Patch... so... very... tired. But aww heck, there's so many good fics going around, why not stuff one more into the list? ^_^ Plus, Meredith said I could (thank you for the green light!) and so here it is, Chapter 2. Please don't hesitate to harbor any evil intentions towards us once you are finished. *Points downwards* Our e-mail addy's are riiiiight there. Enjoy reading! Insert Standard Disclaimer Here --> (Patch too lazy to think of something funny like Mere-chan, so sue me ^_~) No Rest for the Wicked Chapter 2/? Authors: Meredith & Patch Rating: PG-13 E-mails: & Clutching her injured hand tightly, Usagi looked around wildly. Only the slightly swaying trees greeted her vision and she could see nothing else. "Who dares to oppose me?" The Senshi, she noticed, had gone still and the silence that grew when no one answered frustrated her to a snapping point. "Show yourself, coward!" she yelled, anger and outrage sweeping through her veins. A few more tense moments passed and just as she was about to scream, a masculine voice broke the silence. "Do you dare hurt innocent lives and take away the souls of those who should have received second chances?" Usagi looked around again when a sudden flutter of black silk caught her eye. Her eyes roamed upwards into the branches of the trees where a slightly shadowed figure leaned against the thick trunk. "I dare!" She called out in reply and then suddenly, an image of Jaedite flashed between her eyes. The look on his face when he realized he had finally breathed his last. Shaking away the picture, she cursed herself for becoming distracted. "No one deserves second chances! No one!" she yelled, for her enemy's benefit... and for her own. Up in the tree, Tuxedo Kamen gazed down at the situation before him. His cobalt eyes flicked over the beauty, evil beauty he thought wryly, in front of him. Her midnight black gown was enticing enough to stir any man's imagination and he was no exception. Her full, pouting lips were painted a blood red and he remembered how those lips had turned upwards in a smile that would have been dazzling, had it not been so filled with malice and hatred. How would it feel, he wondered, to wipe away that rouge color and taste the natural pinkness of her mouth...? He blinked at the thought and gave himself for thinking such lustful thoughts in the middle of a battle. He let his gaze travel upwards to her strange hairstyle, the one that had clicked into some memory deep in the recesses of his mind. It was those odangos of hers that had caused him to give her his full attention. He wouldn't have given her a second thought had it not been for that hair, the way it was twisted up... He was missing something important and he so badly wanted to solve this puzzle. Her shout in response to his opening question brought him back from his musings, however brief they were. He saw that her eyes were filled with fire and realized that she had yet to actually *see* him. She was looking in his direction but she had yet to meet his eyes. "Well then," he drawled lazily, "the Senshi and I, Tuxedo Kamen, have no other choice but to challenge you. Unfortunately, no matter how exquisite the enemy, evil has no place here on this Earth and that includes you." With that said, Tuxedo Kamen straightened from his leaning position and turned so that the light of the moon fell on him directly, letting all those around, see him clearly. Usagi, for the most part, was stunned. When he had issued his threat, she had been tempted to fly up to the trees and smack him for the arrogance that was so easy to hear in his voice. But then he had stepped out of the shadows and seeing him fully had all but taken her breath away. Kami, what a sight to behold. A jet black tuxedo garbed his long, lean body. A black cape with red underlining still fluttered in the same breeze that was now ruffling her golden bangs. A white mask covered only his eyes, nothing else, hiding his true identity from anyone and everyone. His raven hair was swept carelessly over his brow and a sudden yearning filled her to push it back. Oh, to feel the soft, cool silkiness of that hair... Her mind registered shocked surprise when she felt her hands clench impulsively. "Yuumei... Yuumei... Yuumei Usagi..." The faint whisper hit her suddenly and her mind reeled as blackness filled her soul once more. Somewhere far away, in a place almost non- existent in this Universe, laughter could be heard. Metallia. Confidence brimmed, nothing could overcome darkness, the desires of a young girl but a weak obstacle. "So be it then," Usagi said, a ball of energy growing in her hands. "One of us will leave this fight victorious and I plan to see that none of you even get to feel the meaning of the word." The viciousness in her voice caused the others to hesitate a bit before gearing up their attacks. "Kami, she's so... evil," Mercury murmured, her visor appearing before her eyes at the twist of her earring. "Princess..." The other four turned sharply to look at Mars who had whispered something under her breath. "What did you say?" Venus asked. "Nothing," Mars replied, shaking