Episode 100- Pilot: Emotions in Motion

*Dawson's room at night. Joey and Dawson lay face down on his bed watching ET.*

Joey: *imitating E.T.* I'll be right here. I love this movie. This won the Oscar didn't it?

*Dawson turns off the movie and switches it to the local news, which his mom co-anchors for.*

Dawson: Ghandi. Spielberg was robbed. This was before he outgrew his Peter Pan syndrome.

Joey: But Ghandi? I mean why give an Oscar to a movie you can't even sit through?

Dawson: Thank you.

*Joey watches the TV as she gets up to put on her shoes.*

Joey: New do?

Dawson: Yeah. She likes big hair.

Joey: Must weigh a lot. How does she walk upright?

*Dawson laughs then notices Joey putting on her shoes.*

Dawson: Where are you going?

Joey: Home.

Dawson: Spend the night.

Joey: I can't.

Dawson: Come on you always spend the night.

Joey: Not tonight.

Dawson: Why not?

Joey: I just don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep over anymore, you know?

*Dawson sits up and puts the remote control on his desk.*

Dawson: No, I don't know. C'mon, You've been sleeping over since you were seven. It's Saturday night.

Joey: Things change Dawson. Evolve.

Dawson: What are you talking about?

Joey: Sleeping in the same bed was fine when we were kids, but we're fifteen now.

Dawson: Yeah.

Joey: We start high school Monday?

Dawson: Yeah.

Joey: And I have breasts!

Dawson: What?!

Joey: And you have genitalia!

Dawson: I've always had genitalia.

Joey: But there's more of it.

*Dawson is embarrassed.*

Dawson: How do you know?

Joey: Long fingers. I gotta go.

Dawson: Whoa Jo, don't hit and run. C'mon, explain yourself.

Joey: I just think our emerging hormones are destined to alter our relationship and I'm trying to limit the fallout.

*Dawson gets up off the bed with his arms crossed, smiling.*

Dawson: Your emerging hormones aren't developing a thang for me, are they?

Joey: A thang?

Joey: No, I'm not getting a thang for you Dawson. I've known you too long. I've seen you burp, barf, pick your nose, scratch your butt. I don't think I'm getting a thang for you.

Dawson: So what's the problem?

Joey: We're changing and we have to adjust or else the male/female thing will get in the way.

*Dawson sits back down on the bed.*

Dawson: What's with this When Harry met 80's crap. It doesn't apply to us, we transcend it.

Joey: And how do we do that?

Dawson: By going to sleep. I'm tired.

Joey: That's avoidance.

Dawson: No, it's proof. Proof that we can still remain friends, despite any mounting sexual theoretics.

Joey: I don't think it works that way Dawson.

Dawson: Come on, don't get female on me Joey. I don't want to have to start calling you Josephine.

Joey: Josephine this!

*She leaps onto the bed and attacks him with punches. They tickle and punch each other until Dawson has the upper hand.*

Joey: Okay, I give. I give.

Dawson: We're friends okay? No matter how much body hair we acquire? Deal?

Joey: Deal.

Dawson: All right. And we don't ever talk about this again, deal?

Joey: You got it.

Dawson: Okay, cool.

Joey: Cool.

*Dawson and Joey each climb under the covers.*

Dawson: Goodnight Joey.

Joey: Goodnight Dawson.

*Dawson stares up at the ceiling*

Dawson: Why'd you have to bring this up anyway?

*Dawson's Creek Theme*

*Dock outside Dawson's house. Joey is laying in a lawn chair.*

Joey: Ahhhhhhhh!!

*The "sea creature" takes Joey into the water and then Dawson walks out with a video camera.*

Dawson: No! Cut, cut, cut. Pacey, three counts you gotta wait before you come up, come on!

*Pacey is in the sea creature costume. Joey starts climbing out of the water.*

Joey: God, Pacey!

*Pacey takes off the sea creature's costume head.*

Pacey: What was that all about?

Dawson: Joey.Pacey, C'mon. You go before she's established on the dock, it's not scary.

*Joey gets a towel.*

Joey: You did it again, you grabbed my ass.

Pacey: Like you even have one.

Dawson: Guys, were way behind schedule, all right. We got two weeks, I'm not going to make the festival.

Joey: I'm not playing the victim.

Dawson: Hello, some cooperation.

Pacey: Hey, it's Meryl Streep's fault okay, I'm doing my best.

Joey: Bite me.

*Just then, a taxi pulls up with Jen. Joey doesn't notice first off but Dawson and Pacey do.*

Pacey: Well, my mouth drops.

