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About Myself And Why I Started This Web Page

I would like to take a few minutes to tell you a little bit about Myself and My Web Site. I asked Jesus to forgive me and come into my heart when I was an early teen. My grandmother would take me to church with her, she was a Sunday school teacher. We went every Sunday morning and night, and also on Wednesday night. She would tell me often that God was going to use me for something great. Not knowing myself how hard life was going to be. What am I saying my past and present life has been hard.

I was abused by my Dad as a child. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was 14 years old. I was always the shy, quiet one in school. My 7th. grade math teacher and I stayed in touch even after I got out of school. One day I was at her house for a visit. I was a mess. She put two and two together and we talked about my abuse. I had held it in for all those years. When I married she was my bridesmaid, and I named My Daughter after her. I would like to say, Thank You, Patty.

I married a wonderful man and had two wonderful children.

I later in life become an alcoholic. I tried to drink away the memeries and flash backs of what my Dad done to me. Tried to take my own life. At that time in my life I give up on God. I was in counselling. Then I broke. I got down on my knees and ask Jesus to come into my heart and life once again and forgive me. That was many years ago. So let me say this if He will forgive me, He will you also. Acts 2:21. Up until about two years ago, little did I know that the Heavenly Father was using and teaching me for his work ahead. The Father has allowed me to do this web site to spread his Word and help others.

I dedicate this web site to my grandma, Mary S. But most of all that I do the Lord's will and please Him, for without Him I'm nothing.

St. John 15:5
"Yes I am the vine;you are the branches, those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.

St. John 14:27
"I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart, and the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid"