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Faramir FanFiction Archive

"Then an old wife, Ioreth, the eldest of the women who served in that house, looking on the fair face of Faramir, wept, for all the people loved him."
[from: Return of the King; The Houses of Healing]




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New Brothers by Monica (G)
This is just a series of snippets, jumping back and forth in time. The first part of each chapter takes place during Faramir's childhood. The second part takes place after the War of the Ring.
Warning: gratuitous fluff

Come to Harm by Clairon (G)
What is the one thing the loyal Steward of Gondor would never dream of doing? Well batten down the hatches, hold on to your hats, pray for him because he's going to...

Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard by KC
This is a sequel to ‘Grief’. For Faramir it is the day after. Also where you find out exactly what Legolas did to end up over Gandalf’s lap.
Warning: Spanking

Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery by KC
This is number six in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles', 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward' and 'Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie'.
Warning: Spanking
Chapters 1-6 · 7-12 · 13-18 · 19-24

Home to Heal by Clairon (G)
Co-authored by Raksha. This is the sequel to and takes place six months after Made to Suffer. Pri
nce Eldarion lies unconcious and bespelled and Faramir, Steward of Gondor blames himself.
This is the final part of a trilogy started with 'Come to Harm' and continuing in 'Made to Suffer', so if you haven't read those it might be better if you do so first.

Human King, Elven King and one Stubborn Steward by KC
Faramir and Legolas travel to Mirkwood and meet the Elven King. This is number four in the series that started with ‘Grief’, ‘Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard’ and ‘Stubborn Stewards and a Bright Red Paddle’.
Warning: Spanking

Keeping Promises by Kamira (PG)
Faramir is called upon to fulfill a promise Boromir once made.

Kindred Spirits by Melina (PG)
Faramir learns that returning from war is not easy, but he finds help from an unexpected quarter.

New The Long Road Home by Minx (R)
Post-ROTK, a small trip brings more trouble than ever imagined, and Faramir is forced to confront old aches and new nightmares, spoilers for ROTK
Warnings: Angst, violence

Lórien Interlude WIP by Iris; will be with Haldir, Boromir, others (PG-13, will be NC-17)
Things are not going well between Denethor and Faramir. It's so bad even that Gandalf and Boromir decide it's better for Faramir to spend some time away from home.
Warnings: Implicit incestuous thoughts and implied violence

Made to Suffer by Clairon (PG)
Sequel to ‘Come to Harm’ when Faramir risks all to regain his honour.

Mistakes by Clairon (PG)
In war people make mistakes. The King tries to make Faramir see that he is on the verge of making a bigger one.

No Peace for the Living by Faramir_Boromir (G)
Faramir goes to Rath Dínen to check that Aragorn's crown is ready for the coronation. Along the way, he thinks about his family and the past.
Warning: Angst

New Seeking WIP by Shireling (G)
In the first days of the Fourth Age, Estel and Legolas seek to help Faramir to break away from the shadows of the past.
Warnings: Spanking. Non Slash.

Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie by KC
This is number five in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles' and 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward'.
Warning: Spanking

Unwelcome Guest by Faramir_Boromir (G)

War of the Wizards WIP by KC
This is number seven in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles', 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward', 'Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie' and 'Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery'
Warning: Spanking

Who Will Care? by Faramir_Boromir (G)
Faramir cleans up the Steward’s library, and wonders why he does so.

Worth Dying For by Clairon (PG)
Faramir's POV as he rides for Osgiliath and his reasons for doing it.