*Pacey, Dawson, and Joey head towards the girl. Joey is a little behind.*

Jen: Hi there.

Pacey: Hi, Pacey. Nice to meet you.

Jen: Hi.

Dawson: Hi, I'm Daw...

Jen: You're Dawson. Dawson, yeah I know. We've met before. I'm Jen.

Dawson: Oh, the granddaughter from New York, okay.

Jen: That's right

Dawson: Wow, you look different.

Joey: Puberty. I'm Joey. I live down the creek and we've never met ever.

Dawson: So, Jen are you just visiting?

Jen: Oh yeah, my grandfather's aorta collapsed and they had to replace it with this plastic tube, so my parents sent me to help for a while.

Dawson: So you'll be going to school here then?

Jen: Uh yeah, tenth grade.

Pacey: Cool, us too.

Dawson: Yeah.

Jen: Oh good, um look my Grams is waiting. I should go. But it was really nice to meet you guys and I'll see you in school.

Dawson: If not sooner.

*Pacey laughs.*

Joey: *imitating Dawson* If not sooner.

Pacey: Nice.

*Pacey and Dawson start walking towards Dawson's house.*

Pacey: You think she's a virgin? Wanna nail her?

Dawson: We just met!

Pacey: And a wasted moment it was. I mean greater men would be nailing right now, you know what I mean?

Dawson: Tact, look it up.

*Dawson and Pacey walk in on Dawson's parents on the coffee table.*

Dawson: Oh God. Mom!

Mr. Leery: Oh, hi son.

*He dumps Mrs. Leery on the floor.*

Mr. Leery: Your mother and I were...

Mrs. Leery: Uh, just discussing whether or not...

Mr. Leery: We needed a new coffee table.

Mr. Leery: Hi Pacey.

Pacey: Hi Mr. Leery. Mrs. Leery.

Mrs. Leery: Hi Pacey. Oh don't look so red Dawson. It could be worse.

*Dawson looks away.*

Pacey: You know what Mrs. Leery? I really do love that new hairdo.

Mrs. Leery: Oh. Thank you Pacey.

Mr. Leery: I thought you had to work.

Dawson: We ran late.

Mrs. Leery: I should get going. Okay Mr. Man-meat, I'll see you later.

Dawson: Mom. Ah!

*CUT TO: the creek, Joey is rowing up towards her house and is stopped by Bodie, her sister's boyfriend.*

Bodie: Just the victim I'm looking for.

Joey: No, Bodie. Not again.

Bodie: But I'm being tested on this one. Here have a taste.

Joey: Orgasmic. Where's Bess?

*Bessie walks out*

Bessie: If you want to wear my things, fine. They're fairly useless to me now. But that means you put them back where you found them. Got it?

Joey: Got it.

Bessie: I am way too pregnant to be digging underneath your bed.

Joey: So stay out of my room, got it?

*She walks away.*

Bessie: I'm going to knock her silly, I swear it.

Bodie: Here, taste this.

Bessie: Hmmm Orgasmic.

Bodie: Awww.

*CUT TO: video store. Dawson is helping someone.*

Dawson: Thank you.

*The customer leaves as Pacey walks in from the back of the store.*

Pacey: So, if your dad's Mr. Man-meat, does that make you Mr. Man-meat Jr. or Mr. Man-meat the second?

Dawson: They're going to have to drag the creek to find your body, Pacey.

*Nellie walks up*

Nellie: Does Forrest Gump go in the comedy or drama section?

Pacey: How many times are you going to ask that?

Dawson: It goes in the drama section.

Nellie: Thank you Dawson.

*She walks away to put the video in its place.*

Pacey: Can you say wet brain?

*Nellie whips around.*

Nellie: I'm sorry what did you say? Did you toss a negative, disparaging remark my way? Because if you did, and correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to remind you who you are.

Pacey: I know, I know. Your dad owns the place.

Nellie: No, I'm talking about in the huge, rotating world of life.

Pacey: And who am I Nellie?

Nellie: Nobody. That's the point. You're not there, you don't even exist. Because if you did, I might have to respond to your pathetic little under the breath one-liners. But instead I take comfort knowing you're vapor. Phoo, Phoo!

*She waves her arms around in the air*

Nellie: Non-existent, nothing.

*An attractive older woman in a very short dress walks through the door. The boys stare at her as she approaches them.*

Pacey: Oh my God, look at her!

Dawson: Have some respect man, she's somebody's mother.

Pacey: I have it on pretty good authority that mother's have excellent sex lives, alright.

*She reaches the boys.*

Dawson: Good afternoon, can we help you?

