Konbanwa minna. This part is deticated to Jade. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be have been sitting here for three hours to finish this part. You have her to thank for this insanity, minna! Thanks, Jade. Go read her fic, 'The Golden General', because it is great! Diamonds, Roses, and the Heart of the World Part Three- Watchful Eyes The day had in short, sucked. He had woken up, shaking from the dream, nightmare, he amended, gotten up, thought about Usagi, taken a shower, thought about the dream, gotten dressed, thought about Usagi, gone to the cafe, talked to Motoko about Usagi, (though Mokoto hadn't known who the 'mystery girl' was,) and then walked out. He had been followed, by a strange white haired man, who had set his psykic sences on fire. That's when the day changed from 'normal' to 'worse'. He had met with Usagi, yelled at her, and watched her run off. And watched the strange man follow her. And he had followed them. Into a dark alley in Juben. And had heard Usagi sobbing. And had watched as the man had held her. Eyes narrowed into slits, Chiba Mamoru watched as another held his love from both his past life and this one. He heard every word that went between them. 'We've really got to stop meeting like this' the man had said. Had they been seeing each other long then? 'But Mamoru says that I'm weak...' Is that what she thought? He ground his teeth in frustration. If there wasn't the damn geas laid apon him by the dream, then nothing would stop him from running to her and telling her the exact oposite. 'I care about you'. He stopped his grinding and listened more intently. Who was this guy? 'Really?' It was delivered in such a wistful tone. The mental ties between himself and Usagi were at the moment screaming at her sincerity. 'I mean, I've never had anyone who I liked as much as Mamo-cha-, ah, Mamoru-san. I love him!' Again that awful phrase, the one that he never, _ever_ wanted to hear from her lips. "Mamoru-san". That was from back before they had known about each other. Back before they had died. Again. It was from before they had loved. And it was totally wrong. 'We've had some problems, but, he's never, _ever_ lied to me.' Usako, if only you knew, he thought to himself. If only you knew. 'So if he say that, then it-' 'Usa,' Mamoru started. Since when did this creep get to call his Usako 'Usa'?!? He glowered, staring at the brick wall of the building across the street from he. He blinked in susprise when a steeltipped rose suddenly appeared in his hand. Mamoru smiled grimly. Yeah. Wonder what Usagi would do if I did? It was unlikly that any one unequipted with superhero powers could stand up to Tuxedo Kamen, and it would be so much fun to drive this guy's face into the dirt. Especially when all of his sences where identifing him as not a potiential threat, but a very real one. One who was after Usagi. He stood listening to their talk, but the rest of it seemed easier to bear. Usako was talking then about Rei, and Ami, and Makoto, and Minako, and Naru, and Hiaoko, and Umino, and Nadia, and-he lost tract. Aparently, so did Hitowa. 'Are you listening?' Mamoru snapped guiltily back to attention. 'You weren't! You were ignoring me!' 'Gomen, Usa-chan...Can you ever forgive me?' Kama-sama, who was this guy? It was bad enough that he would even dare to go _near_ her, but to _hold_ her as well?!? And the over blown acting had to stop. Mamoru narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. He wasn't a real big judge on ages, but this 'Hitowa' seemed to be a few years older then he himself. Which would make him perverted as well. That was good enough cause to go in there, wasn't it? He was interuppted by Usagi cry. 'Kamisama!!!! It's _9:45_?!? I'm dead! What am I gonna do?' Then the wails. Mamoru hid a smile. The way that she was crying now was certainly preferable to the tears that she had shed earlier. He listened then to the conversation that they were holding on getting her to school. Mamoru ducked back intot he shadows as Usagi stuck her head out of the alley. The voices became muted then, obscured by the brick wall between them. He was nearly discovered when the two darted out. Mamoru blinked. And then blinked again. Hitowa was _carrying_ her?!? Oh, this was too much. Way too much. He strode from the shadows, ready and willing to rip this 'Hitowa's' throat out. And stopped short as a vision of Serenity's death filled his mind. He could see her perectly, exqusit in her gossamer gown, her hair trailing down from her double buns, wriething fitfully against the sudden wind. The glow from the cresent moon on her forehead nearly blinded him, and the depth of her saphire eyes amazed him. He watched then, soundlessly screaming as she fell, buried in the depths of the catherdral. Chiba Mamoru was _not_ happy. 