Lois Fogg Fire email: SireneCall@hotmail.com Chapter Three: Kiss me, Kate Wednesday evening, after the interminable chemistry lab, became our appointed day for chemistry and Shakespeare reviews. Well, admittedly there was considerably more Shakespeare than chemistry, if I had anything to do with it, but sometimes Amy put her foot down. Since the first day, we used the ice cream parlor as our designated meeting place. The nights almost always ended in now- famous debates between Darien and me. Raye had taken to coming down just for the sake of the entertainment, and the occasional pleasure of reading Shakespeare with us. I had never thought that I would be grateful to be taking Chemistry, but I was. If I hadnÕt, after all, then I never would have met Amy and I never would have had these blissful Wednesday evenings with delicious milkshakes and a gorgeous debating partner. My debates really had become the subjects of countless emails and every once and a while I caught a jealous glance from various girls. I was ashamed to admit it, but it made me feel proud to be the girl he treated differently than all the rest. Even if he never acted around me like he felt the not-quite-plutonic sensations I felt around him, what I had was even betterÑI argued. I had a bond of the mind. Besides, I wouldnÕt want to be just one of his girls. I wished that I could believe he wasnÕt as much of a player as Mina had claimed, but almost every week I heard of another of his ÔconquestsÕ. The one comfort I had was that he was never with one girl for long. I knew that he believed in loveÑThe Taming of the Shrew debate had told me thatÑit just seemed that he had never found it. I never talked to him about the subject. In fact, I conspicuously avoided the subject, afraid of what would happen if I opened that particular PandoraÕs box. One Wednesday in November, I walked into the parlor, for once in my life the first one to get there. It was practically freezing outside, and I had bundled up a little excessively. Darien watched with characteristic amusement as I removed earmuffs, scarf, gloves, hat, and both coats. I plopped into the chair and sighed expressively. ÒWow, you sure arenÕt used to this weather, are you?Ó ÒIÕm used to DC. The temperature drops below freezing there and school is closed for a week.Ó Darien laughed. ÒI know. Remember? IÕm from around there too.Ó ÒOh yes, peach boy, how could I forget?Ó Darien just smiled and went behind the counter. He came back and placed my milkshake in front of me. Even though it was cold outside, I couldnÕt resist the lure of a milkshake. To me, they were the drink for all seasons, although somewhat less appropriate in winter. This was strange, though, because usually he waited until I came in to make the milkshake. I looked at him with a surprised smile, and then dove under the table, where I had dumped all of my stuff. ÒWhat are you doing under there, meatball head?Ó He asked, looking at my antics. I was tossing piles of clothing around haphazardly. ÒTrying to find my wallet.Ó I called, voice muffled by various articles of clothing. I had ceased to get annoyed when he called me that. It was kind of funny anyway, although my hairstyle was thoroughly impractical during winter. ÒHey, donÕt bother.Ó He said softly, and I looked up at him. ÒIÕll pay for itÓ He interrupted me when I started to protest, feeling a glow suffuse my body. ÒI get a discount anyway. AndÉI want to.Ó He laughed self-deprecatingly, while I stared at him in awe from under the table. ÒYou know not to get in my way when I want something, donÕt you?Ó I smiled and nodded mechanically. ÒHey, are you going to get out from under there, or what? Your milkshake will melt.Ó He left to serve a customer and I crawled slowly from under the table. I sat down carefully, still in shock over what he had done. And just like that, I knew that I loved him. I knew that since that very moment I had seen him two years ago, I had loved him and that I loved him more every day. It didnÕt matter that he called me meatball head, or that he was always laughing at me. He was gentle, in his own way. And so passionate he made my head spin. I loved him. The realization was startling, and I held my milkshake tightly. I could have jumped for joy, or cried, or screamed at him or gone into hysterics, but I did none of these things. Instead, I sipped quietly and waited for Mina, Raye and Amy. A week later Mina was really exceeding herself in tactlessness. It was getting closer to Christmas, and therefore, to exams, and Amy had forced us to do nothing but Chemistry during the past few study sessions. I suppose just to let out some pent up energy, Mina continually said the most obvious things and made long suggestive winks to both Darien and me. He was simply amused, but I felt terribly embarrassed. I kept kicking her under the table, but she only winked at me harder, and made so many insinuations until I thought I might tape her mouth shut. Amy was no help either. She obviously thought that Mina was doing the right thing when it came to getting me and Darien together. All they were doing was embarrassing me. I didnÕt want him to know how much I liked him, but at the rate they were going, there was no way he could avoid knowing. This had been going on for three hours, and it was practically closing time. I knew, unfortunately, that that wouldnÕt stop them. ÒCombustion reactions, huh?