LIGHTSABRE COMBAT Lightsabre NatureLightsabres are not hot, they radiate no heat when activated. When the energy beam strikes matter it excites its molecules, which creates heat in the 100 MW range. Even when activated, a lightsabre is a closed system which uses almost no energy unless it strikes matter. Lightsabres are not affected by being underwater unless the casing is not watertight. The weapon will short out if used underwater, but will quickly recharge once cleaned. The actual beam of a lightsabre is extremely thin, most of the glowing beam comes from decaying particles. Lightsabre ComponentsThe basic lightsabre consists of an energy cell, a power crystal, a focusing crystal, a casing, and several components for directing and controlling the energy, including the flux aperture and superconductor. Lightsabre ConstructionThe most critical part of a lightsabre is the power crystal and the focusing crystals. Dark Jedi and Sith typically uses synthetic crystals which colour the beam red. Natural crystals may give the sabre any colour except black. Attuning the crystal to focus the beam and harmonize it with the Force is the critical process only a Force user can perform. It can take a month for an apprentice to finish it, while a master can finish a simple sabre in hours. A properly constructed lightsabre is more than a weapon, it is a tool which helps the user attune to, and grow in the Force.
Since the dawn of Jedi history, seven fighting disciplines have arisen, known as the Seven Forms. The Forms represent differing styles and philosophies of combat. Each Form has its respective merits. There are also three minor forms used in combination with the seven major forms.
Lightsabre CombatThe Seven Major forms: Form I - Shii-ChoMillennia before the Empire, advanced technology
replaced metal swords with lightsabres. It was during this transition that
Form I was created. Jedi Masters created Form I from ancient sword-fighting
traditions, since the principles of blade combat remained much the same. The
basics of attack, parry, body target zones, and the practice drills called
velocities are all here. Form II - MakashiThe ultimate refinement of lightsabre-to-lightsabre
fighting became Form II, advancing the precision of blade manipulation to
it's finest possible degree and producing the greatest dueling masters the
galaxy has ever seen. Sith expecting to battle a Jedi, find Form II a
powerful technique. Form III - SoresuThe third great lightsabre discipline was first
developed in response to the advancement of blaster technology in the
galaxy. As these weapons spread widely into the hands of evil-doers, Jedi
had to develop unique means of defending themselves. Form III thus arose
from "laserblast" deflection training. Over the centuries it has transcended
this origin to become a highly refined expression of non-aggressive Jedi
philosophy. Form III maximizes defensive protection in a style characterized
by tight, efficient movements that expose minimal target area compared to
the relatively open style of some of the other Forms. True Form III masters
are considered invincible. Form Three is the one that requires the greatest
connection with the Force, which is one of the reasons this form is popular
with Jedi Knights. The other reason being that the vast majority of weapons
raised against Jedi are blasters. Form IV - AtaruForm IV is the acrobatic Form, heavily emphasizing
Jedi abilities to run, jump, and spin in phenomenal ways by using the Force.
Masters of Form IV incorporate all of the ways in which the Force helps them
go beyond what is physically possible. Their lightsabre combat is
astonishing to watch, filled with elaborate moves in the center of which a
Jedi may be all but a blur. Form V - Shien, later known as Djem So.During an era when Jedi were called upon to more
actively maintain the peace in the galaxy, Form V arose alongside Form IV to
address a a need for greater power among the Jedi. Jedi Masters who felt
that Form III could be too passive for developed Form V. A Form III master
might be undefeatable, but neither could he necessarily overcome his enemy.
Form V focuses on strength and lightsabre attack moves. This Form exploits
the ability of the lightsabre to block a blaster bolt and turns this
defensive move into an offensive attack by deflecting the bolt deliberately
towards an opponent. A dedication to the power and strength necessary to
defeat an enemy characterizes the philosophy of Form V, which some Jedi
describe by the maxim "peace through superior firepower." To some Jedi
Knights, Form V represents a worthy discipline prepared for any threat; to
others, Form V seems to foster an inappropriate focus on dominating others.
Form VI - NimanIn the time of Palpatine's Chancellorship, Form VI
was the current standard in Jedi lightsabre training. This Form balances the
emphases of other Forms with overall moderation, in keeping with the Jedi
quest to achieve true harmony and justice without resorting to the rule of
power. It is considered the "diplomat's Form" because it is less intensive
in it's demands than the other disciplines, allowing Jedi to spend more time
developing their skills in perception, political strategy, and negotiation.
In practice, Form VI is a combination of Forms I, III, IV, and V. Young Jedi
spend their first few years studying Form I and then a year or two with each
additional Form before completing their training. By comparison, a Form VI
master will spend at least ten years studying only that Form after
completing basic Form I training. Form VI well suits the modern Jedi's role
in the galaxy, in which a Knight overly trained in martial combat might be
at a loss to resolve a complex political conflict between star systems.
However, full masters of other Forms sometimes consider Form VI to be
insufficiently demanding. Form VII - Juyo, later known as VaapadOnly high-level masters of multiple Forms can
achieve and control the ultimate discipline known as Form VII. This is most
difficult and demanding of all Forms, but it can eventually lead to
fantastic power and skill. Form VII employs bold, direct movements, more
open and kinetic than Form V, but not so elaborate in appearance as Form IV.