her head. "It was nothing. Let's get rid of her, I'm losing major sleep standing here." The others grinned but their smiles quickly fell away when a blast of pure energy flew towards them. Each Senshi jumped in a different direction to avoid the blow but Venus, who had jumped forward found herself right underneath the still floating Usagi. "Perfect," Usagi smirked. "One to go down, four more to destroy." She aimed the ball of energy downwards but before she could release it, she found herself crashing to the ground with someone on top of her. Dazed, with the breath knocked out of her, she groaned slightly in pain. Her back was already sore, this impact into hard ground was the last thing it needed. She lifted her head slowly in confusion to see who had done the offending deed. A gasp escaped her mouth when her eyes encountered a head topped with black hair lying on her chest. Slowly the other person raised their head and Usagi found her gaze clashing with the white mask of Tuxedo Kamen. She squinted her eyes, still seeing stars, and found that if one looked hard enough, one could see the dark blue depths of Tuxedo Kamen's eyes through his mask. Usagi didn't know it but she had just become the first one to be able to do so. His eyes were wide and he stared at her, obviously unsure of what to do next. But Usagi knew what she had to do. Her hand slowly came up and with the barest brush of her fingertips, touched Tuxedo Kamen's hair in the softest of caresses. If possible his eyes widened even more and Usagi would have laughed at his expression had it not been so painful to do so. His hair was just as she had imagined and more, like strands of cool silk. She had to touch it again. "Yuumei..." She stiffened immediately at the whisper as it came again for the second time this night, stalking her mind and thoughts. Black energy filtered through her mind and her azure eyes became hard once more, losing the softness they had amazingly held just seconds ago. "Get off of me!" she yelled suddenly and swiftly pressing her hands against Tuxedo Kamen's chest, pushed him off with a force that blew him back several feet and into a tree. Quickly standing upright, she assessed the situation only to find that the Senshi were all staring at her, jaws dropped, mouths forming O's. She used the moment to hurl another ball of energy at them and used the distraction to teleport herself out of there. But not before she shot one last glance at the unconscious form of Tuxedo Kamen. Serves him right, she thought and disappeared in a flash, black petals swirling in her wake. Rei held an emergency meeting at the temple minutes after Usagi had made her grand departure. Things needed to be discussed, now, at this very moment. It appeared as though they had a new enemy, and one to be reckoned with. Apparently, Yuumei Usagi, Crown Princess of the Negaverse would be tougher to handle than Jaedite and everyone knew that plans had to be made. "Ne, Rei, can we please make this a quick one. I desperately want to sleep," Minako said in a slightly exhausted voice, her eyelids drooping every now and then. "Not up to it are you, ne Minako?" Rei snorted, and tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "Not surprising to me at all." "Enough Rei," Ami said quietly yet firmly. "We are not going to argue about worthless things like this. Not tonight. Besides, I think Mamoru-san needs to get some rest too," she said, as the girls looked over at Mamoru who held an ice-pack to the back of his head. He didn't respond in any way and Makoto looked at him suspiciously. "Mamoru-san," she said quietly, nudging him a little, "are you okay?" "Iie," he whispered hoarsely after some silence. "What's wrong, Mamoru-san?" Ami asked, shifting herself closer to him so that she could look at his head. "Are you feeling dizzy? Nauseous? Si-" "Scared..." Ami dropped the hand she had raised to inspect his wound and everyone stared at him in confusion. "You felt something, ne? At the battle against Usagi," Rei said and then nodded her head when Mamoru stayed silent. "I felt something too and... it wasn't evil. There's something very dubious about this Yuumei Usagi and we all have to get to the bottom of it." "Sou," the girls said in unison. "In the meantime, I think everyone should keep their eyes open," Minako spoke up, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "She'll probably be just like Jaedite, staking out in the daylight as some ordinary civilian person. Let's just hope it's not as cheesy as Jaedite's fortune-teller place. That was just bad." Everyone chuckled except for Rei, who mumbled that she found nothing funny. They soon got up to leave and retire for the night, another meeting already planned for the next day. Mamoru refused any help home, waving them off and reassuring the girls he'd be fine. But as soon as he found himself completely alone, he stopped and leaning his whole body against a brick wall, exhaled a deep breath and hung his head. His mind relived that moment that time had forever halted for him. The feel of her fingertips brushing against his hair... those fingertips that he would have willingly kissed. Gazing into her eyes that had held an emotion the complete opposite of hate. The whole incident had left him perplexed, no, more than that. He was now at the edge of a cliff, pieces of earth slowly crumbling at his feet. Any moment he would fall... and keep falling. "Our Queen wishes to see you, Usagi." Usagi whirled around at the voice from her doorway. Nephrite stood there, his body leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed, and a slight smirk on his lips. "I'm coming. Just... leave me alone." "Oh no, that won't do. I've been asked to 'escort' you so I'll wait as long as it takes," the General replied, enjoying seeing her discomfort. "Fine! Let's go," Usagi yelled, frustrated and tense. As they walked down dark and gloomy halls, Usagi hardly took notice of where she was walking. Instinct helped in leading her to the throne room but she paid no attention to her surroundings. She was still focused on what had happened earlier. It was a complete failure. She had made herself look the fool and she wanted to kick herself for that one moment of absolute weakness, when Tuxedo Kamen had been lain half across her. She involuntarily shivered and prayed that Nephrite hadn't noticed. Stealing a quick, sideways glance, she sighed in relief when he continued to look straight ahead. Her thoughts went back to the battle. What had happened to her? Under what cursed spell had she fallen under? She had been left totally vulnerable and anger filled her now as she recalled that weakness. The anger turned into annoyance when Nephrite placed his hand on her shoulder. "We're here," he said in a low voice. "I know that, you fool!" she replied hotly, wanting to shrug his hand off. Instead she gasped as a stinging pain traveled from her shoulder blade to her neck when he squeezed her skin. "Be a good girl, now," he murmured under his breath, "Mother is very upset," he continued in a taunting tone, squeezing harder in a grip that would surely leave black and blue bruises. They walked into the huge throne room, where at one end, Beryl sat, her minions surrounding her. Usagi curtsied low as Nephrite bowed and then they both stood straight. "Ah, Usagi, daughter of mine, how are you?" "Quite fine, Okaa-sama," Usagi answered stiffly. "Are you sure?" the Queen asked slyly. "After today's embarrassing defeat, I can't imagine you wanting to hold a proud gait." Usagi heard Nephrite snicker quietly beside her and she stiffened even more, wanting to blast him as she had done to Jaedite. The closure that action would bring.... "Your... incompetent actions, have shown me that you cannot handle the gravity of our mission and therefore I have assigned Nephrite to take over. You are to be his 'apprentice' of sorts." "Iie.." Usagi breathed, swiftly turning her head to meet Nephrite's malicious gaze. "Demo, Okaa-sama," she began in protest but was instantly silenced by Beryl. "I will hear no arguments. You are dismissed." Usagi left, her face heated in not only humiliation but fury also. Those Senshi would pay. And Tuxedo Kamen... Her eyes narrowed dangerously. He would suffer the most for he was to blame for all of this. She would get her revenge. The next afternoon found her at the Crown Parlor, sitting on one of the stools, Motoki in front of her, sweeping the counter. She put on a pretty front, laughing airily, giggling at times at his jokes. But it was a cold and calculating Usagi on the inside. I must collect energy, she thought with determination. Hopefully, gathering the human energy from this place would please her mother and Usagi would be able to breathe a little easier. Her mother was not easy to please so everything had to be done perfectly. Nothing would go wrong when she made her move. She would not allow it. "Are you enjoying yourself here, Usagi- san?" Motoki asked, breaking her train of thought. She deliberately misunderstood his question and instead, leaned forward on the stool, a flirtatious smile on her face. "Oh very much, Motoki," she answered. "You are such good company for me." The young man grinned in response and was about to say something when a deep voice interrupted them. "Hitting on your customers again, Motoki? I thought that was against the Parlor's policy." Usagi turned sideways, glaring at the person who dared to interrupt her conversation with her would-be victim. "Excuse me," she began, but stopped abruptly when her eyes clashed with the dark blue eyes of a man around the age of Motoki. For the second time in her life, she found herself breathless. "Yes?" One black eyebrow arched upwards, the man patiently waiting for her to continue. Usagi mentally shook herself, hard and snapped her mouth shut. "You interrupted Motoki which I find very rude," she said haughtily. "Oh, excuse *me* then," the man said, sitting on the stool next to hers. "I am so sorry for interrupting what must have been a very important discussion." "Cut her some slack, Mamoru," Motoki cut in, shaking his head. He then turned to Usagi. "Usagi, this is Chiba Mamoru, a best friend of mine. Mamoru, this is Usagi." The