Episode 101- Dance

*Dawson's room. The video that Dawson is making is on tv.*

Joey: *on tape* Look, I know what I saw. It was big and it was ugly and it attacked me and it's still out there just waiting.

Pacey: *on tape* I may not believe you, Stephanie, but I believe in you.

*Pacey and Joey's characters start to kiss. Joey pulls away.*

Joey: *on tape* Ooo.Ugh.

Pacey: *on tape* What? What? Come on.

Dawson: Cut.

*Joey is laying on Dawson's bed. She flips the tape off and looks over at Dawson at his desk. He is working on a model of her head.*

Joey: Sorry, Dawson but he is just too repelling.

Dawson: Joey, you're going to have to kiss him.

Joey: I cannot and will not kiss that cretin.

Dawson: It's a movie, you're playing a character. It's not Pacey you're kissing.

Joey: So he's a sea serpent from the deep. What's the difference?

Dawson: But you're not aware of his evil alter-ego. You're in love.

Joey: Forget it.

Dawson: The movie doesn't work without a kiss, Joey, it's a love story.

Joey: It's a horror movie, Dawson.

Dawson: It's a homage with a heavy allegorical slant.

Joey: But he's so un-kissworthy

Dawson: Do it for me?

Joey: I don't want to regurgitate on camera. Why don't you kiss him?

Dawson: Because my lips are reserved for someone else.

Joey: Have you kissed Little Miss Someone Else yet?

Dawson: There's no need to rush fate.

Joey: Don't wait an eternity, Dawson. I mean, she's from New York where things tend to move faster.

Dawson: Well then, how enchanting to meet a strapping young man who doesn't have sex on the brain.

Joey: If it helps you sleep at night.

Dawson: Joey,you heard it for yourself. Through her own admittance, she's a self-proclaimed virgin.

Joey: For another second.

Dawson: Jen happens to be a bright and talented young woman who is clearly in charge of her own body.

Joey: I'm not suggesting leather straps and Crisco,just a kiss.

Dawson: Jen and I will definitely kiss,don't you worry. The question is will yours ever find Pacey's?

Joey: I vote for an extensive rewrite.

Dawson: Well, that's too bad. Because you definitely have kissing lips.

Joey: What?

Dawson: Check it out. *Dawson moves the head to where Joey can see it.* You give good lip. You know, Joey, you can always just close your eyes and think of somebody else. *pauses* Explain to me, the Crisco.

*Dawson's Creek Theme*

*CUT TO Capeside High, announcements are playing.*

Student Announcer: Don't forget about the big dance on Saturday to celebrate our victory at the big game on Friday. Even if we don't win the big game, the Planning Committee is really optimistic. Get your tickets now.

*Dawson is seen walking into Mr. Gold's, the film teacher's room.*

Dawson: Mr Gold, got a sec?

Mr. Gold: What is it, Dawson?

Dawson: Umm,well,I've been thinking about what you said. And you were right to not let me into your class.

Mr. Gold: I've glad you gave it some thought.

Dawson: I did. I am, however, in a bit of a jam. See, I have study hall fifth period in the library and it's really crowded in there. Major overflow, sweaty, unpleasant. I, uh, I talked to Mr. Gibbons about switching study halls and he seemed to think that with your permission I could spend study halls with you.

Mr. Gold: Hmmm, Fifth period. That's exactly when film class is.

Dawson: That's an uncanny coincidence.

Mr. Gold: You will not be part of the class. You will sit in the back and be quiet. And you will not participate or involve yourself in any--

Dawson: *rushing out the door* Great, thank you Mr. Gold. I really, this is a big deal.

*CUT TO Pacey at Tamara's desk. She walks in.*

Pacey: Good morning, Miss Jacobs.

Tamara: Good morning Pacey.

Pacey: Can we talk?

Tamara: Ah, you know, this isn't your class so uh, I'll see you later.

Pacey: No, we really need to talk.

Tamara: But we have nothing to discuss. Unless it's about a literary question, you can run along.

Pacey: There's a lot to discuss. We can start with the open-mouth kiss if you like.

