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undefined Roads of the Mid-South & West > Highways of the State of Illinois > Illinois State Route 1-50 > Illinois State Route 35, Jo Daviess County

Illinois State Route 35
Jo Daviess County

Illinois State Route 35 is the shortest highway in Illinois. It runs north-south in the extreme northwestern tip of Illinois. This run competly within Jo Daviess County.

IL St Rt 35 passes through the following town in Jo Daviess County.
East Dubuque

IL St Rt 35 is not multi-plexed in Jo Daviess County.

IL St Rt 35 intersects the following highway in Jo Daviess County.

U.S. Rt. 20, at East Dubuque.

The first guide sign on NB IL St Rt 35.

NB IL St Rt 35 in East Dubuque.

A Jo Daviess County mile marker.