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Chapter 7

"I'll be the one!" Brian sang.

"No no no, I thought we were singing 'Don't Want You Back'" AJ whined.

"Quit yer fightin', we're singing 'The One,'" Brian shot back.

"Will you guys shut up?!" Nick yelled. "Damn! Brian, get over here." Brian went over to where Nick, Kevin, and Howie were.

"Okay, leave me out of everything," AJ said, and walked backstage.

"AJ, wait," Brian yelled. He went to follow AJ but Nick grabbed the back of his shirt.

"I gotta ask you a very important question," Nick said, "so wait here."


"If a fan asks me out, and they are like hot, should I say yes?" Nick asked. Brian rolled his eyes.

"I think you should shove the half of brain you have up your ass, man," Brian said sarcastically. They both laughed.

Meanwhile, AJ was backstage. Alone. He walked around, kicking things in his way. "I can't keep my friends, or my girlfriend. What's wrong with me?!" AJ asked, talking to himself. He threw a pile of clothes across the room, making a mess. He put his back against the wall and slid down, meaning to sit on the floor, when he suddenly popped back up. "What the..." he muttered. He picked up something he'd sat on, which turned out to be a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Oh yeah," he said to himself, and sat down. He had drank half the bottle by the time the other guys finally made it backstage. He hid the bottle under the couch and stood up, somewhat drunk.

"Yo Boner!" Brian yelled. He ran around like a maniac, like usual before a show.

"Eeeeehheee!" Nick screamed. "Yeeeah!" Kevin shook his head.

"Can't we all act normal for once?!" Kevin yelled. Brian laughed.

"That's like telling AJ not to pick up a girl!" he exclaimed.

"Shhutup," AJ said, slightly slurring. No one really noticed.

"Are we ready?" Howie asked.

"YEEEEEEEAH!!" Nick screamed. They all went to the stage, ready to go.

After the concert, they were getting changed in the backstage area. AJ didn't quite feel like changing or anything, so he sat on the ground and leaned against a couch. He found the bottle he hid there before, but he didn't drink any because the other guys walked past every so often. He was sitting there, thinking about how many more tour dates they had, when suddenly one of the band members tripped over him.

"Hey AJ! Sorry dude," he said.

"Its okay man," AJ replied.

"Why you still here?"

"Am I supposed to be somewhere?"

"Well, Nick was chattering about some party all the guys were going to." AJ was surprised at this.

"Where are they?" he asked.

"Oh, they left about a half hour ago," the guy said. He walked over to the keyboard and started playing it, although it was off, while AJ was just standing there. "So they party without me, what else is new?" AJ muttered. He picked up the bottle and walked outside. Once there, he finished the whole bottle of Jack Daniels. He slammed the bottle on the ground, smashing it to pieces, and screamed, "Why is the world against me?!"

Chapter 8
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