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WELCOME... one of the only het fanfiction pairings featured on my page! As well as the only canon pairing! Huzzah! But, hey, they weren't always canon! Not 'till sixth season were they canonized! There is still some fanfiction free game to be had!

Yes, I do like to read me some Buffy/Spike fanfiction. The first fanfiction I ever read and enjoyed was Buffy/Spike, and so I have always nursed a soft-spot for the couple. A soft spot that increased to a hot and sweaty spot when Joss Whedon answered my prayers and made them get freaky in the show. FINALLY an executive producer with a good sense of UST and a lack of fear to execute! Yes, praises be to Joss Whedon. Amen. ^_^!

But, yes, I started off with Buffy/Spike on SaberShadowKat's page (see the links) and I read all of the good fics that she had to offer (and there were many!). But when she switched domain names, I had no choice but to find her again! Now, what had happened was I had only been sent the Buffy/Spike section of Saber's page. Turns out she writes slash as well! So when I looked back and found Saber's page again, I didn't just find the Buffy/Spike section, I found the WHOLE Buffy fanfiction section. Slash fics and all. *grins* And ever since then I was a dutiful slash princess, but I have never forgotten my fond Buffy/Spike het fic roots. This section is a tribute to their rare canonized love/hate relationship. Bless.

Story Links:

Moonlight Sonata
Rated: PG for some relatively chaste kissing and mild angst. Buffy and Spike reflect on love lost and in turn find love anew. Just a little drabble I wrote for English class.

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