Hungry Eyes Author: Patch E-mail: Rated: PG Hello everyone! I'd like you to meet Jo-Bob... :B Jo-Bob: Hyuck hyuck *Sweatdrop* He doesn't really say much except that, but he's Lelu's and my mascot. Don't ask, it's better not to. Anyhoo, just wanted to give a hug and a thanx to Loralei for nominating me at Aimee and Angela's site, Moonlit Eclipse. Had me taken by surprise, she did. ^_^ Don't think I'll win but it's the thought that counts, ne? Now go read her shtuff and nag her to write more of "A Stairway to Heaven." ^_~ Oh and this is my Mamo-day fic, just to let y'all know. *Sighs* Wish I had him but I'll have to settle for a Mamo-chan cookie instead. Which reminds me, Megs and Lelu, thank you so much for pre-reading this. Huggles to you both. Enjoy reading! Patch. Insert Standard Disclaimer Here. His eyes followed her around the ballroom. Her every move was being watched... by him. She was just such a sight. A sight so beautiful it made his heart race. A sight for sore eyes, he thought wryly. What a cliche. But it was true, he thought seriously. This girl on the other side of the vast ballroom had caught his eye from the very beginning and he couldn't help but notice her liveliness, her sweetness, and her innocence. Such innocence. The chandelier lights caused her golden hair to glow, giving her an almost ethereal look. Her face was flushed, he could see it from here. Her eyes were bright, her lips lush and full. The dress she wore fit her snugly, hugging her slim waist and then falling down gently over her legs. And the irony of it all... he knew her. Oh yes, he knew her quite well. She was Tsukino Usagi, 'supposed' former love, now enemy... Sailor Moon. He, Prince Endymion had a mission. To destroy her, take the ginzuishou and report back to his Queen, Beryl. No questions asked, no feelings, and no unnecessary emotions. He smirked as he raised his champagne glass in a silent and mock toast to the beauty in front of him. He remembered their last 'meeting' when she had tried to reason with him... convince him of their thousand year love. What rubbish and he had told her so, instantly noting how the light in her eyes had died out. A pang of some unknown emotion squeezed his gut but he viciously ignored it now as he had then, not wanting to know what it was. He raised his glass to take a drink and as he swallowed the cool liquid, his eyes continued to thoughtfully watch her as she walked around. Through some investigating he had found out her family had been invited to this ball and had procured his own invitation. He had realized she was alone here, the other Senshi had apparently not been invited for they were no where in sight. All the easier for him. He watched then, with a raised eyebrow, as she graciously accepted a young man's offer to dance, flirting as if it were second nature to her. His heart missed a beat at the same time his eyes narrowed. Hadn't she, just a few days ago, sobbed tearfully, begging him not to join the 'other side'. Was it all just a farce? An act to put down his defenses? What kind of game was she playing, vowing her eternal love to him one night and then dancing with a stranger the next? Jealousy. The word shot through his brain in a lightening flash, almost startling him. "What the hell...?" he mumbled, straightening against the wall he had been leaning against. Jealousy? Jealous of what? Of that man who was now whirling her around the room, making her laugh breathlessly? He jealous? It was a thing to be scoffed at, he thought darkly. But he wasn't feeling any kind of amusement right now as he watched Usagi whirl around with the brown haired man who had a foolish smile on his face. One he wouldn't mind wiping off. Again he started at such a thought and then slowly looked down in amazement to see that his hand had fisted against the wall. Of all the things... what kind of reaction was this?? He looked back up sharply, his bangs falling across his confused eyes. "Sir, would you like another drink?" His eyes focused on the waiter in front of him and he nearly gasped. His former General... Jaedite... was looking at him, a concerned look on his face. No, it couldn't be! He shook his head quickly and when he focused his gaze again, the waiter was gone. He had had too much to drink. It was the only logical explanation he could come up with. He was probably seeing things. He shook himself mentally and got back to the work at hand. His eyes searched the room until they finally fell upon the one he was ordered to destroy. She was now dancing with another man and again his troubled blue eyes narrowed when he saw how the man gripped Usagi. That hand of his was squeezing her waist a little too tightly. The man had no right to do such a thing. She was young, no where near his age. She probably didn't even see the lustful look on the fool's face. But what did he care? he suddenly told himself roughly. Let her learn the hard