To Please Her Author: Patch E-mail: Rating: PG-13 Hi hi everyone! First off, I just want to say ONE thing, I am a girl. Yes, a girl. It depresses me very much when people see my pen name and think me a guy. >_< No offense to any guy out there! Welps, this is my latest 'creation'. It's a storyline that I haven't seen before so I gave it my best shot. This is a fic based on the compilation of many personal experiences. I enjoyed writing it, I hope you all enjoy reading it. Many thanks go to all those who write to me. You guys make me feel all warm and tingly inside ^_^. Patch. Insert Standard Disclaimer. Mamoru was in the kitchen mixing batter for pancakes when he heard the first groan. Instantly, he felt fear shoot through him but it was tamped down when another groan followed the first. Oh Kami, he thought placing the bowl on the counter. He knew those sounds all too well and it could only mean one thing... Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he walked into the bedroom where his wife lay curled up on her side. "Usako, daijabou?" he asked carefully, walking around to Usagi's side. "No, you baka, I'm not okay!" she closed her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth as another wave of pain struck her. "I've got cramps," she bit out and then quietly she added, "and they hurt." He swallowed slightly and paled visibly. It was that time... that time of the month that all husbands, boyfriends, fathers and any other member of the male species with a female in his life feared... greatly. He sat down next to her and brushed back tendrils of her hair from her face. "Usako, believe me, if I could, I would take all that pain from you and put it upon myself just to make it easier." "Flatterer, you would do no such thing," she shot back, shooting him a glare. "I would think you crazy if you did." "Crazy for you, hai," he said with a smile. "Mamo-chan," she moaned, "your cheesiness is not helping me." But he saw the small smile forming as she spoke and jumped on that. "If I keep talking like this, my 'cheesiness' as you call it, will help distract you from the... other things going on." She hugged her arms around her waist and peeked an eye open. "Please Mamo-chan, your cheesiness will only further serve to remind me as to why you're being so cheesy in the first place!" He gave her a blank look and then stood up, throwing his hands in the air. "Fine, fine, if you don't want my help, that's just fine with me. I'll just leave you now and get back to making-" "No Mamo-chan, don't leave! I need you, onegai." He grinned at her tone and turned around from the doorway. "You need me?" he asked teasingly. "You didn't seem to so much as *want* my company just a few seconds ago." "Yes Mamo-chan, I do need you... very much so." His grin became wider and he came back to the bed. "Ah, Usako, you know I love you" he began, placing a kiss on her lips, "and I'll always be there when you need-" "I need *them*." "Nani?" he asked, straightening back quickly. "Mamo-chan," she began with an air of patience fit for a child, "I need for you to get me *them*. You always turn red when I say the word, so this is the only way I can say it without you getting uncomfortable." "Them? Them..." his mind searched furiously for what she was implying and when he hit upon the answer, he wanted to fall to his knees and beg. Beg so that he wouldn't have to go out and get *them*. "Usako... You know I-" "You love me, I know and I love you too Mamo-chan but I can't get out of this bed never mind driving to the store so if you could, onegai, get them for me?" He let out a frustrated sigh and got down on the floor beside the bed so that he could be at eye level with Usagi. "Why can't you ever stock up on these things? I'm sure you get them in family size and bulk pack." he said. She looked at him squarely in the face, her expression clearly telling him that she thought he was mad. She then uncurled her arm from her stomach and brushed Mamoru's bangs away. "Love, we're not talking about cereal here. These things do *not* come in a family size." She closed her eyes and he saw her bite her lower lip as another cramp struck her. "Get some aspirin while you're at it," she moaned as she rolled over, facing away from him. Mamoru did not want to do this... he couldn't be made to do this! It went against every instinct of his male ego. Not that he would have much left of it after this trip, he thought, disgruntled. He gathered up strength for one last argument. "Demo... maybe one of your friends could do it." He quickly rushed on. "Maybe Rei could go, or Makoto. I'm sure neither would mind." She did not turn to face him but he heard the menace in her voice. His wife... sounding menacing... towards him! "Mamo-chan, I will not have Rei-chan make a trip all the way from the Hikawa Shrine just to go to the store that is right around the corner from this apartment complex! The same goes for Mako-chan. Now go or you'll be sharing my pain and I'll make sure of it," she threatened. He looked at her back for a moment and then got up, grumbling