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Spike/Angel Fanfiction

Yes! Yes! Welcome to my Spike/Angel page! Now, let me explain a few things before I go into this page.

I have always found Angel extremely boring. I don't know why. Could be because I started watching BtVS kind of late in the show, could be because I'd only seen the episodes where he was whiny up to the point where I drew up my final conclusion about him, I don't know. Even after watching Angel and seeing him whip out a couple good one liners, and after rewatching season 1 of Buffy and watching him be all smirky and cool in the first episode, I still stick with my original feeling that Angel is just a boring character.

Angelus is boring too, I'm sorry to say. I have no use for a show off who was supposedly "the most ruthless vampire in all existance." That sort of show-offery pisses me off. Be good, sure, but to claim to be the best...let's just say that Angelus is faring no better in my book than Angel. They're both kinda whiny and a little too full of themselves (and not in the sexy way.)

So, why would I have a Spike/Angel section? Simple. I am completely off my rocker. I read a few really good Spike/Angel stories, realized the potential that the two had and immediately jumped on my little slash fanfiction wagon and started to churn out story nibbles. Yeah, that's me. The actual character of Angel as portrayed in the show is flat and boring, but fanfiction Angel has no limits. That concept really appealed to me. So, yeah. That is the story of how I got around to doing Spike/Angel fanfiction.

At least it would be if I had any posted. But fear not! I'm working on it! Peace out!

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