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Pocket VisualForms

for PocketC on PalmOS (Orbworks)

En español
New! Color support
Pocket VisualForms is a Windows desktop tool for visual design forms and automatic PocketC for Palm code generation.
It works like many visual programming environments. The basic steps are:
  • Open a new blank form.
  • Distribute the graphic controls over the form surface: buttons, labels, checkboxes, lists, images, ...
  • Arrange the controls and its properties with the mouse, typing the properties values and with the alignment & size tools.
You can do this with many forms and link them with button tap events. You also have dialog forms that can be designed in the same way.

When the design is finished Pocket VisualForms generates a framework of PocketC source code ready to compile with PocketC (Palm or Desktop Edition). You can add to it the final programming to respond to events, make calculations, database management, etc.
The main features of the code generated are:

  • Main procedure and display of the initial application form.
  • Code for forms creation and display.
  • Forms controls events loop, ready to fill in with your code.
  • Some events code for display forms and dialogs at buttons tap.
Main features
Functions of next upgrades
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Main features

  • Visual design with all common controls and multiple forms.
  • Project management.
  • Properties Editor for controls and forms, like many visual IDEs (Delphi, Visual Basic,...).
  • Bitmap editor for graphic controls.
  • Cut, copy and paste of controls.
  • Aligning and sizing of several controls at once. Functions for center and spacing controls.
  • Zoom 2x, useful for resolutions over 800x600.
  • Color support for PToolboxLib users.
  • Generation of code for Palm memos, DOC files or PocketC Desktop Edition (PDE).
  • Division of the code generated in sections to separate visual design from events code.
  • Some events code generation, i.e. command buttons can show any form or dialog of the project.
  • Multi-libraries support: CControls and PToolboxLib.
Purchase Pocket VisualForms at ShareIt USD 25.- (You will receive the License Key for unlock the soft immediately, after complete the purchase process)

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Code generation

Color design
Color run!

Functions of next versions

  • bizLib support.
  • Design of PocketC databases and generation of the code to handle them.
  • Your suggestions...
Download Pocket VisualForms 1.21 Shareware (Feb 2003) Other downloads and links

(c) 2002-2003 Diego Calp