8/19 NGEX is back! 7/30 IMPORTANT***** LAYOUT UNDER CONSTRUCTION 7/25 hey everyone. I just got Back from Florida, So il be ready to update again. Sry about al that. 7/24 Vacation 7/23 Vacation 7/22 Vacation 7/21 Vacation 7/20 Vacation 7/19 Vacation 7/18 Hey everyone the Beta version of my new Eva RPG, will be out soon hopefully. Its a reall RPG too, not some crappy Text base stuff, this is the real deal. 7/17 Working on an Eva RPG ^_^ 7/16 New Affiliate, Pilot of Roses, an Asuka Shrine. 7/15 Fixed the links, and tweaked things around the site, to make em work better. 7/14 I finally got around to making a true affiliates page, and also i change the links to a true links page.Also I added a new gallery page on Maya. Check it out sometime. 7/13 My dearest opologes to everyone, I left without notice, But ill make up for that, Ill be working full-time from now so expect updates all around, thanks for your tiime and loyalty. 7/12 Vactaion 7/11 Vacation 7/10 Vacation 7/9 Vacation 7/8 hey guess what!? More work on the gallery, x_x 7/6 More work on the gallery. 7/5 Stil working on the gallery. 7/4 Happy 4th of July! I have contructed the misato gallery. Eww its so hot i feel sick. 7/3 I have started massive construction of a Hella cool image gallery, For the next couple days my site will be undergoing this construction and some images or links may be dead or broken. *****rei gallery now up, and I got the best awrd ive goten yet, check it.**** 7/2 I just recieved another award. Go check it out sometime. Much thanks ^_^ 7/1 Ahh finally back, and to celebrate i have reformated the wallpapers, and added a few. Go check it out, if there are any problems lemme know. Thanks, great to be back. 6/24 I will be going on Vacation till the 1st of July. dont miss me too much. (o_-) 6/23 I have recieved another award , this time a neon genesis best sites award, go check it out sometime. 6/22 Dragon has submited another great fanfic, got to go read this one, best bet is to print it out and sit by the fire, this ones gonna take a bit. 6/21 A new fanfiction has been submitted by Dragon, go check it out, i read it myself and liked it very much. 6/20 Seeing that it is my 4000 hit today, I created another gallery in the pictures. Go check it out. 6/19 I have created a webring called, Evangelion Elite. You can sign up anytime and i will review your site and put it up, Thanks! 6/18 The new pic format is here, go check it out, its a lot easyier to use and loads faster ^_^. Wait!!! IM not going to bed yet! I just added some MP3's. Your Welcome! 6/17 New picture formating on the way, be pacianet please ^_~ 6/16 Big update, new layout and everything, 6/15 Lets see, i added a new link sofar. Oh man now i have to go buy Death and Rebirth and End of Evangelion. I wish i could find those in the movie store, oh well Online shoping isnt so bad. 6/14 School is finally over!!! Well now i can get back to my normal schedual, Lets see, well I just watched Final Genesis, one word, "Amazing". And Alter-Eva is being redone, because it... well SUCKED. Geeze i can do better than that! Well hey thats what happens when your borred in school. So hopfully ill get back to making a new one soon.**Ill be putting up a new banner on my pages, so if the oldones stil there, dont fret** 6/13 One last day of Finals, busy, damn. OLMOST DONE!!! Yay. 6/12 Just one more day of finals!!! BUt ive got some time becasue im only taking one final tommro so im makeing a massive update!! Im moving (or moved) from index2.html, back to index.html. 6/11 You can vote for me on the top 100 list now too please, thats if you can find it in your heart.... Wel as you can see im suffering from brain farts, From too much studying and boredom. Finals are still in efect and suck. x_X 6/10 Hey i added some links, sorry i've got stupid Finals Exams, so im busy and stuff. But once thats all done everyting will be all ok. 6/9 Added a link to my webrings if you didnt already know were they were. >_< 6/8 Hey hey, I got 4 more fan fics up, they are very good go check them out. 6/7 Alter Eva is now up, its my new manga, as you will read as you enter, It is still new and doesnot display my best art work, have fun with it. 6/6 Put up 2 more of my fanarts so far, oh yeah and im in the works of setting up a dayly/ or weekly nge comic, And my own NGE manga, Title not yet decided. 