Wanted: Masseuse Author: Patch E-mail: patchkhan1@hotmail.com or kittiekat90@yahoo.com Rating: PG Hello everyone! Just a note, Hotmail decided to punish me last week by not allowing me to receive any mail so I apologize to those who wrote to me. I was ready to hack into Hotmail's system and... well, never mind. But as a result of last week's nastiness I now have two e-mail addy's that I check often. Pick and choose! Enjoy reading! Patch. Insert Standard Disclaimer Here. "Usagi-chan, what do you want for your birthday?" "Nothing." "Usagi-chan, is there anything you need for your birthday?" "No." "Usagi-chan, is there something you've wanted for your birthday?" "No." "Usako, what do you want to do for your birthday?" "Nothing big." "That's it! I don't know what to do anymore!" Minako sighed as she plopped down onto the sofa. "I agree, Usagi-chan will simply either avoid or simply not answer any questions related to her birthday," Ami added. "What are we going to do? I don't think I've been this frustrated with Usagi-chan in a very long time," Rei said, opening a box of cookies. The others looked at her with doubtful faces. "Nani?" she sat up defensively. "It's true, I can't remember ever being this frustrated with my best friend." "Okay Rei-chan," Makoto said with a smile. "So we'll just forget last week when you yelled at her because she couldn't decide what she wanted to eat." "That... was different." The other girls just rolled their eyes and giggled until Ami spoke. "Alright minna, we really must figure out something for Usagi's birthday. It has to be something she'd never expect." "Usako, diajobu?" "Hai, Mamo-chan, just very, very tired." "Long day at work?" he asked. "That word doesn't even begin to describe half of what I went through today." "So tell me about it." "Maybe later, I just want to close my eyes right now..." Usagi leaned over until her head was resting in her husband's lap and her body lay curled up on the rest of the sofa. Mamoru leaned back and absent- mindedly stroked his hand through Usagi's hair. His gaze fell to the pumps she had tossed off before settling herself to sit next to him. His eyes narrowed slightly in worry. Those shoes looked as though they could really hurt after putting in a whole day at work. "Usako?" "Hmm...?" "Aren't your feet killing you? Those shoes of yours look positively treacherous." "You get used to them after awhile Mamo-chan. But they do ache slightly, to be honest." "Well how about I massage them for you?" "Would you, really?" She leaned up on one elbow, smiling hopefully. "Of course," he lifted her chin to kiss her lips and then told her to turn around. She did so that her feet were now lying in his lap. Usagi sighed and rested her head against the armrest. "Do your magic, Mamo-chan." Five minutes later, Usagi was laughing so uncontrollably she had to beg Mamoru to stop. "No more, no more!" she yelled, gasping for breath. "What? I haven't even gotten to touch your feet, you've been moving them so much!" "That's because you're tickling, not massaging!" Usagi shot back, trying to sit up. "Matte, let me try again," he said, grabbing one of her feet. It was a depressing thought to him that he couldn't even massage his wife's feet without her bursting out laughing. He would massage her feet and he would do it successfully. She fell back, as he pulled her left foot upwards with determination. "Mamo-chan, love, you look too serious for this. It's okay if you can't do it," she began, but was interrupted. "Of course I can massage your feet Usako. What husband can't do this small service for his wife?" Usagi kept quiet on that one, but her eyes were twinkling with amusement. "Alright, let's try this." Mamoru brought his legs up so he could sit cross- legged and then pulled Usagi's foot into his lap again. "Now I should be able to massage your foot properly." "If you say so, Mamo-chan." He pressed his fingers into the sole of Usagi's foot and Lord help her but Usagi wanted to scream with laughter. But for the sake of her husband's ego, she tried her best to keep quiet. 'Tried' being the key word. She bit her lip and tilted her face upwards, trying desperately to hold the laughter in. But when his fingers pressed into a particularly sensitive area of her foot, she couldn't help herself. Her foot jerked, hitting Mamoru and she gave way to gales of laughter. Through the haze of her giggles, she realized that Mamoru had immediately released her foot instead of holding on like he had done before and she wiped her tears and sat up. "Mamo-chan?" "Usa..." he groaned and it was then that she saw the look of pure agony on his face and the way his body had become stiff and his hands were now... oh no. "Oh my gosh, Mamo-chan, are you okay?" she sat up on her knees and placed her hand on his shoulder. "No... not really," he gasped out and fell sideways. "Oh Mamo-chan, gomen ne! My foot hit you *there* didn't it? I'm sorry!" "It's okay," his voice came out from where he had muffled it against the cushions of the sofa. "I'll be okay... as soon as the nausea passes." "Oh, Mamo-chan! I didn't think this would work out. I should just post a want ad in the newspaper for a professional toe massager, can you imagine the phone calls? I'd probably get some guy