Ó Mina said, lowering her eyelid in that wink I had come to dread. ÒI can think ofÑÒ And I couldnÕt take any more. ÒDarien!Ó I said, rather too loudly, but it shut Mina up. ÒWhat?Ó He asked, barely concealing the laughter in his voice. Well great, I hadnÕt really had a plan. I had only wanted to shut them up. Unfortunately, if I didnÕt say something soon, the torture would start again. I said the first thing that came into my head. ÒWill you read with me?Ó Although the four of us put on performances nearly every Wednesday, Darien had not once participated. He did, however, seem to have an entire Shakespeare collection in that back room of his. We almost always borrowed from it, but he had never expressed any interest in play-acting with us. He looked at me hard, as if wondering where I was planning on going with this. I couldnÕt have told himÑto tell the truth, I was as curious as he was. ÒSure,Ó he said finally. ÒWhat do you have with you?Ó ÒTitus AndronicusÓ I said, and he made a gagging noise. Well, I had to agree with him there. One of ShakespeareÕs lesser efforts. ÒTaming of the Shrew,Ó I said, finally, wondering if he would realize why I had kept that particular play in my bag after all this time. He probably would, Darien realized everything. I found, to my surprise, that I didnÕt care. ÒThat sounds good,Ó he said, and went to the back closet to pull it out. The parlor was more crowded than it usually was, even though it was several minutes past closing time. As I watched him jump over the counter, I wondered what would happen tonight. The waves were in my stomach stronger than they had been for a while, and an odd hush had fallen over our audience. It seemed that they knew, as well as I, that this would be a crowning glory performance. ÒWhat scene?Ó I asked him, deliberately letting him decide. I saw the look he gave meÑhe knew why I had done that. He accepted the challenge. ÒHow about right before they attend the wedding, I think itÕs act five.Ó [AN: this is, for all interested, Act 5, Scene 2, lines 145-156] Of course. When Darien does something, he does it well. That was easily the most romantic scene in the book, the scene that could convince even skeptics that Petruchio and Kate were in love. I took a deep breath. There was no question as to who would play which part. In fact, it was as if Shakespeare had written them just for us. We moved to the center of the floor, and all conversation died. Taking a deep breath, I began. ÒHusband, letÕs follow to see the end of this ado.Ó I barely looked at the book; I had already memorized this scene. Instead I stared in his eyes, trying to read what lay there. ÒFirst kiss me Kate, and we will.Ó And he said it just like he always did, with that subtle mockery that always held something deeper. But, this time, and I canÕt explain how he did it, you knew that he loved herÑthat he loved me, in fact. For this blissful moment, every one could tell that he was completely in love with me. ÒWhat, in the midst of the street?Ó I said, looking around at everyone around us. There was a gentle ripple of laughter. ÒWhat, art thou ashamed of me?Ó He asked, feigning hurt, and yet somehow conveying that he was genuinely upset at the same time. I couldnÕt believe that Darien had never acted with us beforeÑhe was incredible. ÒNo, sir, God forbid, but ashamed to kiss.Ó And I looked at him longingly, yet sheepishly, obviously desiring him, but afraid to show it. He stepped in closer to me, until we were nearly touching. Neither of us looked at our books; we were too far gone. ÒWhy thenÓ He teased, daring me with sidelong glances, ÒletÕs home again. Come, sirrah, letÕs away.Ó ÒNay, I will give thee a kiss.Ó I whispered, but everyone could hear me. Standing on my tiptoes, desperately aware of what I was doing, and yet unable to stop myself, I kissed him. And the world around me crumbled. We responded immediately to each other. Like he had said so long ago, fire meeting fire that only created a bigger one. It was an explosion. My book clattered to the ground. We reached into one another, my arms convulsively around his body and his around mine, kissing until we lacked the air to survive. His mouth was gentle and sweet, his tongue stroking my mouth with practiced precision. My body felt like it would explode with pent-up pressure. I opened to him immediately, quickly running out of air, but genuinely unwilling to give up the pleasure of his touch. I had never loved a man more than I had in that moment, and I knew I never could again. No one but Darien, after this moment, would ever satisfy me. I was vaguely aware of the catcalls and hoots in the background, but we were in our own world, and nothing could intrude. Reluctantly, his lips left mind, gently, and he placed me back on the ground. I was not even aware of having been lifted. Darien looked around the room, and in an instant, it was quiet again. ÒNow pray thee love, stay.