Lois Fogg More Than Words Rated somewhere between PG-13 and R AuthorÕs Notes: Well, here it is, the oddest thing IÕve ever done, written a songfic. Now, this might not seem odd, but I am not known for my love of songfics, so itÕs a little strange that IÕve gone and written one. That being said, I have read a couple good ones (Merideth Bronwen Mallory, I think). Anyway, when I heard this song, it just seemed absolutely perfect, and I just *had* to write a story. ItÕs also not quite a songfic, since the song is all at the end, not interspersed with the narration. You will notice that it is short (compared to my other stories), which is probably because IÕve been spending all my extra writing time on Fantasy. The next book is out now, so go READ IT, if you havenÕt already done so, of course . BTW, if you havenÕt heard this song, go out and download the MP3 or something, because itÕs absolutely beautiful. Anyway, go and email about this to tell me what you think. ItÕs been a while since IÕve written a bona-fide, about sailor moon during a pinpointed season and episode, fanfic. I think the last one was Bread and Chocolate, actuallyÉyikes! All right, IÕm ending in a second, just gotta do the disclaimer junk: I donÕt own Sailor Moon, and youÕd just get a whole lot of rubber if you sued me. Also, Extreme owns the song. Oh, and one more thing (almost done, I swear), read Sailor JesÕ Butterfly Unfolding!! It is *so* incredible, especially chapter three! All right, *now* IÕm done. ******************************************** My lips tingle with the memory of our kiss. Oh god, those months were so awfulÉfor the both of us, I suppose. For her, most of all. How she could have forgiven me after what I did to her, it shocks me to my core. I donÕt know what I would do without Usako, it strikes me as amazing that I managed to live without her for so long. But then again, it was only the semblance of a life. But nowÉnow against all odds and hope, I have her back. Once again I am Mamo-chan, not Mamoru-san, and my heart singsÑcliched though the phrase may be, itÕs perfectly true. I love her, so much that it hurts, and now, finally, I can tell her so. No more fear, this time things will finally be perfect again. I can hear her in the other room, stumbling softly as she changes. A smile lights my features, because I now the memory of my loneliness seems so remote. Was it only this evening that she saved me? A grand chase on Tokyo rooftops lit by a blood-red sunset, a dark figure, cape trailing, ran away from the one girl who could save him, because his presence would kill her. All other times she let him go, alone in his misery, to while away the time until another chance encounter, a locking of eyes, a quick spark of intuition, and another departure. But this time she chased him, desperation quickening her steps. Looking at her that time I lost my moorings, found my restraint and ability to stay away from her completely and utterly gone. How, I wondered in an odango-induced daze, had I ever managed to stay away from her in the first place? It all seemed so ridiculously easy to tell her, for that beautiful light in her eyes to shine again, to accept her kiss, envelop her in his warmth and swear to never leave her again. I can hardly believe that this is her idea. I hesitated at first, but in the end, I am putty in her hands, a willing vessel for anything she desires of me, even my own death. Not, I think smiling even more broadly, as though this is anything so drastic. In fact, this is quickly becoming the best day of my life. I start when she opens the door, shyly peering in long-lashed wonder. I cannot breathe. Oh God, she is so beautiful. She has released her hair from its perpetual odangoes, and it falls to her calves in glorious gold cascades. She wears something whiteÑI think itÕs made of silkÑbut the shape of her fills my vision, how that fabric clings so innocently to her curves. Her lip trembles slightly, I can tell that sheÕs nervous. But determinedÉif nothing else Usako is determined. She takes a halting step forward, unconsciously sexy. Or perhaps it is just my perception of her, colored only as love can. I move to come to her, but an upraised hand holds me as fast as a rope. I cannot move, only look, and marvel at her. ÒUsakoÉÓ I whisper, overcome. How could I have gone so long without this? How could I have *lived*? I didnÕt, oh, I didnÕt. I was only a body powered by a heart of coalÉbut nowÉI feel like fire [AN: ] She puts her hand to her lips, so simple a gesture but I find myself shivering uncontrollably. That she can do this to me, rend my insides, make me so vulnerableÉI cannot think about it. It may be my downfall but it is alsoÉmy redemption. SlowlyÉachingly slowly she comes towards me. All the time her eyes are fixed on mine, their depths holding so much. Pain, I still see so much there, and it scares me because if even now she feels that, how must I have hurt her before? I am overcome with such a sense of guilt that I find myself unwilling to even look her in her eyes. How dare I call myself her protector, when I couldnÕt even spare her this? All I had done was for her sakeÉyet when I look in those eyes it seems like an indictment. I should get up right now, leave her sight, no longer pretend that I am worthy of her love, I shouldÉ But she forces her gaze upon mine, as though she can read my thoughts. And somehow, I know, she can. That is this girlÑno, womanÕsÑ incredible gift. She understands peopleÉeven me. And I can see joy there, as well, mingled with the pain, fear for what she is about to do, and relief for finally doing it. She climbs over the edge of my bed silently, her gaze never leaving my face. Hesitantly, as if unsure of what to do now that she has come this far, she picks up my limp hand. I feel the power between us strumming up and down my body. I am shivering, but so is she. ÒMamo-chan.