named Gustavo who only wears tight, black muscle shirts and massages for a living," she joked. Mamoru did not find anything at all funny. He was in the throes of shame and pain. Peachy. The simple service of massaging his wife's feet had gone completely awry. What would the Husband's Club say? Probably banish him forever and call him a disgrace to husbands everywhere. He moaned slightly. And on top of this mental anguish, there was this physical pain. What in Kami's name had possessed him to sit cross-legged with his ticklish wife's foot in his lap... right next to a place that could hurt like the very devil in certain situations?? "Mamo-chan..." He could feel her fingers brush his hair back behind his ear. "I'm so sorry Mamo-chan, you're not upset are you?" she asked softly. He took a deep breath, removed his hands from their *former* area and pushed himself up. "Iie, Usako, I'm not upset at all... just a little pained, but it's okay." She smiled and then leaned towards him, still on her knees. Her hand curled around his neck and she brought him in so they could share a few kisses. "I feel a whole lot better," she whispered with a smile, and pressed her lips against his again. "Really?" he murmured. His ego was rising from its place of shambles. Like the phoenix he thought crazily. "Hai, because you've given me something to laugh about for a very long time." Ego back in shambles. Forget the rising from the ashes part. "Usako..." he said threateningly. "Would you look at the time? I told the girls I'd meet them for lunch and I'm late! I've got to shower and get dressed, Kami, I have to hurry!" Before he could put a word in edgewise, Usagi had jumped up off the sofa and had run into their bedroom. Minutes later he heard the shower turn on as he still sat there. I could join her, he thought... or I can sit here and contemplate my dilemma. And Mamoru did just that. He sat there with a frown on his face and didn't even realize how much time had passed until Usagi walked out, tying up her hair. "You're still sitting there? Mamo-chan, I hope you still aren't thinking about my feet," she said giggling. "I guess to become a masseuse you need that special touch. Don't feel bad, Mamo-chan." She came over to him with her sneakers and sat down, pulling one on. "I love you just how you are, with or without the massages." She gave him a kiss, grabbed her bag and left the apartment. "Ja ne!" She called out. The door closed but he still sat there with a small frown. He wanted her to love him... with the massages. And no Gustavo masseuse would touch her. He would be her only Gustavo. He turned to look at the closed door. And she wouldn't need to post those want ads anytime soon, he'd make sure of it. "Mako-chan, it's me!" Usagi's voice called out. Makoto rose from her sitting position and went to the door. "Glad you could make it Usagi-chan. We weren't expecting you any time this century," Rei said good-naturedly. "Baka! I came home late from work," Usagi replied, sticking out her tongue for good measure. She followed Makoto into the living room and sat down on the floor next to Minako. She grabbed a handful of popcorn and leaned back so that she was resting against the sofa. "So how is work?" Ami asked, taking nibbles from a sandwich. "It's tiring, I'll admit, but I love it." As she spoke, she unconsciously rolled her shoulders, trying to ease the tension in the muscles. "Hey, are your shoulders stiff?" Makoto asked. She was sitting on the sofa and slid over so that she was behind Usagi. "I can massage them for you," she offered. "That would be really nice, Mako-chan. My poor shoulders really need it." The other girls looked on and talked about little things. Usagi closed her eyes and waited for Makoto to begin. Her hands settled on Usagi's shoulders and Usagi sighed. A second later, her eyes shot open and she yelped, causing the other girls to stare. "Ow! Mako-chan, that's too hard! Ow!" "Patience Usagi-chan, your muscles are so stiff, that naturally it's going to hurt at first." "Itai! Mako-chan, you're rubbing too hard. My muscles may be stiff, but my shoulder blades do not need dislocating!" "Just hold still, Usagi-chan," Makoto said, digging her fingers right under Usagi's shoulder blades. Usagi flinched and then cringed. "Mako-chan, damare! I can't take it anymore!" The other girls were laughing so hard, they were on the floor holding their sides. Usagi glared at all of them and then turned her head to look at Makoto. "Mako-chan, gomen, but you're hands hurt! You're almost as bad as Mamo-chan!" The other girls stopped laughing and sat up with curious looks. "What do you mean by that, Usagi-chan?" Minako asked, wiping a few tears. "Did Mamoru-san attempt to rub your back?" "Iie, he tried to massage my toes and-" She was interrupted by the girls who began laughing all over again. "And what happened Odango Atama? You somehow managed to kick his face?" Rei teased. "No! I... I just ended up kicking him... where it hurts," she ended in a small voice. "Oh, that must've hurt," Makoto said. "I remember back in middle school when I kneed a guy there, he fell like a stone and moaned for five minutes straight. It's awesome to know you can cause a guy pain like that." The other four just looked at her wide