'I get the point.' he told the now silent voice. I'll leave her be. For now. But, he amended, that doesn't mean that this 'Hitowa' will be ignored!' Chiba Mamoru strode out of the shadows, looking entirely more upset then he had when he had entered them. Green blazer ruffling in the nonexistant wind, Mamoru placed a single red rose into his coat pocket. He then sighed lightly, and walked off down the street wondering what to do about Usagi and this newcomer that had so suddenly appeared. His eyes glittered in sharp contrast to the paleness of his skin as he broke into a run. **** From the Gate of Time, Setsuna noticed all of this and more. "I really don't want to do this. I mean, I _really_ don't want to do this." From behind her a voice spoke. "I know. I don't wish to either. But something happened, and we must protect the Princess." Setsuna sighed slightly. "Then why can't we just tell the Princess? Surely she'd be able to see that a prince of the Dark Moon is bad news. I mean, she's got to release that!" "Possably. But I doubt it. Sailormoon and I have clashed over this issue before...and she won then." Setsuna turned to the other and rolled her eyes at her. "She was right then, too." The figure shrugged. "Then. Saturn had not proven herself to be a menace then, either. Demondo certainly has." "Be that as it may, I truely think that if we were to inform her of what he has done to her in her Future, then it will all be well." "As I said before, it's possible, but unlikly. She never could see evil in another. No matter how horrible it is. Besides that, there is no 'we' in this. This is your first attempt at timehandling, and you must know how to use it. You must learn." Setsuna turned to her mentor. "Alright already, geez. You sound too much like Luna!" The figure stepped out of the shadows. She was tall, with dark skin and green hair. She was clad in a Sailorsenshi uniform, white with red bows and a green skirt. "You really must settle down, Setsuna-chan." "I know, Pluto-sensei. But I really don't like this." Sailorpluto laid a hand on her double's shoulder. "I know. Neither did I." **** Chiba Mamoru walked down the street, fuming. He was _not_ happy in the slightest over the lastest turn of events. Staying away from Usagi was one thing...Allowing her to run off with another man was quite another. His heart ached as he thought of the words that she had uttered less then three hours before. 'But Mamoru says that I'm weak, and a whiner, and that _no_ guy, 'specially not him would ever want me...' 'Usako, how wrong you are...' he thought then, changing his direction slightly. He had been wandering since he had left the two. Although he had lived in Tokyo for most if his life, Mamoru wan't quite certain of the area that he had come across. 'It's so barren...and bleak.' He grinned sardonicly. 'Fit's me perfectly!' He glanced around again at the void city street, adjusting his jacket collar as he did so. 'Gotten colder for some reason...' He looked at the faceless stores. A sudden fog swept across the lane, obscuring them. 'One of Mercury's?' he wondered wryly. Still, this didn't seem like a good time to be exploring. He walked over to where one of the stores had been. And didn't find it. The fog went on, well past the wall where it had stood not five minutes ago. Mamoru considered downsizing his day again. 'This is not good...' The fog went on for seeming miles. The sky above was lead and the earth was stone, and to all sides grey went out for eternity. Although his sences picked up no danger, Mamoru placed himself on full alert. 'And all the world is cloaked in this single glass ball...' Mamoru thought. Even the sounds of normal day Tokyo had ceased. ' Chiba Mamoru had never felt so alone in his life. Not even before, when his parents had died and his memories of them had vanished, or when the dreams had first began, warning him away from the only one he could love, totally and freely. Or during the nights when the nightmares returned of the Dark Kingdom and what he had done there. Never like this. Never alone like this. He hated it. And he determined to do something about it. "Alright you bastard, what the hell's going on?!?" The sound of footsteps emerged on the street. Mamoru spun in the direction of them. "Really, Endymion-sama, there's no need for such language here!" Out of the mists a figure emerged. Setsuna, cloaked in Pluto's guise stepped out of the shadows where she had been watching the dark man. "This is a place of peace," she added after a moments thought. 'How desicedly odd,' was her own private conversation. 'To meet the man that I've heard so much about. Finally, even if it is all wrong.' She took in his sapphire eyes and shared a grin with herself. 'Though I don't mind not having to wait!' Mamoru's reactions were somewhat different. The senshi looked younger then she should have been, though where he got the referance from he didn't know. Still, she was ageless. He could not have given her a number if she were to ask. 'She's beautiful...' His cheek quirked when he remembered the way she had brought here to--well, where ever here was. "Who are you?" He was rather proud of himself. His voice stayed even the whole three words of his sentence. The as yet unnamed senshi's eyes gave no clue. He found himself wondering what she was thinking. Her voice, when she found it, was clear and deep. "Herealded in by a New Age, I am the senshi of Mystery, Protectrite of Time, the Glorious Sailorpluto!" Mamoru blinked. 'She's worse then Usako!' "Come Endymion-sama, we have much to discuss." She walked towards him and took his arm. He pulled it away angerly. "And why should I go anywhere with you?" "Because," Setsuna said in the gravest of voices, (she was good at that actually...it was one of her favorites of the tricks that Pluto-sensei had taught her) She paused dramatically. She still hadn't rid herself of the habit yet, but they seemed to come naturally to her. "The Princess is in grave danger." Mamoru's whole visage changed in an instant. "What can I do?" ***** Princess Small Lady Serenity Usagi of Crystal Tokyo, Chibi-Usa to those in the 20th century, was dreaming. She was dreaming in Usagi's bed, which was bound to cause problems a few hours later, but for now the peace was kept. In her dream she was back home, in Crystal Tokyo. It was an odd dream in that she wasn't wandering aimlessly, as most dreams are wont to have you do. It was certainly strange, to be sure, but it wasn't the normal strangeness of a dream. She was walking down the hallway that lead to her room in the Palace when suddenly an older girl, tall, with flowing silver hair styled in round odango's passed her, jumping into Chibi-Usa's room. "Nani?" Chibi-Usa ran towards the chamber, staring in shock when she reached it. "Chibi-Usa-chan!" the girl yelled. "I told you, _stay_ _out_ _of_ _my_ _room!!!_" Chibi-Usa glanced around, looking for the comfurting presence of her toys, her stuffed animals, or at the very least her bed, or anything! but found nothing. Her room was completely changed. And the silver-haired girl was begining to get angry. "Chibi-Usa! Out, NOW!" This was too much. Eyes wide, Chibi-Usa backed up slightly towards the doorway. Her chin trembled slightly as she stared at the stranger in _her_ room. With out meaning to, she let a small whimper escape. "Now what?" The girl asked in exasperation. She turned around to look at the other. "Oh no, Chibi-Usa-chan, imotou, gomen, I didn't mean to yell at you...don't cry, okay?" 'Imotou?!?' Chibi-Usa lost it. Scrunching up her face, she let the pent'up energy wild. The moonbeam soared up from her forehead, covering the room with dark pink light. The wail realised with it pierced the air. "Usagi-chan!" This voice was familier. She let her crys damper off to soft sobs as her mother's hands reached for her. "Usagi...was your onee-san mean to you again?" She didn't care what name the girl went by or why okaa-san was calling her 'onee'. She nodded into her mother's shoulder. Neo-Queen Serenity glared at her oldest daughter. "Ginzai! What have I told you about picking on your imotou?" "Gomen nasai, okaa-san." Ginai said softly. Serenity nodded to her. "I think that you should stay in her for a while to think things over." "Hai, okaa-san." She inwardly seethed over the undeserved punishment. 'I wasn't even doing anything!' Serenity smiled softly before stepping out of the door. Still carrying the now silent Chibi-Usa, she walked towards her own chambers. "What was it?" A man's voice asked from behind her. Chibi-Usa strained to see who it was. The voice wasn't familier, not really. She might have heard it before, but...Where was otou-san? Serenity sighed. "Nothing really. Just a spat between sisters." "Another one? Those two never stop." "Maybe we should send one of them to the Past again. What would you think of that, Chibi-Usa-chan?" She started. Okoa had _never_ called her 'Chibi-Usa'. That was her 'past' name, not her 'now' name! "Momma?" she whimpered. Serenity smiled lightly at her. "You could see Usagi again, as well as the others. I know you've missed them." "Momma?" "Hai, Chibi-Usa-chan?" "Why aren't you calling me 'Small Lady', Momma?" Serenity looked puzzled. She looked up at the man hidden from Chibi-Usa's sight and frowned. "Because, dear...that's you're onee-san's name. You're Chibi-Usagi, my mesume, ne?" "Iyee, okoa-san! Watashi no nameu Small Lady desu!" Her mother bit her lip. "Iyee, Chibi-chan. Iyee. That's Ginzai's nickname. Ne, ?" "Hai, Serenity-chan. Chibi-Usa-chan, ne?" She started shaking. "I want otoa-san!" Serenity looked hurt. "Alright, Chibi-chan." She turned and handed her to the man. "Konnichi wa, Chibi-Usa-chan," he said, touching her face lightly. "Are you going to tell your otoa-san what's wrong?" Chibi-Usa looked at him and started screaming. ***** "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ***** Lights flashed on in the Tsukino household. The first being the one on Usagi's bedside table. "Iyee! Iyee! Watashi no namue Small Lady desu! Iyee!! Okoa-san!!!" Usagi looked over her shoulder at the squirming mass tangled in the blankets. 'Must have been a nightmare.' Chibi-Usa's face was streaked with tears, and her odangos had fallen out. Usagi was about to dismiss it and go back to sleep when she saw the tell-tale moon ensignia forming in the child's forehead. "Chibi-Usa! Wake up!" "Okoa-san!" Chibi-Usa ignored the call. The light was gathering faster to her brow. Usagi panicked. "Chibi-Usa! Onegai..." She reached over and pulled the struggling girl into her arms. "Wake up...Small Lady." ***** She was fighting, fighting against her false mother as she screamed for help. "Okoa! Onegai! Otou!" The fake Serenity was staring at her in puzzlment. "Chibi-Usa! Wake up!" Chibi-Usa ignored her. Okoa would never call her that! "Okoa-san!" Serenity looked sad now. "Chibi-Usa...onegai..." "Iyee!" Strong arms clamped around her. She struggled all the harder in their bonds, pulling, pulling, trying to get away.... "Wake up...Small Lady." "Nani? Okoa-san?" Chibi-Usa looked up. She saw her mother standing there, her _true_ mother. Neo-Queen Serenity stood in her pale white dress, looking for all the world like she wasn't actually encased in crystal in the 30th century. "Okoa-san? Is that you?" "Small Lady...wake up...You're dreaming, Small Lady." Chibi-Usa ran toward her, her legs going all they were worth. And then she was there, in her okoa-san's arms, holding her tight as she cried out. "Momma!" She looked up at her mother through her tears. Her form was blurry---was it changing? "Small Lady..." ***** Chibi-Usa opened her eyes and looked fuzzily up at upwords. "Nani? Usagi?" "Hai..." Usagi hesitated. "Small Lady?" Usagi had never seen a child turn so pale so fast. "Iyee! Wastashi wa Usagi!" "Sure, what ever you say, Chibi-Usa-chan." Usagi looked down at the kid in her arms consernidly. 'She hasn't even tried to pull away yet! That dream must have really shaken here up," "Chibi-Usa, doushitou?" "Hai, doushitou." "Chibi-Usa? What were you dreaming about?" Chibi-Usa looked up at her frowning. "None of your buisness, odango atama!" "Hmph! For one who was just calling me her 'okoa-san' you sure don't have a lot of respect!" Chibi-Usa blushed lightly. 