Tamara: Yes you can. This is my first time here and I'd like to rent a video.

Pacey: Excellent. You just fill this out and shoot us over a credit card.

Pacey: Thanks. You're new in town, because I haven't seen you in here before.

Tamara: Yes, I am. My name's Tamara, what's yours?

Pacey: Pacey, nice to meet you.

Tamara: Well here you go Pacey.

Pacey: Thanks. Um, do you think I could help you locate a video this afternoon?

Tamara: Maybe. I'm in the mood for romance.

Pacey: Um, we keep the new releases against the...

Tamara: Oh no, I'm vintage. All the way.

Pacey: The classics are in the...

Tamara: Where would I find The Graduate?

*Dawson leans out from the video stacks in the back.*

Pacey: The Graduate is the one...

Tamara: Where the older woman, Anne Bancroft, seduces the younger man, Dustin Hoffman?

Pacey: I'll check in the...

*Dawson walks up to the counter, video in hand.*

Dawson: It's right here. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Tamara: Oh no, that should do it. How much?

Dawson: Pay when you return.

*She turns to leave.*

Dawson: Don't forget your credit card.

Pacey: Ah, right here.

Dawson: Enjoy the film.

Tamara: I will. It was nice to meet you Pacey.

Pacey: Oh yeah.

Dawson: Wipe the drool dude.

Pacey: She was flirting with me!

Dawson: She was laughing at you.

Pacey: No, she wanted me!

Dawson: She wanted Dustin Hoffman.

Pacey: I...

*CUT TO: Dawson heading to his house, but he catches sight of Jen on the dock and walks over to her.*

Dawson: Hey. How's your granddad?

Jen: Well, he's breathing. Good sign. It's my Grandma that presents a challenge. She has this praying mentality, which is really awkward, since I don't do that whole God thing.

*She notices the videos.*

Jen: Whatcha got here? Let me see.Creature from the Black Lagoon, Humanoids from the Deep, Swamp Thing?

Dawson: It's research. I'm making a movie.

Jen: Really? Kinda young to be so ambitious.

Dawson: Fifteen. Spielburg started on a eight millimeter when he was thirteen.

Jen: Why movies? What's the attraction there?

Dawson: I reject reality.

Jen: Oh!

Dawson: Would you like to see my studio?

*CUT TO: Dawson's room. Dawson and Jen appear and enter Dawson's room.*

Jen: Hmmm. Long shot here... ahhh...Spielberg fan?

Dawson: Pretty much worship the man in a God-like way, yeah.

Jen: How revealing.

Dawson: I have his career chronicled up on my wall. If you notice, everything is arranged in receding box office order. Starting with the blockbusters: Jurassic Park, ET, Jaws, Indiana Jones and if you follow it to my critically acclaimed wall...

*He walks over to his closet doors and set's the videos on his desk.*

Dawson: I have Schindler's List and The Color Purple. Oh, and for humility purposes I also keep his others.

*Dawson opens his closet doors to reveal two posters. Jen laughs.*

Dawson: 1941 and Always. In limited but excessible view.

Jen: Are you familiar with obsessive reality disorder?

Dawson: It's beyond that. See I believe that all of the mysteries of the Universe, all of life's questions, can be found in a Spielberg movie. It's a theory I've been working on. See, whenever I have a problem all I have to do is look to the right Spielberg film and the answers revealed.

Jen: Have you considered a twelve-step program?

Dawson: Wit. We like that around here.

*CUT TO: Joey climbing Dawson's ladder but she stops when she hears voices. CUT BACK TO: Jen and Dawson.*

Jen: You are very smooth.

*Dawson is sitting on his bed.*

Dawson: In all seriousness, the Boston Film Critics have a program for junior filmmakers. Deadlines in two months. We're really under the gun.

Grams: (off camera) Jennifer!

*Jen looks out to her house.*

Jen: I better go. I don't want her to erupt.

Dawson: I'll see you at school.

Jen: Bye.

Dawson: Bye.

*Knowing that Jen is gone, Joey climbs through the window.*

Dawson: Joey! Hey where you been? Come on, sit down. Watch this.

*Dawson turns on a video of mom's newscast.*

Mrs. Leery: (on-screen) 772-5982. Back to you, Bob.

Dawson: Do you think my mom's sleeping with her co-anchor?

Joey: Where did that come from?

Dawson: Watch.

*He rewinds the tape and plays it again.*

Dawson: Something about her B's. They're too soft. Back to you Bob.

Joey: Your reaching. I mean why would your mom be sleeping with her co- anchor. Your dad's the perfect male specimen.

Dawson: I don't know, but I think they are.