Tamara: I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm going to have in insist that you leave this classroom immediately.

Pacey: Listen, I'm just as confused about this as you are.

Tamara: Please? Nothing happened. There was no kiss.

Pacey: *whispering* Your tongue was in my mouth. You're not being fair.

*Pacey leaves.*

Tamara: Good morning, everyone.

*CUT TO: Cafeteria where the group is eating lunch.*

Dawson: Okay, I'm not going to be able to count on the film class for support like I was hoping. Which means, we're going to have to work overtime if we want to make the festival deadline. We have to shoot all weekend. Joey, this means, no lip about giving Pacey lip.

Joey: I'm reaching a breaking point with this whole kiss thing.

Pacey: I'm not engorged with this, either. It goes both ways.

Dawson: Joey, major revelation. Alright. I think I know a way to make you the happiest actress in the world. You know how you die in the end of the movie? How would you like to die sooner? Like tomorrow?

Joey: What do you mean?

Dawson: Okay, your character in a surprise attack is killed violently but your beautiful and bright cousin from New York arrives just in time to find your mutilated body.

Pacey: You know, dude. I think you're on to something here.

Jen: Wait a minute. If this means--

Dawson: No, no, no. This nulifies the kiss issue *looks at Joey* and puts you back behind the camera with me where you belong.

Jen: But, haven't you shot a lot of stuff with Joey's character?

Dawson: It's a easy cover. It's better this way, it's so unpredictable! The audience is never gonna see it coming! It's like Janet Lee in "Psycho."

Pacey: Drew Barrymore in "Scream."

Joey: *turns to Pacey* Ah, rip-off of a rip-off.

Dawson: I really think that it fits right in line with the whole film piece, don't you think?

Joey: You're right, Dawson. It's perfect.

*Pacey is sitting in Tamara's English Class. The class is discussing Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.*

Tamara: Okay, someone explain to me the state of Catherine's mind as she drove Heathcliff away.

Female student: It was her tragic and dysfunctional way of letting him know she loved him.

Tamara: Yes, that's the oblivious interpretation of the moment. However, I think it goes deeper than that. For some reason, this story is regarded as some great love story. But the reality is, that Heathcliff and Catherine never really belonged together. They never should have been together. Catherine was essentially a mess, it was basically a decent guy who had a lot to learn about life and was apparently better off without some whimpering, mentally, unstable wet-rag following him around. The whole thing was wrong. It should never have happened. Bronte should have saved her anger.

*The bell rings signaling the end of class. Pacey gets up and leaves with a puzzled look on his face.*

*Mr. Gold's film class. Dawson is sitting in the back of the class listening to the conversations of the students.*

Mr. Gold: So, we'll have to move fast if we want to enter the Film Festival.

Cliff: We can make it. The script is done, the movie is boarded. And we did a lot of the work over the summer.

Mr. Gold: Then let's move onto the story. Have you solved our third act problem?

Dawson: Mr. Gold?

Mr. Gold: Yes, Dawson?

Dawson: Would that be the Boston Film Festival?

Mr. Gold: Yes, that would be. They have a junior video level competition.

Cliff: Okay, Third act. I've just been injured in the big game with Tyler. My throwing arm crushed. The bone broken in 3 places. But I refuse to tell the coach, because he won't let me play at Homecoming if I do. Remember, we want the audience asking "Can he do it? Will the team win the big game?" Remember, this is autobiographical, so if anybody has any questions, I was there. I lived it. Come talk to me, all right?

*Dawson is throwing his books into his locker while Joey is next to him talking to him.*

Dawson: "Helmets of Glory." Chronicles last year's football season. And get this, Mr. Cliff Quarterback himself is writing, directing and starring in it.

Joey: Oh, a Streissand.

Dawson: This is serious, Jo. They're entering it in the film festival. My film festival. This is like immediate competition.

Joey: And it's a sports film.

Dawson: A thin and pedestrian sports film.

Joey: Ah, the epitome of everything you're against. Could life be more cruel?

*Dawson sees Cliff walk up to Jen in the hallway. Dawson and Joey stand next to Dawson's locker watching the conversation between Cliff and Jen*

*Jen and Cliff are in the hallway talking*

Cliff: Hi, I'm Cliff.