Ó I said, in a hoarse whisper of unmasked love. He took his long-fingered hands and lifted my face to his eyes. ÒIs this not well? Come my sweet Kate.Ó It was no longer a play. It was my reality, and he was telling me what I had always wanted to hearÑ that he loved me. ÒBetter once than never, for never too late.Ó He kissed me again, to the sound of thunderous applause. It was over entirely too quickly, and I stared at him with unadulterated awe. He regained his composure more quickly than I, but I saw his hands shaking and his ragged breathing. Mechanically I smiled and bowed, and then collapsed in my seat again, unable to believe what had just happened. ÒGo, Serena!Ó Mina said happily. ÒI knew you could do it.Ó I looked at Darien, who was smiling at me in that way that made my legs turn to Jello. He winked at me, and then began bellowing for people to get the hell out of there. As the crowd reluctantly dispersed, several guys patted him chummily on the back and several girls gave me evil looks. I didnÕt care. I had just had my first kiss, and it had been the most incredible experience of my life. ÒYou too, girls.Ó Darien said when we hadnÕt left. Exuding disappointment, I reached under the table to pull out my bag, when I felt his hand on my shoulder. ÒDo you want to go?Ó He asked frankly, and my mouth felt horribly dry. ÒNo,Ó I whispered hoarsely. ÒMe neither.Ó He said, and kissed me again. We didnÕt even notice when Amy, Mina and Raye left, and we were alone together. He lifted me up, easily, and sat me on the countertop. He kissed me lazily, his mouth completely encircling mine. My arms were still wrapped around him, like if I refused to let him go physically, he would never leave me. I did not want him to leave me. I honestly didnÕt know what I would do if he did. It was like he held my essence in his hands, and if he let me go, I would fall forever. I kissed him remorselessly, and gasped as he explored other parts of my face, his lips flitting from my eyelids to my neck. I whispered his name softlyÑtoo softly to hear, but somehow he knew. I sensed his smile and felt my entire body tremble. I didnÕt ever want this to stop. I always wanted to be with him here, existing completely within him and he within me. I never wanted to have to leave his arms or even come up for air. All too soon, however, he stopped, and held me at armÕs length. He seemed about to say something, his eyes totally unmasked. There was a smile on his face, but it was completely genuine and without a trace of mockery. My lips remained parted, and I stared at him, waiting. But his face regained his mask again and he wrenched violently away from me, releasing his grip from my shoulders. Not realizing that I had been leaning on him, I fell off the counter. I saw the floor rushing perilously close to my head, and I braced myself for impact. And just when I expected the pain to hit, I felt his arms around me. He lifted me gently, and pulled me to my feet. He lifted my face, and smiled, but I recognized that his mask was back into place. What had happened? I wondered with disappointment. ÒYou know, Serena, you really are a klutz.Ó He said softly, and kissed me again. I wanted moreÑmore than I could possibly haveÑbut he stopped again, and turned abruptly away from me, shutting down the shop. ÒYou know, Darien.Ó I said finally, when I had regained my breath and some semblance of composure. ÒYou really are a sap.Ó He looked up from behind the counter, happily accepting the dare in my eyes. ÒA sap, am I? Well, weÕll see about that. You go mummify yourself and IÕll show you how much of a sap I am.Ó A grin split my face. ÒReally? What are you going to do? Something romantic, I hope?Ó I fidgeted slightly and clapped my hands. This was too much! Darien looked at me and then laughed in that deep voice of his that made me want to jump him. I politely refrained, confident I would have an opportunity soon. ÒSo *IÕm* the sap, huh? You just wait and see.Ó Excitedly, I grabbed my sweater, two coats, mittens, gloves, hat, earmuffs and scarf. Darien laughed again as I waddled to the counter, eager to see what he had planned. ÒWell, are you finished already? LetÕs go!Ó I said, my voice somewhat muffled by the layers of clothing. ÒAll right, all right!Ó He said, looking nearly as eager as I. He went to the back closet, got out a leather jacket and some gloves. ÒArenÕt you going to be too cold?Ó I said, concerned. ÒHere, take one of my jackets.Ó ÒDonÕt worry, I donÕt get cold easily.Ó He said, shutting off the lights. ÒWell, at least take my scarf.Ó I insisted, holding it out to him. He paused, and I didnÕt dare look him in the eye. I understood Darien a little now. He hated to depend on anyone, and hated to be thought in need of anything. He wanted to appear totally self-sufficient, but he wasnÕt, not really. So I didnÕt look in his eyes, and didnÕt see the look of indignant pride that I knew was there. But he must have been touched, somehow, because he took it silently, and shut off the last light. For a moment we stood together in the dark, and I dared to look into his eyes. They were eerie in the moonlight, looking like pools of black water. ÒThank you.Ó He said finally. My muffled hand held his. I knew how much that had cost him. ÒThis is incredible!Ó I screamed over the wind and the roar of the motorcycle. My hands were wrapped securely around his waist, as much for the feel of his body underneath his jacket as for safety. My pigtails soared happily behind me and I threw my head back and laughed in unadulterated glee. This was the best day of my life, hands down. I was with the man I loved, riding down a highway on his motorcycle in the middle of the night to God knows what destination. I could feel his laughter on my hands, traveling through my body and making me laugh even harder. We seemed, again, to exist in harmony. ÒI love you!Ó I shouted into his ear, suddenly, without thinking. I could feel him hold his breath and his sudden tension. He smiled back at me, though, and I breathed in relief. Not until much later would I realize that his reaction had been a warning. Although I thought I understood Darien, there was a part of him that he had closed off to me. It was that part that kept his fire in check, that part that stopped him from giving me all of himself. He suddenly veered off the highway and down several backcountry roads. ÒWhere are we going?Ó I asked, trusting him absolutely, but curious. ÒJust wait.Ó He called, keeping his eyes on the road. I could tell that we had been skirting the edge of the shore for a while, and it seemed like he was inching his way closer to it. Finally, in a place absent of both houses and lights, he stopped. Taking my hand, we walked for a little while down a dirt path through the woods on the side of the road. ÒWhere are we?Ó I asked, my teeth chattering. Darien smiled. ÒLook.Ó He said, eyeing me speculatively. And I looked. We were on the edge of a small inlet, rocks on either side and in the water immediately surrounding made it obvious that it was not a hospitable place to either sailboats or the tourist industry. It was like a last vestige of the untouched beauty that this shore must once have held. In the cold, glittering light of stars and moonlight it looked eerie, like a gate into another world. The waves crashed on the rocks creating a glittering cascade of pearl foam, slowly trickling back into the sea. I released the breath I had not realized I had held. ÒDarien,Ó I breathed, my breath crystallizing in the air. ÒItÕs incredible.Ó His hand held mine. ÒIÕm glad you like it.Ó I came dangerously close to telling him that I loved him again, but something held me back. After a while, staring in silence, we walked onto the sand, barely out of reach of the waves. ÒNow, Serena,Ó He said softly, warming my shuddering body with his own by hugging me from behind. ÒLook up.Ó I wondered if he had planned this from the start. If he had known how to do everything that would make me fall more in love with him than I already had. But no, this is Darien, I thought. He made me fall desperately in love with him just by being himself. So I looked up. I had never seen so many stars in my life. There are far too many lights in Georgetown and downtown DC; IÕd never had a chance to see the night sky like this. Of course I had heard about it and read about it in books, but I had never seen the fully glory of the sky before that night. He hugged me tightly as I stared, too mesmerized to even speak. It was as if God, in some demented, wild moment, had sprayed the heavens with pure droplets of beauty. They were crazy and formless, and beautiful because of it. The moon hung low in the sky, pregnant. Darien seemed to notice it at the same time I did. ÒYou remind me of the bunny in the moon.Ó He whispered into my hair. ÒThe bunny?Ó I said, turning my head to look at him. He stared into space, remembering something painful. ÒIn Japan, they say there is a bunny in the moon, not a man like Westerners think.Ó I was shocked at the way he had said Ôin JapanÕ like Japan was his home. But it wasnÕt, was it? I knew he lived near DC. He wasnÕt looking at me, and didnÕt notice my confusion. ÒDo you see it?