6/5 Lets see, sofar today I linked to another site, you can chek that in the links section, and if you ever wondered who the hell is running this joint, my pic is in the contact page. THX! -_~ PS- Ok just added a new section to my site, explaining the Sephrothic System, go cehck it out. ONE more thing, I addded a lyrics page, Geeze im workin hard today, time for a nap. z_z 6/3 I recieved my first award today, If youd like to apply for your own reward just sign my guestbook and ask. Thanks!!! PS- Finally an Evangleion FanFIc is up, go check it out in the hmm, well umm, OH YEAH! FanFic section! 6/2 Hey, I reached the 2000 mark, thanks for the support everyone! Dont be afraid to sign the guestbook. 6/1 Ive been working on a Fanfic, and a little anime (Ha, just crappy charactor models sofar). Ill hopfully be puting up a sample soon. Later. 5/27 Content, need more content! The laboring task of finding and adding more content,well got some more picuers up that i've been meaning to put there for a while. Expect more wallpapaer and pictures. Also If you haven't noticed all my links are up except for fanfiction, im in the works of making some deal with some peeps. So hopefully ill have some up shortly. 5/26 If youve noticed, like many others have, most of my links were either 2nd, or even first generation, well hey i cant be perfect!!! But i got off my lazy ass today and update all the links so they look nice, hope your happy. (Cause you better be!!!) (-_-) 5/25 I seem to be going in cycles, first all fanart updates, now all site reapir. Well your right if your guessing im about to say that i re-did my site. New buttons, new banner, new backround. Enjoy.(x_ x) 5/24 Its been exactly i month since i first started this site, lots have gone up and lots of traffic (^-^) [by my standards atleast] Thanks for the support everyone and keep coming bac, PLus send me your fanart!!!! PS- New fanart too. !!!! Wait im not going to be yet! Just updated whole site and added new sections, some are up and running and others arnt, expexct them to be ready to go soon. 5/20 Finally, a new site layout. Not totally done but im gtting there. Ive also been trying my hand at flash, not very skilled yet but well see someday. 5/15 I added new buttons and ::trumpits sound:: I just git the 1000 mark in under a month, might not be to fancy to some, but its an acheivemtn to me! Thanks for the support everyone!!! ^_^ 5/14 I added a link on downloads, iv got a coupleeva clips on there right now. Oh yeah, and another fanart! 5/13 Hey guess what i updated! If you guessed something other than fanart your wronge. But if youve been cchecking aout my site recently youd notice only fanart updates, Blech. But hey youve GOT to check out the newest artist in the fanart section, I do have to say she one great artist. Check it.(0_~) 5/12 Ah not too mch going on, just join up with a top 25 list, PRETTY PLEASE vote for me, its the second button under then links, thanks! 5/11 Blahh, every update seems to be fanart lately, ahh, thats not all that bad. Maybe even a good thing. Well as you might have guessed theres a new fanart I drew, check it out. 5/8 Added yet another fan art, and linked to an old freind of mine. 5/7 Added some brandy new fan art, one from me and a couple from my classmates. Remeber, ANYONE can send me fan art, doent matter if you new to anime, or just good at cars or chicken scratch, its all fine with me. 5/5 I added another of my fanarts, added another wallpaper and another skin. 5/4 Yay, my rings are being exepted, im starting to get traffic. 5/2 Added new button links, and fooled around a bit. Also just got excepted by my first ever ring. Yay! 5/1 Ive added some winamp skins, updated the charactor list, and added a couple more pictures. (^0_~^) 4/29 Added some more pictures and screwed around with some things. 4/27 New picture section were you can find miscelanious pictures and such, i also added a couple more wallpapers. 4/26 Threw away the crappy banner and made up yet another one. Updated the wallpaper and created a charactor section, were you can find info on your favorite peeps. (^-_-^) 4/25 I added a wallpaper section and fan art. Also i created a banner and other misc. stuff. Expect more updates. 4/24 First Update! Very weak, but ill be getting there. (^x_x^)