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Original Art

These images are 3D Art (something likely to Gollum, in other words...), and were rendered in Poser. All textures were made in PhotoImpact. I especially love eyes, skin and light when rendering such images; so these are probably the best issues in my pictures.

Legolas Gil-galad in armor
Armor texture test. Looks a little like plastic; guess I will have to re-work that at some point of time.
Elven face and eye study
 This character resulted in Gil-galad; I still don't like the eyes completely.
Yes, my Gil-galad has *red* hair, and why shouldn't he? His ancestors also had. Also, the expression "Flaming Gil-galad" gets a completely different meaning when seeing this hair...
This was actually meant as an Illustration for my story "The Begetting-Day-Party".
(probably the best skin I have ever created...)

More of the twins

This is another image I have made - I have to admit it - for my bedroom door. It may take some time to load if you open it (almost 800k), but this was rendered to be printed in lifesize. Of anyone is interested, Elrohir is on the left and Elladan on the right side (Yes, I can keep them apart ;-) ):

A little Plot bunny...

One night, I woke up and had a scene in my mind. It resulted in getting up immediately and setting it up in my rendering program.

I have thought for quite some time about writing a story around this picture myself. But then, while chatting with my friend Kharessa, I came to a much better idea. How about letting *other* authors write something about this? Click on the picture to find out more on the little contest I have set up!


Illustrations for "An Arrangement of Thorns" by Kharessa Bloodrose
This 'weld' texture was also quite difficult; but worth the time. If you look carefully, you will even see that the welds are swollen and therefore actually cast shadows; that's just great.
The first pic is a perfect example for a single beam of light that leads the eyes of the viewer from the buttocks to the hand and then to the face, and back.
In the second picture, I just *love* Elrohirs expression with these gleaming eyes; even though it looks a bit as if he has broken his neck.. *snickers* ...will have to work on that.
Illustration for "SubMission" by Beryll & Vagabond
This spiked collar gave me a headache...
Illustration for "Nights of Elvan Tears" by Osiris Brackhaus
sometimes, I *love* bruised faces... and I *love* the light here.

Illustration for "Dark to Dawn" by Elfscribe
Legolas' braid is a little weird here, but I still love the picture. I have also made a short movie of that; but it is too big to be posted as a file here.


An image with a story
(No, no Elves in this picture, sorry.)

Some years ago, I have made one image that *still* hits me each time I am looking at it.
Back then, I didn't even know how to make just half way realistic hair; I didn't know about texture maps or even creating my own 3D objects - thinking about it now, I guess I knew almost nothing. But I knew how to place lights, knew how to pose a character, and I've had this idea in my mind...
This picture is not perfect; and yet it is. The lacking of the figures, their textures and expression, is, in my opinion, very well hidden by the perfection the *whole* scene radiates. I have sometimes asked myself if I should try and remodel the scene with some of my new characters, which are - by now - quite good.
But I won't. This picture has my heart, *is* my heart, and it was made at a time when I *needed* it to stare at (I even had a mousepad printed with this image!), when my heart was aching and this image made me know that I would make it, somehow.

I guess it is time to show that particular image to you. Hope you like it just the way I do. The name of this image is "Holding on through time":

Some more pictures can be found in my gallery at; the link is:

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