to himself. "When I'm King, the first royal decree will be to have those things come in bulk and then I'm going to have the palace stocked from floor to ceiling with them." He left the room and didn't see his wife's tender smile follow him out. As he drove to the store, which *was* really just around the corner (but he wasn't going to be caught walking home with a package of those *things*), his mind drifted back to the last (and first) time he was made to do this 'errand'. It was a while ago as he made sure Usagi didn't make him do this often and he could still remember... the *stares*. He, a first timer, had innocently walked into the aisle, intent on just getting the package and leaving when he had to stop dead in his tracks at the sight before him. At least 10 women of all ages were in that aisle, and as he had gone to get that one item, he remembered the feeling of their eyes boring into him from all sides. Kami, it was those stares that had nearly done him in that last time, nearly forcing him to drop everything and run out of the store with his head inside his shirt. It hadn't helped when he had reached the cashier, he received a few smirks from the teenager behind the register. And then to top it all off he had to stand through a price check. A price check! He could have sworn the boy had done it on purpose to prolong the intense torture of his trip. Mamoru shuddered as he remembered the words that went over the P.A. system, "Customer Service, we need a price check for this guy's Always Maxi pads, Overnight Protection." The snickers behind him that had followed had nearly killed him and he swore to never let his wife put him in such a position. So here he was on this lovely day, heading for the 'feminine products' aisle, his hands clammy and his legs quite unsteady. "Oh Kami," he mumbled under his breath, "give me the strength, please just give me the strength to-" "Konnichiwa! Can I help you today?" He nearly jumped back into a ceiling high stack of diapers at the cheery voice that had interrupted his prayers. He turned his head to see an elderly woman smiling politely at him, wearing the store's uniform. "Iie, I'm just looking for m-... milk!" "Aisle 5, next to the frozen food section." "Uh... Arigato," he walked off, not realizing he was walking in the opposite direction, confusing the poor old woman completely. He found the aisle and knew that *they*, those feminine items his wife so dearly needed, were on the left side. So, he deducted, if I just walk through looking for something on the right side, and then quickly grab something from the left, no one will really see anything. So, with the confidence and ease of a man who's sure of himself, Mamoru walked into the aisle, mentally patting himself on the back. When he got near to his goal, he turned his head to focus his gaze on the items on the right side of the aisle trying to look interested in those items... and nearly keeled over in shock. His sexy blue eyes now beheld the sight of women's razors, disposable *and* non-disposable, shaving *and* waxing creams and some fragrant body lotions on the side. Good Lord, what had he done to displease the Fates today? He groaned audibly yet quietly and thrust his hand through his hair. The creaking of shopping cart wheels caught his attention and he turned his head to see two young women coming down, each pushing a shopping cart, chatting amicably. Mamoru did what any normal man in his tumultuous position would do... he panicked. First he walked quickly *towards* the women before he realized that such a move would only create more complications and lead to humiliation. Wrong way, baka! He did an about face just as quickly and walked --nearly ran-- out of the aisle and into the next one. He grabbed the nearest item, saw that it was a bottle of shampoo and flipped it around so that he could read the back. Anything to keep his male ego intact, you see. He heard the two women turn into the aisle he was in and looked up in time to see their flirtatious smiles. If only Usagi was here, he thought, those smiles would have been wiped off so quickly... but she wasn't so he did what was a common action to him. He brought his hand up and scratched the side of his head, clearly displaying the golden wedding band on his finger. He saw the tiniest bit of disappointment in their eyes as the two moved away. He then allowed himself a smug smile. Serves them right, he thought. But, he could not forget the mission at hand so he cautiously walked back to his former destination, looking around to make sure there would be no further interruptions. Just as he had reached his goal a hand clamped down on his shoulder causing him to yelp and swivel around. "Mamoru?" the man asked. "Motoki?" Mamoru asked. "What are you doing here?" they both said at the same time and then grinned. "Reika sent me to get her those *things*," he confided pointing slightly to the shelves in front of them. "You too? Thank Kami. I don't have to do this alone then." He reached out to grab one of the packages when Motoki stopped