to spin...dizzy with the hope that maybe he was seeing something in those beautiful eyes that understood the way he felt... But then she turned away, and she kept on walking, farther and farther into the distance, farther and farther until she disappeared from his sight, his life. But not his heart. He sighed. He didn't know what the right words to say to her were. He didn't know how to make her smile, and he didn't know the simplest action to make her happy. There was a wall between them, and he didn't know how to breach it. And so all they could do was exchange their daily bout of insults over it, around it...but they never could reach through it. Valentine's Day was a day to express one's true feelings, wasn't it? Darien considered telling her about the feelings he harbored in his heart, about everything she meant to him. Maybe on that day, something could happen to change the way things were between them, and break down that wall... Was it impossible? She would never be willing to spend such a special day with him. But how he wished she would... *** Serena crawled underneath her bed and immediately sneezed. "Yes, I really do have to clean more," she muttered to herself. "Too bad I never will." She inched her way toward the far corner, trying to avoid hitting her head on the mattress above. After squinting for a bit, her eyes slowly began to adjust in the darkness. As soon as she noticed the dark, rectangular shape of her goal, she reached for it eagerly, at the same time banging her head on the ceiling with her abrupt movements. A dirty, rumpled, but very triumphant Serena with one 'meatball' falling out emerged victoriously from underneath her bed, pulling a large carton with one hand and rubbing her aching head with the other. With a glorious smile on her face, she dusted herself off and sat on her bed with the carton in her lap. She grabbed a tissue and briskly cleaned the lid off before opening it and peering inside. Serena giggled at the sight of years and years of Valentine's Day cards stuffed into the box. She had kept some from every year, and there were many piled in the box, because she had always been the girl who had a Valentine for everyone and still received twice as many. She shuffled through the cards on top, noticing the most recent ones from last year---with a larger amount of cards that focused on romance rather than friendship. She made a mental note to sort through the cards at another time and only keep the ones from her closest friends. She reached underneath the massive pile of Valentines, and her fingers found a layer of plastic. She tugged on the corner, and successfully managed to pull a plastic bag out, with four cards sealed inside. She opened the bag and pulled out one of the cards, and smiled as the faint scent of sunflowers wafted to her nose. She pulled out the other cards and sniffed it, trying to remember what scent she had used that year. The earliest card, a simple generic Valentine's Day card with some childish hearts and cupids added on with her own hand, smelled faintly of strawberries; that had been her mother's perfume that she had snuck into her parent's room to "borrow" for the card. The sunflower scent had been a present from Molly, and she had used it for the second year of her little tradition...the raspberry perfume, the year after, won in a gift exchange...and the peach scent, something she had saved up her allowance to buy. The little perfume scent on the card was her trademark; Serena almost felt as if she was putting a part of herself into the card. And the only Valentine's Day card she ever did this for was the one for *him*. She glanced over at her dresser, and picked one of the vials up and opened it. She sniffed the sweet, light scent of cherry blossoms. Raye had given it to her for Christmas, and it had been her favorite perfume ever since. This would be what she used for this year's Valentine's Day card... With a laugh that had no real reason other than a feeling of giddiness, she placed the perfume back on her dresser and dumped the pile of old Valentines back into the carton. The four special ones she scooped back into the bag and placed it next to her perfume. 'When did I begin to fall for him?' she mused to herself. 'From day one, all he did was tease me and make me mad. But still, if he had been just a regular guy I would have been able to stop thinking about him, and dismiss him as annoying as Melvin...' She grinned a little, thinking of Molly. 'That time I first looked into his eyes. Really looked. I was angry when he called me 'Meatball Head,' and I was marching away, and I could only hear his laughter behind me. And then I turned around, for some strange reason, and I saw those dark, blue eyes still staring at me...He still had that smirk on his face, but it was so strange, because his eyes...they touched me. 'When I looked at him, I felt something hurt inside, an ache inside my heart, when I saw what his eyes held. His eyes, they were so different from the harsh words that he said. They were so sad...and alone...and dark. That same look that I saw in his eyes today. From that first time, I wanted to make those eyes light up. And I still do.' She fell back on her bad, and glanced out the window. The moon was almost full, shining more brightly than she had ever seen it before. It seemed that it was shining full of promise for her. Gazing at it, she smiled, and her blue eyes sparkled as brightly as the stars in the sky, full of hopes and dreams for the day she hoped to share with someone...with him... *** Darien walked into his dark apartment. He shouldn't have noticed how stark and lifeless it was---after all, he came home to this everyday. But somehow, after his fiery encounter with Serena...it seemed so dead. He tossed his keys onto the counter, his eyes checking to make sure they didn't fall to the floor in an unorderly mess. He shrugged off his green jacket and hung it neatly on the hook on the wall. As he walked into the kitchen, he clicked on the radio, and then he rolled up his sleeves and started on that day's dishes that he had left stacked next to the sink. The soft music played for a while as Darien completed his mindless chore, but as he finished a commercial began to play. "Valentine's Day is only two days away, so find that special gift for that special someone now! For a limited time only---" Darien switched the radio off, and did not bother asking himself why. In his mind, he quickly ran over a mental checklist of everything that he had to do for the next day. He didn't have a quiz in Friday's class; his professor apparently had a soft spot for Valentine's Day. He had already finished his assignments for the week...he had also already finish the work for the next week as well. He looked around. His apartment was clean...he had paid the month's rent already. The kitchen was spotless and he didn't need to go to the market. He was completely free to do anything, see friends and go out and have fun. The only thing was, there wasn't anything that he wanted to do...and there was no one he felt like calling up and going out with on a moment's notice. His life was so *empty*. So hollow...was he going to spend the next day by himself too? On Valentine's Day, was he going to sit in his empty apartment and study for an exam that wouldn't take place for another two weeks? He *could* spend the next afternoon finding "something special for that special someone." And exactly who was it that he wanted to spend that day with? Darien knew the answer; hadn't he known it since the moment he had first looked into those stunning eyes of blue? But Valentine's Day...what did he know about that? *****flashback***** "All right, children. Time to exchange the Valentines you made for each other yesterday." The teacher clapped her hands to get the children's attention, and after she finished speaking, there was a noisy hustle as the children immediately got up and began walking around the classroom, excitedly dropping their poor handmade valentines in the box. Darien pulled out the Valentines he had made for his classmates. He was new at the orphanage...and kind of lost. He didn't know what Valentine's Day was for. But he had tried, and listened to the instructions carefully. He had spent time making one for every single child in his class. He carefully went around and placed one in each of the decorated shoeboxes on the desks. He noticed that some of the boxes were overflowing, while some of the boxes had a little less. One of the boxes that had many cards stuffed in it belonged to the most popular boy in the class, who was always at the center of attention and constantly surrounded by the other kids. He walked back to his seat, and looked into the plain shoebox on his desk. His box was empty... ***end flashback*** Darien felt a lump rise in his throat, and forced himself to shove the memory aside. It wasn't a big deal, anymore. He was past that. So he had never had anyone to spend Valentine's Day with... But he knew, in a heartbeat, that the whole of his lonely past would disappear if he had Serena to take its place. Serena...beautiful, wonderful, delightful Serena. When had he first realized that he wanted her, needed her in his life? Maybe it was the time he had walked into the arcade, and seen her chattering away with Andrew, those brilliant blue eyes literally sparkling as she laughed and talked a mile a minute. And then she had turned to him, and almost instantly her smile disappeared, and her attitude cooled. It was probably the sudden switch that had brought the thought into his head; what would it feel like if she was smiling at *him* with those incredible eyes of hers? And he couldn't stop thinking about that question...the possible answers...and everything *else* that had a chance of happening if they no longer fought...And after *that* got into his head, he couldn't stop thinking about her at all. He would do anything for her, anything she wanted, if she only gave him a chance...to maybe spend Valentine's Day with her this year. The day meant so much to her, he remembered her muffled words enthusiastically talking about Valentine's Day, the excitement in her voice clear. Maybe if he went out of his way to do something special for her...Even Darien wasn't impervious to the magic of Valentine's Day. Maybe because he had never known its magic, but it still seemed to possess something special that he wanted to know. Maybe if he found something special for her... Maybe there would be a chance. The slightest one... "Carpe diem," Darien murmured to himself. He walked out onto the balcony, and felt the midnight breeze sing swiftly by. His gaze traveled to the moon shining its light down on the sleeping city. He wondered if she was watching the same moon, wishing on the same twinkling stars... Thinking of him. Because it was certain that he was thinking of her. ****************** [Friday] Serena was eager to get started with her shopping. She walked into the arcade right on time, having been on her best behavior at school. There was no way on Earth she was going to miss this day, of all days. She let out a dreamy sigh as she thought of her plans for Valentine's Day...she crossed her fingers and prayed that it would be one that she didn't spend alone...but with him. It was such a simple goal, and yet she had waited for such a long time for the perfect moment to even attempt it. Determination burned in her crystal blue eyes, bright and beautiful with her passion. 'I'll tell him, tomorrow...and maybe...just maybe...he'll spend Valentine's Day with me.' She smiled, a nervous tingling in her heart filled with the pain and sweetness of anticipation. She had never felt this way with anyone before; the insecurities, the hoping, the dreaming. How did she know what she felt was real? Was she dreaming of too much? Was she hoping for something she could not have? She desperately wished that her Valentine's day would be perfect; it just had to, this desire had been driving her for so long. "Hey, Serena. Can I get you anything?" A warm voice interrupted her thoughts, and Serena looked up to see the smiling face of Andrew. She grinned back automatically. "Not today, Andrew. I'm just sitting here to wait for Lita, Ami, Raye, and Mina to show up. We're going shopping!" Andrew grinned. "Well, Serena, I'm amazed. For once, you're here before they are!" Serena made a face, but then she giggled. She was feeling giddy and reckless and so very hopeful, all because of her anticipation of finding the perfect Valentine to give, and spending the day with the guy she had always dreamed of sharing Valentine's Day with. "Today is a special day for me, Andrew!" She grinned mischievously, her bright blue eyes merry. Andrew, amused, stopped cleaning the counter for a moment to listen to Serena. "Valentine's Day is tomorrow, Serena. What's so great about today?" Serena hopped off the stool and spun around, unable to hold still and hold in her excitement, and barged heedlessly ahead. "Today, I'm going to find the perfect Valentine to give to the most wonderful guy in the world!" Her cheeks were flushed a bright red, but she was so happy, and she just had to be hopeful about Valentine's day; it was her dream and she believed that it had to come true. Andrew looked at her in complete surprise and not a little amount of curiosity. "Serena, I had no idea! Who's the lucky guy?" Serena winked, and playfully said, "It's a secret, Andrew!" She held up a finger to her lips. "Shh, don't tell anyone, okay? I'm going to spend Valentine's Day with him, but you can't know yet who it is yet! This will be the first time I've ever spent it with him!" She giggled, and thought to herself, 'You'll find out soon enough, if I have my way!' Andrew opened his mouth to say more, but at that moment a group of rowdy schoolgirls came through the door. "Serena! You're early!" Mina said in surprise as she spotted Serena talking to Andrew. "Doth my eyes deceive-ith?" she said in a bad English accent. "Amy's been tutoring me in Shakespeare," she added. Amy turned around and whacked Mina with her schoolbag. "Mina, that was low. That was worse than low. That was awful." Mina shrugged, and turned to the blue-haired genius. "What does it matter? Let's get going!" Amy was about to go off in one of her deep reflections on life, but Raye cut her off. "Come on, let's hurry up and get started on our shopping; Serena still has to find the perfect Valentine for her perfect guy," Raye needled. Serena cheerful returned the favor by saying, "And Raye has to find the most romantic gift for Chad. In fact, I think she said she wanted to get him something *extra* special!" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Amidst Raye's outraged protests and the girls' laughter, the five walked out of the arcade, leaving what seemed like an enormous silence in Andrew's ears. Amused as always by the strange bunch of girls that were Serena's friends, Andrew finished cleaning the counter. He looked up as he felt a cold gust of wind blow through the door with the latest customer, and was surprised to see Darien's tall figure walk up to the counter and sit down. "Darien! What are you doing here today?" Darien raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with me coming to the arcade?" Andrew laughed. "What's wrong? Let's see, in all the years that I've known you, I know you hate coming to the arcade on Fridays. You know that that Friday is when my shift ends early, and if you're here, then I'll bother you to stay and go out and actually do something *fun*, heaven forbid." Andrew made a 'tsk, tsk' sound with his tongue. "So why are you here, Darien? Here to ask for my expert advice?" Darien gave him a mock glare, and then his handsome features relaxed as he noticed the sincerity in his friend's eyes. "It's Valentine's Day tomorrow," he said simply. Andrew pulled out another rag and began cleaning the counter. Again. It was the only thing he could do when he had to listen to his friends pour out their daily troubles, and still be able to pay enough attention to what they said. If he tried to do anything more than clean the counter, they would stop talking and say that they couldn't keep him from his work; if he did nothing at all, they would say that they didn't want to bother him during his break. Between Serena and Darien, the counter was always spotless. Andrew nodded, and said, "Darien, Darien, Darien. Did you eat the chocolates you were going to give your secret girlfriend whom you haven't told me about?" Darien stared while Andrew looked at him quite seriously. "Very funny, Andrew." He frowned, not knowing how to pose his question. "Andrew, what did you give Rita for your first Valentine's Day?" Andrew paused for a moment as he tried to remember. "Well," he said slowly, "Rita and I had been a couple for a couple of months already by the time Valentine's Day came around..." Darien frowned. "So it wasn't a big deal for you?" Andrew gave a guilty grin. "Well, it wasn't for me, but it was for Rita! I had thought a nice, quiet evening to ourselves at my place would be enough, but luckily a friend of hers tipped me off." He smiled. "So I spent some time searching for some special jewelry that she might like, bought some flowers, and took her out to a restaurant. Pretty simple, eh?" "That's it?" Andrew shrugged and grinned. "I turned on the romantic charm, you know me...after all, Rita deserves it." He blushed a little. Darien muttered, "Sounds simple enough." Then he spoke louder, "But you two were already a couple, right?" Andrew nodded, waiting for Darien to continue. He had no idea why Darien was dancing around with such peculiar questions, but then again all he did was clean the counter. Darien frowned. "Well." He coughed. "So, what would you have done if you had just met Rita, and you wanted to...ask her out on Valentine's Day? What do you think would be appropriate?" Andrew was glad that cleaning the counter was such a mind- numbing task. "Appropriate? What, Darien, were you planning on asking the girl's father for permission to 'court' her too?" He grinned. "Sweep her off her feet, Darien. Buy her some Valentine's Day chocolates, get her a card, bring her roses, and take her to dinner. The works, Darien." Darien shook his head, "I want to do something *special* for this girl. I mean...uh...*really* special. Valentine's Day is really important to her...and..." Andrew grinned. "Ah, so there *is* some mysterious girl that you've got your heart set on...Well, we've made more progress in five minutes than we have in the five years that I've known you, seeing as you've never admitted anything like this to me before." He paused his cleaning for a moment, staring at the bowed head of his long-time friend. "Do I know her?" "This is a girl who really, really loves Valentine's Day. I mean, she's been waiting around forever for some special guy to come along and share this day with." Darien avoided the question of exactly who she was. "Ah. So you think you're that special guy, huh? And you want to impress her, shower her with wonderful gifts, and win her heart, all in the spirit of Valentine's Day?" Andrew asked with perfect logic. "She deserves it...she deserves more than I could give her. She's the sweetest girl I know, but she has so much spirit she could outshine any star," Darien babbled on. Perhaps it was the idea of Valentine's Day that let him be so reckless and giddy by just thinking about the one who had occupied his mind for so long. "And...she's just so beautiful. I think it's everything about her that adds to her *specialness*, and to me she is just the perfect vision." As Darien yammered on, Andrew suddenly had a moment of clarity in the midst of his everyday confusion. 'Oh my goodness, could he be talking about Serena? The girl he makes fun of every day and calls Meatball Head?' He paused for a moment, thinking on the possibility. 'How perfect! How incredibly perfect those two would be! Maybe I could help them out a little...could this really be...my chance to finally fix the two up??' He stared at Darien, and then reality hit him on the head. With a sledgehammer. 'Wait, what am I thinking?!? Serena and Darien? Ha. Ha. Ha. I can't perform miracles. I'm just the arcade boy, and all I do is clean counters and listen to Serena and Darien rant. No matchmaking for me.' The moment of clarity flew away and the usual fog drifted back into Andrew's mind. "Well, Darien, I think that you should just try and find something that she'll like, and don't worry about whether it's absolutely perfect or not. If she's worth it, then she'll see your efforts, as sad as they are," Andrew grinned, "and she'll be happy because of it anyway." "She is definitely worth it," Darien said firmly, his midnight-blue eyes focused on the napkin that he was clenching in his hands. Andrew leaned over and plucked the napkin away, worried about what Darien might do in his arcade. "Darien, why don't you go and hurry up and check out the stores for Valentine's Day gifts? You only have a few hours left to find the *perfect* Valentine for your special girl, who *cough* you still need to tell me the name of," Andrew suggested, an innocent look on his face. But he was a patient man; he had to be since Darien had so often kept to himself. Darien looked up at his friend in shock; he had been worrying so much about a reaction to a Valentine's Day gift, that he had forgotten he didn't have it yet. "Oh, you're right...I guess I better go." His mood seemed to of changed, and his face brightened up with the idea of finding something special for *her*. "Thanks for the advice, Andrew. And I'll tell you who the girl is...if everything goes all right." Andrew gave him a thumbs up, and cheerfully said, "Go for it, Darien! You know, you really ought to take a page from Serena's book. I've never known anyone to be as excited as her about Valentine's Day." He chuckled, remembering the excited look on the bubbly girl's face. "Don't let her know I told you this, but apparently this is the first Valentine's Day she's spending with a guy. She's off shopping madly with that crazy group of girls to find the perfect Valentine to give him, and---" Darien whirled back to the counter and had Andrew by the collar before the latter knew what was going on. Andrew still clutched a rag in his hand as he stared directly into the crazed blue eyes of his friend. "What did you just say?" *** "So, Serena, spill. Who's this mystery guy of yours?" Mina asked, curiosity glowing in her blue eyes as they wandered through the department store, which was the main entrance to the other boutiques and shops in the mall. "It's probably not Melvin, since Molly snapped him up awhile ago," Lita remarked with a grin. Serena tossed her hair over her shoulder and breezily said, "You guys aren't going to find out until after whatever is going to happen happens, so you might as well stop asking." "What would be the fun in that?" Raye said with her usual sarcastic edge. Serena sighed. "Does it have to be a Valentine's Day card? How about a gift, like heart-shaped chocolates or something?" Lita asked as they wandered through the clothing department. Raye grinned wickedly. "Are you crazy? Serena would *eat* the chocolates before she even had a chance to give it the poor guy!" Serena stuck her tongue out at her, which Raye heartily returned. Before the tongue war could continue, Amy came up with another option. "Lita's right, Serena. You don't have to get a nice card for him. How about...a book on something he's interested in? Or a computer program, or..." Serena and Raye stopped their tongue war to look over at Amy, dumbfounded. Serena opened her mouth to tell Amy that she was crazy, but she was stopped by the reappearance of Mina, who had disappeared into the racks of clothing. "Ta da! Here's the perfect gift for your special guy!" Mina, with an evil glint in her eye, proudly held up a pair of red silk boxers with a pattern of pink and white hearts over it. Serena's mouth dropped open wide. Lita snickered, Raye doubled over with laughter, and Amy turned a bright red while Mina gleefully danced the boxers around and made smacking sounds with her lips. Serena could never in a million years imagine herself giving anything like that to a guy. She couldn't even picture Darien wearing something like that...or could she? Serena turned even more red than Amy. "No, Mina...that's inappropriate," Raye said, quite seriously. The others turned to stare at her in amazement. Raye grinned. "Serena needs to buy something for herself. Those bunny pajamas of hers would turn guys off faster than those meatballs!" Raye ran. Serena followed. The other girls calmly waved to the male cashier, and Mina threw him the boxers and blew him a kiss as they walked out of the department store. *** A little while later, Serena was disgruntled, and more than a little exasperated. But then she saw the one thing that could take away her troubles: chocolate. With a squeal, she ran into the store and clapped her hands with glee as the rich scent of chocolates floated into her nostrils. Amy, huffing behind, looked around the chocolate factory with a critical eyes. "Okay, Serena. Buy him some chocolates." Lita said cheerfully, "Better yet, get a chocolate card and have the best of both worlds!" She pointed to a shiny display case next to the door. "Eh?" said Serena. Lita grinned. "Look, they have these thin chocolate 'sheets,' and they write your message on it with frosting, and they put it in a cake-box for you. A chocolate card." Raye remarked, "I believe we went through this before...Serena would eat the card before she gave it to the poor guy." Serena glared, and Raye smiled broadly. Serena turned her mind to the more pressing issue at hand. "I want to get him a card...It just *has* to be a card! And we've looked at three stationary stores and I still haven't found one that I like!" she fretted. Mina put an arm around Serena. "Cheer up, Serena. You know, if you really want it to be special, why don't you just make him a Valentine? Have you ever tried that before?" Serena shook her head. "No, I always bought cards every year..." Amy said in her practical manner, "Well, just make a card this year. Nothing could be more special. Some paper, some glue..." Serena tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm...maybe you're right." Serena smiled. The others nodded. And waited. And hoped. Raye coughed. "Now that that's decided...I...er...I need to find a Valentine for...er..grandpa." Lita looked at her strangely, but then she grinned. "And I need to find one for this guy I just met...and no, he doesn't look like my old boyfriend!" Amy blushed. "Oh, and I...er...well, I want to go to the bookstore...there's this book I think I'll get for someone else..." Before everyone had the chance to faint, Mina stepped in. She declared, "Oh, too many guys and so little time! I'll never be able to get enough Valentines for all the guys who'll have presents for me tomorrow!" -_-; *** "I'm sorry, Darien...I didn't know you felt that way about her," Andrew said quietly, not knowing what else to say. Darien shrugged, as if it didn't matter, but an almost imperceptible tremor in his fingers as he gripped the counter betrayed him. "It doesn't matter how I feel...if she feels that way about someone else." Andrew didn't know what else to say to his friend of so many years. Darien had never been one to share his feelings very well; Andrew had only learned of how true of a friend he had when Darien had always been there to give him support, in good times and bad. He wanted to give him some kind of comfort, but he remembered the excited look in Serena's eyes as she talked about Valentine's Day, the one she was going to spend that day with...and he recalled how Serena and Darien always fought so fiercely... He simply couldn't add the images together. Andrew opened his mouth to try and say something, but Darien shook his head, "Thanks, Andrew...I'll be seeing you." He released the counter, and he straightened up and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. Andrew looked at him, but did not have the power to look into those eyes for longer than a fleeting instant in which he felt his stabbing coldness, hurt...and anger. Anger at the world? Anger at the fates? Anger at... Andrew could not guess the complex character that was his friend. "Have a wonderful Valentine's Day." And Darien turned and walked out the door. Andrew sighed, and went back to cleaning the counter. *** Darien walked down the street, feeling numb to the world around him. His heart was bleeding with the pain that he felt, and yet at the same time he felt like screaming to the world that didn't care about how he was in love with someone who obviously did not love him in return. He was seething inside...with hurt, with resentment...and pain. So much pain... And then, everything came into focus...on *her*. "Darien!" she said, a surprised look on her face, pure innocence of what the man before her was feeling. Delight was creeping slowly into her eyes...it was one day to Valentine's Day, and it was too hard to keep her secret forever...she felt like she was brimming over. But she couldn't say anything to him, not until tomorrow and she had made her special Valentine for him! "Serena." Serena was startled. Never before had she heard him say her real name...and in a tone like *that*. Icy. Cold...Serena looked up into his eyes, trying to search them and discover what was wrong. But before her eyes could meet his, Darien clenched his fists...and tried to fight the anger that arose in him when he saw how beautiful, bright and sweet the girl before him was...and how she would never be his. He lost the battle. "Out buying some stupid Valentines for some boy who's as idiotic as you, Serena?" he bit out. These were not words that were part of their regular routine, their everyday fights...they were words from his anger, his pain. At the shocked, hurt look that crossed her face, Darien felt some sort of triumph...however fleeting it was, however much pain he would pay for it later. His heart was screaming at him now, but it was drowned out by the hurt, the anger, and the pure jealousy that was running through him...and he could not stop it. "But you know, Meatball Head, what makes you think that anyone would want to spend Valentine's Day with you?" She let out a little cry, and that little sound of hurt had more effect on Darien than any of the words that she could have said. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she yelled, "I'm going to have a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day, Darien! But of course you don't think so. After all, a cold-hearted jerk wouldn't understand what Valentine's Day is all about!" She turned and ran away from him...and she didn't look back. If she had turned, she would have seen the most pain, loneliness, and sadness ever in the two blue eyes that she had grown to love, the eyes that she had first seen and realized she wanted to make happy. There was no anger anymore, only regret. But she didn't stop, and Darien was left looking sorrowfully after her...tears dropping onto the cold pavement below. *** Serena sat quietly through dinner, and ate without her usual vigor. When her mother asked her how her special Valentine project was coming along (labeled thus so her father wouldn't have a fit at her making Valentines for a specific somebody of the opposite sex) Serena merely shrugged and excused herself. In her room, she stared blankly at the stack of cards that she had saved for *him* throughout the years. And what was the point of it all? She wasn't going to be spending the day with him...she would never have the chance to know what Valentine's Day would be like if she couldn't share it with him. She didn't *want* to share it with anyone but him. It had no meaning, no value...nothing special that *she* would ever know. She had always believed that Valentine's Day was special. She had hoped, that one day she would find someone to spend the day with, and discover why it was so wonderful. And she had learned that it could only be *him* that could make the day worthwhile... And without him...nothing mattered. Mindlessly, Serena kneeled on the floor of her room and began to...clean. She picked up her dirty clothes, set aside some dishes she had used for late night snacking to take down to the kitchen, stacked loose papers (mostly bad test scores) together... After a long, immeasurable amount of time, Serena looked around her spotless room. She felt no satisfaction, or joy...she walked back to her dresser, and she stared at the Valentines that she had laid so carefully there. She did not have the heart to put them away where they rightfully belonged, buried in a carton beneath her bed. She looked out the window...and the moon seemed to mock her from its place in the sky, and Serena felt sadness simply well up in her heart...and she turned away from the window. She lay down on the bed, and she cried herself to sleep. *** Darien walked into his apartment, and tossed his keys onto the counter before shrugging off his jacket. He watched as the keys skittered across the tiles and fell over the edge, clattering on impact before being overtaken by silence. He dropped his jacket to the floor with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders, and walked into the kitchen. He stared at the breakfast dishes stacked neatly that morning next to the sink...and he walked over and tugged at the plate upon which the bowl and mug rested. The dishes fell to the floor and shattered...and Darien watched, some kind of strange satisfaction at seeing all the little parts of his life begin to crumble, like the rest of it had. He might have gone through the rest of his apartment, but Darien wasn't on an angry rampage. Not anymore...he was numb, he couldn't feel, couldn't think about anything. There was no way he could be furious; he had gotten rid of his angry feelings when he had yelled at her, saying the most hurtful words he had ever uttered...words that he so wanted to take back... He had hurt her...he had actually *hurt* her. It had been real, not an act, not their usual game. And he had no more hope left for them together, no more questions about Valentine's Day and what it would be like to spend the day with her. He was tired, he felt drained, and most of all, he felt very, very, empty. Without her. ****************** [Valentine's Day] It was Saturday, so Serena hadn't set her alarm (not that she always remembered to do that anyway) but it didn't matter when she found herself awake at a horrifyingly early time. As she tossed and turned under the covers, she realized that she couldn't go back to sleep. Obviously, the restlessness in her heart was not going to let her sleep peacefully, so she finally gave up to the inevitable and threw back the blankets. But she lay in her bed for awhile longer, not wanting to get up, and live a day that was not going to have any special meaning...it broke all her dreams that she had built up for so many years. And then her mother came in. "Serena, dear, here are a few extra cards for your friends at the arcade, in case you ran out," her mother smiled and held up a package. "You had better hurry and write the messages inside if you want to have them ready on time." Serena glanced at the cards listlessly, and turned away. "I don't really feel like it this year. Valentine's Day is silly...for people who have nothing better to do than eat chocolates and watch stupid movies." Her mother paused for a moment, holding back her automatic rebuke...she gazed at the sad expression on her daughter's face, one that was strangely foreign to her. And then she gently said, "Serena, Valentine's Day *is* special...don't let yourself miss out on it. The day has only just begun." Serena stared at the cards in her mother's hands for a moment, and looked at her mother's honest, sincere smile...and she remembered why she had started this whole tradition in the first place. And she held out her hand to take the cards. *** It was late in the afternoon when Serena walked into the arcade, holding the last two Valentines she needed to deliver. Looking around, her eyes confirmed the echo of the emptiness in her heart---he wasn't there. Putting on the same brave front she had used all day, she waved at the blond man behind the counter. "Happy Valentine's Day, Andrew!" Her voice was cheery, but in her own ears, it sounded surprisingly fake. But Andrew did not seem to notice anything, and he smiled at her. "So, where's that special guy, Serena?" Andrew asked casually as his eyes noted her pretty attire. Serena flinched internally, but she shrugged and she smiled brightly at him. "He's out there, Andrew," she said, not giving any details. "I'm going to spend some time at the lakeshore, Andrew," she said quickly, rushing herself out to not deal with any more questions. "Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with Rita..." Andrew waved goodbye to her a bit absentmindedly, wondering if Serena was all right. Was it his imagination or was he always being left in the dark? He was still thinking about it later when Darien walked in. "Hey, Darien," Andrew said, scrutinizing the looks of his friend. He didn't look any different than usual...but Andrew was not going to risk the chance of looking into those eyes again. They had cut him to the core last time, and had told him more than he had needed to know... Andrew paused for one moment as he stared at the dark-head of his best friend, who was examining the countertop. He reached over and took the envelope that Serena had left for Darien. "This is something Serena left for you." Darien's head snapped up instantly, and his hand was out in a moment to grab the envelope. But once it was in his hand, he handled it gingerly, as if it would break. Scrawled on the front was simply "Darien." No hearts or fancy writing, simply Serena's slightly messy handwriting that spelled out his name. He quickly flipped the card open, his eyes not really looking at the simple hearts and cupids pattern on the card. He only focused on the words that were written by *her*, and he read them over and over and over. ----- Darien, Happy Valentine's Day Serena ----- He had a single instant to feel massive, although irrational, disappointment...but then he smelled it. The sweet perfume that drifted up from the card. Cherry blossoms. '...and I'd add my favorite perfume...the one with scent of cherry blossoms, because that would make the card *really* special, only from me and only for him...' He remembered her sweet voice saying those words...only he never thought that *he* would be the one... "'Only from me, and only for him,'" Darien repeated in an awed hush. "Only for me," he said, his eyes softening as he gazed at the card. "Only for her..." He stood up, and in his haste lost his balance, and lunged at the chair to keep his balance. Straightening up, he looked up to meet the eyes of an amazed Andrew. "Andrew, do you know where she might be?" Darien blurted out. Andrew stuttered, "I---I think she said she was going to the lake...but Darien, that other guy---" But Darien was gone... *** Darien was running down the street at a breakneck pace when something caught his eye. "Uh, excuse me sir, but how much will you take those roses?" he asked desperately, perhaps a little bit too crazed, as the stranger with the bouquet of roses stared back at him puzzled. "These are a present for my wife," the man replied. "Besides, the flower shops have already been sold out, and I have to have something to take home to her, or else she'll beat me up." Darien took out his wallet. "Why don't you take her to a nice dinner? I'll pay you...a hundred dollars for that bouquet!" Shrewd brown eyes stared back at him. "These roses cost me seventy-five dollars, are you crazy?" Darien heedlessly said, "Please, sir, I really want to have these roses for this really, really special girl, who won't even look at me right now..." The man's eyes softened, and he opened his mouth to speak when Darien blurted out, "How about a hundred and fifty dollars?" A few minutes later, Darien was on his way to the lake, clutching a bouquet of roses and trying to stop thinking about his empty wallet. "I really wish I could just make roses out of thin air," he muttered to himself. *** She was sitting by the lakeshore, a small bag next to her. His eyes briefly took in the lovely picture she made; the sunlight that glinted off the two streams of golden hair, the dark red dress that clung to her shapely figure, the skirt that was tucked modestly underneath her legs. She must have heard his footsteps, or maybe she heard the sound of his heart beating, it seemed so loud! Her golden head turned, and he found himself faced with her clear blue eyes, staring straight into his soul, and he forgot all of the words he had been reciting in his mind...he was left only with the incredible feeling he felt thrumming for her in his heart. "She's here, she's here," his heart seemed to sing, and he watched the look of surprise -and fear- and hope cross her face...and he only prayed that somehow everything would turn out all right. Serena was surprised when she heard- or rather felt the sensation of someone coming near her; after all, everyone else at the park was in pairs and she hadn't seen anyone by themselves when she had first arrived at the park. It had made something ache in her heart...and she had quickly found a place by the lake to just sit and think...by herself. And then she had turned, and she saw *him* coming toward her. What could he possibly have to say to her? Her hopes and dreams for the day were gone, crushed with the words of yesterday...but in spite of that, Serena's heart began to beat like a hummingbird's wings, and she could not stop the familiar feeling of anticipation and hope that began to flare up in her heart. He held out the bouquet of roses to her, and she looked up at him, surprised. She hadn't even noticed that he was carrying roses; she had only been able to see him, his face, his eyes, and everything else blurred and faded away as the only thought that ran through her head was, "He's here, he's here..." She took the bouquet from him, sniffing the sweet scent of the beautiful roses. Her hand trembled a bit, and she didn't understand what was happening; how was it that he was here...how was it that he was giving her red roses on this day? "I...I wanted to thank you for the card," he finally said, breaking the silence. "You're welcome," she said, softly, looking away from him and focusing on the roses in her arms. "Thank you for the roses." Darien couldn't help but just *look* at her, her sweet face, her delicate hands, her gorgeous eyes...that were avoiding his... Still nervous, his heart was running a marathon, he said very slowly, "I...I thought you were going to spend today with someone else..." She glanced briefly at him, and he was treated to the sight of her beautiful, glimmering blue eyes, and then she turned her gaze back to the waves of the lake. "He said that he didn't want to spend the day with me." Darien felt something in his heart just break at the sound of sadness in her voice. It was because of *him*...he had caused her pain. How he wished he could take those words back...but the only thing he could do was try and make amends. "I..." He paused. "What if he said...he was sorry?" Serena continued to stare unwaveringly at the lake, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to spill over. "He'd have to really mean it," her voice broke a little, and Darien moved next to her, and took her hand in his. And he took a deep breath...because he was putting his heart on the line, all for her. He *wanted* this, wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, wanted to say the way she made him feel. But it was difficult...and scary...and Darien had never felt more afraid in his entire life. "What if he said he never knew what Valentine's Day was about, because he had no one worth sharing it with until he met you? And what if he said that the worst part in his life was when he thought you were gone forever?" He paused. "And what if...what if...I said...I love you?" Serena turned to face him, and tears began to spill over, but her eyes were wide with shock...and happiness at a dream coming true. And then he kissed her, and somehow her arms found their way around his neck, and she felt his arms wrap around her waist...and they pulled her body closer to his, as if he could not bear to be so far apart from her... It was a kiss of promise for both of them, one that fulfilled sweet wishes and dreams from