Little lost rabbit Part seven Sorry for a terribly long delay. Sailor Moon STILL does not belong to me. Too bad. Ikuko I would learn that; for, by the marks of sovereignty, knowledge, and reason, I should be false persuaded I had daughters. We'll no more meet, no more see one another: But yet thou art my flesh, my blood, my daughter; William Shakespeare KING LEAR Kenji POV: By ten in the morning I knew that this is going to be one of those days. When someone out there decides that you are the amusement of the moment and removes all traces of reason from around you. First, I almost overslept. The morning jog was a disaster: a downpour rain from a tiny cloud I did not even notice, then the dog on the corner, then the truck splashing me all over. I have no idea why Ikuko thought I do not have to be in the office early today, but she did not wake me up. And on my attempt to complain she immediately took the “I am just a little loving wife” pose. You know, “oh, dear, you are so exhausted lately, all this pressure… I thought you need a little more rest”. Right. I AM running like a mad dog lately, but only because I finally got the position SHE was dreaming about for me. I, personally, was happy to be an ordinary photo reporter. There were twenty like me in the paper, and if I needed a day off or did not like the assignment, well, I could ask Tanaka or Koshiro to fill in. Less pay, but we managed just fine before. With this promotion things are just too complicated. They expect me to hang with different crowd, no more beer with guys on Fridays. I knew that Koshiro was offended: he is two years my senior, and was working much longer in the company. Of course, he expected to be promoted first. If he would happen to be available to go to Northern Africa instead of me, he would be the one to take pics that increased our sales 25%. We all know it was the case of being in the right place at the right time. But since I was the lucky one, I’ve got all the credit, and it’s I who is paying for it now. Instead of the nice evening with guys in the bar, I am expected to go to the black tie dinner with snobs that look down at Ikuko and I. Now I am traitor in the eyes of Tanaka and Koshiro, and an upstart for the executive golden boys I am supposed to hang out with. I have tree times more work to do and no time to enjoy extra money I earn. Well, at least it is doing something good for girls. Ikuko seems perfectly natural with the new crowd, and boss’s wife loves her. She is happy I can take her out more often. That’s one thing I could never understand: why does she want to eat out at all? OK, no cooking, no dishes, right? But on the other hand, the amount of time she slaves by the mirror, and before that shopping… Honestly, I would rather make a three-course dinner than shop for hours in the row. But who am I to try to understand a woman, right? At least, she is way more reasonable than the most. Except for one thing. Usagi. You know what I mean. There is this female conspiracy. She lets our girl to do ANYTHING. Really. And I cannot say a word, under a threat to be proclaimed an overprotective tyrant and narrow- minded male chauvinist. For some reason they thing I have in mind to chain Usagi in her room until she is thirty. That’s ridiculous. I perfectly understand that she is sixteen, and sixteen years old girls do date. But you see, Usagi is… well, it is not just that she is MY girl. She is really special. You have seen her. I do not blame the guys for chasing her around. But it’s not just how beautiful she is. She has a heart of gold, and I will be damned if any scoundrel who is only after the looks will break it. But Ikuko does not understand. For her, Usagi can date anyone, as long as this is “romantic”. Great love, ha. They thing Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love. I am asking you, if you were the father, would you like your girl to have a love like that? To kill herself over the dead body of her lover? That’s senseless and shameful. You know what I think is a great love? I think it is to be able to live with the one you love all your life, to raise good kids together, and to be devoted to each other for years and years to come. Dying is easy, you try to live for your love. But women will never see it this way. Oh, well. I suppose, I should be fair. The guy Usagi is dating is not that bad. That’s just the problem. I cannot trust him. He seems too good to be true. And when something seems too good to be true, it probably is. He is too handsome, too polite, too successful, too affectionate to Usagi. I mean, there must be a catch. Believe it or not, it’s been two years he is hanging around her! Yes, since she was FOURTEEN! Do you see anything wrong with this picture? At first, I thought he was just out to woo a silly teenager, and if I will be firm, he will see that there is nothing for him here. No such luck. He is a persistent bastard. Every once in a while, I see him around Usagi. Now he is officially accepted in our family, Ikuko took him under her protection, and I can do nothing about it. Every week I see him at the dinner, across the table. Looking at me with his oh-so-honest blue eyes. It’s weird, how much self-assurance can be in a mere boy. He is hardly twenty, but I wish I could have such airs as this guy. You would think he is a prince and all around him is his property. In fact, I could use such airs right now. The big guy Godoshi is expecting me in his office for so-called “strategic meeting” right now. And I can not stand the bastard. Mister Godoshi office is huge. The man just loves to flaunt that he is an executive. I would be one too, if I were a nephew of the owner. The rat used to talks to me like he had never seen me before. Since my promotion he seems to pay me a little more attention then before, and I wish he did not. The man he notices is the first on the list to get in trouble. The wimp knows too well that his ability to run the paper is severely handicapped, and will. Not tolerate an able person anywhere near himself. “Welcome, Tsukino-san, right?” “Good morning, Executive director, sir” “I’ve heard a lot about your fine work in north Africa. Really good, Mr. Tsukino. I see you’ve got promoted on the basis of that your achievement” “I am doing my best on the new post, Executive director, sir” “Ah, but we expect more from you now” Here it goes. The backstabbing bastard “Well, you see, that fine material you’ve got for us in Sahara put us in a spot of great responsibility. We have to be the paper that in on the very frontier of the new about that avatar business. Since we were the only ones who was able to provide the pictures of the senshi and aliens for our readers, we have an obligation to keep them the best informed. But there was this complete disaster with that guy, the representative of the Earth, Prince… What’s his name? Oh, he was proclaimed king yesterday, you know? Oh, of course, you do. Well, where are the pictures from the coronation ceremony? I know, there was a very small one on the moon, and no humans, I mean, normal people were admitted. Still, we are expected to provide some information on the event. Why were you not on the moon? How could it be that they did not get you invitation to the moon, you are the one who took the first pictures?” the swine. Like he really does not remember the name of Endymion. Sitting here, in the office, when we are slaving in the field. I would like to look on your face if you would be standing in a few feet from that blacked armored guy and feel his power sizzling in the air. I still feel dizzy at the mere memory. I mean, the prince is the only defense we all have against entire Galaxy of advanced civilizations, and he dares to… Oh, well, why should I be so protective of the King. He can fend for himself very well indeed. If you will ask me, it was smartest thing in the world to swear allegiance to him. The guy has complete power over this planet, right? Yet he never demanded anything from us. Really, people behave like children. He needs our consent as he needs a rock in his boot. We need him, not the other way around. I noticed Godoshi was still expecting my reply. “I did not get the visa. My application was turned down by the security of the Moon Palace” “I do not believe the story about Sailor Jupiter specifically withdrawing you from the list. Do not overestimate your importance, Tsukino-san. People never remember the photographer. How can she possibly recognize the name of Tsukino in the list? Who is Tsukino? Mr. Nobody, this name can mean nothing to them. No, it’s an obvious conspiracy against out company.” “We did get Mr. Tanaka there, he is a good photographer and a loyal employee…” “Yes, yes. But he did not even get close to the main figures. The so- called king is as elusive as a ghost, and there is not a single new picture of him in the papers since that last ones that you took. The princess is also hiding, but at this moment she is not quite as big news as the king. I understand, it was a necessary political measure to accept him as a formal ruler, but what an outrage! Anyhow, the information was sent to us that the king removed back to earth, so your task is to interview him and bring as many pictures as you can” “I apologize, did I understand you correctly? You want ME to interview His Majesty? Where in the world will I find him? And is not it rather insubordinate? The top reporters of the world were refused a chance of interview, and you think that a photographer can get it? I did do some interviews, but nothing anywhere near that level…” “But, you see, Mr. Tsukino, you do not have much choice. I could not possibly tolerate that our paper will lose face in front of others, everybody knows that your name was taken off the list of admissions. We can not even claim that you were declared persona non grata because you are some dirty paparazzi” Thank you, you son of a bitch “I had to come up with some justification. We have brainstormed it and decided that for all PR you will our inside man with Avatars. That will explain why you can not work on the Moon: it would compromise your integrity as personal friend of the King. Clever, isn’t it? Now all we have to do is interview YOU" “Me?! but I do not know anything” “Well, yes. But that’s your job to get to know. I do not care how you do that, but you better start thinking real fast. Because as from today, you see, you are no longer officially employed with us. You are our outside consultant in the matters of Avatars. Your commissions will be quite generous, I dare say. It will make up to you in leaving the job. BUT: no information, no pay. And no benefits either” Oh, god. This bastard is saving his own neck by sticking mine out. That’s the nicest set-up I’ve seen in a long time. If I do not get anything, it’s not his fault. If Avatars will be unhappy with the materials I provide, I am the only one responsible. But if I actually get anything, he will rake all the credit, and I will have to step aside and play a two-timer who have sold his “friends” senshi to the press. Of course, the only right move will be to through this dirty deal back in his teeth. But Ikuko is so happy with the rise I just got... There should be another way… say, if I am no longer working for this dirty rag, I can try some other paper, after all the noise my pics did in the press they should be more than happy to get me… Only to play the same trick on me as soon as the opportunity will present itself… And I like guys here. Tanaka, Koshiro, the old man in the proofing… wait, may be we can yet turn the tables on the bastard. Let’s see… Tanaka always say I will never make a good poker player because I can not bluff, but for this occasion I will do my best. “I am sorry, but I will have to decline. I will submit my resignation this afternoon..” His smug face fills with revolting leer - he had expected that. Do not get too happy yet, you SOB. “There are things that I simply can not afford to do. I know the power we are up against better than anyone” His glossy snout seems instantly more alert “Tsukino, you have some leads? And you did not inform us?” “Reporters are expected to keep the secret sources secret, Mr. Executive director, sir. If you see it contradicts the paper policy in this case, my resignation should solve the problem”. “And send you directly to our competitors. You have signed a paper that no IP acquired on this job will ever be available to other publications. We will sue your pants off!” “I do not think I will need to go to your competitors, Mr. Executive director, sir. I am thinking of complete change of the career lately” “you’ve got some other offers?” “I would prefer not to answer this question, Mr. Executive director, sir.” “Since when?” “For some weeks” “Since Sahara, then?” he got it all. The line and the sinker. Boy, will ever Tanaka be proud of me. “you better be careful. You may be made friends with these girls in short skirts, but still have lots of influence around here” Now, it’s time. I grin sweetly, first time since the beginning of our “conversation” “You have some nerve, Tsukino” He is getting edgy. Time for a counterattack “I do not think the Avatars like to be called that. And His Magesty might be displeased if he knew how you referred to him and his coronation.” “Why would he believe YOU, provided you will get close enough to him to tell?” “I already was close enough, more than once, as you remember. And I do not think I will have to try too hard” “You are bluffing, Tsukino” “Am I? Then there is nothing for you to be afraid of” “Look, you do not have to get all uptight. If you have a lead, we can work on it. You get the info, I will take care of your employment status” “IF I am still employed” “As long as you bring the goods” “Same salary. And office with the window” “You DO have something” Well, at the end he's got what he wanted. I did win in the since that he did not actually fire me. Or, as he nicely puts it "made an outside consultant". Small blessings. In return, I had to agree to get an exclusive from the King. Plus, I had to dig some dirt on those abusive parents of the princess the Council was talking about. And God help me, I had no idea how I will ever be able to manage that. So the remaining on the job was actually a grace period. The smug swine was simply delaying firing me. I was going home somewhat perplexed. From the news update I learned that the Prince had won the tournament and departed to earth on somewhat short notice. No further information on his whereabouts and means he became a winner were available. Ikuko met me as cheerfully as ever, though somewhat in her expression spoke of exhaustion and, strangely, amusement, like there was something she could not wait to tell me. Well, I had some news of my own. She picked up that something is troubling me in an