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Email Ozone
Click to enlarge Dark Dreams

"If you ever wonder why you make music, or love music, or make love to music just listen to Dark Dreams. This is the real deal." - Bruce Pratt, Roaring Brook Concerts

You can buy it online here.

That Zing Thing That Zing Thing/Demo X

An astounding collaborative effort on the part of Demo Exchange-- a group of songwriters who gather periodically to record together. One of these "summits" produced a CD of fourteen songs by seven talented writers and musicians. With the exception of the late and sorely lamented Robert Clark (whose tracks were sent by mail, as he was to ill to attend), all tracks were recorded using the other writers as the "session" musicians. Ozone performs two of his own, "Broken At Last" and "The Prophet." With or without Ozone Pete, it's well worth the twelve bucks.

Discs can be ordered by sending a check or money order for $12.00 (US) to:

Ozone Pete

60 River Road

Unionville, CT 06085

If you'd like to receive info on upcoming performance dates, fill out & submit the form below:


©2000 Ozone Pete