5. Longing For An Explanation

(A/N - In this chapter, Juliana somehow obtained a journal. I don't know how, don't ask me. She just did! And so the long passages of italics represents what she's writing.

A/N #2 - I'm sorry if this chapter is horrible. I edited it and everything but I just can't do the Mines of Moria any justice. Rrg!)

I've always wanted to come to Middle Earth. Ever since I was a little girl. But I guess I never imagined I'd be here, witnessing such grief. I always pictured myself living in the Shire with all the carefree hobbits. I wanted to have the same appreciations they had. I always thought I belonged in a different time. No matter how hard I tried, I never fit in with the 21st century. Sure, I understood everything, but it seemed that everything was a waste of time. Like the internet. What a waste of energy that is. It inhales people's brains like a vacuum (which is the only useful thing I can think of). I'd rather make my food by cooking it on an actual fire, and I'd rather obtain information by reading a book. Sure, some of these technological advantages make life easier, but who says easier is better? I'm learning to appreciate Middle Earth so much, and I don't even know if I'm really here. And why can't everyone where I come from be as brave as Legolas and Aragorn or as humble as Frodo and Pippin? Instead, brainless people who don't like stereotypes just because they make them look bad, when they know they're true surround me. That's just not my idea of an ideal life. I like the danger here, the constant surprises. What purpose could life possibly have if you just repeat the same routine day after day? Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, then do it all over again. I know what will happen every day. Here, I don't know what's going to happen in the next thirty seconds. For all I know, an orc could attack me right now...

"We should move forth, the orcs are approaching!"

Speaking of which... Juliana thought, semi-amused at her contemplation's ironicy.

Juliana looked up to where Aragorn was gathering his things. She closed the book, carelessly filled with elvish-type paper and tucked it in the bag hanging around her shoulder. She'd begun to keep a journal a few days ago, hoping to retain it when she returned to her time.

"What are you doing?"

She looked up at Legolas and smiled, "I'm recording the events of what's happening. I want to remember everything."

Legolas smiled, "It will get cold. We are going into the mountains, which are covered in snow. Please, take my cloak."

"Oh, I couldn't..."

"I insist," he smiled, unhooking it and pulling it off his shoulders, draping it across Juliana's. "It is warm, you should be fine."

She traced the hemming of the cloak with the tips of her fingers, the cloth soft under her skin.

"Thank you."

The fellowship moved on, soon entering the mountain pass, as promised. Gimli trailed behind the others, grumbling about wanting to go through the Mines of Moria. Gandalf knew better, and he constantly looked at Juliana suspiciously. She felt sure he knew her secret. She stayed close to Legolas' side, feeling safe there. With Argorn leading them, and Legolas' bow hanging over his shoulder, she was confident nothing would become of her.

Some time later, Legolas sprinted forward, squinting through the snow, "There is a fell voice over the mountain!"

"It's Saruman!" Gandalf announced.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain!"

"We can't go on like this," Boromir proclaimed, "it'll be the end of the hobbits!"

"Then let's avoid all this! We'll go through the Mines of Moria!"

Gandalf looked at Gimli, "We will let the Ring-bearer decide."

Frodo, his small body half buried in the snow, shivered, looking around at the desperate faces. It struck Juliana that she could save Gandalf from falling now, but she didn't want to. If she saved him, he would never go on to become Gandalf the White, and Helm's Deep would be a tragedy for King Théoden. And with every cause, there is an effect. If she saved Gandalf, then she knew the hobbit's lives would be risked, which would alter the course to Mordor. So, when Frodo's questioning gaze finally fell on her, she nodded her head vaguely. Frodo looked back to Gandalf, shivering.

"We will go through the mines!"

Gandalf sighed, "Then so be it."

The fellowship journeyed inside.

"The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria," Gimli gushed proudly.

"What does it say?" Pippin asked curiously, leaping over a few rocks they laid in his path.

Gandalf looked up at it, "It says Speak friend, and enter."

Everyone exchanged curious looks, Juliana trying to hide from sight. Legolas' gaze fell on her, and he approached her, "What is it?"

"I can't tell. Frodo will figure that out."

Legolas sighed, and sat down near her. Time passed, and Gandalf was getting horribly frustrated. Everyone sat, scattered around the damp cavern. Frodo repeated the words to himself. "Speak friend, and enter...Gandalf! What's the Elvish word for friend?"

Gandalf looked up at the inscription once more, "Mellon," he spoke clearly. Juliana smiled as the doors finally parted, pleased with Frodo's cleverness. The company made their way through the entrance when a strangled cry pierced the dark. Something emerged from the dark waters and wrapped itself around Frodo's ankle. He fell to the ground with a thud, his chest heaving as he was dragged backward.


