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Welcome to
The The Crippled Crow's Nest.
This site is dedicated to the memory of my father ~~ 27 August 1929 thru 3 June 1988. You left us far too soon, dad. Both of your "children", even tho we are now older than you were when you left us, love you and miss you. It is also dedicated to the POW's and MIA's that our government seems to have forgotten and to ALL the Freebirds who have gone before us, their names are far too numerous to list them individually.We miss them, all.
Fly on proud birds, you're free at last.

I would also like to dedicate these pages to the memory of Michael Scott Fontana~~25 May 1972 thru 4 July 2002~~, a young man I had the pleasure of working with as a Home Healt Nurse for a little over 12 years. Mikey, you came into my life and touched my heart. You taught me a lot more about life and love than I could have ever told you. During your all to brief life, you grabbed life by the balls and took it for a helluva ride! You were truly an inspiration to everyone who met you and I'll never forget you.

Choose which part of my world you'd like to visit and click on that link, below.

  My Tribute to LYNYRD SKYNYRD


In honor of the 58,479 Brother's and Sisters who never returned from the Vietnam War. Our government seems to have forgotten them, but I haven't.


In honor of ALL of my Brother and Sister Veteran's ~~ past, present and future.


  My Coin Collection


My Photo Albums

 Mount Rushmore:
The Cradle of Democracy
located in
The beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, U.S.A.

Visit my favorite links!


Click for Glen Allen, Virginia Forecast