In addition to very advanced Force-assisted jumps and movements, Form VII
tactics over-whelm opponents with seemingly unconnected staccato sequences,
making the Form highly unpredictable in battle. This makes for a much more
difficult execution than the graceful, linked move sequences of Form IV.
Form VII requires the intensity of Form V, but much greater energy since
that focus is wielded more broadly. Form VII draws upon a deeper well of
emotion than even Form V, yet masters it more fully. The outward bearing of
a Form VII practitioner is one of calm, but the inner pressure verges on
explosion. Form VII is still under development since so few can achieve the
necessary master to advance the art, or even knows of its existence. Most
people who do study this Form are Sith, or Dark Jedi. Vaapad is considered
an advanced version of Form VII (Juyo). The Three Minor forms: Form VIII - SokanThis form of lightsabre combat was developed by the
ancient Jedi Knights. It combined the kinetic motions of Form IV combat with
tactics that allowed for mobility and evasion. Originally created during the
Great Sith War, Sokan involved quick movements and tumbles, as well as swift
strokes of the lightsabre aimed at an opponent's vital areas. Battles which
involved Sokan techniques could range across large amounts of terrain as
combatants worked to maneruver their opponent into a vulnerable position.
Form VIII is a minor Form, not considered part of the seven main techniques. Form IX - ShienNot to be confused with the old Form V, the Shien
style of fighting is unique, with a Jedi holding their lightsabre
horizontally. The tip of the blade was pointed at the opponent, and was
swung in a quick arc as the Jedi punched their sword-hand at their opponent.
Form IX is another minor Form. Form X - Niman (two blades)Not to be confused with the old Form VI, the Niman
style of fighting is unique, allowing a Jedi to wield two lightsabres at
once. One blade was always used for offense, while the other could be used
for parrying or for additional attacks. Although many Jedi trained in the
Niman style to gain basic knowledge of a two-bladed attack, very few ever
mastered it completely. This is the third minor Form.
Other DisciplinesDun MöchThis was the Sith lightsaber combat doctrine of totally dominating an opponent's spirit by whatever means possible. Dun möch usually involved verbal taunts and jests that exposed an opponent's inner doubts and weaknesses. Other forms of dun möch involved the use of the Force to hurl heavy objects at an opponent during combat, distracting the opponent from the true battle. Su MaSu ma or "rotation" is a move in several forms, but none so much as in Form IV. There are jung su ma (spinning 360 degrees), ton su ma (somersaults) and en su ma (cartwheels). These are also called for short jung ma, ton ma, en ma. ShunThis was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe a one-handed grip on a lightsaber, which is then spun through a 360-degree arc (jung su ma) to gain speed for an attack during lightsaber combat. SaiTerm used by the old Jedi Knights for a Force-assisted jump, employed to evade an attack on the legs during lightsaber combat.
Marks of ContactAll the Forms involve the same "marks of contact," target objectives organized as categories of damage lightsaber-wielders can inflict upon their opponents. In the names of the marks, the language of the earliest Jedi sages has come down unaltered to us today. The ancient traditional marks of contact help focus a Jedi's attacks and defences on a few clearer categories rather than diffusing awareness across an infinite number of possibilities. Sun DjemSun Djem means disarming. It was a goal of early Form I masters, since destroying an opponents lightsaber could win victory without causing injury - always a Jedi's aspiration. However the advances of Form II soon made sun djem nearly impossible since combatants trained studiously against having their weapons taken or damaged. ShiimAny kind of wound with the edge of a lightsaber blade is shiim. An inconclusive mark of contact, shiim is considered inferior to other marks of contact that decisively end a battle. Its appearance thus expresses struggle with a powerful opponent. ShiakJedi tradition considers shiak (stabbing) an honourable method of inflicting serious injury since it causes the least amount of visible injury on an opponents body. Shiak can thus express Jedi respect for an opponent and the Living Force even as it delivers a fatal blow. Cho Mai"Cut hand". Cho mai instantly ends an opponents ability to use a weapon but does not kill, making cho mai a preferred Jedi move. The precision of cutting off only a hand is considered the mark of a superior lightsaber master. Cho Sun"Cut arm". Cho sun (dismembering), cutting off an opponents entire weapon arm is a move lacking in the precision and elegance of cho mai, but cho sun is the move most often necessary under surprise combat conditions when no chances can be taken. Cho MokCho mok (maim) describes the cutting off of an opponents leg or, in the case of non-humans, other limbs or appendage such as lekku (head tails). Sai ChaSai cha, from the ancient words for "separate" and "head" describes the chilling Jedi ability to behead an opponent in a flash of the lightsaber. Jedi commit sai cha only when battle is at its most deadly serious and threatening, or when an opponent is considered extremely dangerous even to a fully trained Jedi. Sai tokJedi consider the bisection of a living opponent's body a form of butchery, a desecration to be avoided if possible. The savage extreme of sai tok is thus normally used only against battle droids. Sai tok represents a potentially Sith-like desire to destroy one's enemy, whereas the Jedi goal even in combat is an inner focus of defeating the danger of the opponent rather than hating them and wishing utter destruction upon them. Obi-wan Kenobi resorted to sai tok to kill Darth Maul, the brutal move resulted from Obi-Wan's rage at Maul's murder of Qui-gon Jinn.
courtesy of: The New Imperial Federation - Role Playing Network