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    PROLOGUE-Yeah, that's me right there, panget? I know There's more to it than what meets the eye,
    YOUR eye I'm "nice" but I'm not a bullshit taker So don't fuck with me with your condescending attitude Having read this brief foreword, I remind you of your 2 choices You either leave with the comfort of knowing that you've taken a piece of what goes on in my fucked up mind and go back to the hellhole out there or stay, still having to depart but with the whole of me Very well, wasting time was never my cup of tea So if you decide to leave, you can show your way out or if you decide to stay and let me devour you, then click on my ugly picture Whichever your decision may be I wish you well with your future endeavours
    Also one thing I ask, is for you to feel free to sign my clicking on my pic...heheheh..
    ~*~PaX VoBiScUm aLL~*~

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