instant. “Something happened, dear?” “You could say that.” “Trouble at work? They did not like your last material?” “Oh, they loved it. It’s the new assignment that bothers me” “What is it? Can you refuse it?” “No, I can not. Godoshi threatens to fire me on the spot if I would not do it” “The bastard. You made this paper the best read in the country, and he threatens to fire you? There are dozens of agencies that will be more than happy to have you now” “He has enough influence to change their minds. No, there is no way out of it, and I have no idea how to get about it” “What does he want?” No I am really pissed. At myself, at Ikuko, at Godoshi, at the King himself. I know it’s not reasonable, but reason can not be demanded from me alone if everybody else disregard it when they please. “Remember that earth prince fellow? The one who clamed that he is the reincarnated Avatar of the earth? You know what they did? They proclaimed him a king! Can you believe that? Just because of some bunch of aliens they declared the young jackass a king!” “Yes, he told me” She is clearly amused. In couple of seconds I finally react “HE told you? Who do you mean “he”?” “His Majesty, king Endymion” “Where did you see him?” “Right here, dear. He came visiting last night with senshi” “Ikuko, are you feeling all right?” “Do not worry, dear, it’s OK. We had a great time. He is a really nice young man, I could never understand what you have against him.” “Sweetheart, you are not making any sense. I… against? I’d never… he? Here?” “Of course. Come in, the neighbors are starting to listen to you. I will tell you everything. Just take it easy, I am not crazy, I will show you some pictures Venus took.” I guess I should humor her. Whatever came over Ikuko, she seemed dead serious. Pictures? Of the King? Taken by Venus? That was way beyond weird. Out comes the old photo album. Oh, god. It is all so obvious on the pictures. Avatars and their princess doing homework, eating ice cream. Familiar girls in famous warrior uniform and in civilian dresses smile from every page. His Majesty in his royal garb watching news on TV in our sitting room, with a cup of coffee. Her Royal Highness with her feline advisor, with her court, with her earth parents. “You mean Usagi?” “Yes, dear, she is the princess” sense of reality departed from me long ago, so I just let myself to float with the current. “Than I can interview her par… Oh, my God. WE ARE the parents… No. This is not happening. Tell me it is not real…” Ikuko is all sweetness and care. She tells me about Usagi, her lineage from the moon, her umm, multiple personality trouble and how they got over that. With Ikuko’s help, no less. Gee, Godoshi really did not know who he was talking to. A nice cup of tea, a little TLC and I will be just fine. I hope. There are still occasional outbursts: “Oh, Ikuko, do you know what our life will be like from now? Paparazzi will hunt us down” “but the king said…” “I know what he said! Look, he is there - on the Moon, or on top of the lamp post, or surrounded by senshi! No reporter will ever get to him! And if one will dare, he has his roses, his Tuxedo la bombs, or whatever… And I, on the other hand! The paper would not even have to look for me! I will come to THEM! What can I do, I work there! Oh, lord! They gave me assignment to interview myself already! Just peachy.” “do not work yourself up so much, dear. Let me draw a bath for you, you will relax a little and feel much better by dinner time. We have guests for dinner tonight” “Guests? Now?” “Yes, dear, stop repeating my words. Usagi is bringing the gang in for dinner tonight” “Oh, that’s alright. I am too stressed to see anyone… Wait, Usagi? What gang?” “Well, Mamoru and girls, of course. Did not you want to interview them, dear?” Cute. Funny. You noticed it was funny? Good. She had a little more time to adjust to the idea that the most sought after royalty can easily drop in for dinner, but I am still stupefied. Usagi? Princess? How can it be? She is my daughter, isn’t she? I was surprised to find how little it affected me, I mean, finding that my girl is the most famous princess and the most feared warrior in the world. Oh, I was bewildered, all right. But if you would ask me how I felt about her fame… You can not possibly exceed father’s expectation. I knew, like any other Dad, that my child was special, and it was up to the rest of the world to understand it. The guys who scream finding that they won a lottery are just pretending. Normal person would just say “cool” or something like that. I am getting sidetracked. Anyway, the while gang came for dinner that night. Ikuko decided that the best way to treat the princess is like nothing had changed. She made her help with setting the table, sent her for napkins, and told her to wipe up some juice Minako had spilled. Poor princess! She was so scared, so grateful for every little thing we asked her, like she felt that she does not