him. "Wait, how do you know that's the right one?" "Nani? What do you mean by that?" Mamoru asked nervously, pulling his hand back. "Don't you know what specific *type* Usagi wants? Look at all of the brands and types in front of you, wouldn't Usagi want a particular kind?" And indeed, Mamoru did look and see... so many kinds of *them*. The urge to kill his best friend immediately had never been so great. He groaned even louder than the last time and turned to Motoki. "Now why did you have to tell me that? How am *I* supposed to know what Usako wants?" The sweat beads were back on his forehead and he turned his gaze back on the shelves. All those different brands... what if he didn't get the right one? That was something he did not want to look forward to. "Well, which one do you get for Reika?" "Depends." At Mamoru's blank stare, Motoki sighed and went on to further explain. "They need different ones for different times and depending on where they are, they'll need a specific type. Where were you in health class, Mamoru?" "Busy gagging," came the quick answer. Motoki shook his blonde head in exasperation. "So which one are you going to get?" he finally asked. "There's the 'light days', 'medium days', 'heavy days', 'overnight protection,' 'wings,' 'without wings,' 'regul-'" He was abruptly stopped when he found a hand clamped over his mouth and a very red-faced Mamoru. "Can't you keep it down? Do you want the whole world to know that we're on a shopping expedition for these things?" Motoki calmly removed Mamoru's hand and then began chuckling. "You're not very good at this are you? You learn after a while to take it... like a man." Mamoru shot him a glare and then grabbed a package. "Usako loves me," he began, "and she won't care that I got her the wrong brand or type. She'll appreciate the effort I'm making for her and that's all that matters." "Sure, you keep telling yourself that..." "Can I help you two with anything?" Mamoru caught himself before he yelped again and then quickly shoved the package he was holding into Motoki's hands. He turned around and found himself was facing the same old lady from before. "No, not at all," he replied with a charming grin and wink. "My friend here was having trouble finding the right kind for his wife. I was just helping him." "My wif-?!" Mamoru discreetly stepped on his friend's shoe, immediately shutting him up. He flashed the woman another smile. "Do you have any suggestions?" The woman immediately launched into a lengthy description of which kind would be suitable while Mamoru nodded politely and smiled at the appropriate times. By the time she was done, *Motoki* not Mamoru, was holding at least 4 different kinds of Maxi pads. When the lady at last left them, Mamoru turned back to his now fuming friend with an innocent look on his face. "I am *not* buying all of these," came the growl. "Of course not," came the gracious reply, "I am going to buy them." "Nani?" Motoki asked, clearly astounded. "Even I would not be crazy enough to walk out of here with *all* of them." "But see, I'm crazy for Usako so-" Motoki's groan cut him short. "Oh please, Mamoru, cut the cheesiness." "Demo, I'm not being-" "Are you done here? Yes? Good, let's go." Motoki dumped the bundle in Mamoru's arms, picked up another one from the shelf for Reika and began walking. Mamoru followed him but once he left the safety of the aisle and walked out into the open space next to the cashier lines he stopped dead in his tracks. So many people... they would all stare... at his so many packages of... pads. His face lost all color and he quickly strode to the cashier line in front of him. Luckily there were only two people in front of him with few items and before he knew it the woman --thank Kami it wasn't that teenager-- was scanning his stuff. He exhaled in relief... and stopped in mid-breath when she spoke in a loud, nasal voice. "Sir, did you know that we are having a special sale on the Stayfree ones? It's buy one get one free week." "I just need that one, arigato," he replied curtly. But the woman was not to be deterred because to her, any sale was a good sale. "If you'd like, you can sign up for a rebate and you'll receive the Alway's Heavy Flow with Wings upon-" "No, I am not interested." Did this woman not understand his pain? Mamoru wondered. He so badly wanted to sink into the Earth and being that he was connected to it, the Earth would be much obliged to do him such a favor... "Will you be paying by cash or credit?" Mamoru gave his credit card and with eager eyes watched as the woman bagged everything for him. He grabbed the bags and began walking towards the doors. Freedom... it was finally in sight... "Oh sir! You forgot the Light Flow Panty Liners! I forgot to bag them!" That voice would forever hunt him in his nightmares. He knew it in that instant. He turned back around and tried to pretend that it was nothing. Sure, men like him did this kind of thing everyday. Sure, they were insane enough like him to get four different kinds of pads for their wives... The snickers from all