Joey: Your just looking for conflict. Everything's a potential script to you. Accept your perfect life Dawson. It's reality.

*Jen's Grandparent's house.*

Jen: Good morning Granddad.

*She looks at his scar, visible under his pajamas. She touches it lightly.*

Grams: What are you doing?

Jen: Oh, I was just saying good morning.

Grams: Your breakfast is ready.

Jen: Oh. I'm glad to be here Grams.

Grams: Don't wanna be late your first day.

*She walks out of the room leaving Jen holding her Grandfather's hand.*

Jen: You know I don't usually eat in the morning Grams. I mean I appreciate the thought and all but my eyes are barely propped open by noon. Just a coffee fix and I'm set.

*She pours herself a cup.*

Grams: Well I'll remember that in the future.

Jen: So tell me about this Dawson guy next door. He looks so different. He used to be kinda short and compact.

Grams: You stay away, that boy is trouble.

Jen: Aren't they all? Well, what about the girl who lives down the creek? Joey, I think her name is?

Grams: That girl from down the creek has been crawling into the window of that boy next door for the past ten years. Neither goes to church, I believe they're what you call the wrong element.

Jen: Right.

*Grams lowers her head to say prayers. She notices Jen is not praying.*

Grams: Say grace dear.

Jen: That's okay, you do it.

Grams: It would be nice if you did it.

Jen: I don't think so Grams. Thanks for the offer.

Grams: Is their some reason you don't want to thank our Lord this morning?

Jen: You know Grams, I really didn't want to get into this, you know. Kinda causes a headache but um, I don't really do well with church and the Bible and this prayer stuff.

Grams: Beg your pardon?

Jen: I don't covet a religious God, Grams. I'm an Atheist.

*Camera lingers on Grams shocked expression.*

*CUT TO: Capeside High. Jen is at her locker.*

Nellie: Hi, I'm Nellie Olsen.

Jen: Nellie as in Little House?

Nellie: I know, I know. Little House on the Prairie, it was like my mom and dad's favorite show. But no preconceptions okay? I'm not like her at all.

Jen: Uh, I'm Jen.

Nellie: From New York. I know. How's your grandfather? He has us all worried. He's still on the prayer list at church, you party?

Jen: Excuse me?

Nellie: Par-ty?

Jen: Uh, party as in do I like to have a good time, or party as in drink and use drugs?

Nellie: It's subjective.

Jen: I like to have a good time. Substance free.

Nellie: Maybe we should call you Nellie. See ya!

*She walks away. Jen turns, a little dazed, back to her locker.*

Dawson: Hey! How's it going?

Jen: I could really use a cigarette.

Dawson: You smoke?

Jen: Uh, I quit. I'm just a little tense.

Dawson: Well you're hiding it well.

Jen: I have a great denial system.

Dawson: Yeah, it's the first day, we're all a little tense. It'll get easier.

Jen: Good.

Dawson: How's your schedule? They screwed up mine.

*Jen brings her schedule out and they look it over.*

Dawson: Who do you have first period?

Jen: Um... Briston. Biology.

Dawson: I was just heading that way.

Jen: Were you?

*They walk off down the hall.*

*CUT TO: Pacey in a classroom. To his surprise, the lady from the video store, Tamara Jacobs, walks in.*

Pacey: Tamara.

Tamara: Hello Pacey. Tell you what, why don't you call me Ms. Jacobs during school hours?

Pacey: Right of course.

*CUT TO: Jen looking for a seat and spots Joey and walks over.*

Jen: Hey, I was hoping we'd have a class together.

Joey: Here we are.

*CUT TO: Dawson opening the door of a classroom.*

Dawson: Psycho.

Mr. Gold: You know the film?

Dawson: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Universal, 1960. Little known fact: Did you know that Hitchcock surprised Janet Leigh with freezing cold water in order to get her to scream so effectively?

Mr. Gold: Who are you?

Dawson: Dawson Leery.

Mr. Gold: Then I take it you'll be in my fifth period film lab.

Dawson: Actually that's why I'm here. There seems to have been some confusion with my schedule. I was denied admittance to your film class.

Mr. Gold: Then you must be a sophomore.

Dawson: And that's not a good thing?

Mr. Gold: It's a very popular class Dawson. Seating is limited. There's a waiting list, priority goes to upperclassmen.

Dawson: Well that's stupid.

Mr. Gold: Excuse me?

Dawson: Who made that rule?

Mr. Gold: I did.

Dawson: Oh.

Mr. Gold: Why are you so adamant?

Dawson: Passion, Mr. Gold. Pure, mad-driven passion. Movies are my life.

