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Stranger doesn’t like guns. Whether that be for personal reasons, or fear of them, we don't know...he just doesn’t like the things. Stranger’s weapon of choice is the crossbow. However, it’s the ammo he uses on his crossbow that is unique. Stranger uses Live Ammo…as in alive! In the game you gather little critters and use them as your ammo. Firing them off the crossbow and into the realm of an enemy, each species of Live Ammo has a different effect. The only non-living things Stranger shoots off his crossbow are sniper darts. Bringing us to a grand total of nine ammo types…all with the ability to be upgraded.


Wraps enemies up in webbing.


Used for explosive projectile attacks.


Lures enemies to their location by talking trash.


Back from Munch’s Oddysee, fuzzles act as living land mines that chomp away at passing enemies.


Shoots stingers at enemies like a machine gun.


Emits stinky gas cloud that causes enemies to throw-up violently, rendering them incapacitated.


Hard shelled insects that hit enemies with shotgun-like force.


Uses electric surges to stun and capture Live Ammo. You can also electrocute outlaws if you wish.