way... but his eyes still remained sharp. Possession. Kami, another word that flashed across his mind. He, possessive? Just because another man was holding his 'supposed' love? It was absurd, he was not one to be possessive, especially for a girl who had thrown her tiara at him when they were fighting. A pounding headache was beginning to form in his temple, and he rubbed his forehead and then pushed back his unruly hair. The pain was not subsiding he realized, and he nearly growled in frustration. He did not need this sort of distraction from his mission. "Hey buddy, you feeling alright?" He turned his head to the left and nearly lost his balance. Long, dark brown wavy hair, surrounded a face so familiar he knew he had paled. His former General... Nephrite... was he really standing here, his expression worried. Worried? His headache increased tenfold and he pressed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. When he opened them again, the man was gone leaving him completely bewildered. He was hallucinating; someone must have spiked the drinks. He leaned against the wall once more. His eyes traveled over the guests and he finally found the one he was looking for. Usagi was now off of the dance floor and she was talking to a woman who appeared to be slightly older than her. They appeared to be in deep conversation and he saw Usagi shake her head slowly, her smile sad as she mouthed a 'no'. The other woman looked surprised and then began talking excitedly. What had caused that smile to suddenly lose its gaiety? He was most curious to know what that woman had asked. Maybe she had asked if Usagi had a boyfriend? It was very possible. Was Usagi now thinking of him? He suddenly remembered the look of her face when he had told her, rather Sailor Moon, that Beryl was the only one who was on his side. She had looked as though she had been betrayed. By him? Impossible. He had done nothing wrong... maybe injure a few of her friends here and there in his mission to get to her. But something continued to tug at his heart, even now, as he watched her with this other woman. His eyes then took on a group of young men standing close by. He recognized one of them as the second man who had danced with Usagi. They were all holding champagne glasses and he instantly knew some of them had imbibed a bit too much... including that second man. And their gazes kept wandering over the two women across from them... one of them the one the had been watching so carefully... Fear. No, he could never feel such a word! He was not fearful of anything! Fearful of nothing and fearful for no one... except... Usagi. No! She meant nothing to him, absolutely nothing. He could not be feeling any concern for her. As he had thought before, let her learn the hard way. He had been worry-free when he had entered this ball and he would leave worry- free! These emotions that were welling up inside of him were disconcerting and unsettling. He wasn't supposed to feel this way! Especially not over *her*! The inner logic of his mind was yelling at him, his loyalty lay to the Dark Kingdom... and here he was feeling *something* for the enemy! "Hors d'oeuvres, sir?" He glanced over at the waiter standing to the right of him. He looked at the shiny silver tray filled with little appetizers and then let his eyes travel up. His hand grabbed the wall for support as his eyes met the sky-blue ones of a third GeneralÉ Zoicite. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his mouth went dry all too quickly. He reached up a hand to wipe away the beads of perspiration and by the time his hand was at his side again, the waiter was gone. Vanished... "Kami-samaÉ" he whispered. He was feeling completely lost. It was as though he was some kind of string puppet in some twisted show he had no control over. No control whatsoever... He made a mental note to demand answers when he returned to his Queen... once he had killed Sailor Moon. He shook his head quickly, as if to get rid of any thoughts. He had to concentrate on the sole reason he had come. To eliminate Sailor Moon once and for all so that the Dark Kingdom could succeed in coming to its full glory. It would happen! He made up his mind at that moment. She had to be gotten rid of. Tonight. One way or another he would not leave this night unsuccessful. His blood sang at the thought of committing *some* sort of evil tonight. And to be the one to claim such a deed, it was enough to get his mind off of the past occurrences of this night. They were only distractions after all. He once again began to watch the girl and noticed that the other woman she was with was now gesturing towards a particular direction. He followed those hands and saw that they pointed towards the group of young men. When they saw that they were being talked about, they all raised their glasses in a salute causing the older woman to blush and laugh. They were all drunken fools, he thought roughly. He saw that the other men were nudging and shoving the young man who had been Usagi's second dance partner jokingly, nodding their heads towards her direction. Then Usagi and the other woman joined them and it seemed as though the woman was introducing Usagi to that man. His eyes began to shoot angry sparks as he saw the man bow gallantly over Usagi's outstretched hand and give it a kiss. The group erupted in laughter while she clearly looked ill at ease. The man then lead Usagi away from the group, looking over his shoulder at the group who winked and laughed some more. Where was the man taking her? They could not be leaving just yet; he could not be escorting her home. No, he was taking her on the dance floor again, he realized with relief. She would not evade him, he would make sure of it. He put his glass on the tray of a passing waiter and then leaned his shoulders against the wall, crossing his arms. As the band started another song he thought back to the first few times that he had had the pleasure of fighting her. Those first times when she didn't know who he was, she would call him 'Mamo-chan'. It would always catch him off guard. Mamo-chan. A shortened version of Mamoru, he supposed. He snorted at the meaning. Protector. Her protector, specifically. So he was this beauty's protector? What foolishness. But as he watched her dance away and smile and laugh, he felt something clog his throat. Love. That one sent him reeling. He wanted to sink to the floor and cover his head with his hands. He... love her? His number one enemy? It was unheard of and illogical. He was immune to feeling any sort of tender emotion... especially towards the one who had cried so pitifully in front of him in their last battle. No, that word... it was foreign to him! It fit nowhere in his mission to serve his liege, his Queen. He was allied to no one else except those from the Dark Kingdom and love meant being joined to someone fully and completely. It was not a word that fit him at all. He was alone and he would remain alone, it was his choice. "Are you sure about that?" A deep voice jerked him from his thoughts and he automatically straightened his shoulders. "Excuse me?" he asked incredulously, not believing what he had just heard. He looked over to his left... and immediately wished he hadn't. Silver-white hair fell shoulder length and framed a strong, tanned face. Piercing gray eyes stared intently... not at him... but at Usagi. "K-Kunzite?" he whispered weakly, his heart skipping beats at the sight if his former first-in-command. In response, the man neither affirmed nor denied the name. Instead he continued to stare in the direction of Usagi. "She's beautiful isn't she? An angel come to save us all." "What?!" He was having trouble comprehending. Nothing was making sense, he wanted to go back... go back to what? Back home... but where was home? All these thoughts, they were driving him mad! He looked up again and inhaled sharply. Those oh so familiar gray eyes were now focused on him. "I have faith in her... and you." And with that the tall man swiftly turned around and walked away, disappearing into the crowds of people. "No... wait..." But it was too late. As much as he could see, there was not a sign of that silver hair. The man was gone... just like all the others. He drew in a shaky breath. He thought the evil coursing his veins should have kept him strong but he felt like a mewling kitten at the moment. It was frustrating and he needed to vent the anger that was now unfurling within him. And he knew exactly what to focus it on. The music stopped and the band started up another song but Usagi and her dance partner were leaving the dance floor. And they weren't stopping there. They were heading for one of the many balconies. He straightened away from the wall, prepared to follow them. He brushed off his tuxedo with an air of casualness but as he took one step forward, Usagi turned her head and in that moment their eyes met. He froze and in a second, so much passed between them that he was left confounded. The air around him thickened considerably and he took a deep breath before slowly walking forward. She must have done it, he thought accusingly. His Generals... they were long dead because of *her*. She had killed them, with no justification. That much he knew already. But now he knew she was the one responsible for these 'cameo' appearances of his most trusted advisors. She had put up these.... these holograms to confuse him and put him in a weak state. It was the only explanation and as he walked to the balcony, his anger slowly grew, rising with each step. She would pay for such trickery. When he reached the entrance to the balcony, he saw what he had expected all along. The man had apparently overstepped his bounds for Usagi was talking in a raised voice and pushing him away from her. He grew furious at the man. He