Mr. Gold: Oh I see.

Dawson: I'm sorry. I'm not coming across well at all here. The point is I'm going to be a filmmaker. It's my life's ambition. It always has been. How many students do you have in this class that can say that? This is a small town Mr. Gold. Theirs not a lot of opportunity for me. You have the power. You could easily override this bizarre rule that denies students their education.

Mr. Gold: You're very convincing Dawson Leery. But I'm afraid the class is maxed out. I wish I could make case by case exceptions but that would be unfair and problematic. I'm sorry to say that no is my definitive answer.

Dawson: But...

Mr. Gold: No, Period. It's a complete sentence.

*CUT TO: Joey and Jen walk out of the classroom*

Jen: Hey Joey. Um, can I ask you something kinda up front?

Joey: Sure.

Jen: Are you and Dawson a thing?

Joey: No, were just friends.

Jen: Like we're going to be, I hope. You know, my Grams warned me about you. She said you're severely troubled.

Joey: Well, no offense but your Grams is cracked.

Jen: Why does she rag on you?

Joey: Pick a topic. There's my dad, the imprisoned convict or my sister impregnated by her black boyfriend.

Jen: Your father's in prison?

Joey: Conspiracy to traffic marijuana in excess of ten thousand pounds.

Jen: Wow, so then um where's your mother?

Joey: Oh, she had this cancer thing. It got her.

Jen: So then you live with your sister?

Joey: And the black boyfriend. He likes you, you know.

Jen: Who the black boyfriend?

Joey: Dawson. Don't abuse his feelings.

*Joey walks away. Jen stares after her and sighs.*

*CUT TO: cafeteria. A balding, overweight man walks past Dawson, Jen and Joey at a lunch table.*

Dawson: Okay, the bald man, Mr. Herman. He teaches a timid calculus class and packs a .45 magnum. Last year opened fire and took out two students and a custodian.

Jen: Pled justifiable homicide. They didn't have a hall pass.

*They laugh. Joey watches them.*

Dawson: Woman in funky black dress. Periodic drinker. Blacks out after two glasses of cheap wine and runs through town with her dress over her head.

Jen: Singing Neil Diamond songs.

*They laugh again. Joey is disgusted.*

Dawson: You're good. I should bring you in to touch up my dialogue.

Joey: Um, we're supposed to be working Dawson.

Dawson: Yeah, um would you mind taking a look at Act Three. I'm having a climax issue.

Jen: Sure.

*Joey sets her hand in her chin and rolls her eyes.*

*CUT TO: Tamara eating lunch at her desk. Pacey walks in with his backpack.*

Pacey: Tamara, I mean, Ms. Jacobs. How was The Graduate?

Tamara: Just as I remembered.

Pacey: Are you looking for romance tonight?

Tamara: Why, you got any suggestions?

Pacey: Uh, have you ever seen The Summer of '42?

Tamara: Refresh my memory.

Pacey: Well, it's about a beautiful woman who seduces a young boy on the verge of manhood.

Tamara: It's a favorite.

Pacey: I, uh, could reserve it for you if you like?

Tamara: Actually, tonight I'm going to see that new film playing at The Rialto.

*Students start to enter and take their seats. Pacey looks disappointed.*

Pacey: Yeah.

Tamara: It's getting great reviews.

Pacey: Uh yeah. I guess I'll maybe check it out then.

*He walks backwards into a student.*

Boy: Hey, watch it!

*Pacey waves goodbye and heads out.*

*CUT TO: Pacey and Dawson walking down a hall.*

Pacey: Hey man. Video woman is my new English teacher. Okay, you, me, the movies tonight. We are stalking a faculty member.

Dawson: Dude, negative.

Pacey: What?! I actually have the possibility of losing my virginity in a high level fantasy fashion.

Dawson: Pacey, go home. Walk your dog. It's not going to happen.

Pacey: Not tonight! That's not the plan, man. I just want to familiarize her with the gaze, the smile, the charming features, you know.

Dawson: Don't do this to yourself!

Pacey: Look, it is a fact that a large percentage of older women are attracted to young boys on the verge of manhood. It keeps them feeling young. I read that in Cosmopolitan.

Dawson: What are you doing reading Cosmopolitan?

Pacey: Look, I have three menstrually diverse sisters, Cosmo is my savior.

Dawson: What do you need me for?

Pacey: Moral support. Okay, It'll be cool. You can invite Ms. Teen New York.

*He looks down the hall as he talks and sees Jen conversing with a boy in a letter jacket.*

Jen: That sounds good.