Ó He asked, gesturing towards the moon. I looked up again. At first I only saw the lips and eyes I had been taught to see. But as he described the bunny, I began to see it. The floppy ears and hands formed, and suddenly, there it wasÑlike it had always been there, but just out of reach. ÒI do!Ó I said finally, my voice still quiet but excited. ÒYes, thatÕs what you are.Ó He said, musing. Ò Tsuki no Usagi.Ó He spoke the Japanese with a perfect accent. We lay on the sand, intertwined within one another. Well, as much as was possible within all the confining layers of clothing I wore. His lips gently brushed over my hair and face, his arms gripping me tightly. ÒDo you know IÕve never brought anyone else here?Ó He said. I couldnÕt think of an answer. It was possibly the most flattering thing anyone had said to me. He had let me into his own personal world, one I knew he guarded jealously. He didnÕt seem to need an answer though, and we kissed again. Something exploded within us during that kiss. It was like the desires that we both had been suppressing came boiling to the surface. Fire met fire and we began to strip each other almost simultaneously. Although it was below freezing, I was burning up inside, attacked by heat from all angles. I had never been so consumed with passion. It was unavoidable; we could not stop ourselves any more than a man can stop a train. Most of my clothes lay strewn around me, and I had gotten rid of DarienÕs jacket and shirt. The scarf he kept, and wrapped it around my head, pulling me closer to him. Slowly, he unbuttoned my last shirt and bra, freeing my breasts. My nipples hardened almost immediately, coming into contact with the cold air. I sucked in my breath, but he caught my mouth with his, and I forgot all about the cold. My lips trailed down his chest and back up again, exploring places I had dreamed of for years. We drifted together. I felt as if the sound of the waves breaking over the rocks was really the sound of me, jumping in and out on his tide. Except it began to sound more like the roar of a fire, one that only burned brighter as the wind blew it. Years passed, it seemed, and then mere seconds. Time was an illusion that burned us, forced us to linger and then hurry. I abandoned myself to him, entrusted my soul to him. There was no turning back from this. He would always be a part of my life. And then, he stopped. We had gone further than I ever had before, clinging to each other like our only hope, and he stopped. With a wrench that left me gasping, he released me and pulled away. Tears formed and then crystallized on my face, as I looked at him. He was on his knees, breathing hard. My heart felt as if it had been ripped from its rightful place and tossed into my stomach, to be digested. I could not understand why he had broken away. Was he disgusted with me? Was I too inexperienced for him? But I had *felt* it, our mutual passion, our mutual love. Why was he unwilling to give me that? I could not speak, when I tried to form words, they came out in a shapeless squawk that sounded more like the cry of a lonely animal. He looked at me, desperation in his eyes, a little wild. After what seemed like eternity, he gripped the sand convulsively and then spoke. ÒIÕmÉsorry, Serena. YouÑyouÕre not like them. I justÉI just canÕt do this to you.Ó His breathing was labored, and in the moonlight, I saw a tear escape from his clear eyes, and trickle down his face. Whispering his name painfully, I crawled nearer, and wiped the tear with my hand. In a strange gesture, I tasted it. He took my hand in his own, and blue met blue again with an explosive fire. ÒButÉkiss me, please?Ó He said, urgently. ÒKiss me, Tsukino Usagi.Ó ********************* Hello everyone! Sorry that this wasn't out last week...but I sort of forgot to bring the story with me last friday to send in for the deadline. Wow, I'm really happy about the feedback I've gotten for this story. But still...one can never have too much email! PLEASE EMAIL ME!!! All right, all right, enough of that. So, on to thanks for those of you who've been really awesome: Rinoa, Stelka (I really like our emails), Bethany and Serenity Raye (who for some reason put me on their site as a nominee for best quote of the week. I didn't win--but mine was definitely *not* the funniest quote up there...I thought it was wierd I got nominated anyway). Thanks you guys! This 'fic is going to get steadily darker...we're touching on the PG-13 chapters right about now. Don't worry though, I am a confirmed sucker for happy endings ;D So, in honor of my *favorite* holiday (heavy on the sarcasm), Valentines day, here is an appropriate poem by one of my favorite poets: Dorothy Parker. Unfortunate Coincidence By the time you swear you're his Shivering and sighing And he swears his passion is Infinite, undying Lady make a note of this-- One of you is lying