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Bienvenido a Mi Pagina de Spike/Xander!

Yup, that's right. You're in Spike/Xander territory now. Before you might have been like, "Well, Buffy fanfiction, what a nice general sort of place to be, I think I shall glance." *click* But then you made the mistake of clicking on the Spike/Xander button, and now your SOUL BELONGS TO ME! Mwa ha ha ha! There is no escape now! Your soul is MINE!

Well, I suppose there is always the "back" button or one of any number of links at the bottom of the page that will navigate you away from here. So really, you're here by choice. You can leave (so that you can come back later, of course!) whenever you want, I suppose. And you don't have to give me your soul if you don't want to. Yeah.

Anywho, if you're like me, you like to read you some funny fics. Well, this is where they are, I'd imagine. Spike/Xander is one of the funniest fanfiction pairs I can think of! With their constant sniping, coupled with the fact that Xander is a goofball and Spike is an endless fountain of dry wit, this is a match made in comedy-verse heaven. ^_^! Yeah, so any stories I have on here are bound to be frought with wacky hijinks, because honestly I can't picture a Spike/Xander relationship as anything else. Well, maybe AU fics, and maybe if I wrote a big long angst fest for them before hand. But that's a lot of work that I don't want to do, so all of my stories are fun, fun, fun! Or I try to make them that way.

I'm just rambling now. Enjoy the fics! ^_^!

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Just a drabble, inspired by SaberShadowKat's "I Hated You Because..." series. Nothing particularly special here. But it's actually WRITTEN, as opposed to just existing in yummy pictures in my brain, so please enjoy as much as possible! Thanks! Peace!

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