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Chapter 5

"Where we going now?" asked AJ as he and Brian and the rest of the guys were walking down the street. They had just left the radio station, where they were for about six hours because of fans. AJ was exhausted and only wanted to sleep for the next three years.

"We going to a party!" Brian yelled. He ran around and came up again by AJ. "At a really cool club tonight!" AJ groaned.

"Great," AJ mumbled.


"I didn't say anything."

They arrived at the hotel and went up to their rooms to change. AJ put on his favorite yellow shirt that Alyssa bought him, and looked out his door into the hallway. Brian came running down the hall.

"Hey Boner, ready ta go?" Brian exclaimed, excited. AJ sighed.

"As ready as I'm gonna be," AJ said quietly. The last time he went to a club was with Alyssa, and he really didn't want to go tonight.

"Good, so let's go. You gonna ask Alyssa to come?"

"Naw, man, she broke up with me."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Let's go have fun at the club and maube you'll meet someone else!" Brian took his hand and ran down the hall.

"Yo Rok my door!" AJ yelled, practically being dragged by Brian. Kevin walked past AJ's door, turned off the light, and shut the door. They all met downstairs in the lobby.

"Now where we going?" AJ asked. Brian rolled his eyes.

"The moon," Brian said. He walked out the door, and the other guys followed. AJ stayed behind everyone else, wishing he weren't going anywhere.


Later that night, they had all been at the club for about an hour, and AJ was still sitting on a chair. Brian was dancing and saw AJ out of the corner of his eye. 'Nick's dancing and AJ isn't? Something is wrong,' he thought to himself. He walked over to AJ.

"What's the matter AJ? You've sat over here by yourself the whole time." AJ sighed, and took a sip of the margherita he had ordered.

"I don't feel like dancing or anything," AJ said. He sighed, watching Nick, Kev, and Howie having a great time and wishing he wasn't feeling so depressed. Brian raised an eyebrow.

"What's up AJ? You're always the one suggesting we go out and party."

"I know."

"Are you upset about Alyssa?" Brian asked. AJ didn't feel like talking to Brian about anything, but he realized that Brian was the only one who seemed to care about him.

"It's a mix of that and everything else," AJ said quietly, still wary of telling Brian anything. He finished the margherita and ordered a double shot of tequila.

"Maybe if you flirt with other girls then it'll take your mind off of everything," Brian said, sounding hopeful. AJ sighed, wishing that would take away his problems. He drank the shots down and ordered two more.

"If it will make you stop bugging me I'll go dance," AJ said, a little lit from the alcohol. Brian smiled.

"Good!" he exclaimed. "Imma be watching you to make sure you go out there..." He got back to dancing, and AJ finished his drink. He still didn't feel like getting up, but he did feel a teeny bit better. He watched the guys as he drank shot after shot after shot...finally AJ decided to get up and almost fell over, because he didn't realize how drunk he was. But he felt good.

"Damn..." he said to himself. He walked out by the other guys and started dancing.

"Yo Boner!" Brian exclaimed. "You're here!" None of them noticed that AJ could barely stand up straight, nevermind dance. AJ giggled, and spotted a hot girl. He danced over to her.

"Hey baby wanna dance?" he asked. She stared at him like he was an alien.

"Uh, no, not right now," she said, and danced away. AJ shrugged and went up to another hot girl. Brian watched him and laughed.

"I'm guessing AJ feels better," Brian said. They all agreed, except for Nick. He watched AJ go from girl to girl, kissing them then moving on to someone else, practically falling all over himself, and he definitely couldn't dance tonight. He wondered what was wrong, and then he looked to where AJ had been sitting. He saw about ten empty shot glasses and two empty mugs. 'So that's why he's happier,' Nick though, but didn't say anything. He walked over to AJ.

"AJ!" he hissed. AJ looked around.


"Over here," Nick said. AJ looked at Nick.

"Hey Nickster, sup?" AJ said, his words slurred.

"You're drunk, aren't you?"

"Who, me?" AJ said innocently, then laughed and leaned on Nick.


"Who are you mah mother?" AJ asked. He rolled his eyes and turned to walk away, but fell over. Nick helped him up.

"I think we should go."

"Niiiiicky! I'm fine!"

"No you're not, AJ." Nick took AJ's hand and walked to the men's room.

"What do you want from me?" AJ said, a bit wobbly.

"You're acting like an ass out there," Nick said. AJ rolled his eyes.

"I finally feel better lemme go!" AJ said, and struggled away from Nick. He walked straight into the wall and fell to the floor. Nick sighed.

"AJ you're wasted. Let's go." He waited for AJ to get up, but AJ didn't move. "Bone? You okay?" Nick asked. He made AJ stand up, but when he let go he just collapsed onto the floor again. "Damn..." he said out loud to himself. He shook AJ. "AJ...AJ! Wake up!" Nick yelled in AJ's ear, but AJ didn't make any signs of life, except that he was lightly breathing. Nick dragged AJ out of the bathroom and over to Brian, who was chatting it up with a hot brunette.

"BRIAN!" Nick screamed. Brian looked at Nick like he was insane.

"What! And what did you do to AJ?" Brian said.

"He got majorly drunk and then passed out," Nick said, and accidentally dropped AJ's arms, and AJ fell to the floor again.

"Oh no..." Brian said. He looked at the girl. "Sorry, gotta go," he said quickly and helped Nick carry AJ outside.

"Isn't this great..." Nick complained. Brian was looking at AJ.

"How we gonna get him up?" Brian asked. He slapped AJ's cheeks. "C'mon, wake up."

"Shouldn't you make him smell something?" Nick asked.

"I know! Gimme one of your socks."

"Why?!" Nick exclaimed. Brian pulled off Nick's shoe, took his sock off and waved it under AJ's nose. AJ started coughing and opened his eyes. Brian sighed.

"Thank God," he said. Howie and Kevin came out from the club just then.

"Oh my God what happened!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Guys we gotta go home, AJ's mad drunk," Nick said. They all went back to the hotel.

Chapter 6
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