Pacey: Unless somebody's beaten you to it. C'mon man, get in there. Be assertive. Talk to her alright? You should be the one reading Cosmo. It'll build your female esteem. Go on...

*Dawson punches him jokingly and walks down the hall towards Jen.*

Jen: Dawson, hey, how's it going?

Dawson: Pretty good. I see you've met Roger Fullford.

*They begin to walk.*

Jen: Yeah, nice guy.

Dawson: Yeah. Jock quarterback by day, schizophrenic transvestite by night.

Jen: Oh really.

Dawson: Has what you call a Tori Spelling complex. He's partial to Victoria's Secret.

Jen: But can he run in pumps?

*They snicker.*

Dawson: Hey, uh Pacey is cruise directing a trip to the movies tonight, nothing big, just a few of us. Would you like to come?

*Jen smiles*

*Cut to Joey walking home along the boardwalk. Dawson rides up on a bike*

Dawson: Hey Joey! I need a favor.

Joey: Uh, oh.

Dawson: I have a semi-quasi date with Jen tonight, we're going to the movies with Pacey and I need you come with us.

Joey: I'd rather go down in a plane crash.

Dawson: C'mon it's going to really, really weird with just two guys and Jen. It'll even it out.

Joey: So, would it be like a double date?

Dawson: Sorta, but not really. Pacey's on this hormonal mission...

Joey: Are you having an aneurysm? No way!

Dawson: It's not like a date-date. It's just so that Jen won't feel uncomfortable.

Joey: We wouldn't want that.

Dawson: C'mon, Joey please? Please, please, please, please, please! C'mon, Joey please?!

Joey: Whatever.

Dawson: Thank you! You're the best, I mean it. I know your worried about our relationship and everything but I told you. Nothing has to change. I can tell you anything.

*CUT TO: Jen's grandparent's house.*

Grams: Where exactly are you going?

Jen: Well Dawson has a gun, I thought we'd go knock off a liquor store, then go get tattoos.

Grams: Why do you talk like that?

Jen: I'm simply trying to establish a rapport with you that's based on humor. I'm completely harmless. You'll see.

Grams: Well be back by ten.

Jen: I can do that. Thanks for being so cool about this. I thought you were going to chain me up to a chair or something.

Grams: Not at all, you want to go to the movies, go. Have fun, just as long as you come to church with me on Sunday.

Jen: I knew there was going to be catch. Grams, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you're going to have to give up on this one.

Grams: I'm afraid I insist.

Jen: I'm firm about my beliefs. Please respect them.

Grams: I know what happened in New York. Church will do you good.

Jen: Let me determine that. Church isn't the answer, not for me. But I promise to you that I'll keep an open mind and honor and respect your beliefs for as long as I'm here.

Grams: The decision has been made. You will do what I say, you are under my guard.

Jen: Ah, you know I am trying really hard to keep my rebellious nature in check. I'll tell you what Grams. I'll go to church when you say the word penis.

Grams: You stop that talk!

Jen: It's just a word Grams. Clinical and technical. Penis.

*Jen goes over to her and gives her a hug.*

Jen: Grams, I really love you, but you have to lighten up. I'll see you later.

*CUT TO: Dawson's house. Mr. Leery sits on the couch, watching the news as he works. Dawson hops down the stairs.*

Dawson: Alright Dad, I'm outta here.

Mr. Leery: What do you think? I thought all the waitresses could wear scuba gear.

Dawson: Completely impractical. Dad, this whole aquatic- themed restaurant idea gets worse on a daily basis.

Mr. Leery: Shift, your mom's on. Watching her work is the *best* foreplay.

Dawson: I'm outta here.

Mr. Leery: Have fun. Play safe.

Dawson: The condom chat is premature.

Mr. Leery: It's never too early.

Dawson: What is up with the sex?! That's all anybody thinks of anymore. Sex, sex, sex!! I mean, what is the big deal?

Mr. Leery: Sex is a very big part of who we are as human beings.

Dawson: Does that mean we have to go hump the coffee table? If sex is so important then how come Spielberg never has had a sex scene in one of his movies, hmm? He keeps it in it's proper place in film as should we in life.I'll be home early.

Mrs. Leery: *on tv* Back to you, Bob.

*CUT TO: Joey's house. Bodie sits on the couch reading while Bessie paints a birdhouse. Joey comes out the door and Bess grabs her.*

Joey: Hey, I'm in a hurry!

Bessie: *takes her face in her hands* Your attitude has got to go.

*She uncaps a lipstick with her teeth and starts to put it on her. Joey tries to pull away then gives in. Bodie watches and smiles.*

Bessie: *demonstrating* Now blot 'em together like this.

*Joey does so.*

Bessie: You hold onto this and every half hour to an hour you excuse yourself to go touch up. Got it?

*She hands her the lipstick. Joey turns to leave, then twists back around and smiles.*

*CUT TO: Dawson, Joey, Jen, & Pacey walking*

Dawson: So do you plan on staying the whole school year?

Jen: Well, that depends on my Grams really, and my mom and dad.

Jen: Hey Joey, I love your lipstick. What shade is that?

Joey: Wicked Red, uh I love your hair color, what number is that?

Dawson: You'll have to excuse Joey, she was born in a barn.

Jen: That's okay, uh Joey I just do highlights.

Joey: So, uh Jen are you a virgin?

Dawson: That's mature!

Joey: Well cause Dawson's a virgin and two virgins really make for a clumsy first encounter don't you think?

Dawson: You're going to die.

Joey: I just thought I'd help, you know, cut to the chase.

Jen: No it's okay Dawson. Yes I am a virgin. How about you Joey, are you a virgin?

Joey: Please, years ago. Trucker named Bubba.

Dawson: What is up with you?

*Joey just looks at him. They get in line to buy tickets.*

*CUT TO: the inside of The Rialto. Pacey sees Tamara take a seat a few rows ahead of them and goes to make his move.*

Pacey: Back in a bit.

*The lights dim and the movie begins. Dawson's hand starts to reach for Jen's then pulls back. Joey becomes aware of his motions. Dawson taps his hand against his leg then goes for her hand again. It lightly brushes against Jen's, who takes notice. He finally makes him move, and takes her hand in his.*

Joey: So, Jen are you a size queen?

Jen: Excuse me?

Joey: Well how important is the size to you?

Dawson: Joey!

*She lifts her eyebrows at him and listens to Jen.*

Jen: Well being a virgin, I guess I haven't really given it that much though, how about yourself Jo?

Joey: I'm torn...

Dawson: You and me, outside now. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you!

Joey: What do you think Dawson? (to Jen) Notice the long fingers?

*CUT TO Pacey sitting down next to Tamara.*

Pacey: Hey Tamara.

Tamara: Hi... Pacey what are you doing here?

Pacey: Just checking out the movie. I came with some friends.

Tamara: *looking back to where he's pointing.* Oh good, I'm glad.

Pacey: But I can sit here with you, you know. Wanna Milk Dud?

Tamara: No.

Pacey: By the way, The Summer of '42 is officially reserved in your name.

Tamara: Oh Pacey, look, I don't think you understand...

Pacey: No, no, no. It was nothing. I could even come over. We could watch it together.

*A man with popcorn approaches the two and goes to sit down, only to find Pacey in his seat.*

Tamara: Hi, uh Pacey are you sure you don't wanna go sit with your friends?

Pacey: Who's this guy?

Tamara: A friend.

Guy sitting behind them: Hey, quiet!

Tamara: Sorry.

Mr. Gold: Tammy, is this kid bothering you?

Tamara: No Benji.

Pacey: *snickering* Benji? Ms. Jacobs invited me herself.

Tamara: Not exactly. Look Pacey you have got to understand, I was only renting a movie.

Mr. Gold: Look, why don't I help you find your seat.

*When Pacey gets up he pushes Benji. The popcorn spills all over the guy behind them, who punches Pacey in the face.*

*CUT TO: the lobby of the movie theater.*

Dawson: Are you twiggy? What is your problem?

Joey: My problem is that from the moment Little Miss Highlights showed up you haven't said one word to me!

Dawson: Crap! That is pure crap and you know it!

Joey: All I know is that all your blood is rushing down and you can't even acknowledge another human being's even present.

Dawson: I like her okay! Sue me, I thought you were my friend. Where is a little understanding?

Joey: I understand. I'm tired of understanding. All I do is understand!

*She goes to leave.*

Dawson: Joey!

Joey: Nothing penetrates with you Dawson. You're so far removed from reality you can't even see what's right in front of you.

Dawson: What are you talking about?

Joey: Your life. It's a freaking fairy tale and you don't even know it. You just want conflict for that script of yours. Stop living in the movies. Grow up.

*CUT TO: Dawson and Jen walking through Jen's yard.*

Dawson: I'll walk you to your door.

Jen: Not with Grams waiting to pounce.

Dawson: Oh, that's right.

Jen: Yeah.

*They reach the fence.*

Dawson: So...

Jen: So...

Dawson: It was a really repulsive evening.

*Dawson moves in to kiss her. Jen pulls back.*

Jen: Uh, you know what? This is all my fault. I mean, I know I don't posess much power in the universe but I feel completely responsible for tonight Dawson.