eyes, until Ami just shook her head. "Mako-chan, you really must control that bloodthirstiness of yours." The others just nodded in agreement as Usagi slowly backed away from Makoto. "So what all did happen with Mamoru-san?" Minako asked. "Well, he offered to massage my feet because he saw what kind of shoes I wore to work today. And then when he tried to massage my feet, he just couldn't do it right and ended making me laugh for the most part. And then he insisted he could massage my feet and I think I heard him mutter something about his dignity or something but then he grabbed my foot and I swear I tried not to laugh but I just couldn't help it! And then... and then I couldn't control myself and my foot jerked into his... well you know," she ended meekly. She saw the others staring at her, ready to laugh and sought to defend herself. "I didn't do it on purpose!" She giggled a bit and went on. "I told Mamo-chan I'd have to put up a want ad for a toe massager but now after a session with Mako-chan, I might as well ask for a professional masseuse who does everything!" The girls suddenly grew silent and shared looks. The same thought crossed everyone's eyes. It was too perfect. "Hey, did I say something wrong?" Usagi asked, noticing the quietness. "Iie, Usagi-chan, we just..." Rei began hesistantly. "We just wondered if Mamoru-san would ever allow another man to massage your back," Ami, said with a small blush. Usagi giggled. "Probably not." Another shared look between the girls and the plan was set. Many hours later, Usagi left and as soon as the door closed the girls came in close, with wide smiles on their faces. "This is great, what a perfect idea!" Makoto exclaimed. "But we have to make a few phone calls first, ne?" Minako asked. "Hai, so which place first?" Rei said, bringing the phone to the floor. The girls looked at each other and giggled. Of course they knew who they had to call first. Rei dialed a number she knew by heart and waited as the call went through. "Moshi moshi," a male voice replied. Over the next few days... "So you see, you must press down here, at this spot, right where the muscle is." "I see." "And then your fingers must make a circular motion right into this muscle over here." "Hai." "You must be careful, you cannot press too hard nor can you pinch the skin. Also, you cannot press too softly." "Hai." "Do you have any questions?" "When do we get to the feet?" "Alright guys, where are you taking me?" The girls giggled in response and led the blindfolded Usagi down the sidewalk. "Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous," Minako said happily. "Dangerous? Minako-chan, what do you mean by that?" "Nothing, except that you'll have a wonderful time," Rei supplied, shooting a warning look to the other girl. They didn't need to scare the birthday girl away. They entered a building and Usagi was finally made to come to a stop. She sniffed at the air. It smelt so... refreshing. There was no other way to describe it. She was now really curious to know what her friends had in store for her. "Finally, you guys. Thank Kami I wasn't wearing any heels today. My feet would have surely rebelled against me then." "Oh," Makoto said resignedly, "maybe we *should* have made you wear heels. You would have definitely appreciated this place." "Nani? Where have you guys taken me?" "Okay Usagi-chan, time for your surprise." She felt one of the girls untie the blindfold and when it fell from her eyes, she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "Kami..." she breathed. "Happy birthday Usagi-chan!" her friends chorused happily. "You guys! You brought me here? This place is my birthday gift?" she asked incredulously. The place in question was one of Tokyo's most renowned spa and treatment centers. It had been critically acclaimed in many positive lights and was known to be quite a popular place. "You don't like it?" Ami asked uncertainly. "Like it? I love it! This place is exactly what I need. How'd you guys know?" Makoto laughed outright at the question. "Call it a really good guess," she said, still chuckling. "Oh this is so great! Thank you so much!" Usagi exclaimed, turning around and hugging each one of her friends. "I can't believe you did this for me!" "You deserve this Usagi-chan," Minako said as Usagi hugged her. "You deserve the ultimate relaxation today." "By the way, what did Mamoru-san give you?" Makoto asked. "Oh, well he made breakfast and all, wished me a happy birthday with one of his astounding kisses and then said he had a surprise planned for me later. I hope I don't take too long here. I don't want to keep him waiting." "He won't mind Usagi-chan," Ami said reassuringly. Usagi realized a woman was waiting for her and turned to her friends once more. "Thank you, minna, so much. This means so much to me even though I didn't ask for it!" "It's a birthday present, Usagi-chan, we want to give this to you," Rei replied. "Now, we asked for one of the special packages, so first you're going to go through the mud treatments, the facial treatment, etc etc. And then in the end you'll be getting the rubdown," she finished, with a mischievous smile. "We'll be leaving you now, so enjoy yourself as much as possible," Makoto added. The girls said their good