Rating: PG 13 Genre: Romance Webpage: http://www.utopiandream.cjb.net Illusive Angel Cherrymable@hotmail.com --------------------- Days Like These --------------------- His day was gradually becoming worse by the minute and he couldn’t seem to figure out why? Darien trudged down the pavement gloomily, failing to gather his daily kick from displaying his usual proud stance, similar to that of a peacock. Instead, in his place was a dejected man in a seemingly sorry state for himself. People walking past glanced at him confusedly. What could he possibly in such a glum mood about? It seemed that the man had everything spanning from looks to taste. He absentmindedly bumped into a middle-aged man, who had continued, muttering about “today’s ungrateful generation”. Darien, in turn, was about to give the man a good piece of his mind, but held his anger in check. The poor man was probably having just as a bad day as he were and he couldn’t possibly understand what his day had been like- Maybe it was because it seemed to have been daylight saving and he failed to notice the night before during the news, because he was busy typing up an assignment for physics? Maybe it was because, once his clock radio had woken him up this morning with the news presenter, finally and too chirpily announcing this vital piece of information to him? Perhaps it was because he had failed to down his breakfast and most importantly, coffee in 15 minutes, which allowed him exactly 40 to get prepared and walk down the street to be bowled over by his blond sweetheart? That fact managed to steep him in greater misery than humanly possible, causing an even grimmer expression on his handsome face. Or maybe because he had turned up to his physics lecture late and missed half the notes, which were required for another project and failed to hand in his assignment which he had slaved over the night before because he was running out the door in a frenzy? Or even……? If he were to think about today’s harrowing events even more, he was sure that his brain would positively explode with all the misery which he had suffered today. Not mentioning that he had also missed his shift today at work, while trying to copy down notes from a fellow student. . . Darien looked up to the structure which his feet had thankfully taken him. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to walk into the Arcade. Maybe Andrew’s cheerfulness would rub off on him today, while scoring some free coffee in the while. Once he entered the building, he heard the familiar sound of the bell, but again managed to overlook the speculative gazes of many females occupying booths and stools. Their eyes lit up with the prospect of consoling him, because today he seemed to be in such a bad mood and it would probably be easier to get on his good side. They scampered to sit next to him in a fake attempt to order, while he sat in his usual spot on the stools. Why bother to even look around for her today? He wouldn’t be in very good assault mood, anyway. . . but just to check. His eyes roamed the booths, but failed to see any golden head. A sigh escaped his lips, they weren’t in their usual booth. Andrew turned around from chatting to another customer and prepared his usual greeting for Darien, who today seemed to have been 10 minutes late. A fact not lost on him. But was quite amused when a stampede of girls seemed to be fighting for a position on the stools. He was 99% sure that they were not there when he had his back turned. His gaze landed on a dejected ‘Best friend’ who was gradually becoming more irritated with the overzealous attention from the hordes of females. Uh-oh, looks like someone’s not too happy today. His fan club didn’t normally annoy the ‘ever-cool’ legacy. It seemed that today, they grated on his nerves more than usual. He quickly prepared Darien's usual decaffeinated and placed the jug under his nose. Darien looked up with ‘thanks’ written all over his eyes but also indication of a storm brewing within the depths. No doubt it was due to all the girls which were hanging on to him like monkeys at a zoo. ‘Darien, are you feeling OK today?’ He asked quietly as he was leaning down on the bench. The girls surrounding the poor chap listened with much interest and grabbed at the chance to offer condolences ‘Maybe you should go home?’ ‘Yes, do you want me to drive you?’ ‘Do you want to lie down for a while?’ ‘Yes, you don’t look to well. . .’ With that comment, a round of ‘oh you poor thing’ and ‘Do you need anything done?’ was repeated. Darien sank lower in his stool giving him the ‘I want to be anywhere else but here’ look. Andrew gave them a friendly warning glance and the girls seemed to get the message that he wanted to talk with Darien alone. They sighed and separated from the one group to return to their booths. “Thanks, Drew. Came a little late though, don’t you think?” “Hey, you’re lucky I saved your sorry ass at all! So what’s bugging the un-buggable Darien today?” Andrew asked. “You don’t even want to know. I could sit here all day and moon over it with you. Let’s just say . . . It was a bad day.” He concluded, while guzzling down another mug of coffee. ************************************ Her blue eyes seemed to rest on his figure almost automatically when she exited from the washroom. Her eyes traced over the familiar musculature unconsciously, and sighed. The khakis and navy T-shirt complimented him flawlessly in every way. But hey, didn’t everything look good on him? He was almost too perfect for the human eye. Anyway, who could miss the flock of females cooing over the one person who seemed to least desire the attention? His stormy eyes seemed more concentrated on gulping down that beloved black liquid of his, more than anything else. She smiled to herself. He seemed to be in a horrible mood today and hoped that he was ok. She weaved her way around the crowd into her booth in the corner with her friends. Today they had chosen a booth tucked away in the side, not their normal, but just something different. Once she had sat down again and nonchalantly picked up her straw to her vanilla malt, she felt the eyes of more than one on her. She looked around the booth and found four different pairs, which were arrested on her figure. She looked down at her shirt and expected to see a stain. No luck there. Her hair? No, she just checked that. Her face? Impossible, even for her in such a short time. “What?” she asked. Exasperated with trying to figure out what they were all looking so innocently at her for? Mina piped up first, giddy at the prospect of something unknown, which meant that it did not bode well. Especially when she seemed so excited about something in particular. Serena once again, began sipping on the vanilla malt and shrugged. She hoped that she hadn’t forgotten anything of critical importance. “Serena, remember last night’s slumber party?” Mina almost sang. How could she forget? The five of them had caused such a ruckus at Raye’s house, that her grandfather had demanded compensation money for putting up with such hooligans. She snickered to herself at Chad’s futile attempts at cleaning up after each destination they had shifted through, but ended up again at one which he had just cleaned. “ - remember truth or dare?” Raye’s cutting voice came through her thoughts. Her eyes collided with that of Ami’s which also seemed suspiciously eager. Truth or dare? Did she remember truth or dare? They had played lots of games last night like Pictionary and Twister, but did they play truth or dare? She sipped absentmindedly. After they had watched movies they had told ghost stories then. . . Yes, truth or dare! What had happened again? She couldn’t quite recall. Mina was made to eat a concoction of honey, Soy sauce, milk and Tabasco. She spent the remainder of the night fluctuating between pale and green. She shuddered with the thought. Lita had to call up an old boyfriend and profess her love to him over the phone, whom had promptly hung up in her ear after they had all cracked up laughing too loudly. Raye had to walk down the street in some bizarre outfit of thermals, ear muffs, cape and leg-warmers. She had gathered a few catcalls and hoots, much to her amusement. Ami was forced to go outside and shout ‘I am the king of the world’ at the top of her voice, which was pretty hilarious, if it weren’t for the neighbors swearing back incoherently. This resulted in a red faced Ami returning sheepishly. Now what was her own dare……? She strained her brain to recall but couldn’t quite grasp the memory of what they had dared her to do. Her puzzled glance indicated to them that she had forgotten, truly, and they all stared back with a wicked gleam. Oh, that look couldn’t possibly be good for her health or her mental stability. She waited with abated breath at the knowledge of discovering her dare. She hoped it wouldn’t be anything too embarrassing. . . . . “You’re going to kiss, Darien.” They all replied simultaneously. Her face paled instantaneously to the color of paste white and her throat constricted tightly. So there was her dare? The ‘ultimate’ of embarrassing dares. “Huh?” she responded dumbly. Serena almost choked on her straw and began sipping at world record speed. Was it just her, or was the room becoming mighty stuffy? Now she remembered. Last night, they had dared her to go over to Darien's apartment in the middle of the night, which seemed overly suspicious, even to her own gullible ears. She had outright refused and they threatened that if