Meredith's AN's: *appears in a puff of smoke* Hello there, lovely. Your friendly neighborhood EMS reporting! *grins* Patch and I are doing a co-fic... not much to say after that, except that we hope it's not what you're expecting. Oh, and I'm thrilled to be working with Patch! Isn't she great? ^_^ Go on now... read, read... Patch's AN's: Meredith, I know you're cackling already. I see you! Meredith was nice enough to bring me out of my 'writer-less' reverie and I thank her for that. ^_^ I felt like saying "I'm not worthy!" when she asked me to write with her. She has given me new meaning, a purpose in life! -_-0 Anyhoo, *please* do write us and tell us what you think. We'd love to hear from all of you. Enjoy reading! No Rest for the Wicked Prologue Authors: Meredith Bronwen Mallory & Patch Rating: PG-13 E-mails: & Prologue The city of Tokyo lay still and quiet under the blanket of a midnight sky and twinkling stars light years away. The usual bustle seen during the daytime had quieted down to only the chirp of crickets and the rustle of grass made by the night air as it passed through in cool breezes. Random cars here and there drove through neighborhoods, their drivers concentrating only on getting home to fall into the arms of blissful sleep. However, there were two people still quite wide awake at this time of night. In the suburbs, where the houses lay in neat rows and the lawns finely manicured, a melodic voice could be heard if one stood next to a particular house. In a particular room of this particular house, the curtains flapped lightly against the half open window. A mother, an ordinary woman with a beautiful voice, sang to her child. She stood next to a white crib illuminated by the moonlight and letthe words of her song lull her six month old daughter to sleep. Her daughter gazed up at her, big blue eyes filled with calm and peace. Her shiny gold curls, usually bouncy in the daytime, now lay still against her face and the clean, white sheets. Occasionally she let out a coo or giggle, letting her mother know how content she was. The mother continued to sing, and now leaned over to stroke her child's silky locks lovingly. Her daughter, her life. Her pride, her joy. She soon came to a finish and let silence reign for the moment. Her daughter continued to stare up at her, her tiny hands clasped together over her chest, as though waiting for her mother to begin a new song. "No more, love. Okaa-san has to sleep now and so should you," she said, smiling. Her daughter smiled in response. The mother, lifted a light blanket and lay it over her child and then brushed back a few stray tendrils of hair. Her daughter closed her eyes in response to the gentle and soothing caress and yawned. "That's it love, just go to sleep now. Morning will come soon enough," the mother whispered and then leaned down into the crib to place her lips against the child's hair. "I love you." She straightened and walked to the window, shutting it quietly. Walking to the door, she turned back to look at the now sleeping child, smiled and then left the room, closing the door partway. Now she could get the same rest as her daughter. Slipping off her robe, she climbed into bed and lay down next to her husband, who automatically, in his sleep, wrapped one arm around her. She sighed happily and snuggled up against him and soon, sleep overtook her too. So deeply in sleep were the occupants of the house, that no one, not even the little gray mouse sleeping in one of the walls, heard the soft whoosh of three people teleporting themselves into the house right outside of the nursery. The three figures invaded the room of the sleeping child and one shadow loomed over the little girl¶s face, causing her small face to scrunch up slightly. The moonlight had been a solace to the child, a loving friend that helped her to sleep and now that it had been blocked, she became discomfited even in sleep. A pale hand reached down into the crib and fingers with long red nails, touched the smooth cheek of the girl. "Such beauty... such innocence," a low voice, the leader of the three, spoke. The other two figures approached the crib to see but the leader stopped them. "Morgrius, Logrius, close the door and guard it." They did as they were told and after a moment¶s silence the first figure turned back to the now whimpering child. "Hush my little girl. All will be well. Soon, so very soon you will be *my* daughter, my possession... my creation." In the master bedroom, a pair of eyes suddenly snapped open in concern. The instincts of a mother are honed and sharp, thus allowing her to know when her child was in danger. "Something's wrong," the woman mumbled and quickly got out of bed, not bothering with her robe. Walking quickly to the nursery, her uneasiness grew and by the time she had reached the now closed door, she was gasping for air. Her hand went to the doorknob and turned... only to find the door locked. Frantic now, she twisted the doorknob and pushed against the door. "Iie!" she wailed and pushed again. Her struggles awoke her husband and he came running to find his wife in tears and pushing against a barred door. "Help me!" she yelled. "Our baby, she¶s in there and she's not alone!" Her husband pulled her away from the door and then charged against it but to no avail. They were stuck outside in the hallway, completely helpless. A purplish light suddenly shone through underneath and around the door and the mother screamed as she heard things rattling inside the room. The fear of never seeing her baby again became stark and all too real. The father continued to charge against the door but it was no use. Soon the light had faded and finally the door shattered. But it was too late. Toys and clothing lay around the room in a mess as though a gale force wind had swept through. The couple stared around the room in complete shock and denial. Out of nowhere the moon and stars mobile that hung over the bed began to spin slowly as it played it¶s little tune, breaking the deathly silence. The mother let out a choked sob of disbelief and crumpled to her knees. Her dark hair lay in straggled strands over her face and tears still continued to wet her face. She raised her to the heavens above and let out an agonizing wail of one who has lost everything precious. "Usagi!!!!" [End.] BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Write us, ne? ^_~ Patch & Meredith