Ó She whispers, wonderingly, her face slowly closing in on mine. My eyes remain open, staring, drinking in her body, her skin, her hair. Then our lips meet and I am carried into that far off world that our kisses always take me. Imagine, two in one day. That morning I had not allowed myself to imagine that I would ever feel them again. My eyes close, my mind is loose from my body, my arms know only this one woman, braver than anyone I know. She releases only as she looses air and stares at me again. She runs her hand gently over my face, as if she wants to remember every nuance of my features. And she looks so unsure, so scared, that I just want to tell her, over and over again that I love her, that I will never leave her again, oh, my Usako, I love you so muchÉ But she always knows what IÕm thinking. She silences me even before the words escape my mouth, that old pain in her eyes. My stomach clenches. What did I do? I want so badly to make it up to her, but I donÕt understand. ÒWhatÕs wrong?Ó I whisper, a raw edge in my voice. She remains mute, only burying her head in my chest, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. Though she strains to hide it, I feel a tear course down her cheek. Gently, oh so gently, I lift her head to mine, and flinch at the sadness in her eyes. ÒTell me, please.Ó I say softly. She shakes her head silently, and our gazes lock again. Others join the single tear until she is sobbing, unable to stop, no sound escaping her throat. Biting back tears of my own, I pull her gently to my chest and hold her there, stroking her lovely hair. She lies there for a time, crying as if I was breaking her heart all over again, and I wonder if I am. ÒI love you.Ó I whisper helplessly, unsure of what else to say. But my words seem to startle her, and she raises her face to mine. ÒDonÕt say that.Ó She says with such finality that I am taken aback, struck emotionally far more deeply than anyone could hurt me physically. I have no right to be so shocked, though. If she doesnÕt love me, I only deserve it. I begin to push her away, to get off the bed, to leave and somehow try to live with myself again, but she holds me tightly, refusing to let me go. ÒNoÉI donÕt mean it like that,Ó she begins. She bites her lip as she searches for words, and I find myself more drawn to her than ever. How is it even possible to love someone this much? It could be such bliss, and such agony, but I would never give it up. Usako is worth anything. ÒI mean,Ó she says slowly, Òthat there has to beÉmore, Mamo-chan. I just canÕtÉcanÕtÉÓ She begins to cry again, unable to finish her sentence, and I comfort her helplessly. How could I have done this? Even in the name of love, it seems impossible that this pain could have been worth it. YetÉher life was worth everything. ÒBelieve you.Ó She whispers finally, reluctantly. Oh, god. Of course. I have told her so, but after what I did, how could I possibly expect her to believe me? What could words do to erase this depth of pain? It was so achingly, painfully obvious, and I, like the fool I am, refused to see it. Tears escape my eyes, and I blink them back furiously. What right have I to cry, in the face of this? ÒHowÉÓ I begin, endeavoring to frame a question that seems impossible. Because, Usako, my dear Usako, I do love you. There must be, somehow, a way to tell you that, a way for you to understand so that you never have to doubt again. ÒDonÕt just say it.Ó She says, so unexpectedly that I almost miss it. Her voice is soft, and muffled in the folds of my shirt. My first thought is to question her, but I force myself into silence. I could not help her by interrogating her, I had to first try to understand what she was feeling. DonÕt just say it? But, how could I tell her I love her without saying it? It seemed like a paradox, yet one that was causing Usako an almost unbearable pain. Yet perhapsÉ The reality dawns without warning. The old adage to show and not tell, back to haunt me once again. I had to go far beyond words, far beyond emotion, into the realm of pure knowledge. She will never doubt again because she will know. I gently lift her head from my chest and lay it on the pillow. After taking a deep breath, I raise the nightgown tenderly over her head. She stares at me, confused, but trusting. The last of her tears has dried. I stare, captivated by the glory of her for a moment, stunned into stillness. Only Usako could be so beautiful, so perfect. In an act not quite overtly sexual, I inspect every part of that perfect body, memorizing it as she had memorized my face earlier. As my hands run over her body she as well as I shiver with pleasure and something different. I worship every part of her, my eyes and hands completely unguarded. Oh, I love her in this moment, perhaps more deeply than I ever have. There is something about this that goes far deeper than words. When I am finished, I raise my head slowly above her own, eyes open, waiting for her verdict. ÒOh, Mamo-chan,Ó she sighs, and that sigh holds all the answer that IÕll ever need. As we come together this time, I know that there will never be any need for anything else. She knows, as well as I. Our love has, if anything, grown stronger because of it. ÒMore than wordsÉÓ Usako whispers as we hurl ourselves over the edge of passion. And sheÕs right, of course. There has always been far, far more. ***************************** More Than Words by Extreme Saying I love you Is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you Not to say, but if you only knew How easy it would be to show me how you feel More than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know What would you do if my heart was torn in two? More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away? Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you More than words..... Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand All you have to do is close your eyes And just reach out your hands and touch me Hold me close don't ever let me go More than words is all I ever needed you to show Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know What would you do if my heart was torn in two? More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away? Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you More than words.....