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Chapter 10

AJ was sitting on a bench outside, gazing into space, when suddenly he was scared out of his wits when Brian tapped him on the shoulder.

“What? It wasn’t my fault!” AJ exclaimed as he juimped up out of his seat. Brian was surprised, not expecting AJ to jump like that.

“AJ, I need to talk to you,” Brian said, and AJ scowled.

“Oh NOW you wanna talk to me,” AJ said, and started to walk away.

“Bone-wait,” Brian said and ran up to him again.

“You all have done such a good job ignoring me, I thought it was becoming second nature,” AJ told him, and kept on walking. Brian had to run to catch up to him again.

“AJ, please, I’m worried about you-” Brian started to say, but AJ interrupted.

“I’m FINE, leave me ALONE,” AJ said nastily. Brian grabbed his hand and spun him around.

“Listen to me. I care about you and don’t want you getting hurt.”

“You don’t care about me,” AJ mumbled.

“Why would I be talking to you now if I didn’t care?” Brian asked. AJ wouldnt look at him.

“Good question.” AJ stared at his shoes. Boots that Alyssa bought him. He kicked at the ground.

“Howie is worried too,” Brian continued. “We’re all noticing a change and I wanna know what’s going on.

“Dude there’s nothing,” AJ muttered, watching himself make marks on his shoes.

“Look at me and tell me that,” Brian said quietly. AJ slowly looked up at him.

“ life...” AJ started to say. He then just satarted bawling.

“Oh AJ,” Brian said, and gave him a hug. “What makes you say that?”

“The stress of much stuff to Alyssa hates me, you guys hate me, and pretty soon the world’s gonna be against me...I...just want the pain to go away...” AJ said between crying spurts. Brian just stood there holding him.

“AJ, we’ll always be here for you, no matter what,” a voice said behind him. AJ spun around to face Howie, who had been crying almost as much as AJ.

“Howieeeeeee!” AJ exclaimed, and they hugged tightly. AJ finally stopped crying after a while.

“Dude just promise me one thing,” Brian said. AJ looked at him and wiped his eyes.


“Don’t drink anymore.”

“But Brian! It’s the only thing that makes me feel better.” AJ knew as soon as he was done talking he shouldnt have said that. He scared them both

“Would you use drugs if they made you feel better?!” Howie exclaimed.

“Or would you shoot yourself?” Brian put in.

“And what about us?” Howie continued.

“GUYS! Calm the hell down!” AJ said loudly.

“I can’t calm down when my best friend is involved,” Howie said. AJ looked at him and smiled a little bit, the first time in months, “There ya go!” Howie said, and put his arm around AJ. Brian jumped around like a maniac.

“Puuut a smiiile on your fa-a-aaace,” Brian sang, sounding almost like Vitamin C. Howie played air guitar, acting like a rockstar, headbanging and all.

“You guys are so retarted,” AJ said, smiling. Brian walked backwards, grinning at AJ, then laughed when Howie pretended to bash his “guitar” over AJ’s head. Brian backed straight into the edge of a huge water fountain and fell in.

“Rok!” Howie exclaimed, and he & AJ laughed hysterically. Brian popped up out of the water. (Shut up, pervert.)

"That wasn’t funny in the LEAST,” Brian said indignantly, happy to see AJ laughing. “Hey Boner, cheer up a little.” He splashed at AJ, getting him wet.

“Brian Thomas, you’re gonna get it,” AJ growled.

“You sound like my mother,” Brian retorted.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” AJ exclaimed, and pounced on Brian, making a big splash. Howie got soaked this time.

“You guyyyyyssss...” Howie whined, shaking off his hands. AJ pointed and laughed silently. “What?” Howie asked. Brian pulled his leg forward as AJ distracted him, making Howie fall into the water.

“A-ha! I gotcha!” Brian said. Howie just sat there in the water, looking down at his hands. Brian waded over to him. “Aww, D, I’m sorry, I-” He was interrupted by being lifted into the air. “What the-”

“Howie, you’re strong,” AJ commented as Howie waded around the circular fountain, holding Brian as high up as he could.

“Nah, he’s sorta light.”

“PUT ME DOWN!” Brian exclaimed, deathly scared. Howie handed Brian to AJ as if he was a baby. AJ could barely hold him.

“No, I concluded you’re strong, D,” AJ said as he dropped Brian into the water, to Brian’s relief.

Chapter 11
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