around were *not* helping. Wait, was that that teenage boy again? Just you wait, Mamoru thought. Just you wait until you fall for a girl and find yourself giving an arm and a leg to see her happy. Usagi owed him in more ways than he could count... "Here you go! Have a nice day!" Finally he was able to walk out of the store in peace. Finally he was able to get into his car and drive home. He vaguely remembered saying good bye to Motoki but that didn't matter now. He had gone out, risked his now deflated ego, and bought *them*. He needed someone to pat him on the back, he thought wryly. He had finally accomplished his husbandly duty. As Mamoru approached their apartment he heard the faint sounds of dance music. He frowned as he realized it must have been one of their neighbors. They really had no respect for everyone else, he thought as the lyrics to "She's a Maniac" rung in his ears. Imagine his shock and surprise when he opened the door to find himself blasted with the song. The bags dropped from his hands when he took in the sight before him. His wife was *dancing* around the living room, a quart of chocolate fudge ice cream in her hand. She was still dressed in her nightclothes which consisted of shorts and one of *his* white shirt tucked in haphazardly. He knew he had left his wife, moaning and curled up like a newborn in their bed, so what was she doing... dancing... like a... maniac?! Her back was to him as she bounced and swayed to the music and he grinned evilly as he crept up to her. Oh, she had a lot of explaining to do. His hands clamped around her waist and he was rewarded with a squeal as he lifted her high and swung her around. The ice cream and spoon went flying but he didn't care about them very much at the moment. When he let Usagi's feet touch the ground, she immediately turned around and tried to swing a punch at him. He easily caught her fist and when she finally saw who it was, instead of calming, she tried to hit him with her other hand. He caught that fist also and brought their hands down to behind her back and pulled her towards him. He captured her lips with his and gave her a deep kiss. "Mamo-chan! Are you insane?" she yelled after they broke apart. "You nearly gave me a heart attack coming up like that. I could have hurt you!" "You hurt me? Not in this lifetime, Usako." "Don't forget, we have another lifetime to look forward to baka! I'll get you then for scaring me like that!" She struggled a little but quickly came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to let her go. "And what about you?" he said, giving in to her tempting lips and giving her another quick kiss. "What about me?" she asked, her eyes narrowed. "I leave you here moaning in pain and come back to see you dancing with ice cream! What happened in the hour's time that I was gone?" "Oh, that. Well, a few minutes after you left I became impatient and called Hota-chan, you know, the woman who lives a few doors from us and she came over with an extra package of pads and some Advil. She's such a sweetheart," Usagi finished, smiling. "She's such a sweetheart!" He let go of her and gestured to himself. "What about me? After all that I went through, the horror, the torture, the humiliation, the agony, the-" "Mamo-chan! You're sounding like a soap opera. All I asked for was a small package of pads and some Tylenol, how hard was that?" "How hard?" Usagi heard the indignation in his voice and backed up a step... only to find him move forward one step. "Bad question?" she meekly asked. "You ask me, your husband, a man with a reputation to keep, how hard it was to walk into the 'feminine aisle', be confronted with a thousand feminine products and then from a plethora of pads, select *one* of them, praying that it was the right one?! You dare to ask me such a question?" "Mamo-chan... what's a plethora?" It was all Usagi got out before running for her life as Mamoru chased after her. "Gomen, gomen!" she yelled, desperately trying to evade Mamoru's hands. She screamed when he finally lunged, stopping her from getting away. He brought her up against his chest and leaned down to nuzzle the side of her neck. "You should be punished for being so ignorant of my manly psyche," he mumbled, nipping her skin for added measure. She smiled happily and was about to close her eyes when the bags against the door caught her attention. "How many packages did you get?" she asked, giggling. "Enough to please you and that's all that matters," he replied, bringing her backwards so that they could sit on the sofa behind them. "Arigato Mamo-chan." "You're welcome. By the way Usako, *you*, my love, will be taking a trip to the store because we've run out of..." and he whispered the rest in her ear and smiled in satisfaction to see her eyes go wide. ~*~*The End*~*~ *Giggle* I'm just thinking back to all the things that led up to this fic. C'mon people, how many of you have found yourself in either Mamoru's or Usagi's position? It's life... and that's the only way I can explain it. Write me and tell me what *you* thought. Patch:-)(-: