Title: Wings of Freedom Part: 2 Author: W. Bymeeh E-mail: jhyunl@aol.com Rating: PG Author's Note: This series is not as lighthearted as I might prefer, but I'm trying to make my characters have some more depth. Well, "try" being the key word. The romance will pick up later, I promise! But this part's necessary to the plotÉ Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine! But this story is mine, all mine! (I'm greedy, what can I say) Wings of Freedom [Part 2] Serena clutched the cape around her shaking shoulders as she continued to sob over the loss of her family, friends, and home. They were so far away now, and even if she had her wings, the path to the moon would not open for another year. She had been so happy to visit Earth again, the mysterious planet that seemed to beckon to her from her home on the Moon. She and the princesses of the other planets had been granted permission to visit by themselves this time, and they had all been so delighted that they had heard Queen Serenity's warnings about the moonbeam path with only half an ear. Traveling down to Earth had several stipulations. Namely, to successfully reach one planet to another, one had to have the moonbeam path, which last night had shone directly onto the lake's waters. And their wings, of course, were absolutely essential. They weren't used in actual flying and were a decorative piece most of the time, but they symbolized their rank and gave them access to using the moonbeams. In addition, Serena thought wryly, they made for convenience in dressing. There was a limit to the amount of times one could use the path during one night. One trip to Earth and one trip to the Moon was allowed, but no more, and it didn't matter in what order. If even one element was missing, then the trip would be unsuccessful. It was too late now for Serena to get back to the Moon. The moonbeam path would not shine on the lake's waters for another year, and she did not even have her wings at the present. She knew about the myths that told of fairies from Heaven who flew down to visit the Earth on the night of the Moon Festival. They were partly true. She and the others weren't fairies, but princesses of their respective planets. Their wings channeled their power, in that it allowed them to fly from planet to planet. Amy had once taken the time to try and explain the technical aspects to her, Serena remembered with a smile. She had finally given up when Serena had thrown a loaf of bread at her, telling her they had more important things to discuss...like food. Amy had soon retaliated with a piece of fruit, and Serena regretted her actions, as Amy had better aim than her. She did recall that Earth did not belong to the same alliance of planets as the Moon did. No communication between Earth and the other planets had been allowed for a very long time, and Queen Serenity agreed with this policy as she felt that their power was too weak and the people of Earth would feel resentful of the supremacy of the Moon. But those in power long ago had felt that there was a need to leave at least a window for communication between the Earth and the other planets, if not directly. And so it had been, for thousands of years, and every year on the night of the Moon festival, the royalty of the planets were allowed to visit the Earth and pass through the barriers that shielded the planet. On that night, the moon connected with the earth, enabling those with wings to drift down, whether it was to check on the people of Earth, or simply see what conditions were like. In recent years, it had been more enjoyable to just visit Earth and enjoy the sights, instead of worrying about political situations all within one night. No one protested against the law of no communication, and so the single night of the moon festival had turned into a holiday for the royal family. This year the princesses were allowed to go by themselves. They had neatly avoided having to bring Luna and Artemis with them by claiming that it was much too difficult to carry the royal advisors in their arms (a blatant lie, and the cats had not been amused), and Queen Serenity had conceded that they were old enough to be unaccompanied this year. Not wanting to stray from the lake that was their route home, they had splashed and played like children, having one night, at least, carefree of all burdens. And now it was gone. Serena was still here, on Earth. She didn't know who the man was, or why he had taken her wings...but he had taken her freedom away from her. What could she do here, on Earth, away from her home and her life as a princess? Away from her closest friends, and her protective mother? They were all gone. He had done that, and he had known it, Serena saw it in his eyes. Crying still, but more subdued, Serena did not even notice the woman who had walked into the room quietly until she laid a hand on Serena's shoulders. She looked up, startled, into the beautiful face that held traces of wisdom in her warm brown eyes. "Hush, child, it's all right. I promise you, no harm will come to you as long as you here." The woman smiled at Serena, and she stopped her crying, suddenly comforted by the woman's kind presence who reminded her of her mother. "Now, dear, who are you?" Her voice was gentle and she looked at Serena with caring in her eyes. Serena, knowing she meant no harm to her, said softly, "Serena. My name is Serena." The woman smiled again. "Serena, that's a wonderful name. I'm Lia. Now, how did you come to be here?" She had noted the girl's lack of clothing, and her presence in