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In Memory of LAGER

This candle is dedicated to Lager and all pets who have passed on.

picture of lager

All Dogs Go To Heaven

My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hand. The doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms,
Were of his younger puppy years,
And Oh....his many charms.
Today there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you" gaze,
Only a heart that's filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
He's installed a doggy door!"

Music playing is "I will always be in your heart". This is were Lager will always be-in the hearts of all who knew him. Lager was and still is a very special saint to all of us. Our memories of Lager will be in our hearts forever.



This page is dedicated to my step-brother Lager. He was my owners first Saint. Big and beautiful. We both had the same father but different mothers. I never got to meet him. But I understand that I have "big shoes" to fill. I will certainly do my best to fill them up.


Abagael and "Lagerboy"



This is a memorial tombstone Cadrap made for Lager.

This is the headstone on my step-brothers gravesite. This was also created by Cadrap.

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