she didn’t, they would make her kiss him. She had chuckled to herself at that exact moment, believing that they would easily forget by the next day - just her luck that they hadn’t. A dare was a dare and she knew that she couldn’t back out of this one, but it didn’t make it any easier. Judging by the looks on her friend’s faces, little could be done on her part to even try and convince them of her case. It seemed that they wanted her to suffer more than she wanted the suffering herself…not that she would exactly call it suffering, more embarrassment rather than anything else. It just seemed ridiculous, she had barely ever done anything this outrageous, but here she was. She could almost picture the imaginary Darien with a stunned look on his face, shoving her roughly aside and demanding ‘What the hell was going on?’ and stating that he already had a devoted girlfriend which was some type of model or other. Who would at that exact moment come floating through, looking like a million dollars and leaning in for a passionate kiss with the man of her dreams. She glanced over to Darien. There were still girl milling about his presence, talking quite loudly in order to gain attention. He and Andrew didn’t seem to notice one bit. Her own concentration returned to her friends, which all seemed ready for action. Action which she herself, was to cause. Oh, brother. There really was no way which she could get out of this one, was there? “So . . . who agrees that Serena should pash Darien for 30 seconds? Say I.” Lita volunteered cheerfully. A round of “I’s” could be clearly heard within the vicinity of the booth and Serena squirmed, visibly uncomfortable with the situation. So much for friends! “But, guys!” She whined. “That wasn’t apart of the dare last night.” “Yes Serena, but technically, ‘last night’ is not ‘now’ and the inference is that we should be able to compromise further with your dare, this due to the fact that you did not complete the task at the set time.” Ami added. “Besides.” She shrugged. “It seems only fair.” Serena gaped open-mouthed at her quiet friend. She personally thought, that Ami of all people would least encourage this ludicrous mission, which Lita seemed to have gotten into their heads. She scrunched up her nose. Well, at least she wouldn’t have to do it in front of the Arcade or anything. They didn’t specify that they’d actually want to see it. She smiled secretly. Yes, all she had to do, was pull him away and pretend to kiss him when in actual fact they would just be talking! “Oh and don’t get any funny ideas, Serena. We actually WANT to see that you kiss the guy. Do it in front of the arcade.” Raye stated smugly. Serena gritted her teeth. Well there went her brilliant planning with Raye's stupid common sense. “No….we shouldn’t do that.” Mina shook her head for emphasis. Serena smiled triumphantly, maybe someone was to pity her after all! “They should stand right there!” Mina excitedly exclaimed while jabbing her finger at the pane of glass, just beside their booth. Many shoppers and pedestrians frequented the footpath outside and Serena cringed with the thought of kissing in a place so public. The spot Mina had pointed out, was even worse than at the doors of the arcade! A round of nods and “yes’s” indicated the approving numbers, which came to a grand total of four. Serena muttered darkly, reminding herself to never ever think of taking the ‘dare’ anymore in the stupid game. ***************** A tap on his shoulder brought him out of his reverie in dream - land. This had better be good or else he would be yelling the socks off some annoying person. He swung around in the swivel stool and his steady gaze met those of sky-blue. Serena! A smile unconsciously touched his lips, by merely being in the presence of her. A beam of sunlight shot through his gray clouds and he couldn’t help but feel lighter. She stood tantalizingly close, so that he had to hold himself from grabbing her by the waist and hauling her against him for an embrace. Excitement of seeing her was just the tip of the iceberg, apart from his other feelings. His mind whirred with a hundred questions as to why she wanted to talk to him of all people. His brightening mood left him unnoticing of her rising discomfort and nervousness. The scent of jasmine and vanilla almost instantly brought him into a state of euphoria. Just standing next to her brought therapeutic relief to his senses, even better than a massage. She fiddled with her silver bracelet apprehensively, noting the dazed look in his eyes with amazement. Darien was almost never ‘out of it’ and usually sharp as a nail. She felt horribly guilty taking advantage of him in such a state, but as she looked over to her friends in the red vinyl booth, she knew that she was trapped. She would never forgive Lita for shoving her out of the booth and promptly stealing her spot. Indicating towards her, that she needed to fill up her empty milkshake glass. She had left, growling her contempt. They smiled and gestured their encouragement, but it didn’t seem to lessen the pounding in her heart. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for the inevitable. “How’s it going, Serena?” He drawled softly. She almost jumped at the sound of his voice and stuffed her trembling hands into the pockets of her dark jeans. She wasn’t prepared for him to notice her, much less talk to her. What bothered her most was that, today there was something different about him-he seemed almost glad to see her. They had always begun with mockery of some sort. He eyed her suspiciously and a growing sense of helplessness descended upon him. Serena stood almost starkly next to him and he was desperate for some type of response. Maybe a little goading would gather a reaction from her. He prepared himself for a usual caustic comment, but was promptly cut off by her stiff voice. “We need to talk.” She hurriedly grabbed his arm tightly, seemingly afraid that he would run-away. He threw a backward glance at Andrew, who had shrugged in frank confusion. He stared quizzically at the golden head which seemed intent on dragging him outside of the arcade. What had he done now? The last time they had met, nothing out of the ordinary had occurred – maybe he had just gone a little too far this time? Maybe she wanted him to stop teasing her? Or worse - What happens if she never wanted to see him again? They stopped outside one of the windows of the arcade. As he scanned the area, he realised it was a fairly public place and that Serena's friends seemed to be glancing suggestively from inside. Did Mina just wink at him, or was it just his imagination? His brow crinkled. If she planned on having a full-on feud right there and then, he would have to commend her on picking the worst possible place. His mouth twitched, baffled as whether to grin or to frown. He decided to finally voice his confusion to the bowed golden head. “So – What did you want to talk about, Serena?” He inquired doubtfully. She still refused to look up at him and he stood like a dummy with and expectant expression plastered on his face. She seemed more interested in scuffing her feet along the pavement, rather than talking to him. A few seconds passed and he wondered if she were all right? “Serena?” He questioned again, with a note of hysteria creeping in. The frown marred his forehead and he turned to go back inside to the arcade. Surely if she had dragged him outside to talk, she would have something valid to say, but didn’t appear to be so. “Wait,” she replied. It wasn’t the small plea which halted him in his tracks, but it was the steely determination underlying her voice which truly captured his attention. Like metal clamps were attached to his feet he remained stationary and rooted to the very spot. She lifted her head and his gaze read the resolve written within her blue eyes. Before he could even attempt to figure out more, he realised that she had closed the small distance between the both of them, leaving no breathing space. He swallowed uncomfortably, a mixture of fear and curiosity pinning him against her. The hypnotizing gaze of her eyes and long length of her lashes, holding him captive. His heartbeat had quickened to racing speed. What proceeded had shocked the hell out of him. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled his head down, which seemed almost willing out of it’s own accord and clamped her sweet lips to join with his. ------------------------- From inside, a glass shattered, which slipped from the hands of Andrew. Lucky for him, it was empty. As he bent down to pick up the pieces of glass, a curious thought appeared in his mind. He had expected that they had just stepped outside to talk. Well gees, if that’s what Serena called talking – From his position, he could hear explicatives and murmurs of ‘how did she do it’s?” ripple throughout the arcade. He smiled. Darien had had the longest crush on Serena, he had just yet to realise within time. With milkshakes and soda’s completely forgotten for the current moment. Girls clamored for a glimpse of the female who was kissing the ‘almighty un-catchable Darien’ as men and boyfriends groaned with resigned tiredness. He glanced over to Serena's friends. They had somehow gotten the best seats in the house (funny that) and Ami was gazing intently at her wristwatch for some reason or other. They were almost crawling over each other for a better view and each had their noses glued to the window. ---------------------------------- He stood stock still for the