Mastedon is one of my favorite Christian hard rock bands of all time. Formed by the legendary John and Dino Elefante brothers, their music rocked like few other bands ever have with awesome, memorable choruses, harmonies, hooks, and lyrics. Their tunes are mostly praising our Creator, which is a welcome contribution to this genre of music!
I had to pay top dollar on eBay for their two CDs; $40 for It's a Jungle out there (used), and $25 for Lofcaudio (new), but it was worth every penny! I also have their Video Stampede video with live coverage from Cornerstone '91, which was an awesome show.
I haven't been able to find much Mastedon information on the web, so this is my humble assimilation of what I have found. John has moved on to a successful solo career and has gotten lots of airplay on Contemporary Christian radio. He is supposed to come out with a rock album on September 4, 2001!
Check out my homepage.
Last updated April 24, 2001.