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Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit Of European Styling. Or: Why lexus are nothing but pathetic ripoff artists…

S-Class versus ls430

(S-Class launched 1998… ls430 launched 2001)

Let’s start with the ls430....

Hmmm... anyone else notice a slight similarity? Even down to the number of spokes on the wheels (lucky seven)

Here ladies and gents, we have a W220 S-Class between 2 “Most Aerodynamically efficient sedans on earth.” {like it doesn’t matter that it looks like it’s been hand-drawn by a fucking ten-year-old}:

Ooh, just LUUURVE those glorified Avalon rear lights

Just look at this...

OH SO ORIGINAL!!! {Yes I realise the “L” on the front of the lexus is back to front, but I had to make them both face the same way, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to switch the ORIGINAL design - the S Class}

Aah, here we are:

S-Class and PSEUDO S-Class {better known as ls430}

Look, it would be one thing if Lexus actually took Mercedes styling cues, and IMPROVED on them – basically making a car similar in appearance, only BETTER. But lexus designers haven’t the slightest clue on how to design a stylish car. Just look at their ORIGINAL design efforts: es300, sc300, gs300 (although I have heard some people say that this one is a ripoff of the American Taurus, but I think that’s pushing it a bit). None of these cars are remotely stylish. Their bodies are flat, monotonous, dull pieces of steel. Their lights look ghastly, both front and rear (especially the gs300’s). And the simple fact is that none of these automobiles would get a second glance on a road filled with cars no better looking than the current camry or VB Commodore. So then it comes as no surprise whatsoever that when they try to copy a car as stylish as the W-220 S-Class, they fail miserably to design something in the same vicinity. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THE S-CLASS!!! There has obviously been a lot of time invested in it’s design, from the foremost aspects to the smallest details. Then cast a glance over at the ls430… NO detail. NO curves. NO balance. NO originality. EVERYTHING that looks good about the ls430 in fact, was imitated from the S-Class.

The front blinkers on the ls430 look great situated there, underneath the headlights, yet still incorporated in the same unit. Quite “au courant.” Hang on a sec… THE S-CLASS HAS THAT TOO!!!

Looks magnificent how the ls430 has adopted a “scoop-up” style bonnet, whereby the grille is “floating” in a way, and not touching the headlights themselves - in contrast to the original LS400 from 1990. Also love the way the headlights slope downwards so sleekly and smoothly like that, to scoop up the grille, rather than just going straight down almost vertically.

Oh wait, HANG ON!!!… WELL WHADDAYA KNOW… The S-Class has that too!!!

I just have to say that I am incredibly impressed with lexus on one part of this car in particular – the rear number plate holder. I’ve always felt that the ls400’s looked stupid and too cheapish for a car of this calibre. That stupid rectangle they put back there, why couldn’t they be a bit more creative I asked myself. Well, THANK GOD they have seen the light and decided to invest some time in designing a new number plate holder for the flagship ls430. It looks superb, does it not? That beautiful wide ARCH shape. The way the sides of it just slope in so elegantly like that. Impeccable.

I mean it wipes the floor with all competition quite frankly, even when you look at the S-Cla…. Hang on a second… What the…??? Oh no.. NOT AGAIN!!??? Fuck me shitless, well would you look at that. It seems the rear number plate holder on the ls430 ISN’T as original as I first thought!!! (Shock, Horror!!!) In fact, it looks (coincidentally enough) identical to the one on the S-Class!!!

At any rate, it’s rear LIGHTS look great. That nice flowing shape, with the blinker and reversing light next to each other, floating sandwiched IN THE MIDDLE of the red brake lights…

Oops, seems Mr Mercedes had thought of that before as well. They’ve already used something ominously similar (albeit FAR MORE STYLISH) on their S-Class.

Well at least the door handles look… Nope, sorry. They’re ripped off too.

The side windows?… Ripped off.

ML-Class versus rx330

(ML-Class launched 1997… rx330 launched 2003)

Now the lexus rx330 vs Mercedes ML-Class.

Ooh. Me wikey honowable German manufactuwer’s dwop-down hood which incorpowate gwille. Methink me use that too.

Side view

So similar it’s eerie.

Take note of the A-Pillars, door handles, rear-view-mirrors, shape of the headlights, etc.

Do lexus have any originality? Why don’t they just get a team of trained monkeys to trace every Mercedes design? Save a shitload of money that way…

Audi TT versus sc430

Now let’s move on to the flagship sc430

Have a read of this excerpt from the Sydney Morning Herald, on the 26th October 2001:

“The SC430 was styled at Toyota’s design centre on the Cote d’Azur. Chief engineer Yasushi Nakagawa and his design crew sought inspiration checking the lifestyles of the rich and famous on the French Riviera.

They came away thinking boats. Not your average dinghy at the Rose Bay marina, but the Queen Mary-sized, tax-haven registered floating gin palaces which berth in splendour at Monte Carlo.

According to Nakagawa-san, the lines of these squillion-dollar “yachts” are reflected in the sc430’s sheetmetal.

The sc430 is a lovely piece of rolling sculpture, sure, but the nautical analogy must apply to the stern – the bow looks like a steal from the Benz studio.”

As you can see below, we have two Audi TTs, and two sc430s. The sc430s are the first and third ones... NO WAIT!!!! I think they’re the second and fourth, .....or um...maybe..... Shit, I’m as dumbfounded as you are!!!

How utterly unique.

Mmmm, me vewy much wikey honowable German manufactuwer’s wevowutionawy shape of side window - me use same thing.

Do lexus have any originality? Look also at the door handles

Now let’s look at the convertibles

Can you tell which is which???

3-Series versus is200

Now, on to the mother of them all... the is200.

Take note of relative body proportions and overall body shape, also parking lights, large centrally positioned air intake on the bumper, wheels (both the design and number of spokes), slope of bonnet, relative size of headlights vs grille, slope of headlights, and if you look closely you’ll notice that inside the is200’s trapezoidal headlights there appears to be quad-round units, JUST LIKE THE BMW!!! Where do they get their ideas?


LS430 link 1 - pay attention to the third last paragraph right down at the bottom of the article. To quote a small section: “Toyota have tried to copy the old S-class - itself no oil painting - and missed by a distance.”

LS430 link 2 - look at the second last paragraph, right down at the bottom of the page.

SC430 link – This is an article written by famed automotive enthusiast Jeremy Clarkson. Have a read of this quote from the article: “This car looks like a cross between a 1950s Buick and a duvet. There are lots of ugly cars out there these days — the new BMW Compact, the Mercedes C-class Sports Coupé and that towering colossus of awfulness, the Discovery — but the monkfish Lexus beats them all.”

is200 link - I highly recommend this entire article. Very well worded, and offers intriguing insights into Lexus’ “originality” as an automobile firm. Here is a small quote from the article itself: “Not unlike the Lexus LS 430 is Toyota’s Mercedes S-Class clone, the IS 300 is essentially a thinly disguised copy of the BMW 3-series.” and “I doubt we’ll ever see any truly innovative luxury car with a slanted L on the hood.”