belong here. At ten I startled everybody by sending her to bed. Can you believe, they did not think I would let her stay here! Honestly! Silly kids… Well, she went upstairs obediently. I stayed a little longer with her friends, asking millions of questions. Mamoru was silent most of the time. So, this is the cursed “abuser of the minors” that Council talked about. Let me take a good look at you. Prince, eh? So this is what you were hiding behind that polite demeanor of yours. Hmm, looks like a nice young man to me. That is, as long as you treat Usagi right. You say, engaged to her for over thousand years? Boy, you are a patient one. I was beside myself afraid Ikuko will change her mind for four months WE were engaged. Thousand years, sheesh. I knew that deep inside I had always liked him. I was sure he would never harm my little girl, no matter what the Council said about him. Wait a sec! He was not the only one blamed for mistreating the Princess! The “evil forster parents” who “did not provide magic necessities and proper servants” are we! Ikuko and I are the most hated child abusers in the galaxy! Who would think! It hit me harder than I expected. After exercising my wit at Mamoru’s expense, you would think I would take all the accusations in my address with a grain of salt. Damn, it did sting like hell. Mamoru was sensitive enough to comfort us in our emotional turmoil. Indeed, misery loves company! So, while all-powerful avatars of the solar system fought for the last cookie in the living room, we, the fellow criminals, retired to the kitchen, where his Royal Highness helped us with the dishes. After our guests had departed, I stayed for a little bit longer in the living room. It was a busy day, and I needed to reflect a little before I could possibly think about sleeping. The soft noise behind me got my attention. Usagi’s cat came from behind the arm-chair. Guardian, eh? “Luna?” “Yes, Tsukino-san” That voice! I know that voice! I heard it many times from Usagi's room. How in the world I could convince myself that this motherly voice was radio? Hmm, let me have a look at you. My girl favorite pet talks. And how! “So you are the one who got my daughter in all this mess?” “It was her destiny, Tsukino-san” “Destiny… Did not you say today that destiny is what we make of it?” “Could you forgive me? For putting Usagi through all this?” "Luna? Is it true?" The cat looked quite miserable. "Well, yes." "Who exactly are you, Luna? And what is the story with my daughter?" And when this cat talks, she takes her time. That was how I first learn the famous story of a moon princess. You all know it, read about it and saw movies about it, so there is no reason for me to repeat the whole thing. I forgot all about the weirdness of talking to the cat. It was a friend, a mature woman who loved my girl almost as much as Ikuko and I did. There was a strong bond of care between us, we understood each other so well... My worries, my fear, my pride, my wish to help were reflected wholly in the red feline eyes. But there was something else... Shyness? No... More like guilt... There is something she is hiding. Not only from me... "Luna?" "Yes?" "How come you sent her into the first battle without even telling her how to fight?" she looks pretty much like a proverbial guilty cat. "Oh... There was no time. I had my duty, to protect the Princess at all costs... Even at the cost of the life of the senshi…” “But, Luna, she IS the princess…” “I did not remember, then. I just found her that day, the very same day the first attack came. I was looking for senshi, and I sensed power from Usagi… I was not sure, it was different from what I expected. And I did not remember Sailor Moon in the Silver Millennium. So I assumed that she was not a very important one... She was the only senshi there. I did not see any other choice! All I knew at that time was that someone with magical powers is attacking, and that in the fight senshi should recall the forgotten fighting skills." "Why did not she?" "Because she did not have any... Other senshi were trained for centuries to achieve the perfection in mastering the energy of their planets. The power of the princess is in her pure heart, not in the weapons... There is no forgiveness for me! I’ve sent a child to a sure death! But I did not know, I did not know!" "Luna?" "Ah?" "She is all right, she survived; she is stronger than she looks; and she would forgive you" "I know she will... I saw her forgiving her worst enemies. She forgave those that have destroyed her world and killed all her loved ones... But shell I ever forgive myself? Or would you?" "I can see that you love her... I know you did not mean to harm my girl. But… Why did you do it to my baby? You were sent to protect her… Why did not you recognize your princess? What did she have to go through… My poor little girl… No. You are not to blame, I am. I should have seen her pain, I am her father. I guess, Queen