two turned to assess the other and for a tense moment there was a silence, until Mamoru broke it when he inhaled sharply. "Usagi?" he said, his eyes narrowed in thought. "You... your name-" Shrill screams suddenly rent the air suddenly, preventing Mamoru from saying anything further. The three turned to look at the back of the Parlor and Usagi nearly screamed in frustration. Nephrite floated in the air, clutching the body of an unconscious woman as he zapped her of energy. He laughed as he finished with her, and picked up another victim. He turned his head towards Usagi and smiled, his gaze meeting straight on with hers. Usagi took on a defensive stance, when someone grabbed her arm. She looked to see Mamoru push her behind him protectively. What the hell is he thinking? She thought in astonishment. "Run," he suddenly whispered. "What?" "I said run. Get out of here. Now." Realizing she might as well transform into her alter ego to collect energy as well, she did as she was told. She spared a look over her shoulder in time to see Mamoru being blasted by Nephrite through the glass windows. Anger and a tinge of fear surged through her. Nephrite had no right to do such a thing! Seconds later, the Crown Princess had appeared, standing on the counter under which Motoki was crouched, hiding. "Nephrite, what are you doing here?" Usagi yelled. "Why do you think? This is a great place for energy! You picked a good place, Usagi. Beryl will be pleased I'm sure... with me." "I don't think so!" she shot back and kneeled down, reaching her hand under the counter. She grabbed Motoki by the front of his shirt and with an abnormal strength, hauled him up so that his face was slightly tilted back to meet her. "Hello, love," she grinned wickedly. "I want your energy," she said, bringing two fingers to his lips. A flash of red flew past her fingers, almost cutting her and at the same time causing her to drop Motoki. "Argh!" she yelled. "I hate distractions!" "Please excuse me for being the source of your distraction, but I fear I cannot let you just take something that is not yours." "You!" Usagi hissed the word as if the man standing before her was the lowest of life. And in her mind, he truly was at that moment. Tuxedo Kamen stood at the end of the counter and in one jump, had hopped onto the counter and in front of Usagi. "Did no one teach you it isn't nice to steal?" he asked. Usagi saw red and swung her fist towards him. He caught her wrist easily and she twisted her body to give him a kick to the front of his thighs. His other hand caught her ankle and he grinned, infuriating her to a boiling point. Twisting her body the other way, she did a side flip and her other heeled shoe caught him in the shoulder causing him to fall off the counter and her to land on the counter in a jarring crash. Once again stars swam before her eyes and she closed her eyes for a moment. She had no idea fighting would be so... painful. Damn it, but she would not lose again! Forcing herself up, she landed on the other side of the counter to face her enemy. "Fancy tricks, Princess," he taunted and she swung at him again, this time going low and was satisfied to hear a grunt from him upon impact. "Nice punch you got there too," he said with gritted teeth. "You haven't seen anything yet," and she continued to fight him pushing him back as he put himself on the defensive. They soon found a storage room at Tuxedo Kamen's back and Usagi tried to hit him but found her wrist once again caught. But she was prepared and with the other hand, threw a small ball of energy at Tuxedo Kamen. However she was not prepared for being pulled with him as he flew back into the room. She had forgotten he was still holding on to her. She crashed into his chest and his arm immediately came around her waist for support as he hit the wall. "Kuso," Tuxedo Kamen whispered, breathing heavily. "You said it," Usagi gasped, also breathing heavily. Her head rested against his chest where she could hear his racing heartbeat. And in the next second they both realized their positions. She looked up and was ready to push herself away when their breaths suddenly mingled with each other. Something flashed within her... Recognition... but of what? "Your lips," he whispered and she caught herself from gasping when his thumb brushed against her parted lips. Her eyes looked into his and she couldn't identify what she saw there. It was foreign to her but whatever it was made her want to shiver with... something. "I have wanted..." He didn't finish and she found her eyes getting heavy as he continued to slowly rub the pad of his thumb back and forth. "You have wanted what?" she whispered against his thumb, wanting to know. He didn't answer but a second later, his own lips had replaced his thumb and her eyes fluttered shut as the soft kiss penetrated her senses. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Oh Meredith, can I do it? Please, please, pretty please? *Receives an answering nod* Yes! *Patch tips her head back... and laughs* BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Feedback would be nice ^_~