Ok, lets get one thing straight, this website is just for fun. Each letter has songs and bands, so there are 2 different ways to get to each song. If you know the band, say Godsmack, but you dont know the name of the song, you could go to the Godsmack page, under G, and look through the songs. Feel free to make suggestions for my site in the message board or email me at blubboz@yahoo.com. The song links are at the bottom. Enjoy! Sorry about the pop-ups, I can't help it, Angelfire makes them come up automatically. (If you don't close the original pop-up and just leave it up, no new pop-ups will come up) The last poll, "Who is the best punk rock group?" was won by Blink 182. I'm pretty much done adding new lyrics now but I'm just starting on a complete Rage Against the Machine Tribute Page Here, Oh yeah I'm also going to put up tons of polls because it is cool to see what people like. Also, all the CD's I own and what I rate them, also lyrics to some here -> A-MN-ZExtra, Out of order CD's