Jen: Hi, Jen.

Dawson: *face is shown* This isn't happening.

*Jen and Cliff are shown again talking*

Cliff: I know being the new kid can be kind of traumatic but if there's anything I can do to take the edge off. Introduce you around, take you out?

Jen: That's, that's really sweet of you. Umm, can I let you know? I mean, I'm still just getting settled in.

Cliff: Sure, sure. absolutely. It was nice to meet you Jen, short for Jennifer.

Jen: You too, Cliff, short for Clifford.

*Cliff leaves and walks past Dawson and Joey. Dawson and Joey are shown again, with Dawson having a confused look on his face.*

Joey: I told you, Dawson. They move fast in New York.

*Mitch is sitting at a table working on some things. Dawson comes flying down the stairs carrying the head model of Joey*

Dawson: Dad, hey Dad. Have you seen my camcorder?

Mitch (Mr. Leery): Filming today?

Dawson: Yeah, Joey gets decapitated today.

Mitch (Mr. Leery): It's, uh, in my bedroom, on the night table, on your mother's side. You might want to take the tape out.

Dawson: You can get arrested for that in some states. *pauses* Umm, I have a question. It's kind of a girl slash relationship question. And I don't want it to go to your head that I'm soliciting fatherly advice or anything. But I clearly don't condone yours and Mom's perverse sex life but I'm not too proud to admit that my own inexperience is hindering my current female relations.

Mitch: Well, what's the question?

Dawson: Mechanics of Kissing.

Mitch: How can I help?

*Dawson sits down next to his father. Meanwhile, Joey is seen walking to the Leery house and to the ladder leading up to Dawson's room.*

Dawson: Well, I'm interested in technique.

Mitch: Well, there is no technique, Dawson. You just put your lips together and go.

Dawson: Well, what makes a great kiss.

Mitch: The first time I kissed your mother--

Dawson: *interrupting Mitch* Now don't get too detailed.

Mitch: And we were out on a boat. And your mother's lips were chapped from the sun and she asked if she could borrow my chapstick.

*Joey is seen entering Dawson's room and into the upstairs hallway. She looks over the balcony and sees Dawson and Mitch talking. She stands where she is and listens to them.*

Mitch: So I took it out and I put some on my lips and then I leaned over and kissed her. The chapstick was really smooth. It slid onto her lips, the sensation was amazing. The chemistry was already there, you know but it was just one of those things that cemented it, you know. It was unforgettable and most importantly, romantic.

Dawson: And here, I thought you were all about sex.

Mitch: Oh, we still jumped each other. But you got to have romance. It's all about romance. And chapstick.

*Joey sits down by the balcony continuing to watch Dawson and Mitch*

Dawson: But the kiss itself. What did you do?

Mitch: Well, here holds up the head of Joey. Give it a try.

Dawson: No!

Mitch: Oh, come on. This is a big father/son moment here. You asked for it.

Dawson: all right.*Dawson takes the head from Mitch*

Mitch: Now moisten your lips and go for it.

Dawson: Dad, this is ridiculous. This is way ridiculous.

Mitch: The bottom lip. You got to keep it relaxed. You want to let it have a mind of its own. You want it to dance with hers. *Mitch touches Dawson's bottom lip* Close your eyes.

*Dawson holds the head up, closes his eyes and kisses it. Joey is watching and when he goes to kiss the head, Joey closes her eyes as well. She opens them back up when she hears Mitch's voice.*

Mitch: That was good.

Dawson: Yeah?

Mitch: Yeah.

Dawson: Cool. Umm, forget this ever happened.

Mitch: all right.

Dawson: Thanks.*Dawson gets up, grabbing the head and leaves the house*

*Joey gets up and starts to walk downstairs. She hears Gail's voice and finds that Gail is in a room whispering to someone on the phone. Joey stands by the door listening to Gail.

Gail: Yeah, all right. No, no, okay, then I'm hanging up *kissing noises are heard from Gail* I promise, I promise. Good-bye. *Gail hangs up the phone and opens the door to the hallway seeing Joey* Ahhh, Joey. What are you doing?

Joey: Ah, I was just looking for Dawson. We're filming today.

Gail: Oh, that's nice.

Joey: Yeah, I'm going to get killed today.

Gail: Oh, that's nice. Ah, Be careful out in the sun. It's hot today. Wear sunblock.

Joey: Ah, see you, Mrs. Leery. *Joey is walking away then turns back to Gail* Mrs. Leery?

Gail: Umhmm?

Joey: I know.

*Gail is shown with a shocked expression on her face*

*The filming of the movie on the pier. Joey is shown walking down the pier.*

Joey: Steven? Steven?

*Pacey dressed as the Creature appears and starts chasing Joey around the dock. Joey is heard screaming and runs behind a old boat. The head model of Joey is held up and Joey's head is chopped off with fake blood running down.*

Dawson: And cut. Beautiful.

*Dawson is then shown changing film and Jen is next to him helping him out with the equipment.*

Jen: Guys, that was really good.

Dawson: Perfect. That could not have gone any better.

Pacey: *taking the head off of the Creature suit* Joey, you die so well! Dawson, can we get another one of those? 'Cause I so love that image.

Dawson: No, we're behind schedule. Moving on.

*Joey goes into Dawson's house and begins to change out of her bathing suit. Jen enters and goes over to her.*

Jen: Hey, Joey, let me help you get that blood off.

Joey: It's okay. I can get it.

Jen: No, come on. I don't mind at all. It's not a problem. Ewww, it looks like it's really stuck on there.

Joey: I, I can get it.

*Joey is obliviously embarassed but takes off her bikini in front of Jen*

Jen: Here, let's get you covered up *Jen puts a towel around Joey's chest area* You have nice breasts. I mean, don't get the wrong idea. I'm completely hetero, alright. I'm just commenting girl to girl. You have a really nice body.

Joey: I'm too tall.

Jen: No, you're not at all. You're commanding. Hey, come on, I wish I had your stature and your long legs. My body's a mess. I'm too short, my hips do this weird thing and my face is shaped like a duck. Oh, and I hate my breasts.

Joey: Are you serious?

Jen: Yeah, I mean, it's usually normal to hate the way you look.

Joey: You don't look like a duck.

Jen: You know, that's the nicest thing you've said to me since we've met. *turns to leave, then pauses and turns back to Joey* Joey, I plan on making it hard for you not to like me.

*Jen leaves Dawson's house and Joey is shown with a perplexed expression on her face*

*Dawson and Joey are filming the next scene. Pacey and Jen are on the pier together*

Pacey: Don't worry. I'll help you find your cousin.

Jen: That's so sweet of you. I can never thank you, I know.

*Pacey leans over and kisses Jen. After a few seconds, Jen tries to pull away but Pacey won't let her.*

Dawson: Whoaaa. Cut. Cut. Pacey, what the hell are you doing!

Pacey: I'm kissing, what does it look like?

Dawson: Snorkeling! It's not the way it's scripted. *looks at Jen* Are you okay?

Jen: Yeah I'm fine.

Joey: It's just a kiss, Dawson.

Pacey: And you know what? Honestly, I think we should have another. Yeah?

Dawson: No. No. No kiss. I'm cutting the kiss. It's out.

Joey: Wait a second, you can't cut the kiss.

Dawson: Yes I can. I just did. Alright? It's not working. It doesn't make sense to have our new character to be kissing her dead cousin's boyfriend. Alright? The kiss is officially out.

Pacey: Alright. So, then is that a wrap cuz I got plans tonight, you know.

Dawson: Yeah, it's a wrap.

Jen: Yeah, I probably should be going too. Bye guys. *Jen starts to walk off *

Dawson: Hey, Jen, wait up. *Dawson takes after Jen and Pacey and Joey are left standing next to each other*

Joey: And what are you up to this evening?

Pacey: Well, it just so happens that the woman of my dreams is going to be at the school dance tonight and I plan on attending.

Joey: Lucky her.

*Jen is walking by the fence leading up to her house. When she sees Dawson trying to catch up to her, she stops and waits for him*

Dawson: So, in honor of the school dance, I've rented Saturday Night Fever, Stayin Alive and Grease.

Jen: In lieu of going?

Dawson: Yeah, It's going to be a John Travolta night of interpretative expression. See, this way, we can dance and our feet never have to move.

Jen: I can't Dawson. I'm sorry.

Dawson: What? You have more enticing plans?

Jen: Actually I'm going to the school dance.

Dawson: Oh.

Jen: I'm sorry. I didn't know you wanted to do the whole movie night thing.

Dawson: It's okay. Are you going alone?

Jen: No, actually Cliff Elliott asked me. He thought it would be a good way to meet some new people.

Dawson: Okay.

Jen: Come on, don't look so down. It's not like it's a date or anything. He just asked me if I wanted to go and I said yes.

Dawson: Ok, well, call me confused but that's the definition of a date, Jen. Isn't it?

Jen: I know. You're right. I just wanted to go, you know. I mean, I'm new here and it just sounded like fun. Why don't you drop by and we can dance.

Dawson: No, I got a date with Travolta. I wouldn't want to disappoint him.

Jen: *reaching her gate and opening it* Well, see you later.

Dawson: Ok, see you.

Jen: *enters into her yard and shuts the gate behind her* Bye.

*Dawson and Joey are in Dawson's room. She is laying on his bed watching him*

Dawson: Cliff. Cliff Elliott. What's that about? I don't get it. How could she be attracted to him? What's he got?

Joey: Well, we could start with his chest measurement and work down.

Dawson: No, no, no, beyond the external. There's nothing going on up there. It's head fumes. The guy, he's a lightweight. The script is ludicrous. The story sense is even worse.

Joey: I don't think a cinematic process is the attraction here, Dawson.

Dawson: What kills me was she was so open about it. You know, like 'I'm going to the dance with Cliff' wouldn't bother me. I respect her candor and all but it's a little on the thoughtless side.

Joey: Completely thoughtless.

Dawson: At this very moment they're slow dancing. Her arms are wrapped around his waist and they're moving to some stupid cheesy 80's song, and he's whispering things into her ear to kinda make her giggle and toss her hair off to the side. Every once in a while their eyes meet and they shift awkwardly because they know it's all coming down to that one moment at the end of the night where he leans over and tells her what a great time he's had. He asks her if they can do it again, and she just smiles in that sexy, teasing way that she has, it's not really teasing, but just sexy and says "I'd like that." And then their lips meet. Their mouths come together. Their tongues find each other, I aarrrrrgghh! I can't take it.

Joey: You're so dramatic.

Dawson: I don't get it! I don't get it, what did he do that I didn't do?

Joey: He asked her out!

*Dawson goes over to his closet and starts looking for clothes to wear*

Dawson: I'm going to the dance.

Joey: What?

Dawson: It's my only recourse.

Joey: Why?

Dawson: 'Cause Jen is there.

Joey: In the arms of another man. I mean, why torture yourself?

Dawson: I'm an artist. Tortured is a prerequisite. Are you coming or not?

Joey: Think it through, Dawson. I mean, this little movie plot you got going might not end the way you want it to.

Dawson: I'm the one who should be kissing her, Joey. Not some JCrew ad. I can do it. I can make my bottom lip dance tonight. It's going to happen. I am going to kiss the girl.

Joey: This is so pathetic Dawson, but I'm not above witnessing your hormonal suicude so, count me in.

Dawson: Give me two seconds. I've got to check my hair.

*Dawson leaves the room and Joey heads downstairs*

*Mitch and Gail are in the kitchen*

Gail: We probably won't discuss this until after the dinner itself. I might be late. *Gail goes over and kisses Mitch* We'll shoot for tonight. *Gail exits the kitchen and heads for the front door. She is interrupted by Joey*

Joey: Hi Mrs. Leery.

Gail: Joey, you scared me. Ah, look we need to talk.

Joey: Do you remember my mom, Mrs. Leery?

Gail: I just want to clear up this morning.

Joey: My mom was the best. She was a incredible woman. My dad, however, didn't always see that. He cheated on her for as long as I can remember and it tore her apart. Crippling their relationship and nearly destroying the entire family.

Gail: Why are you telling me this, Joey?

Joey: Because your actions affect others. They bleed into the lifes of those around you and--

Gail: You don't understand.

Joey: No, you don't understand. My mom got cancer and died so you do the math. You know, your reasons for doing what you're doing. They can't possibly outweigh the lasting damage you're creating.

Gail: Does Dawson know?

Dawson: *coming down the stairs* Know what?

Joey: Know how to dance. I told her we were going.

Dawson: I know how to dance.

Joey: Yeah, right. See you. Have fun tonight, Mrs. Leery.

*The school dance at Capeside High. Jen and Cliff are standing next to a table drinking punch.*

Cliff: Fortunately, this is a victory dance

Jen: Ah, did you make the winning play?

Cliff: Well, you're here aren't you?

Jen: You know, that could have been my exit cue but you somehow pulled it off.

Cliff: I sold it?

Jen: Yeah, so you're smooth and unassuming. It's very endearing. Is there anything you're not good at?

Cliff: Yeah. Dancing. I'm rythmically challenged.

Jen:Prove it.

*Jen and Cliff head off to go dance*

*Tamara is chaperoning the dance. Pacey sees her and goes over to her*

Pacey: Good evening, Ms. Jacobs.

Tamara: Hello, pacey. How are you this evening?

Pacey: Confused, perplexed, bewiddlered, mystified. A thesaurus of emotion.

Tamara: You know, I'm the chaperone and I should make the rounds.

Pacey: Would you like to dance Tamara?

Tamara: That's not a good idea, Pacey.

Pacey: Of course it's not a good idea. If things were different, would you?

Tamara: I have. I have to go.

*Dawson and Joey arrive at the dance and see Jen and Cliff dancing to "All I Want" By Savage Garden.*

Joey: Ahhh, they make such a cute couple. What exactly is your plan?

Dawson: I didn't get that far.

Joey: Well you better write something quick, because in some world sectors, what they're doing is known as foreplay.

Dawson: Do you dance?

Joey: No.

Dawson: Now you do. C'mon.

Joey: Dawson, this is certifiable.

Dawson: It's easy. You just move around, shake your ass back and forth.

*Dawson grabs Joey's hand and pulls her onto the dance floor. Just then, the song ends and a slow song comes on. Dawson and Joey look at each other until they both just put their arms around each other and slow dance together.*

Dawson: We lost her

Joey: Maybe she's with your brain.

*Jen and Cliff dance up right next to them*

Dawson: You're pretty good at this

Jen: Hey, you guys

Dawson: Hi

Jen: You made it

Dawson: Yeah

Jen: I'm glad. Hi Joey.

Joey: Hi

Cliff: Hi. We have film class right?

Dawson: Not exactly. It's my study hall base.

Jen: But Dawson is a very talented filmmaker

Cliff: Oh yeah? You're into movies?

Dawson: I dab

Cliff: Cool. I'll see you

*Jen and Cliff leave and Joey looks over at Dawson who's watching Jen*

Joey: That went brilliantly.

Dawson: I can't explain it any better, Jo. The girl's a mystery to me, but I feel like I've known her my whole life. I mean, it's like the way I feel about you. She challenges me the way you do, she could be you. Except she's Jen.

Joey: Well, let me just remind you how your allegorical horror movie/love story ends. The creature doesn't get the girl. He dies a violent, bloody, horrible death. Rest in peace, Dawson. *Joey gets up from the table* It was nice knowing you.

Dawson: Where you going?

Joey: I'm already dead, remember?

*Dawson sees Jen and Cliff dancing*

Dawson: It's time for a rewrite.

*Dawson walks onto the dance floor, towards Jen and Cliff*

Dawson: Um, excuse me, I'd like to cut in.

Jen: What are you doing, Dawson?

Dawson: Actually, I don't want to cut in, I would like to take over. I'd like to thank you, Cliff, for showing Jen such a great time for the earlier part of the evening, but I'm here now, in sound mind and body and I can take it from here.

Cliff: What are you talking about?

Jen: Yeah, Dawson. What are you talking about?

Dawson: You and me, me and her. Cliff, I know it's a little confusing right now. But all you really need to know is, is that Jen and I have something going on. And it's a little bit raw and undefined right now, but this my attempt to clarify the situation. So, I would like to ask you to manly step aside so that I might have a moment with the object of my desire.

Cliff: Jen, who is this guy?

Jen: Dawson, what are you doing?

Cliff: Hey, you're going to have to leave, now! O.K., this is... this is too weird.

Dawson: No. No I think you need to go. I'm staying.

Cliff: What's goin' on Jen? Do you wanna be with this guy?

*Jen sighs*

Cliff: Why don't you just go?

Dawson: Why don't you go?

Cliff: And if I don't?

Dawson: I haven't thought it through that far.

Jen: I'll tell you what. I'll make it easy for both of you. I'll go.

*Cut to Pacey, Dawson, and Joey, walking home from the dance*

Dawson: That was the most horrific night of my life. I'm a wimp. Joey, how could you let me do that?

Joey: See, I knew this would turn against me somehow. It would all be my fault.

Dawson: And Pacey, my non-existent friend.

Pacey: I'm sorry man, I was otherwise engaged.

Joey: At least I didn't desert you. I came back.

Dawson: Who is this mystery woman you keep alluding to?

Pacey: Unfortunately, the mystery woman remains a mystery, even to me.

Dawson: You know, at this moment, Jen's lips are probably pressing against Cliff's.

Joey: Don't go there.

Pacey: You know what? This is my stop, kids. Manana.

*Cut to Dawson house (kitchen), as Mrs. Leery is coming home from her late night at work*

Gale: Hi.

Mitch: Hey, hon. How'd it go?

Gale: Ok. Brought you a doggy bag. So, is Dawson home yet?

Mitch: I think our son is busy kissing the girl next door for the first time to night.

Gale: Oh, sounds romantic.

Mitch: You remember our first kiss?

Gale: Of course I do. It was our first date. You took me to movies. The one where Mary Tyler Moore was just this horrendous mother.

Mitch: Ordinary People.

Gale: That was it.

Mitch: No that wasn't it. That was our second date.

Gale: Wait. It was in your car at a stoplight. I remember you leaned over and you kissed me.

Mitch: NO!

Gale: Yes, it was.

Mitch: I can't believe you don't remember our first kiss.

Gale: I remember. I don't think you remember.

Mitch: I remember every moment. It is the single most vivid memory of my life, thus far.

Gale: Honey, I'm sorry. It's late. I've had a long night.

*She takes out some chapstick from her purse*

Mitch: And there I was, giving our son advice on how to deliver the most memorable kiss, Only to discover that I am an utter failure.

*Mrs. Leery starts putting the chapstick on her lips*

Gale: Mmm. I know. We went for pizza. It was that terrible restaurant, where you rubbed red pepper in your eye.

Mitch: Third date. You know, you just need to quit.

*They start to kiss*

Gale: How are those lips? Still chapped?

Mitch: I think I need a little more.

*They start to dance. Mrs. Leery has a weird, nervous look on her face*

*Cut to Pacey, who sees Mrs. Jacobs*

Pacey: *sighs* This cannot be happening. *He walks over to her* Ms. Jacobs?

Tamara: Hi Pacey.

Pacey: You know, I feel this strange familiarity creeping over me.

Tamara: I thought it might be appropriate...

Pacey: Give us a chance to do it all over?

Tamara: Only change the ending. I'm sorry Pacey, about my behavior. I mean this is, without question, the most absurd thing I've ever done. Not to mention punishable in a court of law.

Pacey: It was just a kiss.

Tamara: No, it was more than that. Look, what I did was deadly wrong. And I could stand here and try to explain to you my hopelessly troubled state of mind. Because you do deserve and explanation for my behavior. But, instead of feeding you 10 years of therapy, I was hoping I could get by with a simple apology. And hope that I haven't left any permanent scars. I am sorry, Pacey. What I did was wrong, and I am sorry.

Pacey: Now, where do you get off taking all the responsibility for this? I may be just 15, but I am well beyond the age of accountability. Maybe not within the confines of the judiciary system, but for me. My lips kissed back. Right, I kissed you back.

Tamara: Fair enough.

Pacey: And you know what? I don't regret that at all. You shouldn't either.

Tamara: But, this can't happen again. From now our relationship is strictly teacher/student. I-I want that clear.

Pacey: And if I object?

Tamara: Well, it's not up for discussion. You know it has to be this way, Pacey. For all the obvious and not so obvious reasons.

Pacey: This is so unfair. Umm... I'm not good with girls. And I finally meet someone...

*Ms. Jacobs caresses Pacey's face*

*Pacey sighs*

Tamara: Don't worry, Pacey that'll change. Trust me. Good night.

*Ms. Jacobs starts to walk away*

Pacey: Well?

*They kiss *

*Cut to Dawson and Joey, still walking*

Dawson: Jo, let's assess. What have we learned from tonight's 90210 evening?

Joey: That we should always stay home on Saturday night and watch movies, because the remote on the rewind of life does not work.

Dawson: No, it doesn't. That won't be any problem now that I have officially ruined it with Jen. It's officially over.

Joey: It never began, Dawson.

Dawson: You know, I do feel like the monster from my movie. There's something inside me that I can't control. It's like I have no balance anymore. Everything is either high or low. Hot and cold. Black or white. It's like there's no middle ground anymore. I mean nothing just, ok.

Joey: I'm too tired to philosophize, Dawson.

Dawson: Do me a favor? If I get like this again-and I'm sure I will, before this adolescent growth process ends-next time, chain me to my bed and wait till my moment of clarity to come.

Joey: Can I use leather straps?

Dawson: Not until you explain the Crisco.

Joey: You are such a sphincter. You really are. I mean, I can't understand how someone so self-aware can be so utterly clueless.

*Dawson looks up and sees Jen, buying some salt-water taffy*

Dawson: Ohh. Oh man. What do I do?

Joey: It's your call.

Dawson: Well, I pretty much bastardized the evening. Might as well complete it.

Joey: Till no one is left standing.

Dawson: Can I bag on you, Jo?

Joey: Yeah, you can bag.

Dawson: Wish me luck.

Joey: Good luck, Dawson. I hope you get your kiss.

*Dawson walks up behind Jen (as she is looking out over the water) Dawson is silent, he just stares at her*

Jen: I'm beginning to feel like your t.v. set.

Dawson: I didn't know what to say.

Jen: A first? I am really angry, Dawson.

Dawson: I know.

Jen: What do you want from me?

Dawson: I want to know what's going on between us.

Jen: And does that question have to be answered tonight?

Dawson: I'm sorry about tonight, Jen. I-I got scared. Scared I was becoming the friend.

Jen: Oh God, the friend. How awful.

Dawson: It is awful. I feel like I'm becoming that friend who you come over and tell all your boy adventures to. I don't want that to become the case. I want to be your boy adventure.

*They look over and see a couple sipping wine on their boat*

Jen: Can't you be both?

Dawson: No. Not at 15 you can't. It's too complicated.

Jen: OK. So, I'm interested.

Dawson: In what?

Jen: An adventure. What do I have to do?

Dawson: You could kiss me.

Jen: You know, I really am a cliché, Dawson. In New York, I was moving fast. I was movin' really, really fast. So fast I kept stumbling and falling. But here? Here I feel like, for the first time, in a long time, I'm walking at a steady pace. And I'm afraid, that if I kiss you, my knees will buckle and I don't know if I could handle it now.

*Dawson and Jen here music coming from the boat. The couple starts to dance*

Jen: Would you like to dance?

Dawson: Here?

Jen: I've been waiting to dance with you all night, Dawson.

*Dawson and Jen start to dance*

Jen: See, the kiss is just the end result. It's not what's important. It's all about desire and wanting...

Dawson: And romance.

Jen: Yeah, and romance.

*Cut to Joey who sees Dawson and Jen dancing. Her facial expression is of sadness.*

*Cut back to Dawson and Jen still dancing*