Sam ran to his side, grabbing his companion's arm and pulling him away. The tentacle finally unwrapped itself as Frodo got to his feet.

"Quickly! Up the stairs!" Gandalf cried. Merry and Pippin managed to climb up, closely followed my Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas and Juliana. Sam stood, rooted to the spot as twenty more arms sprouted from the water. They flailed in desperate attempt to latch themselves onto one of the hobbits. After a few swipes of their swords, Frodo and Sam managed to escape.

As they walked along, Gandalf said his first words to Juliana.

"You do know this is a tomb? As you know many other things?"

She couldn't bring herself to look at him, "Yes, I do know that this is a tomb."

They all settled in, unrolling blankets against the wall to sleep for the night. Pippin wandered around, unaware of what propelled him to wander over to a nearby well and peer into its never-ending darkness. He felt around in the darkness, his eyes still fixated on the well. He found a fair-sized stone and threw it in. It clanged several times and Pippin winced. Gandalf turned his gaze on the young hobbit.

"Fool of a Took! Next time throw yourself in and rid us of your stupidity!"

Pippin frowned as Gandalf stalked away. Juliana sat in a corner, picking at a loaf of Lembas with Legolas and Gimli.

"I never thought I'd see the day when I ate elvsh food," Gimli grumbled.

"Quiet! Listen..." Boromir, began, holding up his hands to silence the group.

"Frodo, you're sword!" Sam cried.

Frodo pulled it out, only to find that it was glowing an exotic shade of electric blue.

"Orcs!" Legolas cried.

Boromir and Aragorn ran to the door to investigate, only to find that dozens of orcs were surrounding them, and were closely followed by a big, ugly, monster.

"They have a cave troll," Boromir groaned, closing the door and leaning against it.

"Juliana, get back!" Legolas cried. She stood back with the hobbits, who were gathered in a circle, weapons drawn. Legolas, Boromir, Aragorn and Gimli stood in front of them, bows, axes and swords drawn. Gandalf stood in the background, ready for battle.

Orcs finally managed to break in, setting the cave troll loose as well. Legolas rapidly shot his bow and arrow, hitting his every target. The hobbits scurried around, trying to find poles and posts to hide behind, closely followed by Juliana. She never, not in a million years, thought that the cave troll would be so enormous. Frodo finally found a haven behind a tall post, breathing heavily, his chest heaving. He looked over at Merry and Pip, who were hiding across from him. A most unpleasant sight awaited him, however, when he turned again. There was the cave troll, and Frodo had nowhere to go. He swiped at Frodo, who was able to dodge the first few swings until he no longer had the energy. The cave troll drove his weapon into the small hobbit's chest. Frodo, groaning in pain, slid to the floor in agony.

"Frodo!" Sam cried, running to his side. Legolas distracted the troll, aiming several arrows at it. He was finally able to jump on troll, shooting an arrow directly into its head. Frodo, heaving on the floor, opened his eyes to look at Sam.

"Frodo! You're all right!" he smiled.

Frodo, catching his breath, managed to sit up, "Yes, I'm all right."

The others looked at him curiously, and Frodo opened his shirt to reveal the vest given to him by Bilbo.

"You are indeed full of surprises, Frodo Baggins," Boromir smiled, mildly amused.

(*A/N-I forget if it was Boromir who said it, so don't sneer and poke fun, I'm trying here. I'm also half dead...so tired...)

They continued on through the cave, desperate to be free. They made their way down many a long, winding and narrow staircases, able to leap or be tossed (with the exception of Gimli, of course) across gaps. They came to a ledge, when the most grotesque looking creature Juliana had ever seen met them. The rest stood back as Gandalf stabbed his staff into the ground. "You shall not pass!" Gandalf cried, raising his staff into the air. He repeated it, jabbing the ground once more. The demon began to fall, seemingly falling to his fiery death. The pace of Juliana's heart quickened as Gandalf turned to walk away. She suddenly forgot how to breathe when Gandalf was pulled back, grabbing onto the edge of the cliff. "Gandalf!" Frodo wailed, running toward his companion. Boromir grabbed him as Gandalf looked between all of them, glaring at Juliana, who looked away painfully. "Fly, you fools!" With that, he let go. Frodo cried a long, drawn out wail, struggling against Boromir's grasp. What was left of the company found their way out of the mines. As soon as they were back in the sunlight, Juliana looked up at the eight expectant and angry faces, waiting for an explanation.

(*A/N - Wow that was really bad! I'm so sorry for subjecting you to this! Now at this point, I'm rather...stuck. I haven't written any of this since February, that's what I call a serious writer's block, considering it's not August. So please, if you have any suggestions, e-mail them to me! Thanks ;-))

Chapter 6...coming soon...

Email: fiction_realm2@yahoo.com