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The Living Legend of India – Soke Solomon Isaac

Born on 29th March ,1942 in the southern city of Madras in India, Solomon Isaac completed his education and joined the Indian Naval Forces in the year 1961 as a wireless telegraphist stationed at Cochin , a port city in southern India.Later he joined the Communications department of Indian Naval Force in a “ Mine Sweeping Ship”. Known for his athleticism he became the Naval Athletics Champion in the year 1962 and was also bestowed with Government Honours for participating in the Indo-Portuguese Action in Goa. In the year 1964, he participated in the National Open Athletics Championships held at Pune and there he received his First Services Blazer.Later on he received another honour from the Government of India “ The Raksha Medal” known as the “ Nav Varsha Dirgha Seva Medal” for his role in the India – Pakistan conflict.The never ending list of honours also includes the Badge for Good Conduct from the Indian Naval Headquarters in Bombay , Sangram Medal , Poorvi Star , 25years of Indian Independence Medal and many others all received from the Government of India (Ministry of Defence). A qualified Swimming Coach from the Jamnagar Naval Base, he served on board the “INS Khukri”from March 1964 to Nov.1965, a ship that was later blown up by the a Pakistani Submarine.Later he moved on board to “ INS Angre” Bombay from Nov.1965 to May 1966. He was transferred to the Cochin Naval Base to represent the Naval Fleet Sports Team and he greatly excelled there and became a Champion.He went on to learn American Freestyle Wrestling from the Wrestling great Mr.Seva Singh and picked up some vital training of Judo and Ju-jitsu from Mr.Dutta while stationed in Jamnagar naval base. He learnt the secrets of aiki –jitsu locks and holds and boxing from Denzel King during his tenure and he also put up many demonstrations of the same.From June 1967 to June 1968 he was on board the INS “Dharni” a stores ship and was promoted to the position of Leading Telegraphist.Sent by the Indian Services to NIS , Patiala for the Diploma in Sports Coaching, he became a Qualified National Sports Coach on 31st Nov,1970.

He trained the Indian Services Team for the Nationals in1971-72 and won the National trophy for the same .He was transferred to Vishakapatanam in A.P. to “INS Circars” and during this time he was mainly training the National Services Teams in different places such as Meerut in the Dogra Regiment Centre and the Punjab Regiment Centre in New Delhi and Gurdaspur respectively. However, his love for Martial Arts did not die. A man of principles , after his initial training he wanted to put himself through the test , he used and improvised techniques in actual real life situations.Worked on techniques which actually work in street fights.Excelling in this field he founded the College of Martial Arts in Vizag in the year 1973-74, which till today stands under the guidance of Mr.Sitaram Raju., the present Principal.After 12 and a half years of Military Services he was discharged from the forces in May 1973 and he decided to settle down and got married to a school teacher Lillian Traish in the same year.He also trained the CRPF and was the Chief Karate Instructor for the School of Martial Arts at Vizag.He received many honours from the Andhra Pradesh Government for youth and social services.His teachings have reformed many lives and have led them to live a life of discipline and self – control.His fearless attitude has inspired many people to live a life of respect.

Solomon Isaac Became a father of two children , Daniel in 1975 and Priscilla in 1978. Since then he has revolutionized Martial Arts in India , He has founded his own Martial art Science called “Ishudo” meaning Complete Martial Art.He has many Ishudo centres in Devlali,Nasik of which he has been the Chief Instructor aince 1979.His mastery over Unarmed Combat Techniques is unquestionable since he instructs the Armed forces –the Indian Army, the Police and other work professionals such as Bankers ,Doctors and Engineers , all who have received training under him all over the country.His Black Belts have excelled greatly because of the all round specialized training they have received from their Soke.And most them are now training the Police and the anti-terrorist squads abroad. His techniques have led him to International fame and even led to appreciation by the World President of the Meibukan Goju-Ryu Karate –Do Association,Okinawa – Master Meitatsu Yagi, a ninth Dan Black Belt.After seeing the Spectular display of Ishudo techniques he said “ I have never seen such real Full Contact ,Self Defence skill in India.It is my honour to witness such good and a new self defence system invented and developed by Soke Solomon Isaac”.[Original copy available at Nasik HQ for reference] His fame spread across the world as now he is life time Member of World Head of Family Sokeship Council ,USA .He has truly become a legend of his time.Every one who is Someone in the Martial Arts Field in India has a good word for Soke Solomon Isaac even till date.Between 1992 and 2000 He published Indias First Martial Arts Magazine called Karatestar which won an International Publication Award from the Hall of Fame USA , many of Todays leading Martial Artists still remember the days when they used to patiently wait for each issue to hit the News Stands.

Ishudo can be best described as the “martial arts superscience”.Ishudo means “ the complete martial art science “.Ishudo apart from its own unique techniques & philosophies combines aspects from all major martial arts including Ju-jitsu , karate , wu-shu, kendo, taekwondo, kickboxing & submission wrestling. Ishudo was founded by Grandmaster Solomon Isaac in the early 1960’s & is now taught in India by his son Daniel Isaac.Ishudo training is organised through various centres by the WIF.Day by day more & more martial arts students are converting to the superior martial art science of ISHUDO.Ishudo training has its roots in Japanese, Israeli , Korean & Indian Arts ..Ishudo has been recognised as an Authentic Indian Martial art by the “ World Sokeship[grandmasters] Council . The sport of Ishudo [semi grappling / freestyle fighting] has been organised on state & National and Asian Open Levels ..The World Ishudo Federation with Soke Solomon Isaac as the Lifetime Chairman has its Administrative Headquarters in Manchester , United Kingdom.Today Soke Solomon Isaac is also the Director of the All India Kickboxing Council and the Chief Patron and Spiritual Advisor of the Asian Kickboxing League. To email Soke Solomon Isaac email and it will be forwarded to him immediately.