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Save Our Neighborhood Schools - Winter 2004

>>> NEW: News Arcticle ARCHIVE has been updated, 1/18/04.

The ProJo had an article in Monday's paper 12/15 on the possibility of NK losing state aid for the high school because the band room does not comply with disability regulations - and that it's been known since before construction began. The DECISION article has now been issued.

The 12/1 article article was on Dr. Halley not adhering to state official's directives during the roofing projects.

The DES, Stony Lane and Forest Park schools have had roof work done/in process this Fall. Last year it seems the school administration did not learn from mistakes made at Hamilton Elementary and repeated toxic fume problems at DES and SLane. The safety of our children (& staff) in those schools can not be compromised again.

A Petition drive for the removal Dr. Halley from his position of superintendent of NK schools is ongoing. These roof problems, dismissal procedures and fiscal nondisclosures are enough. North Kingstown deserves better!

More information can be found on the Petition drive with the link below.

An email from the teacher's association president, Mr. Sullivan, with a Roof Summary chronological at each school is a real eye opener as to the conditions the schools were operating under during the roof work. Forest Park update Nov. 18, is available. And Stony Lane update Nov. 30, is now available too. The email includes a medical summary of the 3 day events.

Mr. Mudge has prepared a Roof Histogram document which contains emails, minutes of meetings and other documents with information about the roof issue spanning a year's time.

The school committee meetings are available at the NKSD website. (Contact info below).

IF YOU WANT TO SPEAK at the school committee meeting, YOU NEED TO BE THERE AT 7pm, there may be a signup sheet. During business meetings the public is only able to speak during Open Forum at the start of the meeting and during closing Comments. During worksessions you can speak after each agenda item has been addressed by the committee.

Last updated 1/18/04

More Information:

Petition Letters and download (update 11/29)
Roof Outrage Email and Chrono. Summary Document (Sullivan update 12/4)
Newspaper Article ARCHIVE (update 1/18/04)
Roof Histogram - compilation of documents by Mr. Mudge
Town Council & Newspaper addresses
NK School Committee website (Mtg. sched & agendas)
School Committee Contact Information
Summer 2002 DOE Appeal updates
May 2003 Reconfiguration Info and Links