before and hinted at more to come; it was an ending to their past apart and a beginning to their future together, and it was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to either of them. And when they finally separated, Serena looked up dreamily at him, with a soft, beautiful smile on her lips that Darien had never seen her smile for anyone else...and Darien felt a pleasure so fierce it was almost like pain fill his heart. "I've been waiting for this day for a long, long, time," Serena said softly as she laid her cheek on Darien's chest, hearing the strong, soothing heartbeat and treasuring the feeling of being held by him. "Not as long as I have," Darien smiled. Serena lifted her head to look into his eyes, which had a glint of humor in them. But the laughter in his eyes was dim in comparison to the warmth and the love that was reflected at her...and only her. She reached to her side and picked up the bag that lay next to her. She placed it in Darien's hands. "These are for you...I've been waiting for this day for a very, very long time...ever since I first found out that Valentine's Day was supposed to be for two people who loved each other." She watched as Darien opened the bag and took out the cards still left there. "Serena, where are these from?" Darien asked, looking at the aged cards and reading the name 'Serena' scrawled inside, next to hand drawn hearts and roses. His heart and his mind was still in shock that she was here, with him, on this day...all he wanted to do was concentrate on the wonderful girl in his arms, and it was difficult for him to think, to remember *everything* she had said just a few days ago, in the aisle of a stationary store... Brushing away some of the bangs that fell across his face, Serena quite seriously told him, "I made them every Valentine's Day for the past four years. I was thinking of you even then, waiting for you, all this time..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed the emotion stirring in Darien's eyes. She had been thinking of him, all this time...waiting for him? All his years of loneliness...and she had been there, this whole time. Saving her cards for him... "I didn't know Valentine's Day could be so...special. I never had a chance to know." His eyes saddened, and for a moment Serena saw a glimpse of that Darien that she had seen before, a sad, lonely soul that she had felt the most desperate need to embrace and never let go. And she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face down for another kiss, one that would chase his fears away, assure him of her presence, that she was there and she would never leave him. When they finally parted, Serena looked into Darien's eyes, and saw a love burning in his eyes. A love that he was no longer afraid to hide, or willing to let fade away into the background. A love that would take the place of his past loneliness...because both could not be in his heart at the same time, for love chased all else away. And Serena knew her love was being returned as much as it was being given, and felt a dizzy joy because she knew what she was feeling was the most wonderful feeling on Earth, and she had a hard time believing it was not one of her many wistful daydreams. "I'll teach you. About Valentine's Day...about cards, cupids, and paper hearts. About being with the one you love," Serena said softly, bringing her hand up to caress the side of his face. Her honest blue eyes met his dark ones, and the sincerity that sparkled truer than any star touched his soul. "I think I always knew that Valentine's Day was supposed to be special..." "Did you?" Darien asked, leaning his face into the palm of her hand, and holding it close with his, treasuring her nearness and the sweet sunshine of her presence, giving him a warmth inside that he never knew before. And she smiled shyly, her eyes brilliant with the secret that she had known to keep to herself, had taken such care to save and cherish, and those blue eyes brimmed over with delight because she now had someone to share it with. "That's why this is the day I saved for you." *************** This fic had a whole lot of cheese. I usually don't use this much cheese, except on spaghetti, in which case parmesan is always good. And hey, then there's a loaf of bread. Bread and cheese go well together. ^_^ *I'm rather tired right now---this is to explain the strangeness of the above. Eek! Well, I had to start this fic in early January in order to get it finished before Valentine's Day; I had to work on it practically everyday in February. And I neglected my other fics shamefully. hehehe. Umm...Wings of Freedom? It's getting there. Give me another month, por favor. Please...E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail. Or else I'll do what Antigone suggested. And you don't want to know what Antigone suggested. ^^ W. Bymeeh - aka Jayhyun jhyunl@aol.com http://jayhyun.tripod.com/sm/ [Final Story Date: 02.12.00 - Um, betas and such were published at random intervals since January. I've got the e-mails to prove it. ^^] ------- Thanks & Credit: Thanks to Antigone, to whom belongs the ideas of chocolate paper, and who inspired me to abuse Motoki aka Andrew (not because she doesn't like Motoki, but because she does...hehehe). Also, her e-mails never fail to cheer me up. http://antigone.homestead.com Thanks to MK, just because she's amazing and she does way too much stuff, including writing theme songs for our beloved Tux. She also suggested cherry blossoms as Serena's perfume. http://www.lunap.com Thanks to Sailor Starlite, because she's such a huge WAFF fan and seems to eat up all this romance. She also beat up my calc book for me. ^^ http://www.eternalprincess.com Yay for the SMRFF, which has such wonderful writers, and who gave a ton of suggestions for perfume ideas and gave me feedback on the first scene of this story, and gave me the greenlight. http://www.lunap.com/smrff.html -_-; What a lot of thanks. I'm going to try not to do such a long listing everytime...but one more... Thanks to all the wonderful visitors to my website. I get my kicks by checking my counter stats and saying, "Wow! ## people visited my site today and *didn't* let me know! Hooray!" ^_^ But really, thanks to *everyone* who encourages me and writes me e-mail...it does help. ^^ http://jayhyun.tripod.com/sm/ lol. Happy Valentine's Day. <3 Did you remember to e-mail me? ^^