byes and Usagi was led to a room where she could take off her clothes and wrap a towel around herself. This will be heaven, she thought happily. A while later, Usagi emerged from her facial, an absolutely luxurious experience in her opinion. "Where to now?" she asked the woman who was standing by the door. The woman giggled and with a twinkle in her eyes led her to another room. "This is the final stage of your treatment," she informed Usagi. "Just lie face down on that table you'll see in there and someone will attend to you shortly." Usagi entered the room and went over to the table which was as soft as her bed, truth be told and let out a sigh. Poor Mamo-chan, she thought, he could use one of these treatments as much as I do. She tried to picture him lying down with cucumbers on each of his eyes and giggled. Now that would be a sight she'd pay to see. "Ahem, my name is Gustavo and I will see to your massage." Gustavo? No way, she thought, leaning up on her elbows and turning her head. She let out a shocked gasp at the sight that greeted her. There stood 'Gustavo' formerly known as her husband, in black pants... and a... black muscle shirt. "Mamo-chan?" she asked incredulously. "Iie, I am known as Gustavo to you today," Mamoru said, coming further into the room to stand beside the table. He pressed a hand between her shoulders to make her lie down. "Mamo-chan! What did you...? How did you...?" "No more questions, Usako," he ordered. "Just lie down and relax," he ended soothingly. "Oh, so the great Gustavo is allowed to call another man's wife Usako?" she asked teasingly, lying back down to rest her head on her hands. Mamoru grinned from above her and poured some oil into his hands. "Fine break my illusion, call me Mamo-chan if you must," he said beginning to press her shoulder blades. "I like that name a whole lot more," she replied and then sighed as Mamoru began his work. "Mamo-chan... when did you become this good?" she asked a few minutes later, the magic of his hands putting her under a relaxing spell. "Just close your eyes, Usako. I'm not done yet," he answered, placing a kiss on her neck. He rubbed a particularly tense muscle and smiled at her groan of pleasure. "Who would've thought my Mamo-chan could be so professional?" he heard her mumble a little while later as he moved down her back. He stared down at the smooth expanse of skin and he could not see himself allowing another man to touch his wife like this, no matter how professional he might be. He grinned at himself. If Usagi had heard his thoughts, she would have leaned up to hit him and call him a possessive chauvinist. His hands moved down her legs and as he neared her feet, he could feel her muscles tense. "Usako, work with me, ne?" he asked. "Just forget the other day..." "For you Mamo-chan," he heard her reply with an easy voice. He paused to rub a bit more oil into his hands and then took one foot into his hands. He pressed into a muscle and then waited, ready to cringe. Silence. He pressed the muscle a bit more and then suspiciously looked back at Usagi. Her shoulders were not shaking in silent laughter, that much he could see. She didn't even seem to be holding back any laughter He went back to her foot and after a bit, moved onto the other one. When he was finally finished with the massage he sighed with relief. He had done it... he had fully massaged his wife's body with his ego still intact. Amazing. "Mamo-chan... come here..." he heard her order drowsily. He walked back to the head of the table and bent his knees so that his face was next to hers. "Yes Usako?" She turned her head from its sideways position and met his gaze, her eyes a soft and languorous blue. Her hand moved to the back of his head and before she pulled him toward her, he heard her say, "You're so good." She kissed him slowly, lazily almost as her mouth moved over his. "Arigato, love," she whispered as they continued to share kisses. "You're welcome," he whispered and stood up slowly, not breaking contact as he bent over her as she continued to lie on the table. "Happy birthday," he said against her lips a little while later. "I love this gift," she replied, lifting her head to kiss him again. They heard voices and stopped abruptly, her hands entangled in his hair, his hands behind her back, both breathing heavily. "Home?" he murmured. "Home," she answered. She sat up and he handed her her clothes which he had pulled from the other room before entering this one. They left together, but not before Mamoru got a chance to thank the owner profusely. "Mamo-chan, how long have you been hiding those massaging skills?" Usagi asked as they drove back to the apartment complex. "That's my secret," he replied, not even giving a hint of his whirlwind lesson. By the time they reached home, Usagi had fallen into a light sleep and Mamoru picked her up and carried her into the lobby and up the elevator until they reached their apartment. As he walked to their bedroom, he heard her speak. "I love you Mamo-chan, with or without the black muscle shirt." ~*~*The End*~*~ Welps, that was it. I know it was tad late, considering Usagi's b-day has already passed but the idea came a bit too late. Oh well! Better late than never, ne? Thanks for reading! Patch:-)(-: