Hello there. Welcome to Monica 4 Life, a site that is fully dedicated to the one and only Monica. It was crated from a fan from for the fans and to keep everybody updated to with the latest info, facts about Monica, and all the goodie kewl stuff you can interact with and join. When you finish checking out the site, plz sign the guestbook and drop by the message board sometimes and post anything you want. If there is news about her that I didn't put up here but you know about it, post it in the message board aiight so that we could all know. Thx for visiting my site and if you run into any problem, email me at na_monica4life@hotmail.com. Hope y'all like Hope ya'll enjoy your visit, and come back soon.
Here is a pic of Monica and the other stars of the movie Boys and Girls which is due out soon.
- Please excuse any mess on the site, I am currently redoing it so there may be some mess and stuff. When there is any news, I will make sure to tell you on the mailing list, so if you aren't on the mailing list, you should sign up.
- Sorry for the misinfo last time. Well most of you may already know, Monica will be on VH1 in a show called Rockin Across America. It will air on June 19th. There will also be an online chat on MSN on June 14th so check that out and have fun chattin.
- Reminder info about Monica current events. Boys and Girls is due out June 16th. Her MTV movie "Love Song" is also co-starring Justin Timberlake and she is also a part of this talent search, for more on this, just check out MTV.
-Do you got some talent that can be shared on the net? Well let me know, I am thinkin bout putting up a page where Monica's fan's can show their talent, whether it is writing songs or poems, drawing or whatever it is, just e-mail me and I will put it up ASAP. Hope ya participate.