Dawson: No, uh, I pulled the pin, I tossed the grenade. I got a big old L right... (makes a loser sign on his forehead)

Jen: No, you're not a loser Dawson. You're very sweet. Smart, you got a great sense of humor. You're cool with out being really obnoxious about it. You're very, very talented. You got clear skin, big plus.

*They laugh.*

Dawson: Thank you.

Jen: No. Thank you Dawson. Things weren't so great for me in New York and they're kinda scary right now so, thank you. Oh, um, I should go. But thanks for everything Dawson.

Dawson: But...

*Jen walks up her steps and turns around.*

Jen: I'm just going to pretend we kissed okay?

*CUT TO: Pacey walking along the boardwalk with a swollen eye. He spots Tamara, and stops.*

Pacey: What are the chances?

*He walks up to her.*

Tamara: Pacey, are you okay?

Pacey: I'll live.

Tamara: Wait, talk to me a second.

*She tries to touch his face, but he pushes her away.*

Pacey: About what, The Graduate or The Summer of '42, which would you rather discuss?

Tamara: I'd like to clear up this misunderstanding.

Pacey: I understand you perfectly well "Ms." Jacobs.

Tamara: I'm so sorry.

Pacey: Well you should be because you're a liar. How can you say you were just renting a movie?

Tamara: Because it's the truth.

Pacey: It's a crock. The truth is you're a well put together, knock out of a woman who's feeling a little insecure about hitting forty. So when a young, virile boy, such as myself flirts with you, you enjoy it. You entice it. You fantasize about what it would be like to be with that young boy on the verge of manhood. 'Cause it helps you stay feeling attractive. Makes the aging process a little more bearable. Well, let me tell you something. You blew it lady, because I'm the best sex you'll never have.

Tamara: Your wrong about one thing Pacey. You're not a boy.

*She wraps her arms around him and they kiss passionately. The kiss goes on, until she finally pulls away, shocked at what had happened.*

Tamara: I'm sorry. Oh God.

*She runs away as Pacey looks on.*

Pacey: I'll see you in school, Ms. Jacobs.

*CUT TO: Dawson's house. Dawson enters his room and switches the TV on. He opens the closet door and is startled by Joey, who sits there. *

Dawson: Oh, what are you doing in there?

Joey: Hanging with the clothes.

*She gets up and flops on the bed*

Dawson: What happened tonight Joey?

Joey: I wigged out.

Dawson: What is going on between us?

Joey: I have no idea.

Dawson: I know I have this incredibly perfect life and I completely under- appreciate it.

Joey: Yeah, you do.

Dawson: I'm sorry I was such an insensitive male. I thought I was above it. I don't wanna lose you Joey. What we have is the *only* thing that makes sense to me.When I saw you in the movie theater with that lipstick on, I remember thinking how pretty you looked. I mean, I ignored it. But I thought it.

Joey: Yeah?

Dawson: But that was it Jo. It didn't go any further than that.

Joey: When I saw you going for Jen's hand... It's not like I wanted to be the one holding your hand. I just didn't want her holding it.

Dawson: So where does that leave us? It's all so complicated!

Joey: We're growing up Dawson, that's all. I mean even Spielberg outgrew his Peter Pan syndrome.

Dawson: *notices her leaving* Where are you going?

Joey: I can't sleep over anymore. And we can't talk to each other like we used to, there's just some things we can't say.

Dawson: No that's just not true, Joey I can you tell you anything.

Joey: Yeah? How often do you walk your dog, huh?

Dawson: What?!

Joey: You know what I mean. What time of day, how many times a week?

*Dawson looks away, uncomfortable. Joey watches as his embarrassment grows. Her face falls.*

Dawson: Goodnight.

*Joey pauses then turns for the window. She looks back once.*

Joey: See ya Dawson.

Dawson: See ya Joey.

*She leaves. Dawson, angry at himself, gets up and sighs in frustration. Joey hurries down the ladder and she starts to cry as she runs down the dock. Dawson bangs his head against his closet. Joey unties her boat from the dock as fast as she can.*

Dawson: Joey!

*She looks up, her face streaked with tears.*

Dawson: Usually in the morning with Katie Couric.

*Joey looks confused. She realizes and breaks out in a grin. Laughing she pulls the boat away. Cut back and forth between the two, smiling and laughing. A car door slams. She looks and sees Mrs. Leery leaning into her co-anchor Bob's car and kissing him. Joey stares in shock. She glances up at Dawson's window to see if he noticed. The window is empty.*