'Oh no...I _didn't_ call Usagi 'okoa-san', did I? How embarrising...' Usagi smiled. "It's okay. But tell me, if you aren't Small Lady, why were you calling out that it was your name?" The smaller rabbit looked away. "Come on, Chibi-Usa-chan. You can trust me!" Silence. "Onegai?" "I can't tell you." "Why not?" "I promised!" Usagi looked at her 'cousin' thoughtfuly. "Then what was your dream about?" Chibi-Usa curled her arms around her knees. "I dreamt I was home again. At first I was so happy to be back, and I wanted to go see my room, and then there was this other girl there, and she was mean to me, and then she kicked me out of my room, and then she said that it was HER room, and she called me 'imotou', but I don't have a onee-san, and then Momma was there, and then she was holding me, and she yelled at the girl, but she called her my onee too, and then there was this other guy, and he was real bad, and then Momma wasn't Momma 'cause she called me "Chibi-Usa', but she _never_ calls me Chibi-Usa, 'cause that's my 'here' name, not my 'there' name, and then I started crying 'cause she wasn't okoa, and then I was running, and then my REAL okoa came and she called me Small Lady, so I knew it was her, and then just when I got to her, I...I...I woke up." Usagi sighed and pulled Chibi-Usa closer. "I can't do much, Chibi-Usa-chan, but I'll try to keep the nightmares away, okay?" Chibi-Usa normally would have pulled away immediatly and yelled at the older girl before storming off to her own room. However, it _was_ late, and Usagi was acting so much like okoa-san just then, and it was so warm, and...and...an---. "Chibi-Usa?" Usagi looked her charge. The seven year-old's face was relaxed in slumber. 'I don't know...' Usagi thought then continuing her inspection. 'She can be such a brat, but...still, she's close to me.' Pulling Chibi-Usa into her arms, Usagi switched off the light and fell back into sleep. ***** Author's Notes ***** Ummmm. Hi... You guys _do_ remember this story, don't you? Well, even if you don't this is part three. It's a bit unorthidox, I know. Namely in the matter that D/Hitowa is only mentioned in the third person. This might happen again, though most likely not to the scale of a whole part. There are just somethings that Hitowa doesn't see that we need to. Also. As I often say, I meant to have this out a long time ago. It was a really hard part, both to find out what was going to happen, and also to write it down. It's not my best, and it's rather short, but it's what I got, ne? I hope you liked it anyways. Part Four should be out the day after Crystal Tokyo falls, just to let you know. Or the day before eternity. Whichever is the latest one betwixt them. Part Four will however have D back! In first person, hopefully. This is looking to be six parter. Plus an epilogue. Oh, but as a plus, Part Four:Truth Unknown, will be out faster then these, because I actually have a plan on what's to happen with it. Which might be why the quality is bad with this one. I needed to get this done and out of the way and wrote enough to have a single chapter. Not a good stratigy, I know. However, in Part Four, I have an idea of what's to happen. Maybe not much of one, but still, it's there. Just wait. I'm so proud of myself! I finally wrote out a plan for this. Of all the chapters planned, my fave is turning out to be Part Six. Boy, is _that_ one going to cause problems! I won't say much, but it's certainly the one most off. Don't worry. I am really going to try to have this done before school starts, so you might have this before August is out! Good luck...grin. Oh, and if you get confused about the whole Pluto/Setsuna thing, e-mail me and I'll be glad to explain it to you. ------------ | TERMINOLOGY: | ------------ Iyee:no onegai:please arigatou:thank you Okoa-san:mother Otou-san:father imotou:little sister onee(san/chan):big sister Watashi wa Usagi!:I'm Usagi! Wastashi no nameu Small Lady desu!: My name's Small Lady! (husband): husband doushitou?: Are you alright? Hai, doushitou.:Yes, I'm fine. Any comments, questions, and grants are welcome at Dremdancer@hotmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~or~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at Aylith_tsuki@hotmail.com **(_)<---looks like a moon to me! C'est tout! Dremdancerchan