her son's chambers was shocking, especially considering her extreme youth. However, she gave her son the benefit of the doubt, as he had never before done anything that she had to reprimand him for. He had been sitting outside the door with a murderous look on his face, but Lia had seen the hurt look in his eyes, and had immediately known something was wrong. She had only been able to get some jumbled facts from him, mainly that he had found a girl (lost?) and that she was crying in his room alone. It was by far the strangest event that had happened to him, or her for that matter. Serena realized she could not tell this woman everything, who was most likely related to the young man who had...kidnapped her. It would be betraying her family. "I got lost..." she said, knowing it was a tepid excuse in itself. "I couldn't find my way back and I was left behind..." Lia, saddened by the poor girl's situation, softly asked, "Your family, friends?" Serena sighed sadly. "All gone. They were here for the Moon festival, and they had to leave without me." It was partly true. "In a year, I can meet with them again." Her sadness at finding herself alone overwhelmed her. "But now..." Lia made a decision. "For now, Serena, you needn't worry. You may stay here, at the palace until you meet your family again." She instinctively knew that this girl was very special, and needed to be protected. Serena gave a small smile, which had the effect of lighting up her sad face. Lia felt a surge of motherly protectiveness for the young girl, and cautiously asked, "Did anyone hurt you?" She would certainly strangle her son if he had done anything improper, and the fact that Serena was only wearing the prince's cloak was suspicious enough. Her son had always behaved as a true gentleman, but then again Lia did not know what went on in his head. Serena shook her head. She didn't know how she had gotten to the elegant palace, but other than being a long ways from her home and without her friends, she was not physically hurt. "Who was that man?" she asked. Lia looked at her in surprise. Not only was she an innocent, but she was definitely not from around here. No one who lived in the capital city was unaware of who the royal family was, especially the Crown Prince. With an odd look, she answered, "He's my son, Prince Darien of the Earth." Recognition and shock flashed in Serena's bright blue eyes. At least she was somewhat aware of the events going on around her. "Oh! Your highness...I'm grateful for your help...but I don't...I don't have to see him, do I?" Serena asked nervously. No matter how handsome he was, or how blue his eyes were...Serena winced inside. She could not face the man who had taken her wings, although she knew that she would have to demand her wings back from him one day. Lia frowned. "How did you meet him?" 'What happened?' she added silently. Serena couldn't possibly tell her the truth of what had happened and where she came from. "He found me... I can't possibly face him after the way he found me...I was so scared..." Her voice dropped to a low whisper as she recalled what she had been wearing and what he must have seen. After ascertaining that Serena was ashamed, but had not been hurt by her son, Lia puzzled at the extraordinary girl in front of her. She would've questioned her more, but the distress in Serena's blue eyes halted her. "Serena, you needn't worry. You're safe here. Wait a few moments and I'll be back to help you dress." She was rewarded by a renewal of Serena's bright smile, and Lia hurried out of the room to her own chambers. She stopped at the doorway to give her rebellious son a look that would've frozen him to the floor if he hadn't already fixed himself there. Wanting to go back in but knowing she would only tell him to leave, Darien debated with himself for a long while, until his mother came back abruptly holding a bundle of clothes. A question concerning Serena was on the tip of his tongue, but his mother shot him another angry look and briskly shooed him away. She made it clear he was not to be hovering around. With no other choices open to him, Darien went out to the back fields where the generals, his closest friends, were avidly training. His thoughts were still on Serena. Inside Darien's chambers, Lia helped Serena into a dress that she herself had worn as a princess. Its material was still of high quality, a soft shimmering white that was cut modestly at the bodice while its short sleeves were embroidered in gold. It clung to Serena's shapely curves and Lia felt a motherly approval for the striking picture that she made. She could see, now, why her son had been compelled to bring her to the palace and protect her. Her anger at him waned, since he had not done anything dishonorable, although he had apparently frightened the poor girl out of her wits. Serena took the brush that Queen Lia had brought and began brushing out her rumpled hair. Expertly, she managed to twist the bright golden hair into two shining streams of hair that flowed from the base of two buns. Lia raised her eyebrow at the interesting hairstyle; it was one she had never seen before. Hearing her stomach grumble, Serena blushed. Lia laughed, and gestured for Serena to follow her. *** "Darien, where'd you disappear to last night?" Jadeite called out to Darien as he engaged in a casual swordfight with an equally relaxed Nephrite. Darien shrugged, and grabbed a sword from the stack of weapons and swung it easily through the air. "What time did you get here? We were out in the courtyard till two..." Malachite's voice drited over from where he was sparring energetically with Zoisite. Darien, practicing maneuvers by himself, remained silent behind his impenetrable mask on his face. The others slowed their exercises and raised their eyebrows at each other as their prince ignored them. While puzzling over their leader's moodiness, the generals heard laughter in the distance and turned to see the Queen and a young girl walking by. They respectfully bowed, and Darien turned to see the object of their greeting. There she was, the epitome of grace and beauty in his mother's old dress. She had twisted her silky golden hair into an unusual hair style that consisted of two buns on her head, so the total length of it did not hang down past her feet anymore. She looked much happier than when he had last seen her, but while she smiled and curtsied to his generals, she refused to even meet Darien's face. Queen Lia watched the interplay between her son and Serena with interest. Darien had frozen, intently staring at Serena, while she maintained an air of unaffectedness, and was pointedly not meeting Darien's eyes. As Lia nodded to the generals and her son, she motioned for Serena to continue walking. 'I'm not sure where Darien found this girl...but she's affecting him in a way like no other ever has...' Deep in her thoughts, she listened to Serena exclaim at the palace grounds with a smile. *** Darien continued to stare longingly at Serena's figure in the distance, numb by her beauty and the fact that she hadn't even looked at him. The generals had also been astounded by the mysterious girl's appearance, but they did not have the same struck expression that was on Darien's face. They might have laughed if they hadn't also see the pain that lingered in his dark blue eyes. Glowering fiercely, Darien dropped the sword he had been clenching tightly and stormed off. *** Serena was thoroughly enjoying herself. She had to admit, now that the initial shock had worn off, that she had always looked at the mysterious planet of Earth longingly, and had always wanted to meet the people who lived there. She had known, of course, of the King and Queen and the Crown Prince, but had never even seen them. And now here she was, living in the palace with them! She had always been a bright child, loving her life and living it to the utmost. Bickering with Raye, shocking Amy with her un-princesslike ways, gossiping with Mina, and discussing boys with Lita...and then there was her mother, who had always been there for her. She knew that they were worried about her, and she felt guilty for not being with them. But as long as she was here on Earth...for one year, she was definitely stuck here, whether she liked it or not. She knew that she had to make the best of it, and that eased the guilt in her heart. That also gave her plenty of time to figure out a way to get her wings back, and she might as well find out more about what life was like on Earth. Her mother might be proud of her. The Queen of Earth had been extraordinarily kind to her, for which she was grateful, offering her protection and a refuge for her confused self. She was like a tropical bird in an unknown land, and she was only beginning to see the beauty of the land before it. And the food! It was a whole new world of pastries and confections that had opened to her. She had utterly floored the queen when at their first meal together, astonishing her with the amounts of food that she had consumed. Serena either ate with the queen or by herself, glad that Queen Lia gave her the option of avoiding the public spectacle of eating in the Great Hall. And of seeing *him*. Her thoughts led her back to the man who had been the reason for her being here, and she lingeringly thought of how strong and handsome he was, before she caught herself and abruptly reminded herself of what he had done. 'He took away your freedom,' she told herself. 'And gave you the freedom of living a life you never had before,' a little voice mocked herself. 'No, my wings were my freedom...' 'Were they? Or were they your prison...keeping you from knowing all of the wonderful experiences out there?' Serena sighed. *** As the days, and eventually weeks passed, Serena charmed everyone around her. Her lilting laughter echoed in the hallways, and even servants smiled when they heard it. Her presence had been accepted by the king without question, especially since Queen Lia herself had taken a protective interest of the girl. She asked Serena no questions, but gave her the freedom to do as she wished and let her see what their city had to offer. Serena happily and curiously attended all of the court functions that Queen Lia invited her to, but luckily they were few and far between, as Serena much preferred being outside in the Earth's glory rather than being cooped inside. Oblivious to all at such events, she maintained the calm demeanor that she had practiced on the Moon, and she never even noticed Queen Lia's speculative eye on her. For, while Serena was not aware of it, she attracted the attention of all eligible (and ineligible) young men in the vicinity, which included Prince Darien. Serena, on her side, delighted in exploring the palace grounds. She was curious as to what lay beyond it, as she knew that one day she would have to return to the lake, but she knew that it was yet a long time off. She merrily visited the kitchens and the servants' quarters with a bouncy step, and wheedled extra goodies that she tucked away with an unending appetite. Her unusual hairstyle soon became a familiar sight around the palace, but they were never still for long, as she rushed from one place to another with a constant urgency that surprised everyone. She knew she was to be on Earth for one year, whether she liked it or not, and had made up her own mind to like it. Queen Lia, or someone, had made sure that she never saw Darien at all, and his absence let Serena divert her attention among less disturbing subjects. She still missed her friends, but her days were filled with such interesting activities that she managed to escape weeping for their absence. She knew, after all, that she would have a chance to go home in a year. She worried occasionally, but she knew that her mother would be able to tell that she was alright on Earth. She shut out of her mind all the events that had led to her being on Earth, and never wondered why she couldn't really hate the man who had taken her wings, even though she should. And she never thought about how she would get her wings back if she never talked to the man who must know where they were. *** Darien managed to barely keep himself from throwing himself at Serena the moment he had seen her golden ponytails go flying around the corner. He sighed as he leaned back against the wall. It seemed that Serena was fitting into palace life just fine, thanks to his mother. She also seemed to not be disturbed by his disappearance from her life, especially after he had been the one to drag her to the palace in the first place. After Serena's first morning at the palace, Queen Lia had taken Serena under her wing and given her a place of honor and privilege at the court. He had often watched Serena solemnly take a seat at royal functions, smiling as he spotted the mirth in her eyes as she tranquilly observed the proceedings. She was like a beacon of light, and she had charmed all of those around her, from his father to the kitchen cook. He knew all about how she managed to sneak extra food from the cooks, and how she had gained access to all of the royal gardens in less than a day. He heard her laughter echo through the hallways and he would longingly wish to hear it coming closer to him. Unfortunately, his mother had ripped into him that first day, and made it quite clear she wanted him to stay around from her new ward. He recalled the memory with a wince... "Darien, are you going to tell me that you have done absolutely nothing harmful to the girl, and she is irrational and afraid of you for no reason at all?" The look in Lia's eyes was not one Darien had seen since he was young. Darien remained silent. Lia continued. "Since I was able to figure out that at the very least, you treated Serena as a gentleman, I am not going to kill you. Besides that reason, you're also my son. But still, she is not telling me how or why she was left behind when her family left the Moon festival, and I think you have something to do with it." Seeing the look of guilt that flashed through his eyes, she pressed on. "Darien, I am telling you that you are not to go near Serena during her time here. I want her to adjust, and your presence would not help her any. She's just a child, and she's apart from her parents and her friends. Darien, think of what it must be like. You obviously disturb her, so this is not a request, and I don't give a damn if you are my son or the Crown Prince, you will listen to what I say!" And with that, his mother had stormed out. And his father had been no help, only pausing to tell Darien that he was deferring to his mother on this issue. A worse punishment than that his mother could not have inflicted. Instead of winning her trust, he saw Serena happily fit into court life as if she had been born into it, not lacking anything. Not lacking his presence. Not like how he missed her presence, that he had been in for such a fleeting amount of time. It was the most ironic thing that could've happened. He had stolen the wings of the girl whom he had thought was a fairy so that she would stay on Earth with him, and it turned out that she was not only a real girl...but the most amazing, brightest star he would ever know, or ever hope to know. And she hated him. Moodily heading to his own chambers, he thought of how others had received the benefit of her glow. All four of his generals seemed to be getting to know her quite well, much to his ire. They had asked him why he didn't want to get to know Serena better, but he had merely grunted and said he had his own reasons. He couldn't possibly tell them. Alone in his room, Darien sighed. He remembered watching Serena wake up in his bed, blinking softly and looking around in adorable confusion. And then she had fixed her beautiful blue eyes on him and told him to get out. He groaned, and from the corner he pulled out his cape, which he had tucked away neatly after she had left it behind. It still had her scent on it, that of roses and...a sweet, mysterious smell that he couldn't quite identify. It was a scent reminiscent of the atmosphere that night on the lake, so magical. He sighed. He knew that he would have to talk to her eventually...she would demand her wings from him, and he would not be able to deny her. But how he wanted to be her friend...more than a friend...hell, he just wanted to be with her. He looked outside his bedroom window and dropped the cloak, forgotten, as he saw Serena head merrily outside the palace walls. He made a decision, and threw caution to the winds. Again. *** Stay tuned... *I always love comments, so e-mail! =) Besides, it always encourages me to write more! w. bymeeh Jhyunl@aol.com