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UPDATED 08.08.03

This site is temporarly shut down until further notice

Due to personal demands I'm no longer able to operate this site

I will be looking for someone to take over, be patient if you submitted info.

This site was created for all the soldiers of the
307th Engineer Battalion &
618th Light Equipment Company

Past & Present.

The key mission of this site is to have an active list of all Personnel
who ever served with the Battalion.

I have a roster of soldiers who served with the 307th Engineer Battalion during WWII
during the Sicily & Italy campaign, Holland campaign and Ardennes campaign to wars end.
If you are looking for someone who served during these campaigns
send an e-mail and I’ll see if their name is on the list.
( E-Mail link further down on this page. )

Special thanks to Peter Turnbull who gathered all this information and graciously donated the list for this site.


Members from 1940's

Members from 1950's

Members from 1960's

Members from 1970's

Members from 1980's

Members from 1990's

Members from 2000's

We would like to hear what you have to say. Add a comment to the board.

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Don't forget
Check out the links at the bottom the page

Submit your information here.
Please allow a few days for your submission to be posted.
Also, double check your information before you submit.
I've had frequent errors with e-mail address's and home address's.

(NOTE:) I'm building my house, so there may be a delay in posting your information.
You will recive an e-mail when your information is posted.






E-mail Address

If you need any changes to your information, please send it to me directly using the link below, instead of re-submitting it through the form. Also, you can send comments, questions and Information requests for WWII (Europe) vets from this link.


If you know of a site that you would like to have listed here,

send the address and I'll put it in.

This site has been updated and is now a good resource site for Battalion information. I found the lay out and content very good.

This site is "Lineage and Honors".
Shows when,where and what the Battalion and it's companies were awarded through out its history.

The summary can best describe this site

This article provides some doctrinally based battle-tracking charts that commanders and staffs can modify to fit their experience, requirements, and METT-T. While doctrine provides report formats to aid in the currency of reported information, the Army lacks standard, basic charts to track this information. Given a doctrinally based tracking document and the necessity to maintain and report timely information, the potential application of these charts is limitless.

Highly recommended site. Sign up if you haven't already. It's free and a great resorce site".