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Hey what's Razor Records huh? It's a new record label interested in signing local bands in the New England area. Any band from Massacusetts, Rhode Island or any New England state can sign with us.

We are seeking an eclectic range of bands such as, Metal, hardcore, indusrial, gothic, synth-pop, techno, hard rock, etc. What will we do for you? Well we will promote, produce, and get your band shows.

We will get your name out to the masses! If you have a band and are interested in signing up for our label then just E-mail me

We will be coming out with a compilation cd with all the bands on our label shortly. If you want your band on our cd then write us! Razor Records will get you on the cd. Act soon though because space is filling up quickly.

I am also looking to start my own project on this label. I would like to create a band with a completely distinct sound. A Nine Inch Nails / Radiohead / Shootyz Groove type of thing.

Anyone interested in joining that project or the label just E-mail me at This site will be updated every couple days so keep checking back for new imformation and updates on the label.

Coming soon... Listen to some good music, see pics and much more cool stuff on the way!

Hi Laura I love you!


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the #1 resorce for metal