Serenity did not do much of a job selecting two of us to trust her daughter with." “You did not know, you have nothing to blame yourself for” “Sounds like you knew just as little as I did, Luna. No point pounding it now. We have more important work to do. Tomorrow is a big day” “Yes, I will have to go soon… Your place is with your family, Kenji…Ikuko… " “I thought it was a secret, why did you tell us about Usagi and others?” “I no longer see any reason for secrecy. They depart tomorrow, and we can only pray about our own survival. The love so powerful and so long denied can destroy or save us. The Avatars will combine their powers to protect the mortals. The only way to do so for them is to put everyone’s body in the frozen sleep, while pooling the souls in the single plane of consciousness. If senshi will be able to complete their mission, the secrets will no longer exist, any secrets. The only chance we have is to unite all minds in one, and to pour all love of our hearts in the single passion akin to the one that may be too much for this world. Only than we might be able to balance the force that threatens our existence.” “You mean that we will all share the same knowledge? The magic will be known to all, and all the scientific information too? “Aw, it will be available, yes, but not permanently. If we will survive, after the separation of minds they will be able to keep just so much… Let me put it this way: all the information in Tokyo Public Library is available to anybody willing to get it, and it is more than enough to make a professional in many fields. But people do not storm it to become well-paid doctors or lawyers, do they?” Talking to Luna seems so natural for me now. Just to think, this morning it would seem a cue to call men in white with the straight jacket… No, I will not go to bed tonight. “It will be all right, Luna, you will see… See you tomorrow!” “Yes… If there will be a tomorrow…” scaredy cat. In the face of imminent danger we are facing now, does it matter much? Our girl is still the same precious baby we always knew, regardless of the secrets she was hiding from us for our own protection. I spent night in the sitting room, thinking, remembering. I knew Ikuko did not sleep either, I have heard her crying in the bedroom. But she never came to me, not wanting me to see her anguish.. Dear girl, for so long my best friend… Whatever is coming tomorrow, you are the one thing in this life I am grateful for. You and what you brought me with you. Early in the morning Ikuko looked as fresh and radiant as if she slept the night away without anything in the world to trouble her. She made us all a great breakfast, chatted with Luna like she was her life- long friend, and made sure that Usagi’s pigtails are straight. My poor little princess looked pale but composed. She was to meet senshi and Endymion for the last time on the temple grounds. I volunteered to drive them, unable to stay away from my little girl, may be the last time I see her. Well, DRIVING to the temple was a more complicated task than I initially thought. Four blocks from the Cherry Hill the streets were packed with the crowd held back by police. There was no way to get in or out, in the vehicle or on foot. I stopped at the sign of the policeman, not sure what to do: no way I will let my girl out in the middle of this mob. But she MUST get to the temple! As it happened, I did not have to worry. Luna leaned to Usagi’s girlish little watch, and pressed some pink button. A concerned voice of Ami, um, Mercury, came from the small device. “Princess? Oh, Luna? Where are you?” “We are in the Tsukino’s car on the fourth street. The crowd and police are blocking us from getting any closer” “In a minute, Luna” “ It was much less than a minute, in fact. Feminine voice rang the orders, and people scattered away from the double Venus-love-me-chains that slashed through the air. Two golden lines formed a wide passage from the temple to my car, effectively keeping the crowd out of our way. The girl is missing a great career in traffic control. I turned the key in the ignition again, and started cautiously down the passage. Photoflashes sparkled from both sides of the car, and I caught myself feeling guilty I am not snapping away at my own old family vehicle. For a brief moment I saw Koshiro starring straight in my face, disbelieving. I guess the word was out that the princess is arriving in that beaten up lemon I was driving. Gidoshi will have a heart attack when he will hear about it. That’s if we will survive today on the first place. There was no people on the grounds themselves. That’s no mortal people, other than Ikuko and I. But it was crowded more than during most popular Shinto celebrations. The familiar from TV faces of Avatar’s Council were bowed in respect to the girl I called my daughter for so long. The King himself came to open the car door for her, in his black armor. She stepped out of the car in her pink jacket and jeans, but as she touched his hand her there was a swirl of white feathers from her neck down to the ground, leaving her in the same dress I saw in the desert. "My god..." "What, Luna?" "I had never seen anything like that... Their aura... It is incredible!" “What does it mean?” “This is the fulfillment of the Prophesy… The union of the two who will rein the earth and who were husband and wife from the moment they were created.” “Married? Already?” Ikuko valiantly hid her fear under the thin crust of witty chatter. “What, no wedding guests? Well, I suppose the entire world was invited in their last little party with fancy works… Too bad, I was planning to use Usagi’s wedding as an excuse to buy that dress…” “Ha, you are funny. I do not think that as a queen mother you will experience any shortage of fine clothing. You would rather need an occasion to wear something less glamorous. Besides, they might want to renew their vows…” “I doubt that. Even if they would, do you really thing they will be able to find a spiritual authority that will dare to perform the ceremony? After all, it is the profanity of the worst kind: Lord Himself already united them, who is here to challenge his work?” “True. Even though they had never consummated their marriage until the Apocalypse." "You mean, they never before... I thought... They were so close" Did you ever see a black cat blush? "Oh, come on, Luna. You should not pretend with me. We both are women and know a thing or two about life.” How could women talk like this in the most serious moments? I felt my face is getting red with embarrassment if someone will chance to hear it. "Well, if you put it this way... Yes, I am pretty sure they were, but neither of them was whole at a time. The were lovers back in the Silver Millennium, but it did not count either." "Hmm, it looks like it was hard to detain this two much longer" "Oh, Ikuko, how can you, she is your daughter!" "You said they are married, did you not? Besides, if I did not know anything about sex, I would not be her Mom on the first place.” You know, with the wife like Ikuko I am surprised our kids have any moral principles at all. “By the way, being a Mom of Eve makes my family tree a little crooked, don't you think?" "Hmm. It appears that you do have a major loop here. Wait a minute. Look" Both King and Usagi seemed very little concerned with the crowd and all the attention they were getting. My intended son-in-low (forgive me, but when you learn that someone has half a dozen names, you would get confused enough to not to know how to call him) finally took, or should I say, dragged his eyes from my girl and addressed the Council. "My children" He had no chance to continue. The Council began to kneel row after row, stopping him and confusing Usagi with the noise they were making. Now, should I kneel myself? They are royalty, after all. The President of the Council crept forward and began to speak in rushed Galactic. "Luna, what is going on?" "He is trying to cover his butt" "Luna!!!" "Oops, sorry. His Excellency is expressing his deep regret on the occasion of the misunderstanding that took place a while ago. He is begging a forgiveness of Their Majesties in his own name and the name of the Council. He claims as an excuse that the identity and auras of the great Eternal Ancestors were hidden." "Who are Eternal Ancestors?" "Why, Usagi and Mamoru are. Their real names are Life and Earth, or in one of ancient languages Adam and Eve." "Oh, that. I did not realize that the population of the other planets decent from them too." "In a way, they are parents of all mortal and immortal beings, on the earth and elsewhere. Though, directly each of them had only created four absolute senshi, and together they brought to existence the Cauldron, the birthplace of avatars.” “What are they doing now?” “It seems that the king had accepted the apology and is retiring with the princess" “In the temple? Should we follow?” “I do not think so. Senshi had sealed the entrance behind them. What? They left me behind too? Did the Artemis get in?” The doors parted to let out a small white cat, which looked VERY unhappy about that. “Artemis!” Luna jumped from the Ikuko’s hands and rushed toward the new feline arrival. “Kenji?” “Yes, Ikuko?” “May be we should go home, dear. They will not be coming out again. Let’s go. The time we still have, we better spend with Shingo and each other. Usagi is gone, Kenji” And I knew it. Whatever illusion of normality we strived to maintain since yesterday night, it was gone now. We were left, two orphaned souls in the world on the brink of doom, and a few hours together was all we had left. Oh, Usagi… __________________________________________________________________ OK. Done it. E-mail is good. I love E-mail. After all, it was Jordan who finally awakened the little shame I still have and made me finish this part. Next chapter should be short but eventful. Ikuko