Ask someone to match you a bowl, or offer to match someone when burning down. Although it is impolite and inconveniences someone if you ask them to smoke you out, most real pot smokers are always more than happy to match a bowl. It is a better buzz, and you use less of your own weed.
Always pack the weed back down after stirring the bowl, it hits better that way. A freshly stirred bowl just burns up faster due to the air space that surrounds the smaller particles, a tightly packed bowl burns as one big lump of weed so it burns much slower
If the weed is to dry (ie. Dirt Weed) wet the weed lightly before torching it, it hits better that way. A really simple concept, wet things take longer to burn but smoke just as much as dry things do (ie. wood) just wet the tip of your finger lightly and push on the already packed bowl.
Never Spill weed when cleaning off the sucre leaves, stems, or seeds. Its easy to do and you hate yourself afterwards when you run out of smoke and scrounge around your carpet looking for the droppings
Never smoke weed with someone without cleaning it up. One of the most well known rules of the trade, Don't ever pack seeds, or stems. They both taste like shit, and cause terrible headaches.
Never, Never get the bowl wet by coughing into the bong. When a bowl of weed gets an entire bong full of water forced up into it you have to waste an entire lighter to get it to burn.
Don't hold your hit in for more than a few seconds, you will look like a fool. Holding your hit in is totally unnecessary for getting high, 5 seconds is ample time. And medical research shows that holding your hits is the main cause of dead brain cells, (not to say you won't lose some anyway, just not so many)
Never make your smoke out to be better than it really is. Because the first time someone else gets to smoke it they think you are a weak tit. It also gets everyone's expectations up just to be let down.
Never ask someone, to smoke you out. (this one has a few exceptions.)If I had enough weed to share with everyone who asked me to smoke them out last year, I would never run out... A joint for everytime would add up to about 50 lbs. If someone wants to smoke you out, they will offer to do so.
Never lace your weed unless you have the courtesy to tell everyone who is smoking it what it is laced with. No joking around here this is very dangerous, it could cause someone who has never been a victim of this prank to wig nuts, hard. It can lead to death. Don't fucking do it!!!
Don't ever fish lip a joint. Same as not wiping off the mouthpiece no one wants your saliva.
Don't push anyone to smoke weed with you. It's okay to offer weed to your neighbor, but if they say no then stop. Its pushers that make smoking weed a crime, that and politics.
If the bowl's screen needs to be cleaned, don't poke a hole in it (unless it's yours) It's like going to someones house and breaking something.
Don't be greedy with the joint in a circle just take what your lungs can hold. If you try to force your lungs to take more, you end up coughing one of them up. And you waste valuable smoke in the meantime.
Always wet the run on a joint. If you don't it will morph into that freaking drum playing rabbit, you know it keeps going, and going.
Never roll, or pack the weed too tight. If you can smoke it after you do, then you can suck like a vaccum.
When smoking from glass, NEVER EVER tap the pipe to stir the weed. A glass pipe gets hot, tapping it can break it, or warp it. It sucks to break your glass pipe, I know.
Don't stir the bowl a lot. - It causes the weed to burn up faster
Never clean someone elses pipe without permission from the owner. It is stealing, resin is a buzz for later and if you smoke someone elses then you might as well steal a joint from them.
Don't talk about pot all the time, this is something else that makes you look like an idiot. If all you have to talk about is pot, then you have no life and need to be put away. Pot is great and all but I mean go to the place the pizza man comes from. There is a world out there you know.
If you are examining someone elses sack of dope, don't lick the bag to close it. That's rude. If you really want to lick a sack then lick your own.