Welcome to Yes Anastasia, A Tori Amos page. 

This page has moved from its original site and is now under a mass renovation. So please bear with me as I attempt to restore my page to the splendor that it once was. (If you think you might have seen me before, you might just have.)

6/29/01:  This was sent to me just today. Please read!!!
RAINN is having a tori amos birthday bash to help raise money for the hotline. i am organizing one in michigan. if anyone would like to get more information or would like to attend they can email me at this address: rebecca@computoc.com - Rebecca

Thanks, Rebecca for sending me this info. I belive that their is also going to a Los Angeles event, as Igot an e-mail a few weeks ago from another EWF. Contact me if you want more info on that.

NEWSFLASH: Tori's new album "Strange Little Girls" will be out September 18th! Stay tuned to the news page for updates!


rasingirl@hotmail.com  Send me an e mail by clicking on the envelope.



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For those with ICQ who would like to contact me, My UIN is 1086233.

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(I just started my own little Tori list site. If you want to add yours, please feel free.)

Want a banner to link me with? Click here to view my banner.


 This candle is in part of the candlelight vigil for domestic violence. Please put one on your page to show that you care.

Number of visitors since July 1997

Contact Tori at:

Tori Amos

c/o Spivak Entertainment

11845 West Olympic Blvd., Ste. 1125

Los Angeles, CA 90064


This page was designed with MS FrontPage 98 & Adobe Photoshop 5.5