few fleeting seconds which she pressed her lips towards his and he thought of abruptly pushing her away, but lacked the strength to do so. Besides, here was his chance. Why was he even thinking of throwing it away? Who cares what the reason was, why she formed the bamboozled idea to kiss him? Maybe she even really wanted to? His arms rose to clamp around her, of its own accord and his lips softened instinctively. He began to rub the small of her back rhythmically and gently as his lips began to tease lightly. He could feel the tenseness radiating through her body and attempted to get her to relax. Gradually her eyelids became compliant and the death-grip which she held on to his head loosened. Her fingers began to ruffle his hair and stroke him at the nape of his neck. He shuddered with appreciation as her lips responded to him. Soft as silk and as tantalizing as chocolate she was. She tasted like vanilla malt. No, she tasted like an aphrodisiac – she tasted exactly like Serena. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her. He further pressed her against his chest, leaving not one inch where they were not crushed again each other. One arm snaked around her waist as one hand inched up to her cheek. He coaxed her open and she responded eagerly with a soft sigh. He hesitantly stroked her tenderly as he ran his palm through her silky hair. The strands felt even softer than he had imagined. The couple seemed oblivious to the audience which they were receiving in the arcade and the added catcalls and hoots from passing cars. Pedestrians seemed entranced with the couple’s absorbed state as elderly matrons clucked their reproof and romantics floated past them dreamily. Although no one it seems, had the nerve to approach the couple and remind them of their whereabouts. She had no clue what in the world she was doing, but the only thing she knew was that she was enjoying it, immensely. Ok more than immensely. She hadn’t expected him to accept that she was trying to force herself on him. She had believed that he was probably sick of females doing that and would react hastily, reprimanding her on her disgusting behavior. Her embarrassment grew ten-fold during the few moments of her dare and she considered pulling away herself, when it seemed that he was shocked into stiffness. But imagine her own disbelief when he responded? What had begun, as a forced kiss was becoming one of the most earth-shattering moments which she had ever felt. Electricity seemed to sizzle at the joining of their lips and she was but helpless to respond and focus on that one moment in time. He seemed to rouse reactions within her which she had never had the pleasure to experience before and the last thing she wanted, was for it to stop. It seemed, her heart was almost threatening to explode with the overabundance of joy he gave her through that one kiss. She could only hope that he felt the same way. The event was momentous and she knew with rising joy, that things would be more than just different between her and Darien. Who would have thought that it would be on the footpath in front of the arcade? They had broken apart, only by the call of nature for human needs to breathe. Darien grinned as he nuzzled her neck tenderly and absolutely refused to release her from his grip. She was almost just as bad and relentlessly clung to him by the neck, also in need for support for her wobbly legs, which he was just as willing to give. She leant against his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. “So that’s what you wanted to talk about.” She gazed up at him with inquiring eyes at the rumbling of his chest. His eyes beheld her in wonderment as she had the grace to blush. He chuckled and she snuggled further within the warmth of his embrace. “Pretty much,” came the muffled reply. “Well, anytime you feel like talking, I’ll be right here and waiting. Although – I think you’ll find that I’d want to be talking way more, now that I know the difference between that and arguing.” He felt a small jab between his ribs and smiled. “Come to think of it, if you call that talking. Why don’t we actually try kissing next time –” She gave him a playful glare. “Don’t push your luck, buster.” They both gazed at each other in astonishment, as if to confirm what had really happened was genuine. Darien lifted her chin gently to stare at her azure eyes in bewilderment. His mood had lightened akin to that of a feather and his troubles shot out of the window when he happened to observe the promise in her eyes. “Have I told you, today?” He paused. At the slow shake of her head he continued. “What a great day it’s been?” -------------------------------------------- Comments / E-mails to cherrymable@hotmail.com Thanks for reading. Illusive Angel