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undefined Praise - word study in Hebrew (Old Testament)

There are many words in the Old testament translated "praise".  I am going to talk in detail about a couple.  I have listed them in order from the most frequently used to the least, although all that I talk about in detail are used quite a bit.

Hallal - You can find this word 99 times in the O.T. it means to laud, boast, or celebrate.  some of the key passages where you can find this word being used are 1 Chron 16:4, Ps. 56:3, 4, and 10, Ps. 84:4, Ps. 102:18, Ps. 113;3, and Psalm 119:164

Yadah - This word means to worship God with extended hands, to give thanks to God, or to throw out your hands to God.  I believe that God loves it when we raise our hands to him.  It was obviously of some significance to him in the Old Testament because of all the times this word was used.  When we lift our hands to God, it is like giving ourselves away.  I like the analogy of the little girl going up to her Daddy when he came home from work, and she throws her hands up at him.  This is what we can do to God when we worship Him - our Father.  We can extend our hands to him to let him know that we give our life to him, and we couldn't be happier about that!  Some key passages of this word are Gen. 29:35, 2 Chron. 20:21, Ps. 9:1, 52:9, 107:8, 15, 21, 31, 139:14, and 145:10.

Barak - This word can mean to kneel, to bless, to salute, but it can also mean to curse (in rare instances, though).  Here are the best known references where it means praise:  Job 1:21, Ps. 96:2, Ps. 103: 1, 2, 20, 21, 22, Ps. 104:1.

Tehillah - This word means the sinning of "hallals", or to sing in laud.  This is in the sense of a mandate to sing to God.  It's not merely a request, but a command - "SING TO GOD!"  Here are the significant passages where this word are used:  Ps 22:3, Ps. 147:1, 2, Ex. 15:11, Deut. 10:21, Deut. 26:19, 1 Chron. 16:35, 2 Chron. 20:22, Neh. 9:5b, 12:46, Isa. 61:3.

Zamar - This word can be found only in poetry.  It means to pluck the strings of an instrument, sing and to praise.  The significant passages are Judges 5:3, 2 Sam 22:50, Ps. 7:17, 9:2, 11, 18:49, 21:13, 27:6, 30:4, 12, 33:2, 47:6, 7, 57:7, 9, 61:8, 68:4, 32, 71:22, 23, 75:9, 98:4, 5, 101:1, 104:33, 105:2, 108:1, 3, 135:3, 138:1, 144:9, 146:2, 147:7, 149:3, and Isa. 12:5

Todah - This can mean to extend the hands in praise, thanksgiving, or an offering.  The best passage for this word is seen in Psalm 50:23 "He who sacrifices thank-offerings (todah) honors me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God".

Shabach - This means to shout, or to commend.  It is only translated praise a few times, however.  This is where they are:  Ps. 63:3, 117:1, 145:4, and 147:12.

Below is a table of the rest of the words used in the old testament for praise:

Hebrew Word                                           English Meaning                                         # of times used relating to Praise
Gadal magnify, praise 6
Gil Shout, circle in joy 29
Zakar remember, acknowledge, praise 12
Zamir song 4
Zimrah song 6
Hadah rejoice 1
Havah worship, kneel prostrate 65!!!!
Hul dance 1
Haphetz delight, take pleasure in 3
Hillul celebration of thanksgiving (for harvest) 1 (Lev. 19:24)
Yahav give, ascribe 7
Kaved honor, glorify 12
Karar dance 2
Mizmor psalm 57
Maha clap 1
Mahol dance (n.) 5
Maholah dance (n.) 2
Neginah music, song, string music 8
Nagan play stringed instrument 2
Nasa lift (voice) 4
Natan proclaim, strike, give 4
selal exalt, sing 1
Saphar recount, proclaim 18
Avar let resound 1
Alaz exult 6
Alatz rejoice 5
Anah testify (sing) 1
Paar boast, glorify 1
Pazaz leap 1
Patzah burst forth with 6
Tzahal shout for joy 1
Tzavah cry aloud 1
Qara proclaim, call out 1
Rum exalt, extol 8
Rua shout in triumph 13
Rinnah shout of joy 18
Ranan shout with joy 42
Renanah shout of joy 2
Raqad dance, skip about 1
Sus rejoice 10
Sahaq play, dance 4
Shavah glorify, praise 6
Shir sing 31
Shama proclaim 10
Taken from "The Hallelujah Factor" by Jack Taylor (pg. 93-94)

Praise - word study in Greek (New Testament)

Ainesis(n.), Ainos(n.), Aineo(v.) - These words are translated praise in all their uses, and they correspond to hallel and yadah.
They are used in Luke 2:13, 2:20, 18:43, Matt.21:16, Luke 19:37, 24:53, Acts 2:47, 3:8-9, Rom. 15:11, Heb. 13:3

Doxa(n.), Doxazo(v.) - They are translated glory and glorify.  Our word "doxology" is taken from this word.  Here are the passages where these words are used:  Matt. 5:16, 9:8, 15:31, Rom. 15:6

Eulogatos, Eulogia - These words mean blessed or praise, and are never used of man - they are only used of God.    The passages where these can be found are 2 Cor. 1:3, Eph. 1:3, I Pet. 1:3, James 3:10, Rev. 5:12, 5:13, 7:12.

Exomologeomai - to confess.  Passages used are Matt 11:25, Lk 10:21, Rom. 15:9

Humneo, Humnos - "to sing praises"   Passages used are Matt 26:30, Mark 14:26, Acts 16:25, Eph. 5:19, and Col. 3:16

Megaluno - "to make great, large or long, or to magnify"  Passages used are Luke 1:46 and Acts 19:17

Psallo (v.), Psalmos (n.) - "to sing praise in spiritual ecstasy or to make a melody"  It is used four times in the New testament:  Rom 15:9, 1 Cor. 14:15, Eph. 1:19, and James 5:13.

Below is a table of the rest of the words used in the new testament for praise:

Greek Word                                              English Meaning                                         # of times used relating to Praise
Agallio exult, be glad 10
Ado sing 2
Allomai leap 1
Anthomologeomai praise, thank 1
Gonupeteo kneel down 4
Euphraino rejoice 5
Eucharisteo give thanks 35
Eucharastos thankful 1
Kampto to bend the knee 2
Kauchaomai to boast 8
Pipto to fall to the ground 15
Proskuneo to fall down and worship 42!!!!
Skirtao to leap with joy 3
Sunadomai to rejoice 1
Chairo to rejoice 28
Charis thanks, grace 7
Oda song 5
Hasanna save, Lord 5
Taken from "The Hallelujah Factor" by Jack Taylor (pg. 101)

I would like to thank Jack Taylor and His book "The Hallelujah Factor" for all the information I have on this page!!!!

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