was an unnecessary obstacle in his mission to get to Usagi. "Leave us," he said coldly, making his presence known. The man simply looked at him, astonished upon seeing him standing there. "And why should I?" the man asked stubbornly. "Because you will suffer *my* consequences if you don't." The man took the threat as being real and left the balcony quickly, not sparing a glance back. He turned back to Usagi, who had taken a defensive stance, her hand clutching a round locket. "Finally I have you alone, Sailor Moon." He saw her pale face and laughed mockingly. "I take it you weren't expecting an appearance from me? No Senshi to back you up this time." At that Usagi looked startled and then suddenly laughed, surprising him completely. And then to his further amazement, she stopped laughing just as suddenly as she had begun and her eyes narrowed at him. "I knew you were here," she said furiously. "I could *feel* your presence near me from the very first time I descended those ballroom stairs and instantly I was alert. I had so many opportunities to call and have the Senshi here, but I chose not to," she said airily and then continued, looking at him with a pointed look. "It was up to you to make the first move, *I* was just waiting, *Prince* Endymion." "You'll pay with your life this night!" he yelled angrily and rushed towards her but she ducked at the last moment and jumped to the side. "Moon Prism Po-!" Her henshin words were immediately halted when he grabbed her raised wrist. "No!" she cried frantically, struggling to free herself. He smiled and wrapped his other arm around her waist and then pushed her against the balcony railing. "Drop it," he said and to emphasize her words he put pressure on her wrist. "No!" She tried to kick him but he had her effectively blocked and in retaliation he pressed her wrist harder and watched in triumph as the locket fell from her hand and then drop like a stone to the ground below. He saw her turn her head to watch it fall in complete horror and then turn back to him, her eyes terror-stricken. "Whatever will you do Sailor Moon... or is it now just Usagi?" She licked her lips and he could see the near defeat in her eyes. But there was something else there. Something he had seen too much of in the first night they had fought. "Mamo-chan..." The word escaped unbidden from her lips, whispered and filled with so much hurt and pain. His eyes cleared suddenly of any rage and widened at the name. She had called him Protector again. At a time like this she had called him a name that was more of an endearment. Even when he was about to... kill... her... Everything from the night came tumbling back. The four words... Jealousy... Possession... Fear... Love... they hit him head on like a two ton truck. The faces of his Generals... his friends... whirled around his mind and he instantly knew some greater Power had sent them... not Usagi. Not Usako... He looked skywards and with an agonized voice, whispered, "Beryl forgive me," and in the next instant his lips had claimed hers. The fingers that had held her wrist so punishingly, now laced with hers tenderly as he brought their hands down. She stood still beneath him and he could feel her shock... her absolute shock. He let his lips move in a soft exploration over hers and even though his mind knew he would pay for such treachery later on, his heart felt overjoyed when she finally began to respond. He brought her closer to him, pulling her away from the uncomfortable position he had pushed her too and he did his best to savor this moment... this all too short and precious moment. He kissed her again and again and then before he could give her one more kiss, a sudden pain struck him and he moved away abruptly, breaking the contact. He looked at her with bewildered eyes, not understanding the sudden jolt of pressure in his head. "Usa..." he reached out a hand towards her but was stopped by another searing pain. He saw her smile sadly and then reach up a hand to touch his face. "You have to go. They want you back but I promise you, I will get you back Mamo-chan. I swear it, it will be my gift to you to bring you back," she finished hoarsely. What was this gift? He touched her hand with his own and tried to speak but no sound came out. He looked down and found himself disappearing... fast! He shook his head wildly, not ready to leave but something was pulling him... it was the darkness. It was coming back for him... "I love you Mamo-chan. I promise I'll save you..." And the last coherent thought of his... I love you too. And then there was nothing but the evil. ~*~*The End*~*~ *Nervous laughter* Soooo you guys like? *Sees frying pan flying through the air* Okay okay! Bad ending I know!!! Sequel, you say? *Evil grin* I don't know, maybe if I *feel* like it... I mean the ending is funky as it is, ne? Well, tell me what you think! I'd luv to hear from ya! Bye! Patch:-)(-: